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Flash Modding Thread

Re: Flash Modding Thread

Years ago I modified MCU to do this. Unfortunately, the simplest things was to modify each enemy's damage-doing routine.

I just used flasm on level1.swf and level2.swf; search and change the numbers after "monst1hp" and "lost_hp"
Re: Flash Modding Thread

Decided to play around with Flashbulb and modify some flash loops and I noticed something weird.

There are DefineShape4 objects that are SVG files. If I export it, then re-import it (with or without making modifications) it only has the lines. Before I exported it I could change the fill colors, but when I re-import the SVG it doesn't allow me to.

Is this because DefineShape4 isn't currently supported and creates a DefineShape3 object instead? Is the fill property located elsewhere? Or is it a current limitation in the export/import function for DefineShape objects and is merely missing the necessary property? (I've never modified SVG before)

Example path element from a flash loop:
< path style="stroke:black;fill-opacity:0;" d="M28.6 6.95q4.9 6.95 4.9 16.8 0 9.85 -4.9 16.8 -4.9 6.95 -11.85 6.95 -7 0 -11.9 -6.95 -4.85 -6.95 -4.85 -16.8 0 -9.85 4.85 -16.8 4.9 -6.95 11.9 -6.95 6.95 0 11.85 6.95" />

EDIT: Also, if I did make modifications to the SVG file (ie. deleted some values to remove a line connecting two points) it seems like the width of the lines connecting the points change and aren't consistent with the other DefineShape4 objects. Will test to see if the same happens without making changes later.

Also, I agree with the OP. SoThink is trash.
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Re: Flash Modding Thread

Not really sure why you'd want a hack of this game (it's short and easy), but here's

kvier said:
search and change the numbers after "monst1hp" and "lost_hp"
lost_hp is the sum of damage you've taken in the level, used to calculate the bonus at the end. A very easy way is to delete the graphics for the enemy projectiles so they have nonexistent hitboxes.

spacegodzilla said:
Flashbulb svg stuff
SVG support in Flashbulb is extremely minimal at present. It's particularly bad at handling fills owing to differences between how SVG and Flash represent them, and poor documentation by Adobe, so by default the program only exports the lines. You can toggle fills on from the settings menu ("Import/Export Shapes In Color"), but they're very, very buggy.

Shape-to-PNG export will be in in the near future so you'll at least be able to replace vectors with a raster approximation of the original. Otherwise, this is one of the cases where you're probably better off using JPEXS.
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Re: Flash Modding Thread

Thanks. I really like the stuff NearFatal puts in his games (ghost house, this, impreg defense) but he never seems to finish his stuff which is a shame.
Re: Flash Modding Thread

It's not possible to change specific shape-areas, is it? I want to change Witch Girl's left eye but it has the same hex-color as her right eye, so I assume not possible?
Re: Flash Modding Thread

It's not possible to change specific shape-areas, is it? I want to change Witch Girl's left eye but it has the same hex-color as her right eye, so I assume not possible?

The most sane way of doing that would be to export each shape containing her eyes, edit it in an external program, then reimport it. You'd have to do this for every copy of her eyes in the game. There are dozens.

As mentioned above, shape import/export is currently one of Flashbulb's major weak areas. JPEXS might be able to do it.

There really isn't any sane way of doing it from within the swf file. Flash draws shapes using a palette, so there's only one copy of each color's hex value within each shape. I can think of one very insane way, but it would be much easier to use an external editor.
Re: Flash Modding Thread

As mentioned above, shape import/export is currently one of Flashbulb's major weak areas. JPEXS might be able to do it.
Can confirm. Exported the shape, converted it to PNG and edited it, reimported using JPEXS. Ended up doing exactly what I wanted.

I thought maybe there'd be some animation troubles since the shape had some effects on it, but changes outside of what I did (if any) were unnoticeable.

Thanks for taking the time to write up these tutorials and answer my questions :)
Re: Flash Modding Thread

Can confirm. Exported the shape, converted it to PNG and edited it, reimported using JPEXS. Ended up doing exactly what I wanted.

I thought maybe there'd be some animation troubles since the shape had some effects on it, but changes outside of what I did (if any) were unnoticeable.

Thanks for taking the time to write up these tutorials and answer my questions :)

How did you convert? I can't find any suitable converter.
Re: Flash Modding Thread

does SVG import and PNG export.

Really? I didn't notice because the default opening-execute was shown as an IE-File although I had Gimp installed.
Thank you very much for this hint!

Edit1: @Mundane Girl Do you know on which shapes you found the Hex-Color for Witch Girl's "iris_gradient bright"? I only found the dark one.
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Re: Flash Modding Thread

based on feedback. The more stable previous version is still available.

* Shapes can now be imported and exported from raster formats (PNG, GIF, JPEG). Export has the same rendering issues that you see from within the program, but import works great. You can usually fix exports without too much trouble by using an image editor's floodfill tool.

* UI was tweaked in an attempt to have a consistent appearance on different systems. The author was unaware that it displayed rectangles of color all over like this for some people. This version may or may not look better for you. My netbook inexplicably displays it in kind of a purplish-blue color even though it should be grey.

* A feature was added to the tools menu ("Foreign Text") to automatically detect all of the non-ASCII text in a swf and export it to a file. You'll need a to edit it. It should make translating text a lot easier since it filters out English text, is less fragile than messing around with DoABC strings, and can be fed directly to a translation program without breaking it. Import is unfinished (plus it only scans DoABC tags), so it's more of a preview right now. Also, it's prone to random corruption. You'll occasionally get a file with nothing but garbage in it.

Edit: demonstrated using battle.swf from Alchemy of Monster Gem, and . Google did mess with the metainfo, but import will tolerate these changes.

Freunde said:
iris_gradient bright
I cheated. Her eyes use a gradient fill, the color selection tool only shows solid fills and the first color of gradients. So, I used Flashbulb's hex editor to find it.
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Re: Flash Modding Thread

[...] So, I used Flashbulb's hex editor to find it.

Does it really? I should look into Flashbulb more diligently.

Edit1: I don't get it, everytime: I export (no color), then edit (fill in colors) and then when I want to import the colored shape it ends like that
Although the Shape is colored Flashbulb doesn't want to import it like that and just takes the vector-lines.

Edit2: I discovered that, when I change two hex-colors to one hex-color Flashbulb won't be able to distinguish those to areas anymore. For example, when I change the hex-color of Witch Girl's hat and hat's hatband into one and the same hex-color, saving it, open it again, Flashbulb recognizes both color-areas as one area. Unfortunately, this case can't be undone (which would be a nice tool for my bichrome-eye plans on Witch Girl).

Edit3: I found out that the program "Flash Decompiler Trillix" is capable to distinguish the color-areas. It is also capable to change the eye-gradient colors. Thus bichrome-eyes are possible ...! Sadly this program is not free and the demo doesn't allow saving changes ... I'm gotta dive deep into the web. :cool:

Edit4: Call me insane Mundane Girl but I'm gonna change every left eye of Ms. Little Witch. My second project is progressing.

Edit5: So, I've added two attachments to show some results. I'll work on my project when I've the leisure and it'll take quite the amount of time which leads to my decision that I won't post the download-link directly here on the forum, but after you show me the appreciation and desire for this work I'll provide the download-link personally via PM.

Edit6: I updated the Hex-Color list of Witch Girl.


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Re: Flash Modding Thread

it is able to hook text out of a Flash game?

like using AGTH, ITH to play flash games?
Re: Flash Modding Thread

it is able to hook text out of a Flash game?

like using AGTH, ITH to play flash games?

I don't know the similarities of flash and swf but there might be some tools. Dunno which one though.

Edit1: Added a new mod to Koooonsoft's "Wtich Girl".

Edit2: Added an attachment of my final mod on Witch Girl.


  • ss+(2015-08-29+at+12.29.27).jpg
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Re: Flash Modding Thread

Freunde's Puppet Chest and Tool Box

Much thanks to:
JaegerNimrod (Uncensoring)
Mundane Girl (Tool providing)

Tool Software:

The following "tiny" mods were created by Freunde with the support of the aforementioned two users.

Shinobi Girl v2.10 - Game Over 02; Human Orc
File Name: newGO2.swf
Notes: For sonny. Just replace the file. :3
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