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[Nutaku] Dragon Tactics

Re: [Nutaku] Dragon Tactics

Yeah my deck is actually mage heavy aswell. Outside of the one SR archer all my other SRs have been mages with mage boosting skills. The silver lining is most mage units have fairly strong damage abilities that when used together can wreck people.

Even vs warrior decks with equal or very close battle power I rarely find myself losing, it's crazy how strong upfront damage skills are. It's not uncommon for me to take out 2~ cards in just the first turn damage skill barrage with all the mage boost chaining together.

I think a lot of the issue right now is people are not actually reading unit skills and are just putting shit in randomly only looking at the cards rarity. I actually quite enjoy the combat system in this. It looks super simplistic but it's got a lot of hidden depth with how skills work.
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Re: [Nutaku] Dragon Tactics

This thing alone can win you the game=)
Re: [Nutaku] Dragon Tactics

Rawr - did a trial duel against you. here
Re: [Nutaku] Dragon Tactics

not sure what you mean by only one=) if amount of duels then yes. Your leader got shot down with skills.

Generally 1 isn't a good indication is all, because if I challenge the same person 10x they win sometimes.
Re: [Nutaku] Dragon Tactics

Generally 1 isn't a good indication is all, because if I challenge the same person 10x they win sometimes.

well, I'll try some more later if you want. when nutaku is up, thats it
Re: [Nutaku] Dragon Tactics

well, I'll try some more later if you want. when nutaku is up, thats it

Nah you don't need to, I could do it myself as well, if Nutaku were up. :p

well, I'll try some more later if you want. when nutaku is up, thats it

So anyway I tested, and out of 10 I won 7. Could just be a coincidence or you swapped some cards around though.

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Re: [Nutaku] Dragon Tactics

Nah you don't need to, I could do it myself as well, if Nutaku were up. :p

So anyway I tested, and out of 10 I won 7. Could just be a coincidence or you swapped some cards around though.


also tested won 8 out of 10
Re: [Nutaku] Dragon Tactics

Maybe attacking gives you a slight advantage, or I just had extreme luck on my battles.

next ten times 5/5
you have more raw battle power and type advantage, i have better synergy and better skills. So all depends on skill activations
Re: [Nutaku] Dragon Tactics

next ten times 5/5
you have more raw battle power and type advantage, i have better synergy and better skills. So all depends on skill activations

Not necessarily type advantage, I only have 3 warriors. I also have 1 archer which is weak to your whole party and said archer is front line as well.

My skill activations rely on chance though, since I have 3 extreme buffs to random people.
Re: [Nutaku] Dragon Tactics

Not necessarily type advantage, I only have 3 warriors. I also have 1 archer which is weak to your whole party and said archer is front line as well.

My skill activations rely on chance though, since I have 3 extreme buffs to random people.

and my whole team weak to your 3 warriors, and especially against your leader =)
Re: [Nutaku] Dragon Tactics

Lies! I saw one dragon character in your party!

well, yea, princess. 1 out of 9=) i need another mage SR to replace her =-= i even broke my normal F2p pattern and bought 500 gold for some rolls. Still didn't got the gold though, after 3 hours...
Re: [Nutaku] Dragon Tactics

well, yea, princess. 1 out of 9=) i need another mage SR to replace her =-= i even broke my normal F2p pattern and bought 500 gold for some rolls. Still didn't got the gold though, after 3 hours...

Well, if it takes too long you'll reach level 30 and get like 5 tickets from missions. :p
Re: [Nutaku] Dragon Tactics

Well, if it takes too long you'll reach level 30 and get like 5 tickets from missions. :p

i will get 10 for 32 missions completed sooner =-= 30 finished right now.
Re: [Nutaku] Dragon Tactics

Finally reached 100~!
