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(Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

All the free give away code:
Ann Code : GFT4 - 73MQ - CWPN
Ann Code 2 : GFT3-79LA-YN44
Weapon Hammer : GRL1 - 4TX9 - VX69
Armor Hammer : L331 - XJCY - J4DJ
Silver Mailbox : KAN1 - 4NTC - V77Y
Silver Mailbox 2: KANP - CCMY - J7JS

Ann Code 3: <-- must register, each person different code

Theres alot in there + note some of them are limited in number

Damn, I'm starting to feel like I should've leveled Ann now. Didn't expect every character code to be her.
Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

All the free give away code:
Ann Code : GFT4 - 73MQ - CWPN
Ann Code 2 : GFT3-79LA-YN44
Weapon Hammer : GRL1 - 4TX9 - VX69
Armor Hammer : L331 - XJCY - J4DJ
Silver Mailbox : KAN1 - 4NTC - V77Y
Silver Mailbox 2: KANP - CCMY - J7JS

Ann Code 3: <-- must register, each person different code

Theres alot in there + note some of them are limited in number

it's like Nutaku is showing Ann in our face and I don't kinda like idea of leveling priest from 0 :/ not to mention that Ivy > Ann in terms of art ;_; not to mention that I use Ivy strategy ;p
Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

i got ann from a map drop so every ann they've given is being used to awaken her >.<
Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

Too much Ann....
2 From code , I think 1 from story , 1 from random recruit after quest
I got Ann awakened 2 times , well with this atleast she is guarantee to have her 3'rd awaken:p
Though I actually prefer Tina from all Cleric so far in terms of looks
But.. eh Okay... I will Lv up Ann now instead
Who knows , maybe they will give 3'rd Ann


So I just got a new Cleric


Hmm , now I confuse whether Tina or Kristin who is moar cute:confused:
If only Tina didn't have that veil covered......
I have the hots for Silver/white hair
Though it seems Kristin is a more purplish?
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Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

I think i posted 3 Ann serial code already...

It needs to register?
I already have an account
Yes for some it's 3 Ann
For some it's only 2 Ann
Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

if someone wants more ann then just make multiple accounts and get few codes ;p

the only good thing about Ann from what I heard is that she have very good healing ratios so if someone plants to use AoE heal weapons, she is must have before getting other 3*/4*/5* clerics
Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

if someone wants more ann then just make multiple accounts and get few codes ;p

the only good thing about Ann from what I heard is that she have very good healing ratios so if someone plants to use AoE heal weapons, she is must have before getting other 3*/4*/5* clerics

OK so I have make the clone account
But where is the code?
I didn't have any code?
Help please~


Dunno about that
But I think everyone who have Character weapon is good enough
And Ann have that , just pray You will got Weapon Recipe too

Just like now , Romina 2* Soldier
I have her wep recipe , I manage to make +1 after 5 try
The resource need is very very much:(
And she already surpass My 41 Leifang , both in atk and def
While she only 31:eek:
O My Lovely twintail tsundere oppai goddeses , forgive me but You will have to warm the bench for now:(
Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

So ... Noob posting here, cause i need some help getting forward.

Basically, i have my small group (3 front liners (2x 30, 1x 20 with char quest done), 1 mage (20, char quest done) and 1 healer (20)), with basically no means to get them further ahead (theyre max lvl, cant awaken them and i obv cant beat the char story quest for Monique or Azamino and there is no char story quest for anyone else i have on lvl 20). I've reached Chapter 4, Quest 5 right now, and i can't beat it. I can survive 2 out of 3 enemy groups with my CEO skills, but the 3rd one (the strongest one) ... well, i've tried to use 2 employee stones to beat them, didnt work.
So, what can i do at the moment ? simply upgrade my Facilities over and over until i get some overpowered CEO skills or a girl with 3 stars applies ?
Grind the previous quests until ive gathered all the rare drops ?
grind the daily missions until i have enough employee stones to beat them this way ?

Thank you for even reading this,
Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

So ... Noob posting here, cause i need some help getting forward.

Basically, i have my small group (3 front liners (2x 30, 1x 20 with char quest done), 1 mage (20, char quest done) and 1 healer (20)), with basically no means to get them further ahead (theyre max lvl, cant awaken them and i obv cant beat the char story quest for Monique or Azamino and there is no char story quest for anyone else i have on lvl 20). I've reached Chapter 4, Quest 5 right now, and i can't beat it. I can survive 2 out of 3 enemy groups with my CEO skills, but the 3rd one (the strongest one) ... well, i've tried to use 2 employee stones to beat them, didnt work.
So, what can i do at the moment ? simply upgrade my Facilities over and over until i get some overpowered CEO skills or a girl with 3 stars applies ?
Grind the previous quests until ive gathered all the rare drops ?
grind the daily missions until i have enough employee stones to beat them this way ?

Thank you for even reading this,

max level ?
you didn't upgrade them ?

if not, try upgrade them and leveling them around 50-60
Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

Already got 10+ gold chests from Monique quest... still no recipe... thanks game.
Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

max level ?
you didn't upgrade them ?

if not, try upgrade them and leveling them around 50-60

i have no crystals and no idea how to get my hands on some.
I mean, i can use the class quests to farm some shards / ore, but afaik beginner and medium class quests dont drop crystals.
Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

i have no crystals and no idea how to get my hands on some.
I mean, i can use the class quests to farm some shards / ore, but afaik beginner and medium class quests dont drop crystals.

You don't need crystals to class change them though. Just lots of smaller shards. o_O

Already got 10+ gold chests from Monique quest... still no recipe... thanks game.

How many runs? I'm around 50+ on Anna's quest and still haven't even seen a gold chest.
Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

You don't need crystals to class change them though. Just lots of smaller shards. o_O

So i was sitting here thinking i need all of the materials listed there ...
Sorry for bothering you guys then >.<
Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

How many runs? I'm around 50+ on Anna's quest and still haven't even seen a gold chest.

They drop like crazy from her quest, sometimes 2 in one run but they just contain materials :/
Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

That is quite unlucky , but maybe I will suffer it too on the future
I think I get Alice , Romina weapon recipe in like under 20 try or 10+ try
As for Dagmar , I already done 10 try+ but still under 20

I also need a better armor for Ronin , Archer
My Ronin and Archer only use 2'nd grade of armor and now I'm getting difficults on 5'th chapter
They are always dies first:(
But they are never drop......
Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

almost people here already do their character stories
and i'm here haven't touch it thanks to this game refuse to give me *3 archer or mage :(

is there a list for how many employee stone needed for instant construction's PR division ?

because i rather suprised, from lvl 13->14 need 2 stones and 14->15 need 6 stones
Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

Already got 10+ gold chests from Monique quest... still no recipe... thanks game.

Good to know I'm not alone. Out of curiosity, have you got a good way of getting past the Alraune? I always have to use CEO Powers.
Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

almost people here already do their character stories
and i'm here haven't touch it thanks to this game refuse to give me *3 archer or mage :(

is there a list for how many employee stone needed for instant construction's PR division ?

because i rather suprised, from lvl 13->14 need 2 stones and 14->15 need 6 stones

Somehow I think 3* - 4* are not that good at this moment.....
Maybe after they got their wep story

Melnor , Leifang , Tijana , Alicia , Klara , Fanny , Kaarina , Jenna , Kristin , Dita , Kirno
All of them is My tragic Heroine ATM
Even I begin to think to replace Melnor 4* with Kaja 2*:rolleyes:
Since Kaja have a story

That damn PR facilities.....
It took 33+ hour now for upgrade
Don't really care with resource and HQ even it took so long
While Blacksmith . only upgrade it when I sleep
Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

Somehow I think 3* - 4* are not that good at this moment.....
Maybe after they got their wep story

Melnor , Leifang , Tijana , Alicia , Klara , Fanny , Kaarina , Jenna , Kristin , Dita , Kirno
All of them is My tragic Heroine ATM
Even I begin to think to replace Melnor 4* with Kaja 2*:rolleyes:
Since Kaja have a story

That damn PR facilities.....
It took 33+ hour now for upgrade
Don't really care with resource and HQ even it took so long
While Blacksmith . only upgrade it when I sleep

my PR is going to be lvl 15 soon : D 57 hours just to get it to lvl 15 @_@