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Struggles of Might (freeko) GM'D by ranger


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Farroe walked a desolate road leading from the amazon. Thankfully she wasn't completely alone. Ahead of her was a worn wagon pulled by two smelly oxen. Atop of that sat a fairly ragged man. The back of the cart was covered with a tarp hiding what merchandise the man had left. He didn't seem all to bothered to share the road with Farroe and ask no questions of his fellow traveler which is how the amazon grappler liked it.

Turning her attention inward she replayed the conversation with the strange woman she had met in the last town. She had approached Farroe with a distinctive sway to her walk and while most of her features were covered by the hooded cloak what Farroe saw of her armor was scandalous. "Hello stranger." Her voice had a seductive quality that drew the ear. "My mistress is the head of a certain fighting league devoted solely to woman and the unarmed arts. If your interested head to Archon there will be more answers there." With that the woman got up and walked away leaving a pile of 20 denari on the table.

A loud grunt from on of the oxen broke Farroe out of her thoughts and back to the present. Up ahead the road forked with a worn road sign. The north road listed a city called Endus. The other having been freshly replaced was listed as Archon. "Little miss Im heading north to Endus. If we share a road your more than welcome to join me." Looking at Farroe a moment the man urged his oxen on heading for the north road leaving her with a choice to make.
Re: Struggles of Might (freeko) GM'D by ranger

Farroe had wandered around the Amazon ever since she buried her mother three years ago. They were ambushed by a Succubus, and it was that succubus that caused Farroe's mother to become corrupted past the point of being human any more. Doing the merciful thing, Farroe ended her mother. She then swore an oath to herself that if she did nothing else in life, she would destroy the one called Myra. She was the Succubus responsible for this.

Farroe over time would wander from village to village, trusting in her own two hands and little else. Taking odd jobs here and there, along with participating in pit fights when she could to make sure her skills and senses were honed and sharpened properly. While in the last town, Farroe seemed to attract the attention of a hooded female. Maybe a Succubus from the way she conducted herself, Farroe was unwilling to make a scene in public to confront her.

The woman had rather revealing armor, though the hooded cloak hid most of her features from Farroe. This woman would simply play her part in delivering a message along with 20 denari. It was an invitation to fight in Archon. This was something Farroe could not ignore.

That the messenger would not hesitate to deliver her message while also not bothering to give her name. It meant that Farroe may have started to get the attention of those she was meant to hunt. Archon was rumored to be a town overrun by demons and vice, so it was the perfect way in for Farroe. About the only flaw was the "Mistress" did not seem to have a name either.

"Good luck with your travels, I wish you well. My path is toward Archon."

Farroe would point to the sign heading in the direction towards Archon, and start along the path.
Re: Struggles of Might (freeko) GM'D by ranger

The man grunted again before stopping his oxen and looking at Farroe closely. "You should reconsider miss. People who go to that place hardly ever come back and if they do... they are not the same." Looking he met her eyes and sighed and turned back. "I see well Miss I doubt well see each other again. But for whats it worth good luck." Snapping his reins the oxen began to move again leaving Farroe alone.

Turning her head back to the path she started down the road to Archon. It would talk another few days to reach the city but as she approached she could feel the very air change. To say the city was bustling was an understatement Wagons of goods left and entered the city in a constant stream. A few demon soldiers guarded the main entry but gave Farroe little heed as she entered the city. Once in side she found all sorts of lewd offers on every corner and animated signs that glowed with magic and moved of their own accord. The smell sex and alcohol seemed to come from every building she passed. To her immediate right was a combination brothel and hotel called the Three breasted wench. Across the street was a shop of sorts called How to please yourself to please others.
Re: Struggles of Might (freeko) GM'D by ranger

With how the wandering merchant had cautioned Farroe, she almost full well expected to encounter some issues along the road to Archon. At least the trip was fairly uneventful, three days of travel by foot. Finding a wagon here and there along the way, the path was at least well travelled so encoutering trouble was not very likely.

As she approached Archon, she could feel the air around her shift. It was almost like the corruption was a very real thing, polluting the very air around Archon itself. Farroe would enter the city easy enough. Demonic soldiers were stationed about the entryways into the city, though they were far more interested in the inspection of wagons and other larger convoys than waste their time with an unarmed woman.

The city would live up to its polluted nature once Farroe got clear of the outer areas of the city. All around her was some manner of profane offering. At least she found what looked like a hotel fairly easily that went by the name of the "Three Breasted Wench". Across the street there seemed to be a store of sorts with an abnormally large name.

With little need of supplies now that she was already inside the city, Farroe would look to secure a room for the night. Maybe even find some information that related to either some Succubus activity in the area or this combat league she was invited to. With at least the semblance of a plan of action in mind, Farroe would head for the Three Breasted Wench.
Re: Struggles of Might (freeko) GM'D by ranger

If Farroe was looking for succubus activity she found it right away as she entered the wench. A woman stood behind a mahogany desk littered with papers. Behind her stood a large peg board with keys. Almost all of them had little hearts next to them. As for the woman she stood an imposing six feet. Her skin was a dark purple and her eyes red. Peering threw a pair of thin gold rimmed glasses she spoke to Farroe and leaned forward her 3 massive breasts spilling from her top. "Speak up honey are you here for pleasure or business?" She tapped one delicate claw on the desk while her tail waved in the air lazily.
Re: Struggles of Might (freeko) GM'D by ranger

Farroe would realize she walked right into the hornet's nest as it were when she walked to the desk of the Wench. Taken aback by just how many demons were around her, she realized that she was a distinct minority. The woman responsible for the place snapped Farroe out of her haze as she leaned forward and spoke.

"Business.. Maybe some pleasure too, but definitely business."

Farroe would stammer about a bit, surprised by a few things all at once it took a moment for her to compose herself.

"I was invited to compete in a combat league, I w as told to come here to Archon."

Farroe would just come out with it. The reality was that Farroe knew not of who she needed to contact about this combat league. Not remembering a name as she tried to recall her encounter with the woman that suggested she travel here.

"In all truth, I have no idea about anything aside that. Someone seemingly recruited me here and now that I am here, I have nothing to go on."

Farroe would almost start to bite her lip as her awkward nervousness was manifesting itself. That she had to ask these demon things for help was rather unsettling to say the least.
Re: Struggles of Might (freeko) GM'D by ranger

"Ah that little game. No doubt one of Eriana's pleasures. Now hun if would take some friendly advise. Turn around and leave if not 5 denari for a night 10 if you want company or free if you provide company. Though looking at you I might have to offer a discount." The woman spoke her tone very forward and professional even if it had a slight slap to Farroe's womanly pride in it." The demoness looked her over a moment waiting for the girl to speak before speaking again if Farroe kept silent. "If you want to see this threw the registry for the tournament is down the street at the Tourist center. Its one of their big headliners this year.
Re: Struggles of Might (freeko) GM'D by ranger

Farroe would let out a nervous chuckle when the innkeep would mention that the room would be free were she to provide "company". Truly how could she think that Farroe was like these other foul creatures? That being said, she saw no other option than to pay the 5 denarii to secure herself a room. Just with the 20 denarii given to her, that would mean she was likely going to be here for at least 3 more days after this for the league.

Still not wanting to provoke a hornet's nest as she was well aware of what was around her, Farroe would let the innkeep continue after giving the denarii for the room over. At least now she knew where the rest of the day was likely to be spent. Being handed a key to a room, Farroe would try to see if she could get over to this Tourist Center and square away her entry into the tournament before calling it a night.
Re: Struggles of Might (freeko) GM'D by ranger

With lodging secured Farroe head back out to the vile streets. Ignoring all the profane offerings, smells, and odd inhabitants Archon had a bustling city vibe. Walking down the street and avoiding questionable puddles the amazons found herself standing outside a plain building. Here she found people much like herself. All woman all bearing a warriors demeanor. Some chatted in a friendly manner others just scowled. Eventually the woman that had recruited her made an appearance her hood down revealing a feminine face. From the looks of her she seemed crolian her pale skin untouched by the harsh sun. "Welcome ladies. I see you have all decided to hear out the tournament rules. My Mistress Eriana is the major backer for this year's game. I will be her champion. As for the rest of you I suggest you find a sponsor as well for your own safety. Now for the rules. Entry will cost 10 denari which will go to the purse. The entry fee's will be matched by my mistress doubling the winnings. All fights shall be one on one. Any loss will taken against your hearts." The woman pulled out a small pouch and handed each woman present four jeweled hearts. "Once your out of hearts your out of the tournament. You can always buy more however but they are expensive which is why I suggest you find a sponsor. Also if you try to leave the city with them you will be arrested and thrown into the slave pits so none of that either."
Re: Struggles of Might (freeko) GM'D by ranger

At least the bag given to her made sense now. Farroe would fairly easily enough pay the 10 denarii to confirm her entry. Looking over the competition as it were, Farroe would see a few interesting people amongst the crowd. Interesting that the woman who recruited her to come here would be fighting in the event herself.

"You gotta be kidding me.. Find a sponsor? When I can't even leave this place? What kind of sick game is this?" Farroe would think to herself as she was given the 4 hearts signifying her "life" left in the tournament.

"When do we fight?" Farroe would blurt out. Simply wanting to get to the point. Most of the other girls here wanted to know the exact same thing by the looks of it.

If the other relevant parts of the who,what,where and how were not addressed, Farroe would continue with her impromptu inquisition.
Re: Struggles of Might (freeko) GM'D by ranger

The woman informing them would raise an eyebrow. "The tournament starts tomorrow morning. That gives you the rest of the night to find a sponsor if you so choose. The fights will be held all across the city. You will recive a notification in the morning. So please be sure to leave your contact information at the desk inside. If you miss a fight it counts as a loss and you will be required to forfeit a heart. Now any other questions?"
Re: Struggles of Might (freeko) GM'D by ranger

Aside from knowing if a sponsor was neccesary right from the start, there was little else Farroe needed to ask about. Farroe figured a sponsor might come to her if she was able to get a few victories before losing her hearts. The prospect of having to perform some manner of vulgararity just to get another chance to lose was almost an affront to Farroe's pride. No one would sponsor a loser, Farroe thought. Then again they were in a land that Farroe found to be perverse and it was very likely someone would be willing to pay just to watch someone get destroyed again.

With most everything settled, Farroe would now head back to her room and call it a night. Though she would try to take a look around at places she might be able to make a few coins at. Preferrably just side work when she was not fighting, but if nothing presented itself it would not really matter for the here and now. Farroe would want to prepare herself for the first opponent she would face tomorrow more than anything else.
Re: Struggles of Might (freeko) GM'D by ranger

If she was looking for decent honest work than the amazon would be sadly dissapointed. Given that Archon was once a imperial town there was little in the way of small business that didn't sell goods. There was of course plenty of other work offered and Farroe got more than enough propositions on her way back to the inn. Once inside it seemed to have calmed down quite a bit. The tavern part of the inn seemed to be quiet which mostly human looking waitresses running about. Though all of them had rose colored choker around their necks.
Re: Struggles of Might (freeko) GM'D by ranger

Now that the town seemed to calm down, Farroe would be able to put some thought into things in general. Not quite ready to call it a night, Farroe was starting to get a bit jittery. The butterflies in her stomach were starting to manifest. Having gotten back into the Three Breasted Wench from the meeting, Farroe would notice the waitresses were more appealing as they looked humanoid like her now.

Taking a minute to look over the place, she would notice that they all had rose colored chokers around their necks. Colored similarly to the key she was given to her room by the looks of it. Not really wanting to do much else aside from get her hands dirty tomorrow in the tournament, this little scene could be investigated in more detail come tomorrow after her first match in the tournament.
Re: Struggles of Might (freeko) GM'D by ranger

Retiring for the night Farroe would have a dreamless sleep and wake early to a knock on her door. "Miss some fierce woman is here to see you. Says you have a fight." Getting up Farroe would see a pink skinned demoness at Her door with cute batlike wings just large enough to be see off her back. The demoness smiled and lead her to the main room which was rather quiet. In the hall was the woman who had recruited her sitting back enjoying a drink. Her hood was down and she seemed in a good mood. "Ah Miss Farroe glad your awake. Your first fight will be at the docks. The winner will be either the first person who knocks the other into the water or render the other fighter unable to fight."
Re: Struggles of Might (freeko) GM'D by ranger

Farroe would have an uneventful rest of her night. At least she could focus herself on the task at hand as it were, the fight she was going to have come the next day. Her sleep would be peaceful, though she would be jarred awake by a knock on her door. A little earlier than she would have liked, but so be it.

Walking down to the main room, Farroe would see a familiar face. Getting right to business Farroe would be informed that her first fight in the tournament was to be at the docks. There were two ways to win, either knock the other girl into the water or render the other girl unable to fight..

"Unable to fight? Like knocking them out or making them submit, right?"

Farroe would reply. The look in her eyes it was clear she was ready to get right down to it. Aside from asking the question of where exactly at the docks the battle was to commence, Farroe was ready to get this started.
Re: Struggles of Might (freeko) GM'D by ranger

At the mention of making her opponent submit the girls eyes twinkled. "Oh I would pay to see you do that. Forcing her down and taking her for your own till she begs you to keep going despite earlier crying for you to stop." The woman licked her lips and shuddered a little. "Humm I doubt you have the guts to do that though. But to be fair if you make her submit with this..." The woman proceeded to take out a rather large black dildo and set it on the counter with a heavy thump. "I might just pay to see it. 100 denari even or a heart your choice. That is if you can handle it." Getting up the woman laughed leaving the fighter in the dark.

Seeing Farroe's revulsion and confusion the pink demoness told her how to get to the docks. Moments later the girl would arrive to see a small crowd already in attendance. Money was changing hands an the lecherous looks and cat calls echoed loudly. Thankfully no one dared touch her and as she entered a standard dock she found her foe. The girl looked to be from the empire her dark hair and somewhat fair complexion giving her likely home away. There was also the way she carried herself. Almost regal or noble like. Clearly she was either very arrogant or very confident. Checking her out fully Farroe noted her build was rather lithe and doubted she was a grappler like herself. She wore a simple wrap to cover her tone figure with bandages over her hands to protect her knuckles. Her feet were bare and she wore tight pants that showed off her well rounded ass.
Re: Struggles of Might (freeko) GM'D by ranger

Farroe seemed to have a different opinion on what the word submit meant compared to the robed woman she was talking to. It was clear the robed woman had meant she wanted to see Farroe commit some vulgar act on her opponent. Farroe was simply asking if it were enough to choke out her opponent instead of beating them senseless, and this was what she got.

Wanting to say something back after her initial shock had passed with being presented a giant dildo, Farroe would realize that the time for a reply had long passed since the woman simply got up and left. Attempting to pursue the woman was clearly not an option. With the pink demoness remaining, it was clear Farroe was thrown off by the whole exchange. At least she would be told where to go now, as the demoness would tell Farroe where the docks were.

Heading off, Farroe would bring the dildo with her. The 100 denarii bonus offered was tempting her. She could certainly use the money, though actually using a dildo during the match.. Wasn't this supposed to be unarmed combat? Farroe was confused to say the least, but it was probably some vulgar ploy or a joke of some kind that she simply did not get.

Arriving at the dock there was already something of a crowd that had formed. With the betting starting once Farroe got within sight of the place, it became clear that this was going to be a public spectacle. So much for the tournament being an underground kind of thing, but at least Farroe would see her opponent now. A lithe woman that had a more toned figure to her, with tight pants and a simple wrap around her chest. From the looks of things, Farroe would have the advantage were she able to get in close. Though judging a book by its cover was seldom something that ever worked out well.

Farroe would be remiss to think she was going to win by simply showing up. If she were not careful she could make a mistake and get thrown in the water. It was not uncommon for Farroe to have her own power used against her in a fight against a "weaker" opponent. Now all the theory and strategy in the world could be thought over time and time in her head, but now it was time for action. Farroe would introduce herself and toss the dildo aside. It was bad form to use what could well be a weapon in an unarmed contest, or so at least Farroe thought.
Re: Struggles of Might (freeko) GM'D by ranger

As Farroe approached the girl caught the giant dildo in her hand. Hearing out her greeting her foe followed suit. "Well met Farroe I'm Issa. I see that slut gave you one too." Issa's eyes looked at the dildo in Farroe hands. "I have to admit the offer was tempting but I'm not into that stuff." There was a slight boo from the audience at this. Feeling better that her opponent felt the same in regards to the dildo Farroe discarded it. They had a few moments to speak before a demon who looked more rat than anything else showed up and sat on the box. "I will judge today's match. As you know the rules today is defeat threw submission, unconsciousness, or being tossed into the water. You may begin when you are ready." With that the girl took on a classic defensive stance seeming content to let Farroe make the first move.
Re: Struggles of Might (freeko) GM'D by ranger

It would seem that her opponent in this match was Issa. She received a dildo as well to use in the match. At least there was some honor among the combatants here as they both felt the same way about the dildo. Then again, if something were to happen after the match..

Having her greeting returned, a rat like demon would approach the pair and announce itself as being the judge for the match. As the match started, Issa would take a fairly basic defensive stance. Was this a trap to get Farroe to commit into an attack that could be turned against her? Farroe would find out by trying to make a few simple attacks to see just where they stood.

(Unarmed attack d20+52 to hit I think, Damage is 1d8+19.. feel free to verify)

Farroe would start to throw a few basic attacks to test how well Issa could defend herself. Trying to keep herself at a distance that would disallow Issa the ability to easily counterattack, Farroe would look to see if there was an opening she could exploit in Issa's defenses.