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Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP)

Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP)

Zilrax: is your intention to have Faeyna use an unarmed/claw-based combat style? If so, you can choose to either use the dual-wielding rules for your claws (which count as daggers), or else gain +2 AC while unarmed as though you were using a shield, to represent your fast, animalistic style. You can choose which one you're using at the beginning of each battle.
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP)

It is. Nice, that'll help a lot.
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP)

Also, cross_grave: would you mind if I (or another player) took control of your character during those days you have to be away, if the rest of us are ready to move on? If you're not comfortable with that, it's fine. I'd just prefer to try to keep a steady rhythm going. I won't post the dungeon until Sunday, so we don't start without you, though if the other players are interested we might do a bit of starting RP.

This is a thing I would try to avoid out of combat in general. There may be times when I, too, am simply unable to get to a computer to post, in which case I am okay with simple decisions regarding combat being made without me but would prefer that any serious roleplaying wait a bit. That all said, I am good to start whenever.
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP)

This is a thing I would try to avoid out of combat in general. There may be times when I, too, am simply unable to get to a computer to post, in which case I am okay with simple decisions regarding combat being made without me but would prefer that any serious roleplaying wait a bit. That all said, I am good to start whenever.

Yeah, I meant during combat and for standard dungeon actions like searching around or picking locks. I'm never going to force RP on a character, I hate that. I'll put up a thread for a bit of introductory RP tonight, and will post the dungeon on Sunday then.
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP)

Really, really i want so baddly to play this game, mostly to check the effects of a pregnancy in this game, but im not sure if i could with the whole RL stuff than is happening now and the many post than i must do in others threads. At least be sure than i will be reading this from time to time
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP)

I posted the thread over here:

Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP)

Well, if a second game would start up, count me in. Already have a character mostly set and ready to go. Smashy thingies fun!
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP)

If you think you can keep up with a post a day most of the time, there's no reason we couldn't have a fourth player, if you're interested.
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP)

On one hand I love chargen. On the other hand I hate feeling obligated to post things. Rip.

Also ulmf.org/bbs/showthread.php?p=748938#post748938

Derpgen. A-as in I am not playing I guess.
Name: Domira of Threyston
Race: Orc
Class: Druid
Level: 1


Format = [roll + racial bonuses = total, bonus in ()]
Strength: [14 + 4 =] 18 (+4)
Dexterity: [9 + 0 =] 9 (-1)
Mind: [15 - 2 =] 13 (+1)

HP: [Str + Levels] 24
AC: [Base 10 - 1 + Equipment] 9
Heroism: [Base + Level] ----
Exp: 0

Format = [SkillName: Level bonus + class bonus + race bonus = total]
Communication: [1+0+0] 1
Knowledge: [1+2+0] 3
Physical: [1+0+0] 1
Subterfuge: [1+2+0] 3
Survival: [1+0+0] 1

Class Stuff
Wear any non-metal armor or shield.
They cast Druid spells and gain +2 to Knowledge and +2 to Survival.

Druids are immune to the spell-like effects of woodland fey.
At 3rd level a Druid can pass without trace at will.
At 1st level a Druid can assume the form of any small or medium sized animal up to 3 times per day, LARGE at 7th and HUGE at 15th. No spells while shapechanged.
A Druid heals 2hp per level when changing back into his human form.

40.5 gp
Fast pack B +5 sacks & hemp rope

Hide armor (+3 AC)
Heavy wooden shield (+2 AC)

Handaxe (1d4 dmg, light)
Greatclub (1d8 dmg, 2h)
Sling (1d4 dmg, 50 ft. range, ranged)


Domira is a tribal shaman who followed one of the invading armies nearly a decade ago into an invasion of Raothland. They raided quite a lot of territory and loot... but were ultimately shattered, like many of the other invading orc hordes and dispersed, eventually gathering in a town that inexplicably DIDN'T immediately drive them off - the border-city Threyston*. (People've partially forgotten about the raids by now, given that orcs have fought in the armies to defend Raothland since then and many other invaders have come and gone, but it's not been entirely forgiven.)

Domira runs an anger management program in the neighborhood of orctown (which is totally not a slum) of Threyston. By 'anger management', she means that she helps orcish settlers - many of which are orc warriors of some sort - learn to control their tempers, to better integrate and get along with the Raothland-types, who apparently not only do NOT fly into berserker rages and course with fury-born power, but also think that doing such is 'undisciplined' and 'uncouth' or whatever (assholes). Most of her techniques include muttering vehement curses and obscenities quietly to yourself, directed to no one in particular, and also that thinking about the whole thing as a form of ritual combat, where the first to lose is to become infuriated - and therefore careless is the loser.

As an anger management worker, though, she does also help people get angry on command. Mostly this is for orcs who have worked out how to not be angry, but have found work as mercenaries, soldiers, or general muscle, and actually do want to get mad as hell again. The occasional non-orc takes this too, mostly those seeking to emulate orcish berserker techniques. Those guys have met with limited success, though.

She holds her courses mostly in the yard of a big warehouse, which she shares with a friend and her sisters who run a massage parlor and day spa. Said friend is a delicate and timid elf woman, and the three of them all may or may not have an orc fetish. Her name's , and they may or may not have met when Domira 'saved' her from a 'rapist' (actually the elf's then-boyfriend), then took her for drinks and drunkenly molested behind the alehouse. The parlour's slogan is "We'll work out all your kinks".

Sadly their efforts to get absolutely destroyed by orc cocks have been pretty unsuccessful so far, due to most people not wanting to piss off Domiya.
(Her sisters, & , also.)

In her off-time, she walks orctown's streets and tends to patches of flowers and the tiny parks, stretches of grass, gardens, and little tree-groves scattered around orctown.

*Rumor has it that they were initially allowed to stay in Threyston because the lord's wife also has an orc fetish, and lord himself is totally whipped.
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP)

If you think you can keep up with a post a day most of the time, there's no reason we couldn't have a fourth player, if you're interested.

Nah, the ship sailed for that game already. Maybe i would consider replace in if someone drops out.
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP)


Please don't fall out of a posting habit already...
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP)

I'm waiting on Zilrax.
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP)

Apologies, my normal browser refuses to let me type in text boxes. I had to get a new one to do my damn posts in the interim.
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP)

Back, gonna resume posting normally. I should be able to make a couple posts daily until next time I have to leave (two weeks). Yes, it's a regular thing.
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP)

Wow, I missed this. It had to be during a busy week where I don't check the sign-up thread. Probably good for you though, since I am the worst at DnD due to lack of exposure and lack of desire to fit in with the munchkins.

Gonna make a character anyway, JUST TO BE DENIED.

(It's my fetish.)
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Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP)

Not much to munchkin here, actually. This is really light on rules for a D&D derivative.
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP)

Name: "Foxy" Annastasia Petrov
Race: Amazonian/Human
Class: Fighter
Level: 1

Strength: 17 (+3)
Dexterity: 15 (+2)
Mind: 11 (+0)

HP: 23
AC: 17
Heroism: 6
Exp: 0

Communication: 1 +0 +1 =2
Knowledge: 1 +0 +1 =2
Physical: 1 +3 +1 =5
Subterfuge: 1 +0 +1 =2
Survival: 1 +0 +1 =2

Class Stuff:
+1 bonus to hit and damage rolls
To Hit - (5) Longsword 1d8+1

Longsword - 15gp
Scale Mail - 50gp (+4 AC)
Light Steel Shield - 9gp (+1 AC)
Fast Pack A - 50gp:
Backpack, Belt Pouch, Bedroll, Hooded Lantern, 10 oil flasks, flint and steel, shovel, 2 sets of caltrops, signal whistle, waterskin, 4 iron rations
26gp (to be pooled together for group use)

Name: "Flame" Lena Ivanov
Race: Amazonian/Human
Class: Rogue
Level: 1

Strength: 14 (+2)
Dexterity: 16 (+3)
Mind: 4 (-3)

HP: 20
AC: 15
Heroism: 6
Exp: 0

Communication: 1 +0 +1 =2
Knowledge: 1 +0 +1 =2
Physical: 1 +0 +1 =2
Subterfuge: 1 +3 +1 =5
Survival: 1 +0 +1 =2

Class Stuff:
Sneak - (8)
Two Weapon Fighting
To Hit - (4) Dagger 1d4, (2) Dagger 1d4

2 Daggers - 2x2gp
Leather Armor - 10gp (+2 AC)
Fast Pack B - 50gp:
Backpack, Belt Pouch, Bedroll, Torch x10, Oil Flask x4, Flint and Steel, Chalk x10, 10'' Pole, Mirror, Crowbar, Waterskin, Iron Rations (4 days)
61 gp (to be pooled together for group use)

Name: "Oracle" Lili Vasilyev
Race: Amazonian/Human
Class: Cleric
Level: 1

Strength: 14 (+2)
Dexterity: 11 (-0)
Mind: 16 (+3)

HP: 20
AC: 13
Heroism: 6
Exp: 0

Communication: 1 +3 +1 =5
Knowledge: 1 +0 +1 =2
Physical: 1 +0 +1 =2
Subterfuge: 1 +0 +1 =2
Survival: 1 +0 +1 =2

Class Stuff:
Turn Undead - (3 uses per day)
To Hit - (-1) Light Mace 1d6

Level 0 Spells
*Create Water - Create 2 gallons of pure water per level
Purify Food and Drink - Purifies 1 cubic foot of food/water per level
Light - Object shines like torch for 10 minutes per level

Level 1 Spells
*Cure Light Wounds - Cures 1d8 +1 per level

Light Mace - 5gp
Studded Leather - 25gp (+3 AC)
Fast Pack C - 50gp:
Backpack, Belt Pouch, Bedroll, Tent, 10 Torches, 5 Oil Flasks, Flint & Steel, 50' Rope, Grappling Hook, 10" Pole, Waterskin, 4 Iron Rations
40gp (to be pooled together for group use)

Name: "Valkyrie" Kalna Dyrdahl
Race: Human
Class: Paladin
Level: 1

Strength: 16 (+3)
Dexterity: 9 (+0)
Mind: 13 (+1)

HP: 22
AC: 16
Heroism: 6
Exp: 0

Communication: 1 +2 +1 =4
Knowledge: 1 +0 +1 =2
Physical: 1 +1 +1 =3
Subterfuge: 1 +0 +1 =2
Survival: 1 +0 +1 =2

Class Stuff:
+1 bonus to saves
Lay on Hands (15) per day
To Hit - (4) Bastard Sword 1d10+3

Kidnapper's Harpoon
Bastard Sword - 35gp
Heavy Steel Shield - 20gp
Scale Mail - 50gp

Name: "Starlight" Tabitha Aimes
Race: Human
Class: Mage
Level: 1

Strength: 14 (+2)
Dexterity: 6 (-2)
Mind: 17 (+3)

HP: 20
AC: 8
Heroism: 6
Exp: 0

Communication: 1 +0 +1 =2
Knowledge: 1 +3 +1 =5
Physical: 1 +0 +1 =2
Subterfuge: 1 +0 +1 =2
Survival: 1 +0 +1 =2

Class Stuff:
To Hit - (3) Quarterstaff 1d6+2

Level 0 Spells
Light - Object shines like a light for 10 minutes
Detect Magic - Detect spells or magical items within 60 feet for 1 min/level or concentration breaks
*Magic Hands - 5lb telekinesis until concentration breaks

Level 1 Spells
Feather Fall - Object/Person falls safely for 1 round/level or landing
Mage Armor - Gives +4 AC for 1 hour/level
Shocking Grasp - Touch delivers 1d6/level electric damage (max 5d6)
*Magic Missle - 1d4+1 damage, Extra missile fired when level 3,5,7,9

Scholar's Robes - 5gp

Group Backstory:
The Amazon duo of Foxy and Flame, as they are more commonly known, had grown so big in popularity that they had taken on a third member. Oracle, as she would be called, was the healer of the group. Foxy was the fighter and Flame the rogue. Foxy was the leader of the group and craved the best in everything. Though it mattered far more how it looked than if it was functional. Their armor was not exactly the most effective at protecting them, but it was their image that mattered most. This image would allow the girls to live the high life going from odd jobs and simple tasks. Since they looked good they got paid good, and the services they had on offer would usually find them drowning in bonus money for a job well done. The group never really did take on challenges, simply passing them off as too simple for their talents and opting to take the high paying low risk jobs instead. It was about time to silence the haters and take on some more serious jobs, like killing goblins or cleaning out basements full of rats. So long as the pay was good, these girls would refuse no one.

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Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP)

Name: Karaz Drengi
Race: Dwarf
Class: Fighter
Level: 1

Format = [roll + racial bonuses = total, bonus in ()]

Strength: 17 + 2 = 19(+4)
Dexterity: 12 + 0 = 12(+1)
Mind: 10 + 0 = 10(+0)

HP: 19 + 6 = 25
AC: 10 + 1 + 4 = 15
Heroism: 6
Exp: 0

Format = [SkillName: Level bonus + class bonus + race bonus = total]
Communication: 1 + 0 = 1
Knowledge: 1 + 0 = 1
Physical: 1 + 3 = 4
Subterfuge: 1 + 0 = 1
Survival: 1 + 0 = 1

Class Stuff
To-Hit: 4 + 2 + 1 = +7
+2 To attack and damage rolls when using her two-handed sword. Another +2 at every 5 levels

Wealth: 5gp
Greataxe(50gp): 2d6 + 2(Fighter) + 8(Str) = 2d6 + 10
(Would like to fluff the sword as an axe to match the pic, but whatevs)
Axe of Saint Tylia: Same as other axe, but whenever using heroism to attack supernatural evils, grant two uses of heroism for either to-hit or damage.

Scale Mail(50gp): +4AC

Pack C(50gp): Backpack, Belt Pouch, Bedroll, Tent, 10 Torches, 5 Oil Flasks,
Flint & Steel, 50. Rope, Grappling Hook, 10” Pole, Waterskin,Iron Rations (4 days)
Vial of Holy Water

300 gp worth of treasure

Leaping Slippers: +1 Heroism when jumping is involved.


Karaz is an out cast gold pincher from her homeland in the mountains, who was found out because she wasn't good about keeping a poker face when asked about gold and beer that went missing that rightfully belonged to another dwarf. She was cast off after the men did justice on her body on one of the tables in the hall, and failed to truly learn her lesson. After trying to steal and getting caught numerous times, Karaz eventually learned a trend. Men were happy to part with their wealth if they had their way with her. Such was the day she abandoned being a thief, and simply took up being a treasure hunter and whore to the wealthy. To date, everything she wears on her body is a previous belonging of someone else, and naught a single coin in her purse was earned honestly.

Eventually the business of being a woman of the night lost it's appeal, and she sought other ways to gain coin. When the question came of whether or not she can bash heads, her dwarven blood boiled. She was excited about the adventurers life.
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Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP)

Is this game still on?