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Meet and Fuck Games: MMO Discussion

Re: Meet and Fuck Games: MMO Discussion

Welcome Paige.
Re: Meet and Fuck Games: MMO Discussion

Heyo. Decided to join these forums after finding them and browsing here and decided to chat. But first open with some critical thoughts and what I think on ideas for the subscription services.

First of all, I'm not fond of all the content locked behind premium-wall right now. Now, I'm not against sub content on mmo's, far from it. However, with the game's current content, what's behind the paywall doesn't seem particularly 'premium' to me, beyond the amount of it.

I'm all for them using a premium subscription method, but I say open at least a little more for free players, like make one of the three sex poses available in the temple for free and the other two premium, maybe make some more cosmetic free too, but given the low content right now I suppose cosmetic's fine as they are. But as the game progresses and grows, they should gradually open more of the old stuff to free players, although of course keeping some particularly premium content permanently behind the wall, such as premium-only hotel, perhaps some scenes etc.
Of course likely with free players having to grind harder for it where as premium get it a little easier.

This gives both premium and free players reasons to keep coming back, and keeps incentives for people to subscribe to premium; extra content, new content when it's still new, and an easier time of things.

I unfortunately am currently in the boat of not being able to afford things so I do hope something like this happens. I personally hope I can eventually get a petnis without being premium, but that probably won't be for a while if at all.

This large post aside, glad to be a proper part of the forums and hope I can contribute more than this post which feels kind of ranty to me. Oh well. Anyone have any tips for the damn bull riding game? It's addictingly difficult.

Welcome my friend :)
Re: Meet and Fuck Games: MMO Discussion

THE BULL HAS BEEN BESTED! at 50.1 seconds with Nikki. ..I'll do it with Vikki later, but for now, I'm done. no point in going passed 50 seconds for much more than bragging rights. The gloryhole's more engaging for me. I see it like a lewd puzzle game like tetris or something.

Thanks for the kind welcomes. I'll do what I can to find some ways to contribute, even if it's just throwing more ideas onto the pile for possible improvements to the mmo, like the ramblings before on ways to handle subs and frees.
Re: Meet and Fuck Games: MMO Discussion

Are you a WWE fan? Your username clearly suggests that.

Welcome to the community Paige! :)
Re: Meet and Fuck Games: MMO Discussion

Actually, no, but my family is. Sometimes when I'm bored with nothing to do I sit out and watch it with them not really paying much attention. It probably still influenced my username subconciously somehow though.
Re: Meet and Fuck Games: MMO Discussion

Hi all. I finally got back into playing this game. I see the ally conversations are just as random as they were in beta, lol.

I am glad there are lots of new players, but I'm really not sure how many will stick around long term. We will see how it goes, but from taking one look at the motel lobby, it is obvious there need to be more rooms at the very least. I think they expected people to spread out over all the servers, but right now the reality is most people hang out on one or two servers. But who knows, maybe that will change in the future.

Like many, I was disappointed by the lack of additional content since the beta. Personally, I need to see more content, or at least more frequent updates, before upgrading to premium. The games has only been officially out for like a week or so, and most people (even newbies) have already seen most of the available content. That said, as long as my online friends stay interested in the game, I might eventually upgrade. The players (especially RPers) make their own fun, but that's largely in spite of the game content rather than because of it.

Here are some thing I would like to see added (in addition to obvious things like more positions, clothes, locations, etc.)

  • A scroll bar on the chat windows. Seriously. It would make chatting so much easier. Since a huge amount of time is spent talking, this would be most welcome.
  • A better account system. Galactus00 mentioned not being able to change the email address associated with the account. Similarly, if you forget your password, it just resends you the old password. I would prefer a more secure system where the password and/or username can be reset.
  • A site or page just for MnF club where it gives both an update schedule and also a change log. The update schedule need not be set in stone, but should at least give rough idea of what is to come and when. This is especially important for the paying (premium) customers.
  • I mentioned it above, but more motel/hotel rooms. (Some can be premium only). In fact, more locations where sex can be had in general. The brothel, temple, and beach seem like good choices.
  • It was mentioned as a suggestion back in beta but I'll do so again: Perhaps add some kind of option on character profile to indicate if you are into RP or not. (Maybe like RP, Light RP, or No RP radio buttons). Have it so the player can change it whenever (so if they feel like RPing one day, but just grinding for XP the next).
  • More minigames! More generally, more things to spend in-game money on, and ways to earn in-game money. I also like the idea of making things cheaper for premium players (or more expensive for free players, whatever). You can only do the rodeo/glory hole games so many times before they get old.

Sorry if this came off as an angry rant. I'm not angry so much as frustrated, because I see this came can still be so much better. I still really like this game and want to see it improve.

Paige said:
THE BULL HAS BEEN BESTED! at 50.1 seconds with Nikki. ..I'll do it with Vikki later, but for now, I'm done. no point in going passed 50 seconds for much more than bragging rights. The gloryhole's more engaging for me. I see it like a lewd puzzle game like tetris or something.

Congrats! XD
I remember talking to you about that in game. Now let's see if you can beat my glory hole score, hehe. btw, your character is really cute.
Re: Meet and Fuck Games: MMO Discussion

I am glad there are lots of new players, but I'm really not sure how many will stick around long term. We will see how it goes, but from taking one look at the motel lobby, it is obvious there need to be more rooms at the very least. I think they expected people to spread out over all the servers, but right now the reality is most people hang out on one or two servers. But who knows, maybe that will change in the future
In terms of keeping people around, I do still like my idea. As new premium content comes out, pass some of the older stuff like positions and such down to free status at say a slightly higher price for free players so they have to grind more but can still get it.

As for people around and rooms, yeah that's an issue. If people -were- more spread out across the servers it wouldn't be nearly as much of a problem really.

Here are some thing I would like to see added (in addition to obvious things like more positions, clothes, locations, etc.)

  • A scroll bar on the chat windows. Seriously. It would make chatting so much easier. Since a huge amount of time is spent talking, this would be most welcome.
  • A better account system. Galactus00 mentioned not being able to change the email address associated with the account. Similarly, if you forget your password, it just resends you the old password. I would prefer a more secure system where the password and/or username can be reset.
  • A site or page just for MnF club where it gives both an update schedule and also a change log. The update schedule need not be set in stone, but should at least give rough idea of what is to come and when. This is especially important for the paying (premium) customers.
  • I mentioned it above, but more motel/hotel rooms. (Some can be premium only). In fact, more locations where sex can be had in general. The brothel, temple, and beach seem like good choices.
  • It was mentioned as a suggestion back in beta but I'll do so again: Perhaps add some kind of option on character profile to indicate if you are into RP or not. (Maybe like RP, Light RP, or No RP radio buttons). Have it so the player can change it whenever (so if they feel like RPing one day, but just grinding for XP the next).
  • More minigames! More generally, more things to spend in-game money on, and ways to earn in-game money. I also like the idea of making things cheaper for premium players (or more expensive for free players, whatever). You can only do the rodeo/glory hole games so many times before they get old.
  • Scroll Bar On Windows - Yes, seriously, this is one of the most basic things about any chat system in games and such.
  • Better account system- Yes. Perhaps allow free players 1 or 2 more slots but keep having all 6 slots to premium only too.
  • More locations for sex/more rooms-I think that's what the hotel in the metropolis is for but it'll probably be premium only room rentals. Long as premiums can still invite other people it might help a tiny bit. Locations too.
  • RP Option on profile-why not take it a step further and just add a custom area for you to type things into for what you're up for and not up for.
  • More Minigames- YES PLEASE. I only like the bull riding because it's difficulty and my belief of it slightly cheating makes it addicting out of a desire to beat it. Glory Hole Puzzler as I decided I like to call it can only do me for so long.
btw, your character is really cute.
Why thank you.

On a completely unrelated to the rest of this note: Anyone else ever have issues with "Top Socket Connection is Closed"? I seem to have a lot of trouble logging into some servers because it keeps giving me that error. A quick glance through the servers with cursory attempts to connect to them, I get this error on Big Bang and Glory Hole and am unable to connect to those. The others seem fine. It's likely a possible problem on my end so I already sent a support thing instead of a bug report because if it's on -my- end, it's probably not really a problem with the game itself.
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Re: Meet and Fuck Games: MMO Discussion

Hi all. I finally got back into playing this game. I see the ally conversations are just as random as they were in beta, lol.

I am glad there are lots of new players, but I'm really not sure how many will stick around long term. We will see how it goes, but from taking one look at the motel lobby, it is obvious there need to be more rooms at the very least. I think they expected people to spread out over all the servers, but right now the reality is most people hang out on one or two servers. But who knows, maybe that will change in the future.

Like many, I was disappointed by the lack of additional content since the beta. Personally, I need to see more content, or at least more frequent updates, before upgrading to premium. The games has only been officially out for like a week or so, and most people (even newbies) have already seen most of the available content. That said, as long as my online friends stay interested in the game, I might eventually upgrade. The players (especially RPers) make their own fun, but that's largely in spite of the game content rather than because of it.

Here are some thing I would like to see added (in addition to obvious things like more positions, clothes, locations, etc.)

  • A scroll bar on the chat windows. Seriously. It would make chatting so much easier. Since a huge amount of time is spent talking, this would be most welcome.
  • A better account system. Galactus00 mentioned not being able to change the email address associated with the account. Similarly, if you forget your password, it just resends you the old password. I would prefer a more secure system where the password and/or username can be reset.
  • A site or page just for MnF club where it gives both an update schedule and also a change log. The update schedule need not be set in stone, but should at least give rough idea of what is to come and when. This is especially important for the paying (premium) customers.
  • I mentioned it above, but more motel/hotel rooms. (Some can be premium only). In fact, more locations where sex can be had in general. The brothel, temple, and beach seem like good choices.
  • It was mentioned as a suggestion back in beta but I'll do so again: Perhaps add some kind of option on character profile to indicate if you are into RP or not. (Maybe like RP, Light RP, or No RP radio buttons). Have it so the player can change it whenever (so if they feel like RPing one day, but just grinding for XP the next).
  • More minigames! More generally, more things to spend in-game money on, and ways to earn in-game money. I also like the idea of making things cheaper for premium players (or more expensive for free players, whatever). You can only do the rodeo/glory hole games so many times before they get old.

Sorry if this came off as an angry rant. I'm not angry so much as frustrated, because I see this came can still be so much better. I still really like this game and want to see it improve.

Congrats! XD
I remember talking to you about that in game. Now let's see if you can beat my glory hole score, hehe. btw, your character is really cute.

I fully agree with all your comments :)
Re: Meet and Fuck Games: MMO Discussion

Yeah, I talked about a scrolling function on the chat window back in beta. Too bad nothing was done with it.
Re: Meet and Fuck Games: MMO Discussion

few days ago before i got banned vadim was on one of the servers and there were like 4-5 people(including me) asked chat scroll. I'm pretty sure he was positive on that
Re: Meet and Fuck Games: MMO Discussion

I will post your idea's for improvement on the MnF site.
Re: Meet and Fuck Games: MMO Discussion

So, I figure yuri scenes are likely to be in the works eventually regardless, but I wonder just how much variety they'll get. I know things like futa aren't likely to be implemented, as much as I would love them to, so for the closest emulation I would like to see things like strap-on scenes with other girls, or similiar poses that can be done with those done with double ended dildos or something.

..Perhaps premium-only sex poses for use with a petnis on female players? and the same possible with male players if a female variant of the petnis comes out. Could be used as a beginnings toward three ways and such or used in girl on girl.

Could be a way to make the petnis available but more expensive for free players down the line while still keeping some petnis content, like using it on players, premium only.
Re: Meet and Fuck Games: MMO Discussion

Vadim asked me to inform you not to pm him ideas in game, instead send them to the below address:

Re: Meet and Fuck Games: MMO Discussion

As everyone gives ideas and talks about improvments, in AngelOfLove's hideout.

"You know. Food really is nice. I wonder if one day the MMO could have like an actual eating and hanging out place for the people that aren't just fully for the sex, like their own server, now that would be interesting. But what would I know, I'm just a guy enjoying his chocolate milk."

Re: Meet and Fuck Games: MMO Discussion

Vadim asked me to inform you not to pm him ideas in game, instead send them to the below address

Got it, thanks. I haven't ever seen him around to pm him, but this does make it easier to send in suggestions and ideas to improve the game and all.
Re: Meet and Fuck Games: MMO Discussion

The ass agrees.
Re: Meet and Fuck Games: MMO Discussion

I remembered just now a feature to improve the game usability, which i thought with other mnf-players this summer: the possibility to show for each 'friend' in game the last time that a player logged-in. It is not useful mantain players which probably will not log in more.
Re: Meet and Fuck Games: MMO Discussion

The ass agrees.​
I would have quoted the picture but I can't yet

This makes me want there to be little animation things that your mini avatar can do on the maps like dancing, twerking, etc. Stuff like sitting too. would be neat to see but of course take time. Perhaps alternate poses for just standing around too to differentiate people a bit more.

4:52 am central time: Game literally just went down for maintenance. Possible updates or is this a regular occurance? I'm not sure, first time I've seen it. Not sure how long it'll last. Meanwhile this game kills sleep schedules. Like mine. Possibility of sleep with this being possible update with some new stuff; Minimal.
5 am: maintenance already over it seems. seems was roughly 10 minutes. huh. oh well sleep now
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Re: Meet and Fuck Games: MMO Discussion

You don't need more rooms, just go to another server, get a room and you're fine
You can invite players from other servers into that room
Haseo should put that in his tips and tricks. Also you can use someone else's room, so if your friend has a room, ask to borrow it so you can go fuck.

Also Serega said this,
mnf_serega said:
I'm working on finishing Hotel Plaza. Soon there will a lot more rooms to be rented.