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Battle & Breeding

Re: Battle & Breeding

Arkeia's short sword dug deep into the undead nun's neck. The zombie assassin had tossed her white-and-yellow habit aside, and was now wearing a suit of form-fitting black leather, with a long dagger in each hand. The undead creature was clearly aroused, even in death; her large and puffy nipples were clearly visible beneath her tight bodice, and her cameltoed crack was leaking viscous pussy fluid. Arkeia took in these facts in a fraction of a second as the zombie collapsed to the ground, defeated, but already beginning to writhe as the perverted bond with her fellow assassin-nuns sought to resurrect her.

"You reptilian bitch!" the zombie Faeyna stuck screamed in an unnatural voice, "I know your kind! Your tits are a trap, I know your disgusting, spiky cocks are already getting nice and hard! Show me!"
she shrieked as she lashed out with her daggers, the still sharp blade slicing away the lizardwoman's loincloth. "You'd love to drill those beastly things into my virgin cunt, wouldn't you, you savage! You want to rape me, to make me scream as you cum your babies into my pussy! You want to see me crying, holding my big belly with your monster babies. You want to see me chained up with little bastard lizards sucking the milk from my tits! Just try it, you rapist scum!" she roared, strafing around the druidess with large, hard-nippled tits bouncing with every bellowed sentence.

Even in the face of the psychotic nun's wicked words, Faeyna couldn't help but feels unwanted stirrings in her loins. There was no way she would willingly try to breed this Lost girl, but the suggestion... She had to put it out of her mind, before it drove her to distraction.

: 1d20+3 19 1d4+4 7 1d20+3 8 1d4+4 7 (7 damage; Aroused!)

"Mmmmmm... your pussy... smells so good~" moaned a shadow from behind Alia. The young mage spun, managing to raise her defense before the undead assassin lunged, her daggers slicing through the magical barrier the ample chested spellcaster had raised. With a soft ripping noise, the girl's top was torn away, leaving her tits to bounce before the grinning nun. Alia suddenly noticed the bulge beginning to grow beneath the tight leather between the nun's legs. It seemed undeath had added a little something extra to her attacker...

: 1d20+3 18 1d4+4 8 1d20+3 21 1d4+4 5 (13 damage!)

Karaz swung wildly at the noise behind her, missing, but disrupting the sneaking nun's backstab before she could connect. Unfortunately, the nun's momentum and dexterity allowed her to spin about, landing a viscous blow to the head on the dwarf woman!

: 1d20+3 23 1d4+4 6 1d20+3 6 1d4+4 7

[Arkeia 15/15]
[Alia 5/20]
[Faeyna 7/26; Aroused (-3 AC and saves; MND+Communication DC 14 to cure)]
[Karaz 18/25]

---Zombie Assassin Nun 1: 0/21 HP; AC 15; Toughness 15; Cleverness 14; Will 12; Resurrecting! (1/5)
---Zombie Assassin Nun 2: 12/21; AC 15; Toughness 15; Cleverness 14; Will 12
---Zombie Assassin Nun 3: 21/21; AC 15; Toughness 15; Cleverness 14; Will 12
---Zombie Assassin Nun 4: 21/21; AC 15; Toughness 15; Cleverness 14; Will 12

[Arkiea is unengaged. Faeyna is engaging ZAN 2, Alia is engaging ZAN 3, and Karaz is engaging ZAN 4]
Re: Battle & Breeding

Faeyna hissed in alarm. The Lost were as expected. "We have to eliminate them all at once! Don't let them breed you, half-Lost are possible!"

She hisses, eyes glancing, noting some of them were of two genders as well. If not all of them. To breed and be bred in turn, she'd be a prime target. She had to hurry and clear her head, it was trouble. Worse, she could be a vessel for more of them in other ways. Lost called to other Lost.

( Pass)

She managed to shake off her arousal for now, hissing angrily. "I'm a forktail, I breed none. Not that you're going to consider other paths, Lost one. I will return you to the cycle!"

( Hit 9 Damage)
Re: Battle & Breeding

"Man, what the fuck is even going on in this place!? I can no longer tell if the fucking attackers to this place weren't trying to do their civil fuckin' duty!" Karaz declared, winding back from the assassin's attack to rebound with a strike of her own, swinging wide with her axe.

To-hit: 12+6(Using per-fight Heroism)=18

Damage: 16

"You shut yer mouth, drak! How can the dead breed!? Their blood ain't even flowin!"
Re: Battle & Breeding

meets cleverness and beats will, we should come up with some concrete rules on that maybe.

Her panicked fury didn't last long, unfortunately, and as Arkeia looked around and heard Faeyna's warning she almost froze. Seeing everyone bloodied at once, however, she sidestepped as quickly and quietly around the one attacking Alia and dove her blades towards its chest. It easily spun out of the way, however, and the pirate found herself backing towards the wall, face frozen in fear.
Re: Battle & Breeding

"Well, how can she be getting hard, then?!?" Alia shouted back, locked in a fight with her own zombie. Damn bitch managed to cut through her armor and now her top was shredded to pieces! Blasted bitch, she was going to pay for this! "For that matter, why does she have a fucking cock?!?" The mage brandished her scythe. With how close she was, there was no time to cast spells. The undead bitch had to go down fast. She swung her scythe wildly, but the blow was too slow to catch the infuriatingly fast undead. How could a bloody corpse be so agile?

to hit, missed.
Re: Battle & Breeding

(Orokos isn't letting me long in at the moment, so I'm rolling manually instead]

With lightning speed, the undead nun slammed herself into the retreating Arkeia, grabbing the smaller girl's wrists and pinning her against the cold stone wall. The nun stared lustily at the pirate's heaving chest, pressing her crotch against Arkeia's thigh. Suddenly, the assassin kissed Arkeia deeply, humping her crotch against the sexy thief's leg, pleasuring both of her sex organs as the foul taste of partially rotted tongue, and worse, the bitter poison of the greencaps, forced it's way down the girl's throat. Already, Arkeia felt feverish. The dose wasn't large, but the nuns' suicide attested to the danger of the poison now beginning to flow in her veins.

Faeyna and Karaz both bellowed simulations cries of anger as their quarries used their nasty underhanded tricks to break away attempt to reestablish surprise, and leave the girls at a disadvantage

---ZAN 2 throws a smoke bomb, blinding Faeyna!
---ZAN 3 (16 to hit) kisses Arkeia, poisoning her!
---ZAN 4 runs away from Karaz!

[Arkeia 15/15; Poisoned (STR+Physical/Survival DC 13 to save. Two successful saves in a row removes, a failed save inflicts 1d4 damage, two failed saves in a row inflicts 4d6 damage.)]
[Alia 5/20]
[Faeyna 7/26; Blinded (-4 to hit; MND+Survival or Subterfuge DC 13 each turn to fight by smell/hearing, spending a move action to leave the cloud removes the effect.]
[Karaz 18/25]

---Zombie Assassin Nun 1: 0/21 HP; AC 15; Toughness 15; Cleverness 14; Will 12; Resurrecting! (2/5)
---Zombie Assassin Nun 2: 3/21; AC 15; Toughness 15; Cleverness 14; Will 12
---Zombie Assassin Nun 3: 21/21; AC 15; Toughness 15; Cleverness 14; Will 12
---Zombie Assassin Nun 4: 5/21; AC 15; Toughness 15; Cleverness 14; Will 12; Hidden (DC 14 STR+Physical to chase her down, MND+Survival to track her, or DEX+Subterfuge to cut off her escape)

[Faeyna is engaging ZAN 2, Alia and Arkiea are engaging ZAN 3, Karaz and ZAN 4 are both free. If Karaz can't catch her nun, she can go engage one of the others instead.]
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Re: Battle & Breeding

Faeyna hisses in anger as she got a face full of smoke. Damned creature! These Lost were as dangerous as she had been told. What they lacked in supernatural assault they retained in previous skill.

She closed her eyes for now and turned to her more base senses, tongue flicking into the air.

( Made it on the dot.)

Faeyna caught the foul scent of the Lost before striking out at it!

( Hit, dropping her.)

She caught the zombie, and disrupted the connection between her body and soul, at least for the moment.

"*Cough cough* "Ugh, I;ve got an idea... But it means someone, *Cough*, Is gonna have to carry quadruplets. If their souls stop being Lost, it;s just lifeless flesh. Can't be me though cus I need to focus the magic." *Cough*
Re: Battle & Breeding

Arkeia's AC is 17, so 16 wouldn't hit if it's against AC. It would make sense if it ignores her armor bonus given the nature of it though, and 16 would hit just her dex+10.
Assuming she has it anyway.
Use the heroism for this combat to see both hit.

"No! No! Nononononon - mmmph!" Arkeia squirmed for naught, trying to pull away from the nun, but her wrists were pinned and try as she might she couldn't free them or pull away from either the horrific oncoming kiss or the disgusting grinding. She nearly threw up into the zombie's mouth as she tasted rot and death on the tongue invading her mouth, but resisted the urge to bite down. She most definitely didn't want to swallow anything belonging to this thing.

That might not save her from the poison entirely, however, and she quickly shifted and smashed her head into the zombie's face. It didn't hurt, but it did push the thing back, and with a distressed roar she drove both of her swords into the undead creature's chest. Driving it back, she tried to leverage it away, push it into the wall, pin it... Anything to keep it away, to kill it!
Re: Battle & Breeding

to hit, passed.

damage roll: 11.

"STAY STILL, YOU NECROTIC BITCH!" The mage roared, swinging her scythe a second time. While the nun managed to poison Arkeia, in doing so she exposed her back to the mage. A big mistake, as it allowed Alia to catch her in the back with a truly nasty swing, one that split her flesh open quite spectacularly, severing the spine and making a complete mess of whatever the blade passed through. "ASHES TO FUCKING ASHES, YOU OVERGROWN PILE OF MULCH!"
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Re: Battle & Breeding

When the nun tried to run away, Karaz gave chase.

(Another low roll from me: )

But she couldn't catch her. So instead she threw a holy water on one of the corpses on the ground.

(Holy water on ZAN 1 cuz she died first.)
Re: Battle & Breeding

Arkeia Poison Damage: 4 (1/2 failed saves)

Karaz cursed loudly as she lost sight of the nun. Befitting her assassin training, the undead killer hand vanished like smoke. The dwarf tossed a vial of holy water at a reassembling zombie. White lightning cracked across the corpse, and then it went still forever.

Moments later, the vanished nun reappeared in much the same way, sailing through the smoke cloud surrounding Faeyna, slamming the lizardwoman to the ground, nearly stunning her. The zombified holy woman squatted over her fallen prey, pulling aside her leather bottoms, revealing a grey and soaking pussy underneath. As Faeyna's cocks rose from their sheathes, the nun lowered her love lips. The druidess felt the cold moisture of the dead girl's snatch mix with her hot precum as the Lost nun prepared for penetration. "Are you going to rape me, you beast? Are you going to brutally fuck my pussy until I'm pregnant? Are you going to breed me, you slime?" she wailed.

(Sneak attacks vs Faeyna: Attacks 11, 21; Damage 1+3+4= 7 damage, 1 DEX damage)

[Arkeia 11/15; Poisoned (STR+Physical/Survival DC 13 to save. Two successful saves in a row removes, a failed save inflicts 1d4 damage, two failed saves in a row inflicts 4d6 damage.)]
[Alia 5/20]
[Faeyna 0/26; 12/13 DEX; Blinded (-4 to hit; MND+Survival or Subterfuge DC 13 each turn to fight by smell/hearing, spending a move action to leave the cloud removes the effect.]
[Karaz 18/25]

---Zombie Assassin Nun 2: 0/21; AC 15; Toughness 15; Cleverness 14; Will 12; Resurrecting 1/5
---Zombie Assassin Nun 3: 0/21; AC 15; Toughness 15; Cleverness 14; Will 12; Resurrecting 1/5
---Zombie Assassin Nun 4: 5/21; AC 15; Toughness 15; Cleverness 14; Will 12

[Anyone wanting to attack the zombie nun on top of Faeyna needs to make the roll against the blinding effect of the smoke cloud, since they're in the middle of it. Nobody else is engaged.]
Re: Battle & Breeding


Arkeia, choking and heaving, retrieves the flask she'd been given by Alia and pours the holy water on the corpse she and the mage had just put down, trying to end its threat for good.

I'll just give up my next turn because I wanted to roll these quickly and probably don't need to do anything else this combat.

Collapsing to hands and knees, Arkeia literally starting puking besides the nun's corpse, heedless of the continued struggles of her companions as her body fought to expel the poison before it killed her.
Re: Battle & Breeding

Faeyna yelps as she's struck down from ambush, whimpering as she hit the dirt. Down on the ground the nun easily called to her own soul, forcing her erect. She hissed as she trembled, glad this one hadn't mutated but still. She didn't want to breed the Lost, allowing living vessels for lost souls to come through improperly within.

"Hng, I need some help here, quick!"
Re: Battle & Breeding

to combat effects of the smoke cloud, passed.

to hit, passed.

damage: 10, overkilled.

Alia heard Faeyna's cry for help, as well as the undead nun's wailing all too clearly. Though they were obscured by a cloud of smoke, the noises were loud enough for the mage to extrapolate their location and positions, allowing her to figure out exactly at which height she had to swing her scythe in order to hit. And she swung it with the same kind of rage that lent her strenght just moments ago, slamming the blade straight through the zombie's chest with enough force to get her off of the lizardwoman and put her down. "Ha! You though that just cause I'm a mage I suck at melee combat? WELL YOU THOUGHT WRONG, YOU BINT! AND NOW YOU'RE DEAD! AGAIN!"
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Re: Battle & Breeding

(You can still act at 0 HP, as long as it's in character for your situation; in your case, being straddled on the ground by an undead nun. You could still claw, for instance, though you still need to deal with Blind)

e: Or Alia could kill her while I'm typing this!
Re: Battle & Breeding

"Hng, thanks Alia.," grunts Faeyna embarrassedly, glad the smoke concealed her arousal as she tried to concentrate on forcing their souls back into the cycle, chanting and calling to the goddess to claim these Lost souls before they escaped once more into their corrupted bodies.

She also tried to calm down before then. She rather the others not be aware of her near surrender and ruination of her vows.
Re: Battle & Breeding

(I'm going to assume that Arkiea didn't use a holy water, since combat ended this turn anyway.)

Faeyna recovered quickly once her would-be rapist was struck down. Shaken but filled with resolve, the shamaness uttered a great prayer that put down the nuns' fallen spirits, sending them on the way to whatever afterlife Saale promised her followers, if they still deserved it in the face of their membership in the dark sisterhood.

The girls were weakened by the battle: Faeyna exhausted, Alia bare-chested and tired, Arkeia still in the grips of poison, and Karaz very angry. They probably needed rest, but that would mean leaving Grifbo with the pregnant nun even longer.

It was poor repayment for the vicious battle, but the girls were able to pick three alchemical smoke bombs off the corpses of the nuns.

(Smoke bombs create a smoke cloud that behaves just like the one in this battle. It effects the vast majority of enemies. You can also use them creatively out of combat to avoid guards or establish an ambush.)

[Arkeia 11/15]
[Alia 5/20]
[Faeyna 0/26; 12/13 DEX]
[Karaz 18/25]

Party Actions:
---Back to Grifbo first
---Rest now (heals and cures poison with no further tests, at the cost of time)
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Re: Battle & Breeding

(I made two saves in a row, and I vote back to Grifbo now.)

"Need... Back... Nun... Goblin..."
Re: Battle & Breeding

"Hng, that settles that. Fuck we're in bad shape. We better hurry back though, I rather risk further harm to myself than let him be harmed for no reason.," grumbles Faeyna.

She did however spend time trying to help Arkeia counteract her toxins. She didn't have much she could use to directly counter venom but she could help.
Re: Battle & Breeding

"With a bit of luck, the nun isn't doing much better either." Alia rasped, coming down from the battle high. Damn, anger and adrenaline made for one Hell of a drug. "I've got strenght enough to cast a sleep spell if need be. Worst case scenario, chuck Karaz at the bitch. She still seems to be in decent shape." The mage suggested, leaning briefly against her scythe as she caught her breath, idly pointing at the dwarf with her thumb. "She can probably pound her into a red paste in a flash, too, so there's that."

(Save the goblin!)