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Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

(So run in, get grabbed.. gg? Hmm cats dont like water and Oracle is still wearing armor..)

Oracle along with the other two would hear a voice echo in their heads. Trying to set up an ambush, she would make a quick hand signal to the other two. Being the one that is best suited to negotiations, it was far more likely that she was to be believed by this creature than either of the other two. The only real obstacle was trying to explain why they were still armed with their weapons drawn.

"Oh great master, I am here to deliver an offering to you in these two women. They have been stripped of their armor and their minds blanked. They exist only to serve you now. I release control of them to you."

Oracle would turn herself around and act as if she and the squidcat were going to just simply leave. An attempt to draw the thing in so that they could get the advantage of attacking from higher ground to start. As Foxy and Flame went quasi-limp, they would focus on trying to find where the stalagmites were so that they could use those to get a spot to stand on and potentially still fight after they were past the point of using the element of surprise. If they got lucky enough, maybe the thing would be stupid enough to pass over one and they would be able to impale the thing on it.

At this point, Oracle was probably right in attempting to turn and leave, she would be next to useless in this fight. Which would not be far from any other fight she was involved in really. Foxy and Flame would act in kind if the plan to draw the Aboleth out of the water and closer to them was unsuccessful.
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

Ah, but where are you going, my lovely servant? You've brought me such extravagant gift. It is only right that I honor you. the psychic voice thundered in Oracle's mind as water poured from the Aboleth as it exited the water, carried on powerful tentacles. You will be the mother of my heir. came the voice again, followed shortly by the tentacles! Oracle's armor was ripped to shreds by the assaulting appendages as a thick and powerful pseudopod captured her about the waist, crushing the breath out of her, along with some of her ability to fight!

The monster's eyes flashed red for a moment, and the girls heard a great rumbling behind them as the cavernous passage they had descended from disappeared in a cloud of rock and dust. The beast had sealed them in! To make matters worse, that grumbling noise on the other side of the lake was getting closer!

---Tentacle Attack: Attack 9+7=16; Damage 6+5=11 (Oracle suffers 10 damage, 1 DEX damage, and is Entangled!)
---Psychic Attack: Collapse the exit!

(Foxy 18/23 HP)
(Flame 20/20 HP)
(Oracle 0/12 HP; 8/9 DEX, Entangled (-2 to Attack and AC) - DEX+Athletics DC 16 to escape)

---Aboleth 68/68 HP; AC 14; Toughness 16; Cleverness 18; Will 22
------Aboleth's Tentacle; 15/15 HP; AC 16 (holding Oracle)

[The Aboleth is just outside of the water and holding Oracle. The other two girls on on either side of him. Flame can sneak attack. The grumbling noise is getting closer, coming along the close side of the lake.]
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

Oracle played her part, almost too well. The Aboleth deciding that Foxy and Flame could be had at any time, that it would avow itself of Oracle as well. Oracle would join the other girls now in being naked as the Aboleth destroyed her armor as a tentacle sprang forth. The force of which simply knocked the air right out of her. Her to escape now even more so as she was almost powerless to resist the Aboleth in the first place. Making a desperate attempt to get herself free, in the way to damage the tentacle holding her.

Foxy, Flame, and the squidcat would spring into action now. as she could not keep her footing and was unable to attack. as she falls on her ass as well when she attempts to attack. as it instinctually attempts to protect Oracle, targetting the tentacle that has her bound.

(Wow.. I have never seen such shit dice in my life.. I rolled a 1,2, and 3 in that order to attack.. ffs. Oracle is at 8/9 DEX so she gets a -1 on that escape roll now correct?)
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

The slimy floor took it's toll on the Amazons' counterattack as Oracle screamed overhead, her weak body unable to stop the aboleth from pulling her legs apart, holding her spread eagle while her glistening, pale sex gleamed in the unnatural cave light. A pale, slimy tendril emerged from the fetid waters of the aboleth's lake, it's phallic head already dripping with excitement as it prepared to breed a human woman for the first time in a century.

The aboleth's cock rubbed Oracle's only recently deflowered slit, smearing it with warm, disgusting lubricant as the priestess gasped, electrical shivers running through her body, torturing her already retreating mind, smashing away any objections she could have against being mother to a monster.

Foxy and Flame looked on helplessly, heat spreading through their loins despite themselves at the spectacle of their newest and least competent member's spectacular, horrific, and somehow arousing defeat. The girls found that they could not look away as Oracle's small pussy lips were parted by the engorged, slimy aboleth cock. Oracle screeched at her violation as the hideous amphibian began to pump his reproductive tendril into her only recently initiated quim with loud and sickening squelches. Oracle's terrified and pained screams slowly became moans of pleasure as the aboleth wore away her mind, and the pulses of pain from her violated snatch and cervix transformed into blissful shocks as her body prepared her to be bred. Oracle felt one, two, three.. six?! sharp tingles in belly and her underused ovaries, drunk on pleasure, released egg after egg, begging the young priestess to fulfill her womanly duties.

The aboleth's hideous mutant servants were emerging from the shadows, but all eyes were on the pornographic show overhead. The aboleth's psychic powers unleashed a palpable burst of lust as his malformed body shuddered, and at the base of the tentacle now buried deep in Oracle's suddenly very fertile pussy, bulges began to travel down the breeding tube; tens of billions of the beast's ravenous sperm cells on their wicked crusade to seize the womb of the young woman suspended overhead.

The amazons watched as their junior partner's love lips spread just a little wider to allow the awful goo passage into her doomed womb, but then suddenly, the tentacle was gone, ripped from the girl's gaping cunt. Stinking yellow seed sprayed uselessly into the air as the thoroughly raped and nearly mindless young girl fell to the wet stone with a splat, stunning her even further. Foxy and Flame looked down in shock, and saw Oracle's squidcat, his fangs deep in the aboleth's cock. The squidcat dodged away from a furious and spiteful tentacle smash, and ran to his fallen mate.

The squidcat had smelled his mate come into heat, and he would die before he would allow some other beast to breed her. As the young priestess lay on the ground, legs spread and starving pussy gasping, the befriending creature's odd, prehensile, spined cock emerged. The strange dick, much smaller than the aboleth's, slid effortlessly into his mate's thirsty fuckhole. He began to pound Oracle savagely, the young cleric gasping and wincing as her arms and legs wrapped around her bestial lover on instinct alone. Her exhaustion suddenly replaced with an insane need to be impregnated, Oracle's hips began to slam back into her mate's tentacled crotch, tears rolling down her cheeks but a smile on her face as the squidcat's dick engorged with blood, spines holding it deep inside with urethra lined up with cervix as the squidcat began to cum deeply inside of Oracle's pussy.

Oracle felt the hot, liquid surge splash against her sensitive womb; pulse after creamy pulse until she had lost count. What couldn't have lasted more than fifteen seconds felt like an eternity while Oracle's fevered mind floated in heaven, dreaming of bearing little after litter for her inhuman lover. Deep inside of the young girl's womb, a savage horde of spiny aquatic monster sperm began their hunt. They could smell the fertility of the girl's waiting eggs as surely as a shark could smell blood. Thousands of tiny wriggling hunting parties swarmed into her Fallopian tubes, and fell furiously upon their much larger prey. It took an army of the swarming cells to take each, and their were many casualties, but within minutes, each of Oracle's joyous eggs had begun splitting and replicating. As Oracle lay on the cold ground, she felt a wonderful heat deep in her belly as an entire little of new lives started inside her. She suddenly came back to her sense, filled with new resolve.

: 1d20+7 24 1d6+5 9 (Oracle suffers 9 DEX damage. She's defeated, raped, nearly impregnated, rescued, then impregnated for real with a large litter of squidcat kittens. Fortunately, that means she's restored to full HP and stats, but being pregnant means you have to roll 1d4 every round for her; on a 1, she can't act because of arousal, baby kicking, depression, or something else of your choice.]

(Foxy 18/23 HP)
(Flame 20/20 HP)
(Oracle 12/12 HP; Pregnant - 25% chance of being unable to act on any given round)

---Aboleth 61/68 HP; AC 14; Toughness 16; Cleverness 18; Will 22
---Scum (x5) 9/9 HP; AC 14; Toughness 12; Cleverness 8; Will 6
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

Oracle was in trouble, and everyone seemed to stop to enjoy the show as it were. However there was someone not entirely wanting to watch. The Aboleth had defeated Oracle, though as little an achievement that actually was. It had attempted to impregnate her, and her mate in the squidcat would have none of it. Seeing what was about to happen, it sprang into action as its most basic impulses were to protect his mate. Of course Oracle being left wide open for the taking was something that it could not refuse. Taking Oracle for himself the squidcat would finish her off, impregnating her in the process. Oracle seemed to be invigorated by this and was back in the fight, for what little that was actually worth. Though with a bulge in her belly, Oracle could at least attempt to fight again.

(Using Heroism for Foxy)

Now that the show was over, Foxy and Flame would attempt to not slip and slide around the room and resume their assault on the Aboleth. for 8 on the thing. for 4 more damage. None too pleased that it attempted to mate with , who seemed unaffected by her pregnancy to still with her attempt at an attack.

Foxy seemed to not initially be wanting to attack, though instead she was focusing herself. She knew that this strike needed to ring true. Studying how the Aboleth would sway about in the water. Seeing her chance to strike, Foxy under normal circumstances would likely have not landed but taking the extra few seconds allowed her to strike true. Now with her blade plunged into the beast, Foxy would hold on and yank her sword in every direction that it would go to maximize the damage she would cause the monster.

(Thats the kind of damage I was hoping for in the first round when I had the advantage, but my god those dice probably sunk me before the battle even started.)
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

(Don't forget that Flame can earn sneak attack by either rolling DEX+Subterfuge against her target's Cleverness, or if you write up some clever trick in RP. Also, I forgot to apply Aroused to Foxy and Flame last round as the Aboleth's psychic attack, so I did it after attacks this round)

Blasting the minds of all in the room with a silent psychic scream of pain as frustration, the aboleth sank back into his lake, content to blast the girls with his mental powers while his twisted inbred offspring defeated his treacherous future slaves.

Suddenly, Foxy and Flame felt their eyes swimming, each of the Scum approaching them splitting, blurring, and rejoining at random, making it nearly impossible to target their attacks accurately!

While they girls were still reeling under the aquatic abomination's mental assault, the disgusting mutants rushed them! Despite her confused state, Foxy managed to hold her own against the creatures, until one of them sucker punched her in the gut, the painful blow knocking some of the fight out of the amazon.

Flame fared much worse, with both the ugly, fishy humanoids landing dangerous blows against her. If she wasn't careful, it wouldn't be long before she was overpowered...

: 1d20+3 15 1d6+2 3 1d20+3 19 1d6+2 6 1d20+3 15 1d6+2 4

: 1d20+3 22 1d6+2 8 1d20+3 18 1d6+2 7

(Foxy 12/23 HP; Aroused (-3 AC and saves) MND+Communication DC 14 to end; Phantasms (-4 to hit) MND+Subterfuge DC 14 to end)
(Flame 5/20 HP; Aroused (-3 AC and saves) MND+Communication DC 14 to end; Phantasms (-4 to hit) MND+Subterfuge DC 14 to end)
(Oracle 12/12 HP; Pregnant - 25% chance of being unable to act on any given round)

---Aboleth 38/68 HP; AC 14; Toughness 16; Cleverness 18; Will 22 [Swimming]
---Scum (x5) 9/9 HP; AC 14; Toughness 12; Cleverness 8; Will 6

[The Scum are clustered around Foxy and Flame, Oracle and Squidcat are off to the side. The aboleth is hanging out offshore; it would take a round of swimming to engage him.]

(I've actually changed my mind. The dice want you to lose this battle!)
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

(Oh, I dont think the dice are the only thing conspring to get the girls to lose this fight. Thanks for the heads up on the sneak attack functionality.)

With the Aboleth now properly focused, instead of reeling from being denied its claim by the squidcat, it would back off and allow its offspring to weaken them to the point where they would not be able to resist. As their minds were affected both by the arousal of seeing Oracle impregnated and now they seemed to be seeing double, and sometimes triple. They would need to take a few seconds to center themselves, but not her mind. The feeling of arousal passing her by, she was still seeing far too many of the little scumdrops to be able to focus on hitting them properly. Simply picking an area and slashing wildly, .

Flame though she was still aroused. Clearly still turned on by seeing Oracle get knocked up, she couldn't stop thinking how it would feel to be next. She was unable to get the images out of her head either. That was not going to stop her from just spinning herself around and hitting anything that actually got hit in the proceess. , to connect as she picked all the illusions to hit.

In other news, as she was stopped in her tracks with the babies kicking around in her belly. At least it brought a small smile to her face, as it all but guaranteed that Flame was going to be impregnated next by the Aboleth. The squidcat saw the things dancing around on the ground, and would . Apparently moving targets would engage the squidcat and prompt it to attack.

(So yeah, that attack went well for the team that was not the girls. Pretty sure Flame is fucked now literally.)
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

Even in the face of the illusions swarming across her vision, Foxy managed to single-handedly fend off the clumsy strikes of two of the Scum at once. For a brief moment, Foxy was able to hope that they could turn this battle around, but her heart quickly sank as an orgasmic cry echoed across the cavern.

The two scum effortlessly overpowered the horny rogue, forcing her on all fours. The first shoved his squid-smelling cock into her face; it was knobbly and as slimy as his forebearer's in the lake, but for some reason the masculine scent made Flame burn with lust. She felt the fiery heat of her pussy juice running in a thin trickle down her thigh, and the she gasped, exploding into orgasm as the second scum's twisted cock pieced her to the hit, and began to fuck her roughly. Flame gasped in the wake of her orgasm, as the second scum shoved his cock into her open mouth, completing her spitroasting.

It seemed all was lost, but then, a voice from the stairwell, the one that should have been blocked off! "By Frea!" cried Kalna.

[You can go ahead and stat up Kalna and have her join this fight at full strength!]

: 1d20+3 4 1d6+2 4 1d20+3 6 1d6+2 7 (both miss)

: 1d20+3 21 1d6+2 4 1d20+3 17 1d6+2 7 (Flame takes 5 damage and 6 STR damage!)

(Foxy 12/23 HP; Phantasms (-4 to hit) MND+Subterfuge DC 14 to end)
(Flame 0/20 HP; 8/14 STR; Aroused (-3 AC and saves) MND+Communication DC 14 to end)
(Oracle 12/12 HP; Pregnant - 25% chance of being unable to act on any given round)

---Aboleth 38/68 HP; AC 14; Toughness 16; Cleverness 18; Will 22 [Swimming]
---Scum (x3) 9/9 HP; AC 14; Toughness 12; Cleverness 8; Will 6
---Scum 3/9 HP; AC 14; Toughness 12; Cleverness 8; Will 6

[The Scum are clustered around Foxy and Flame, Oracle and Squidcat are off to the side. The aboleth is hanging out offshore; it would take a round of swimming to engage him.]
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

(Flame should still have phantasms applied, she failed that check via being aroused.)

Foxy was somehow able to guess correctly and fend off the attacks directed her way. Flame however was starting to moan like a bitch in heat as the two remaining scum had their way with her. One invading her pussy and another forming a phallic shape and having a time of strobing in and out of her mouth. The squidcat seemed to be trying to paw at one of them, while Oracle just sat and started rubbing her belly as the babies she was to give birth to started kicking around.

The situation looked horrible for the group. Oracle was knocked up and Flame was about to join her in the pregnancy club. Foxy could not possibly fend off 4 scumthings and a particularly nasty Aboleth all on her own. As if her wish was granted, the stones that collapsed the exit had started to stir about. Kalna who they had rescued before seemed to be ready and able to go to battle. Smashing down the stone wall blocking their exit, she was ready to do battle. Her ability to detect evil guided her to the room, the sounds of the stones collapsing waking her from her slumber.

, seeing the sight of Kalna seemed to galvanize her mind from her mere appearance. to a scum that was confronting her. The squidcat would seem rather interested in Flame now that she was getting raped by the scum. Not wanting for anything but himself to be able to do that to the girls, he would but fail to do anything of actual use.

would stand herself up and probably only out of desperation alone heal Flame . Having been rejuvenated for a short while, Flame and instead feel repulsed that she now saw 4 of the damn things when she swore there were only 2 violating her. That of course did not stop her from into a tornado. Flame would evicerating one of the offending scum and the other wounded one attacking Foxy. Almost an act of desperation but her "spin to win" act may just have saved her from becoming another pregnant breeder. (She passed the cleverness check by "spinning" the attack was "winning" lol)

Now it was Kalna who would attempt to clean up the mess. her attempt to hit one of the remaining scum. Aside from offering another warm body to be violated, Kalna would be able to potentially harpoon the Aboleth to bring it back within range of the other girls to lay waste to it. The scum were just that, insignificant scum to her and if they wished to run away in fear that would be ideal.

(Best believe a Heroism is gonna be used to do it too..)
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

Foxy nearly cheered as Kalna rushed through the illusory boulders blocking the exit, only to be grabbed by the Aboleth in a sudden rush. The creature's tentacle wrapped tightly around her waist, and the young Amazon stared daggers into the mutant fish's eyes, only to find her mind clouding with lust as she looked into the hypnotic red depths of the monster's eyeballs.

The remaining scum were still desperate to make Flame their prize, struggling with her viciously and attempting to force themselves on her once more. They seemed content to ignore Oracle; she was already pregnant, and apparently not a threat.

: 1d20+7 17 1d6+5 10

: 1d20+3 19 1d6+2 3 1d20+3 21 1d6+2 3 1d20+3 11 1d6+2 5

(Foxy 2/23 HP; Grappled [-2 to attacks and AC]; Aroused (-3 AC and saves) MND+Communication DC 14 to end)
(Flame 3/20 HP; 8/14 STR; Phantasms (-4 to hit) MND+Subterfuge DC 14 to end)
(Oracle 11/12 HP; Pregnant - 25% chance of being unable to act on any given round)
(Kalna 22/22)

---Aboleth 38/68 HP; AC 14; Toughness 16; Cleverness 18; Will 22
------Aboleth's Tentacle 15/15 HP; AC 16; Holding Foxy
---Scum 1: 9/9 HP; AC 14; Toughness 12; Cleverness 8; Will 6
---Scum 2: 2/9 HP; AC 14; Toughness 12; Cleverness 8; Will 6
---Scum 3: 1/9 HP; AC 14; Toughness 12; Cleverness 8; Will 6

[The scum are clustered around Flame/Oracle/Squidcat. The Aboleth is out of the water again grappling Foxy.]
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

( on phone so... Ugh.. I hate all day field trips. Also going to need to do infinite edits.)

Foxy would cheer the arrival of Kalna. However she lost her focus as the Arboleth snared her with a tentacle. The Aboleth would turn her to meet his hypnotic gaze. Foxy's mind was filled with erotic thpughts as the Aboleth looked to make her submit. the gaze. of the Aboleth's grasp. She would proceed to attack, . (used wrong modifier should be +5)

and was able to heal Flame again. and seemed content to protect Oracle instead of attack the Aboleth.
Last edited:
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

: 1d20-1 14 (Flame cures phantasms)

: 1d20+2 5 1d20+2 10 1d6+2 7 1d6+2 7 (Flame misses twice)

: 1d20+1 10 1d6 1 (Kalna misses; spear returns instantly)

Flame ineffectually struck at her phantasmal assailants as she finally and slowly regained for focus while Kalna cursed as her spear throw went wide. Thankfully, the scum only slightly more effectually fought back and Foxy dodged under a retaliatory tentacle swipe from the aboleth as the girls began to claw the battle back from the brink of disaster.

Unfortunately, the aboleth seemed to sense Flame's mental weakness, and send out a tendril of psychic power to utterly enslave her and turn her against her friends!

: 1d20+7 15 1d6+5 6

(Foxy 2/23 HP)
(Flame 8/20 HP; 8/14 STR; Charmed - Must help the enemies capture the non-pregnant girls! [MND+Communication DC 13 to break free])
(Oracle 11/12 HP; Pregnant - 25% chance of being unable to act on any given round)
(Kalna 22/22)

---Aboleth 31/68 HP; AC 14; Toughness 16; Cleverness 18; Will 22
------Aboleth's Tentacle 15/15 HP; AC 16; Holding Foxy
---Scum 1: 9/9 HP; AC 14; Toughness 12; Cleverness 8; Will 6
---Scum 2: 2/9 HP; AC 14; Toughness 12; Cleverness 8; Will 6
---Scum 3: 1/9 HP; AC 14; Toughness 12; Cleverness 8; Will 6
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

Foxy would dodge the tentacle lashing out toward her. Looking to counter, she would try to hit the body of the beast. Kalna would as well attack the beast directly.

Oracle, were she not impared by her pregnancy, would look to heal Foxy using Cure Light Wounds.

Flame would be a interesting one. Were she able to save against the mind affliction, she would continue to attack the scum. As they would think she were still affected, they would be vulnerable to a sneak attack.

Were Flame unable to regain control of her own mind. She would attempt to molest Foxy per the mental suggestion implanted by the Aboleth.
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

: 1d20+5 6 1d8+4 11 1d20+4 13 1d6+3 4 (Both miss)

: 1d4 2 1d8+1 3 (Heals for 3)

: 1d20-1 17 1d20+2 20 1d20+2 18 1d4+3 6 1d4+3 6 (Cures charm! Kills two scum!)

"No!" Flame screamed as the sea monster's domination failed to grip her mind. She lashed out, slaying two of her attackers in short order as the third landed a body blow against the already tired girl. She could handle one enemy though; they were going to win this!

: 1d20+4 19 1d6+3 4 (Flame takes 4 damage)

The flailing of the aboleth's tentacles was far too dangerous; Foxy and Kalna couldn't even approach the beast. Kalna was even unlucky enough to be struck by one of the tentacles, grabbing her by the leg as it came in for a low swipe!

: 1d20+7 16 1d6+5 8 (Kalna takes 8 damage as is Grappled)

The aboleth was beginning to recognize that this might be a losing battle, but he was still confident; after all, he had an entire underground lake to escape into; his life was in no serious danger, only his pride. If her could just managed to plant a child inside of one of these hateful girls, he could retreat and console himself on a draw. He reached out into the newcomer's mind, tapping into her recent memories of her rape and breeding at the hands of the dire barnacle, filling her with revulsion and unwanted lust.

(Foxy 5/23 HP)
(Flame 4/20 HP; 8/14 STR)
(Oracle 11/12 HP; Pregnant - 25% chance of being unable to act on any given round)
(Kalna 14/22; Aroused: -3 to AC and Saves [DC 14 MND+Communication to remove]; Grappled: -2 to AC and Attacks [DEX+Athletics DC 14 to escape])

---Aboleth 31/68 HP; AC 14; Toughness 16; Cleverness 18; Will 22
------Aboleth's Tentacle 15/15 HP; AC 16; Holding Kalna
---Scum 1: 9/9 HP; AC 14; Toughness 12; Cleverness 8; Will 6

[The last skum is engaging Flame, Oracle, and the squidcat. Foxy is engaging the aboleth, and the aboleth is grappling Kalna]
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

(Oracle should be at 9 i think. Should have been the third use of CLW after being restored. Squidcat did not attack last turn, oh well i guess.)

Flame would be resolute enough to resist the influence of the Aboleth. Lashing out in a fit of anger she woul destroy two of the weakened scum. With one remaining, she would look to outmaneuver the enemy and kill it off.

Foxy and Kalna were engaged with the Aboleth directly, however they could not get past the tentacle fending them off. Kalna was even grabbed by one of the tentacles. She would attempt to free herself while Foxy would attack the Aboleth with her sword.

Oracle seemed to be ignored by everything. So she would try to heal Foxy if she could. The squidcat seemed to be interested in attacking the remaining scum as well.
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

: 1d20+4 22 1d20+4 21 (Kalna breaks free of both effects)

: 1d20+4 5 1d6+3 5 1d20+5 18 1d8+5 9 (Kalna misses, Foxy hits for 9)

: 1d20+2 17 1d4+3 4 1d20+2 11 1d4+3 4 (Flame hits for 4)

: 1d20+4 9 1d6+3 6 (Miss)

: 1d4 1 1d8+1 4 (Oracle distracted by pregnancy)

Kalna's holy fervor won the day against the depredations of the aboleth, and she broke free in a matter of moment, and through she failed to land a telling blow on the abomination, she was able to distract him long enough for Foxy to strike deeply into his slimy flesh. The aboleth turned on his attacked, seizing her and and beginning to bind her limbs for breeding.

The last scum charged Flame, knocking her to the ground once more. The redheaded amazon fought back viciously, leaving a large, bleeding cut across the twisted mutant's face. The inbred monster roared in fury, slamming his disgusting cock inside of her to the hilt, violently fucking her in revenge for his own pain and the death of his brothers. Flame felt the blooming lust of the aboleth's psychic attack in her mind; visions of the aquatic monster's mutant offspring releasing his disgusting seed into her womb, polluting her with his subhuman child. She could feel the bastard's cock twitching; it was only a matter of time before she was seeded.

: 1d20+7 18 1d6+5 6 (5 damage, 1 DEX damage, entangled)

: 1d20+4 23 1d6+3 8 (4 damage, 4 STR damage)

(Foxy 0/23 HP; 14/15 DEX; Grappled: -2 to AC and Attacks [DEX+Athletics DC 14 to escape])
(Flame 0/20 HP; 4/14 STR; Aroused: -3 to AC and Saves [DC 14 MND+Communication to remove])
(Oracle 9/12 HP; Pregnant - 25% chance of being unable to act on any given round)
(Kalna 14/22)

---Aboleth 22/68 HP; AC 14; Toughness 16; Cleverness 18; Will 22
------Aboleth's Tentacle 15/15 HP; AC 16; Holding Foxy
---Scum 1: 5/9 HP; AC 14; Toughness 12; Cleverness 8; Will 6

[The last skum is engaging Flame, Oracle, and the squidcat. Kalna is engaging the aboleth, and the aboleth is grappling Foxy]
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

Battle lines seemed to be starting to form, and start to break down at the same time. Foxy and Kalna were engaging the Aboleth directly as Flame, Oracle, and her squidcat were attempting to mop up the remaining Scum.

the tentacle. Having strangled the fight from her, she was unable to even raise her sword to attempt an attack.

Flame would to shake the feelings of arousal from her head, though it would not stop her from attempting to move in unison with the squidcat and get herself into a favorable attacking position to finish off the remaining Scum. , Flame would strike , killing the final scum.

Oracle to act as the babies she had inside of her were making things difficult for her. She was simply wanting to get herself out of the fray and she would crawl backward away from the remaining Aboleth.

Kalna being the only one not in any immediate duress would attempt to engage the Aboleth. Readying her sword, she would as the tentacle of the Aboleth would interfere with her strike deflecting it wide.

The girls were in trouble, but now that the Aboleth was alone so was the monster. Soon this battle would come to an end, and it would come down to what was likely the last few moves to decide if the girls would all end up breeding the Aboleth's heirs or splitting the spoils of victory between them.
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

: 1d20+13 17 1d6+5 8 (Foxy takes 8 DEX damage!)

Flame drove her dagger through the scum's throat, denying the mutant creature his final release. The slimy humanoid fell backwards, his malformed cock slipping from her snatch with a pop. The last thing the monster felt before he died was the pain of how swollen and full his denied balls were.

With the last of his slaves struck down, the aboleth was becoming desperate. He drove his slippery prehensile cock into Foxy with painful force, the slimy, pointy tip threatening to slip through her cervix on the first thrust. The fishy monster pumped into the amazon viciously, his mind focused nothing but sowing his seed before he fled to the briny depths of his lair. The aberration send a mental spear into Flame's head, still distracted from the recently slain scum, with one overriding command: protect me from the others!

(Foxy 0/23 HP; 6/15 DEX; Grappled: -2 to AC and Attacks [DEX+Athletics DC 14 to escape])
(Flame 0/20 HP; 4/14 STR; Aroused: -3 to AC and Saves [DC 14 MND+Communication to remove], Charmed (Protect the aboleth!) [DC 14 MND+Subterfuge to remove)
(Oracle 9/12 HP; Pregnant - 25% chance of being unable to act on any given round)
(Kalna 14/22)

---Aboleth 22/68 HP; AC 14; Toughness 16; Cleverness 18; Will 22
------Aboleth's Tentacle 15/15 HP; AC 16; Holding Foxy

[All the girls are now engaging the aboleth! He is grappling Foxy.]oro
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

(This is tentative, and I sent you a message as to why)

Foxy now being penetrated by the Aboleth would find its grip loosen a little, however she was still unable Foxy at least had the strength to manage a swipe with her sword this time. out of pure desperation at this point. Realizing that if things stay as they are, she will be joining Oracle soon enough.

Speaking of Oracle, she has been having a rough time of it. Watching as the rest of them are being defeated while she can do little to stop it. was able to set aside the pain for a short while and it looked as if she were able to act.

Flame was all messed up as well, though she was able to she was still highly aroused. In an attempt to trick the Aboleth, Flame would move toward Kalna and start molesting her a bit with a kiss on the cheek. Nothing that would interfere with her attack, but it was all a setup to trick the Aboleth as Flame would whisper her intentions to Kalna.

Kalna playing along would thrash about a bit as Flame started to molest her. Hoping that it would satisfy the Aboleth and draw its attention back toward impregnating Foxy as nothing would stand in its way currently from doing so. Oracle seeing a signal from Flame would play along and start to scream out in a mock protest of the Aboleth impregnating Foxy. Flame would start to push Kalna and herself into a position where they could perform a sneak attack on the Aboleth.

Turning to face the beast Flame and Kalna would unleash upon the Aboleth as it focused on finishing Foxy. Flame would unsheathe one dagger and with a successful surprise attack on the Aboleth. Kalna would look to capitalize on the success and finally land a blow. as yet again she would be interdicted by a stray tentacle flailing about from Flame's attack landing true. Oracle would in an attempt to keep her in the fight long enough for the others to finsh the Aboleth off.

(Holy hell Kalna has not hit once so far..top lol.)
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

: 1d20+7 24 1d6+5 8

The slimy fish cock continued to fuck Foxy's tight cunt roughly. The squishing echoes of the gooey intercourse echoed as loudly as the young Amazon's moans; Oracle's healing may have allowed the fight to go on a little longer, but the aboleth's penile pounding was rapidly picking up speed, and strain of approaching orgasm was clear on both Foxy's and her disgusting rapist's faces.

Desperate to finish, the aboleth unleashed a psychic lash of pure terror against Oracle; the pregnant girl had interfered far, far too much. The aboleth would enjoy devouring her children once she had given birth before planting his own inside her.

(Foxy 0/23 HP; 5/15 DEX; Grappled: -2 to AC and Attacks [DEX+Athletics DC 14 to escape])
(Flame 0/20 HP; 4/14 STR; Aroused: -3 to AC and Saves [DC 14 MND+Communication to remove])
(Oracle 9/12 HP; Pregnant - 25% chance of being unable to act on any given round; Fear! (must run away from the Aboleth and the other girls) [MND+Athletics DC 14 to cure])
(Kalna 14/22)

---Aboleth 17/68 HP; AC 14; Toughness 16; Cleverness 18; Will 22
------Aboleth's Tentacle 15/15 HP; AC 16; Holding Foxy