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Let's troll a stupid 14 year old girl

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Re: Let's troll a stupid 14 year old girl

So Mo and I posting BS comments on a video no one really watches is comparable to Hitler now..?

I never compared you to hitler, I was talking about intent, not actions.
But if you want the comparison I made, it was that Hitler was looking for to the advancement of humanity through superior genes and raising his homeland to a much higher power.

You're just being an ass
Re: Let's troll a stupid 14 year old girl

What the fuck do you think we're here for!? It's as though you people are just waking up to smell the shit or something! We're trolls, cruel, heartless, brainless douchebags with a "little bit of good in them", according to someone I know. I truly believe that there's no one on earth who's truly 'good" in any way shape or form, but that's me, and that's why we hate eachother. Even though I know you'll just say something like "I don't hate you Mo" or some lie like that.


Goddamn fucking Turkey day gets me into more trouble than ever..
I don't lie. I don't hate individuals... I can't. But I do hate actions, and groups.

I also hatre that i hate.

And I'm sorry you think it's a lie. I'm not even really mad at you anymore. Now I feel sorry for you that you feel like you have to validate your existance with vitriol.
Re: Let's troll a stupid 14 year old girl

So Mo and I posting BS comments on a video no one really watches is comparable to Hitler now..?

Damn straight. Didn't you get the flier? Making rude comments on Youtube kills 1 million Jews a minute!
Re: Let's troll a stupid 14 year old girl

Is everybody actually crying about Obe and Mo trolling? I'm pretty sure you've all had discussions about... Wait. Let me put it in the way it always goes down.

1. Obe and Mo make a trolling attempt and then put it on the boards.

2. The same group of people always post first, saying how the two of them are being assholes for doing what they're doing.

3. Obe and Mo retort and start being rude to these people. Then they proceed to point out how the internet is like that, and that the people calling them assholes should get off the internet if they can't handle their trolling.

4. The group of people gains support from other members because trolls generally aren't liked. People start to gang up on the two and start talking about morals and whatnot, while Obe and Mo keep talking back and telling them how they're such babies about this kind of shit.

5. People start saying, "<Insert admin here> will ban them if it gets too bad."
Meanwhile, Obe and Mo profess that they aren't afraid of getting banned.

6. Aika or Nunu eventually come in and put a stop to it, by giving a warning to the two of them and locking the topic or something like that.

7. Meanwhile, some people are watching this unravel, shaking their heads at:
a. Obe and Mo for bringing the forums into chaos for a couple hours.
b. To the people for taking the bait.
c. (This applies to me, but it might apply to you) EVERYBODY INVOLVED because they don't see the damn pattern and continue to do this shit.

I think that about covered it. What I'm saying is not that Obe and Mo are right, even though I do agree that that girl deserves some trolling to knock her off her high chair. I mean seriously. In her info, she said she wanted advice. Then someone says she sucks, and she goes off about how she didn't force them to watch it. That sort counts as advice, you know. If someone thinks you just plain suck, you did something wrong, obviously.

But I digress. Even though I believe that Obe and Mo should be allowed to do this, they shouldn't exactly be putting it on the forums.

Meanwhile, to the rest of you, you've all said it yourselves. It's Obe and Mo. You should know that they do shit like this. And then you even had the gall to push them further. Is it THAT important that you have to antagonize the angry cat more with your posts? You KNOW they're trolling you guys, and you KNOW that by posting a message, they're going to troll you more.

But no. Instead, you guys keep posting. You keep posting in hopes of them changing. And for what? A single Internet comment, or even ALL of those internet comments won't do jackshit to trolls. If they really are that immature and gigantic assholes, then why are you guys still knowingly feeding them?

Bah. But this is just my sleep deprivation combined with my aggravation. I'll just wait until Nunu and Aika get on and then see if my steps really are true. Maybe if all of you are lucky, they'll try to prove me wrong and ban Obe and Mo.

In other news, happy Black Friday!
Re: Let's troll a stupid 14 year old girl

All I can say to that is then it might be best if your unable to have offspring.
Re: Let's troll a stupid 14 year old girl

I don't lie. I don't hate individuals... I can't. But I do hate actions, and groups.

I also hatre that i hate.

And I'm sorry you think it's a lie. I'm not even really mad at you anymore. Now I feel sorry for you that you feel like you have to validate your existance with vitriol.

Vitriol...is that, some sort of new drug or something? I prefer Tylonol, but thanks.
Re: Let's troll a stupid 14 year old girl

Actually, I was just getting my 'smart ass' out of the way for the day. I can't do it at work, because apparently I can get fired. Go figure.
Re: Let's troll a stupid 14 year old girl

Hence the calls I just made Darkfire.
Re: Let's troll a stupid 14 year old girl

Is everybody actually crying about Obe and Mo trolling? I'm pretty sure you've all had discussions about... Wait. Let me put it in the way it always goes down.

1. Obe and Mo make a trolling attempt and then put it on the boards.

2. The same group of people always post first, saying how the two of them are being assholes for doing what they're doing.

3. Obe and Mo retort and start being rude to these people. Then they proceed to point out how the internet is like that, and that the people calling them assholes should get off the internet if they can't handle their trolling.

4. The group of people gains support from other members because trolls generally aren't liked. People start to gang up on the two and start talking about morals and whatnot, while Obe and Mo keep talking back and telling them how they're such babies about this kind of shit.

5. People start saying, "<Insert admin here> will ban them if it gets too bad."
Meanwhile, Obe and Mo profess that they aren't afraid of getting banned.

6. Aika or Nunu eventually come in and put a stop to it, by giving a warning to the two of them and locking the topic or something like that.

7. Meanwhile, some people are watching this unravel, shaking their heads at:
a. Obe and Mo for bringing the forums into chaos for a couple hours.
b. To the people for taking the bait.
c. (This applies to me, but it might apply to you) EVERYBODY INVOLVED because they don't see the damn pattern and continue to do this shit.

I think that about covered it. What I'm saying is not that Obe and Mo are right, even though I do agree that that girl deserves some trolling to knock her off her high chair. I mean seriously. In her info, she said she wanted advice. Then someone says she sucks, and she goes off about how she didn't force them to watch it. That sort counts as advice, you know. If someone thinks you just plain suck, you did something wrong, obviously.

But I digress. Even though I believe that Obe and Mo should be allowed to do this, they shouldn't exactly be putting it on the forums.

Meanwhile, to the rest of you, you've all said it yourselves. It's Obe and Mo. You should know that they do shit like this. And then you even had the gall to push them further. Is it THAT important that you have to antagonize the angry cat more with your posts? You KNOW they're trolling you guys, and you KNOW that by posting a message, they're going to troll you more.

But no. Instead, you guys keep posting. You keep posting in hopes of them changing. And for what? A single Internet comment, or even ALL of those internet comments won't do jackshit to trolls. If they really are that immature and gigantic assholes, then why are you guys still knowingly feeding them?

Bah. But this is just my sleep deprivation combined with my aggravation. I'll just wait until Nunu and Aika get on and then see if my steps really are true. Maybe if all of you are lucky, they'll try to prove me wrong and ban Obe and Mo.

In other news, happy Black Friday!

Shit, someone's figured out our secret! FUCK, INTO THE BATMOBILE!
Re: Let's troll a stupid 14 year old girl

Vitriol...is that, some sort of new drug or something? I prefer Tylonol, but thanks.
Bitterly abusive feeling or expression. Dictionary.com is your friend
Re: Let's troll a stupid 14 year old girl

I personally like trolls, that is, if they're decent. Most effective and successful trolls, in my own opinion, are ones that you can't argue with. Not because they won't listen to your opinion or are just general fucktards, that's just the internet equivalent of a child. To truly be a douche, a good troll should be able to argue with you with a complete serious "internetface" and have you speechless and almost convince you of the most extreme and offensive view points.

A good troll should have me saying at the end of the day "I never thought of that way, maybe those jews deserved it in some sadistic way." Any idiot can tell someone they suck, try running into someone that can convince them that they suck

Plus, people act like trolls are the only ones who earn "lulz" from what they do. Most of my entertainment from the internet is derived from my own arguments with them. Who doesn't like feeding a troll?
Re: Let's troll a stupid 14 year old girl

...woah woah woah, you thought I was serious? I knew what it meant!
See? I knew you weren't xD

I don't think anyone under the age of 12 is actually... hrmmm....

and really, you can't tell if someone is joking on the internet, you know, lack of inflection and facial expressions and all. >.> That's why emotes are a good thing. xP
Re: Let's troll a stupid 14 year old girl

I personally like trolls, that is, if they're decent. Most effective and successful trolls, in my own opinion, are ones that you can't argue with. Not because they won't listen to your opinion or are just general fucktards, that's just the internet equivalent of a child. To truly be a douche, a good troll should be able to argue with you with a complete serious "internetface" and have you speechless and almost convince you of the most extreme and offensive view points.

A good troll should have me saying at the end of the day "I never thought of that way, maybe those jews deserved it in some sadistic way." Any idiot can tell someone they suck, try running into someone that can convince them that they suck

Plus, people act like trolls are the only ones who earn "lulz" from what they do. Most of my entertainment from the internet is derived from my own arguments with them. Who doesn't like feeding a troll?

This. I've fed plenty a troll in my time and it's always good fun. Especially when they don't realize that you're only acting like normal just so you can laugh at them in the most sarcastic way possible.

Though usually I give up on it after the first few posts. I generally get bored by then.
Re: Let's troll a stupid 14 year old girl

This. I've fed plenty a troll in my time and it's always good fun. Especially when they don't realize that you're only acting like normal just so you can laugh at them in the most sarcastic way possible.

Though usually I give up on it after the first few posts. I generally get bored by then.
I just can't help it, it's a weakness of mine. Mean people make my fingers itch.
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