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Re: Birthdays

Oh YEAH Ronny, I actually had totally forgotten about that. I blame it on lack of sleep and crazy stalker ex driving me insane.

Unfortunately, Texas went and won big last night, so Oklahoma needs to win probably by 21+ to have a shot now. Damn BCS is in love with Texas right now.
Re: Birthdays

Oh YEAH Ronny, I actually had totally forgotten about that. I blame it on lack of sleep and crazy stalker ex driving me insane.

I suggest a course of 12 gauge, administered to her orally 7 times a day for about, oh I dunno, a week? That or send me over there, Im sure I could break her :D
Re: Birthdays

Oni... Have fun. Just try not to catch the moron disease off of her, ok?
Re: Birthdays

Oh I think I'd have already caught that from my siblings by now if I could xD
Re: Birthdays

Heh, in that case, have fun and go right at it. I hear there's a flight into JFK international leaving near you in about 3 hours. Better hurry :p

Edit: Hmm... I had 200 posts now it's 186... Strange.
Last edited:
Re: Birthdays

The BCS is always in love with one team, I think they just decide the year before and make sure that team will make it.

To keep on topic how's your birthday been Silth.
Re: Birthdays

Thanks guys. So far my Birthday has been interesting...

Least to say, I had to watch a woman burst into tears because someone punched her in Target to grab Guitar Hero World Tour from her.>.> That... made me feel good. XD;
Re: Birthdays

Unfortunately, Texas went and won big last night, so Oklahoma needs to win probably by 21+ to have a shot now. Damn BCS is in love with Texas right now.

Found a news story that, while not relevant to my interests (due to lack of sports interest), is probably relevant to yours, if memory serves.

BCS chose Oklahoma University over Texas.
Re: Birthdays

*bursts out laughing manically* YES YES YES, I got my wish for OU to move ahead! MUHAHAHAHAHA!

Anyways, hope your birthday was a good one Silith!
Re: Birthdays

God Damn I'm late. Sorry Siphon and Silth, but happy belated birthdays to the both of yous! Sorry I can't get you anything awesome like Oni's pic, but hopefully my wishes are good enough. Hope you had good ones!
Re: Birthdays

Of course your wishes are great! How could you think otherwise? Thanks Sinful, muchly appreciated!
Re: Birthdays



Happy b-day to those I missed, and here's a vid I found on youtube :p
Re: Birthdays

I was pulling for Tech.
I hate UT-Austin with a passion. A BLEEDING PASSION, I TELL YOU. Not the football team, either, the school itself. UT-Austin thinks that they are the UT system, and that the rest of the schools are just "branch" schools, but such is not the case. UT-Austin is one of several schools in the UT system. None of the schools is a "main" branch. I attend UTEP at the moment, and let me quote my band director: "UTEP scrambles to get a budget of $10 million from the state. UT-Austin whines when they get $200 million." While they may be a bigger school, that doesn't give them the right to act superior - especially considering the two schools are a part of the same university system.
Re: Birthdays

Most universtiy systems are like that, one always gets favored over the others.
Re: Birthdays

today we welcome the day that kusunagi finally becomes a real women, sweet 16.
Re: Birthdays

Happy birthday kusunagi
Re: Birthdays

Happy birthday Kusanagi, hope you enjoy it.
Re: Birthdays

Happy Birthday Kusa! I could give you a thousand cat-girls if you wanted, but I'm not that rich.
Re: Birthdays

Happy Birthdays Kusanagi... and if cat girls arn't availiable... there's always a wolf woman...