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Re: Birthdays

Happy birthday Siphon! Hope you have many many more after this, and I hope you manage to get off that Ori warship you're trapped on. :p
Re: Birthdays


Very suspicious...

Happy "Birthday" to all of these guys.
Re: Birthdays

Bot birthday day. called it yesterday.

Also i think those rean't new members posting stuff its just that bot system sets their birthdays to december 12th.
Re: Birthdays

Bot birthday day. called it yesterday.

Also i think those rean't new members posting stuff its just that bot system sets their birthdays to december 12th.

Literally all of them joined between Dec. 1st and Dec 4th 2012.
None of them have posted anything.

Brace Yourselves....
Re: Birthdays

Re: Birthdays

Happy belated birthday, Avatar.

Must suck having your birthday on Christmas since I picture people giving you one present and saying it's for both. Hell they do it to me and my birthdays still 2 weeks away.
Re: Birthdays

Happy Birthday to techcare1234 and vanh_techcare! Amazing how you share the same birthday and the same age and were both last here 3 days ago!

Oh, and that Keylo guy, too.

Whoever that is.

Probably some bot...
Re: Birthdays

Happy Birthday to techcare1234 and vanh_techcare! Amazing how you share the same birthday and the same age and were both last here 3 days ago!

Oh, and that Keylo guy, too.

Whoever that is.

Probably some bot...

Similarly, happy birthday to 23 year old tna461, 23 year old nat943, and 27 year old ntaq_002
Re: Birthdays

Happy Birthday to all of them
Re: Birthdays

Thanks for nothing! I hate you all and wish you the worst for the remainder of the new year. Go die in a fire you dick-/pussywads [/politically_correct_irony].
(By the way you might want to excuse me for I am really drunk right now... Please, just this once.)
Re: Birthdays

Well I didn't see you give me a happy birthday.

I don't really care though, so happy belated birthday, you sot you.
Re: Birthdays

Happy Birthday to our most non-lurkiest Lurker!
Re: Birthdays

Happy birthday Nunu and Shrike. Hope you both have many more. *Pour you both a drink and then pours one for myself*
Re: Birthdays

Here here Flayer! *Raises drink* Happy birthday you 2 ^-^