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The Maze of Flesh (plmnko)

Re: The Maze of Flesh (plmnko)

Gyges' Bluff Roll(4d6)+0: 6,3,2,1,+0 Total:2D VS Nymphs' Awareness Roll(8d6)+0: 6,3,1,6,2,5,1,3,+0 Total:5D Failure

"HMPH! You couldn't even get halfway through the maze without becoming some creature's cumdump! What makes you think you could actually defeat the witch!? And besides, we're bound to the pond and unable to leave, so it's not like we could do anything for you if we wanted to.... and we DON'T!" The first one responded before slithering a water tentacle up to Gyge's anus, rubbing the little rosebud as it was trying to work it's way into her sphincter.

"Yeah! I think we'll just take the payment out on this pretty little body of yours! And if you make this far a second time, you'll know better!" The second one chimed in, before pinching Gyge's nose shut and forcing a tentacle of water deep into her throat force feeding her a constant stream of water.

"Besides, you were looking to clean up anyways, right? We'll make sure your cleansed from the inside out, whether you like it or not!" The third one added before using one tendril to spread her flower open wide and working another one deep into her pussy. By this point the woman's belly was already beginning to bulge ever so slightly.

"Don't worry little slut, we'll be sure to flush all that semen out of you thoroughly!" The last one said, summoning a large tentacle of water to elevate Gyges out of the pool on her back spread eagle while sever more came out and began to caress her belly, ass, legs, breasts and armpits, stimulating the young woman and causing her to relax in hopes of wresting control of her bowel movements from her.
Re: The Maze of Flesh (plmnko)

It was a horde of creatures, i couldnt face them all unhar...Eek! Gyges tried to defend her honor against the words of these elementals, but her words were interrupted once the first started to try get inside her rear hole what certainly not last to happen.

The warrior tried to press hard her back door, the time was not enough to talk more as soon one pressed her nose causing her need to open her mouth only to accept water get inside her body, filling her belly as more goes inside. Her struggles never ceased as she tried to free herself but outnumbered and wrapedd in water tendrils there was not just way.

She only could fight to find time to breath as her pussy get filled too, the pressure made her arch herself and squirm by the strange feeling of have low to breath,a strange unnedded wetness lubricate her entrances so her rear hole get soon filled too.

The need to beg fill her main in stress, teardrops wanted to escape by the unneded feelings invading her. Completely in mercy of these women she was lifted out of the pond, all her will was placed on survive this, until she feels her bowers fill, if she remain calm completely her insides will betray her and as they said all the dirty inside her will get out mixed with what remain of cum what would be a shamelful hit to the rest of her pride, maybe was better die than let her body let free all her leftovers. It was a lost fight, no matter how much she fight the rubs and small breaths will make her almost lost counciest, the struggles would only last for a little before cant fight more and just remain there enjoying this odd full body bath
Re: The Maze of Flesh (plmnko)

As Gyges would begin to relax the water nymphs would lower down onto the ground around the pool, in a spread leg doggy possition with her ass raised into the air as far they could make it go. They would continue to fill her three holes, until her belly was as bloated and expanded as it go, forcing one last surge of water into her asshole before the water would solidify on the end forming a firm assplug blocking her ass hole and preventing anything from escaping the rear end. The two nymphs would change from filling her lower holes to rubbing her distended belly and lapping at her leaking pussy lips. Meanwhile the one at her mouth would continue to force feed her water until she couldn't take anymore and finally forcing her one last gulp before moving to rub her back, ass cheeks, probe her plugged ass and the back of her legs. The other two would proceed to rub her distorted belly, navel, breasts, pussy, arms and lap at her neck to cause the woman to lose control of her bodily functions. After a while the one at her back would attach a magic sea shell to her ear so she would constantly hear the sound of the ocean and running water, to further break down her willpower to resist losing the contents of her stomach and bowels.
Re: The Maze of Flesh (plmnko)

The poor redhead was close to faint by the lack of breath, her counciest mostly remaining by the terrible punishment placed in her nude form. Easily the elementals place her down on her fours, many times she tried to remove the water supply of her mouth pulling the source out, but her hand only pass through and cover her mouth fail too, after all her nose could be taken as passage instead and then all would be just worse.

She tried to beg, to struggle or just groan, being only the last the only thing than come out, but was so weak to be something noticeable away of a muffed moan. Her legs tried to press hard as the huge quantity of liquid started to call the need of release of her gold liquid. Her hands tried to reach with the time her butthole when she get fully filled in her inners to then be sealed, in her needs for the water to release her hands tried to pull her buttcheeks more to open the hole and make it free, her hips wiggling as she sweat cold by the intense need to empty her tank. Her ass was so high for her fingers to reach it, as she think for a moment to do something with that assplug.

She was close to drown when her water stop to receive more gallons, making her be able to breath a little better, but her chest was heavily pressed with all the water inside her. Gyges tried to endure the torture, she wanted to prove than she was a warrior and not just a whore to be easily used by them if she could endure all what she could.

N-no, gonna... let itg...ahhh no, stop...i-im a warrior... Gyges mutter more to her than the others to heard, her fingers tried to press at the meat floor below her and she even bite it to so she could press harder, all even the magic shell, she was ready to fight it with all her remain will power, but she was not sure how much longer her body will last, her pussy was close to get a full bath and each touch in her body just made it closer to happen, soon or later all would go out against her will.
Re: The Maze of Flesh (plmnko)

As Gyges would try to push against the meat floor of the cavern and attempt to bite to keep from losing control of her bodily functions, one of the nymphs would grab ahold of her hands, "Ah-ah-ah! No more resisting, little warrior~ It's not healthy for you~ You just need to relax and let your bowels go~" She said licking at the woman's earlobe. Another one would cup Gyges's expanded belly into her hands and begin pushing and bouncing her bloated belly, agitating her insides even more, even as the other one would grab ahold of her hips and begin pounding into her drooling pussy with renewed vigor. Before long it would become too much for the former warrior to bear, as her belly would evolve from a grumble to a roar, and she would bite her lower lip to prevent herself from doing her business this way. But alas it would prove no use, especially as the one that was fucking her from behind would let loose a torrent of semen into her pussy, causing the woman's eyes to roll back into her head. At that nymphs would hold Gyges up over the cavern and unplug her asshole, allowing her feces and water to splash out on the meaty ground. They would allow her contents to completely empty out before callously dropping her face first into the mess and pressing her face into it, before retreating back into the pool. Sometime later, Gyges would find herself attached to a wall back in the starting chamber being pumped by and fucked by several tentacles...
Re: The Maze of Flesh (plmnko)

Her whole being looks to try to fight against the proud warrior, she could feel the water force growing in every minute than these women punish her in such huge degree for such small sin, but there was not place for a complain, Gyges would hold all and show her mighty mind trained for face wars.

With only her honor as warrior on her now, the redhead naked woman had her face in blush as she tried to force her body to endure such huge need, biting, pressing all what she could, the water beings notice her effort and one name her a warrior at least, maybe to tease or scoff of her, but this make her suppose than seh was close to prove herself to these beings, nothing more far of the reality when they pressed more on Gyges.

With a sudden gasp, the red haired slut feels her pussy being taken by one of them and mix the unneeded pleasure to the moves added by another, was just too much, it were minutes or just seconds, anyway her mind overflowed by the needs of release all in her insides and that arousal made her just lost herself, her eyes rolling back in her defeatment when her insides squirm by the pleasure when the warm liquid get inside.

In defeat the water beings lift her almost reaching the ceiling and in lost state Gyges teardrops fall almost uncouncious feeling the shame and pleasure mix more, completely limp in defeat they were merciless with her, almost with full force making her drop with her head first over her feces, pressing her head there as the warrior faint by the torture and the hit on the floor.


It was unknown what happened then or how much time she was uncouncious, but Gyges finally awake by in part the continuosly feeling of objects getting inside her holes and continuously give pleasure to the warrior body. What is happening? Release me now! She shout or think aloud in her mind, she was not sure yet if her mouth was free of the tentacles as her vision notice a similar room as the one where she start, it would be a terrible hit be from where she was taken here, but she needed now to find a way to release her body of this torment. She gasp and struggle to free her body, calling help to the gods to get some of her old strenght and dont let these strange tendrils have their time with her cursed body.
Re: The Maze of Flesh (plmnko)

As Gyges would struggle to escape from the grasp of the tentacles, a thin tendril with several little feelers on the end would worm its way into her left ear robe and begin to rewire her brain. The feeling would not be dissimilar to being able to feel little insects crawling over ones brain, a painless, constant pricking sensation right below the skin. Fortunately or unfortunately, depending on your point of view, for Gyges though; one of the tentacles would blast a puff of powerful aphrodisiac into her face to keep her from going mad from the sensation until the rewiring process had finished and the tentacle would retract from her ear. The other tentacles fucking her holes would continue for a few moments before finishing off and pumping a load of semen into and finally releasing her to the meaty floor. She could now retread her path up to the pond in her attempt to escape.

((Corruption roll 2- hypnosis: Gyges will fondle her breast and suck her fingers upon a certain trigger.))
Re: The Maze of Flesh (plmnko)

The redhead attempts would abruptaly increase once a thin tendril wanted to get inside her left ear, however she was completely struck on the meat wall and the tentacles using her merciless reduced her chances to stop him going all the way inside her head hole, creating a squeak from her. What would happen then woud be maybe something worse to what the punishment of the elementals caused, her eyes wide open and it was a fortune than her arms were traped or she would had hurt herself trying to stop the odd feeling than the tendril cause on her.

Her attention on it fortunately lasted just few seconds before more aphrodisiac placed on her made her body only focus on the pleasure placed on her, moaning and moving her hips come to be her only focus now, her holes loving the taste of such vile tendrils piercing her inner self eagerly until they have enough and drop her once satled.

Gyges fall at her knees and get on her four, coughing while one of her hands move to touch her head worried than something of damage has been placed on her, for what she could notice now all was fine, so they maybe torture her to dont let her enjoy the rape... she shake her head, there was not way than she would enjoy being used by them, she... he is a proud warrior and would escape to put an end to who corse him.

With her eyes recvered with courage, the warrior lady move toward where the pond was, this place looks like the start so he should be there soon if he move quickly without the tentacles from before all was clear to return that point and choice a path.
Re: The Maze of Flesh (plmnko)

Gyges made it back to the pond where she met the nymphs again with little incident. She would find herself presented with the same choices of paths as before. She could go straight up north of the pond, go around to see what lay beyond it. If she went around the pond, she would find another branching path, this one going north and south. The north path would branch off left and north in a z like pattern, while the south path seemed to have two branches going east towards the bottom.
Re: The Maze of Flesh (plmnko)

Her long walk to where she meet such terrible water elementals give her time to recover herself of her lately torture by the wall tendrils. Gyges see the straight path first, but pondering what could be around made her take a full check of the area before decide her path. For all the gods...It would take me too much time if i take one of these others paths. The warrior mutters to herself as she frown by the look of the extra paths. Her head was already a mess trying to fight back the damage on her honor by the last foes, she really decide just to go all straight and find in such way a faster way to escape this dammed place.

With no more time to waste, her moves continue to be distant away of the terrible pond as she take the path straight up north of the pond. Her hands were ready to fight if needed this time if she find a sentient foe.
Re: The Maze of Flesh (plmnko)

As Gyges would head up the north path she would find it to be rather short, and it would soon branch off west for a little way before going north very briefly and coming to an abrupt end.

Gyges perception roll -1: 3 successes vs ???'s Hide Roll: 4 fail

Unfortunately as she would wander into the dead end she would not notice a small patch of pink gelatinous material hiding out in the pink flesh of the cave. As soon she would step on it she would hear a feminine but very sinister laugh tinkle through the air, "FUFUFUFUFU!~ Well, well, well.... Looks like another fool hardy adventurer has found herself stuck in Werbellia's little game, hmhmhm~ Now you're my little plaything girlie. Fufufufu~" Gyges would eventually find her feet firmly stuck to the meat floor as if she turned around she wind herself accosted by a voluptuous woman wearing pink clothes with bunny ears and two hands draped over her healthy sized assets covering her nipples and flower shaped irises.
Re: The Maze of Flesh (plmnko)

With a not so expecting change in the rute of her pchoiced path, the red head was soon in front of what looks to be a dead end on her road, her fist was pressed softly in stressful dissapointment by had taken this road which in all her heart she hopes than it was the best one for her.

Her state made her unable to notice some difference between the common meat floor and the pink colored jelly which she pressed by mistake. Her barefoot soon noticed the difference and pull to get away of it, but as she groan in her attempt she also notice her new predictament, get free would not be so easy.

Just then a female chuckle and followed words made her notice than she was not alone and maybe would get in conflict again with another captured creature. The unknown woman soon said the witch name, the one than Gyges has heard few times, but enough to curse the name in her captured state.

Certainly it will take me a while get free of this infame game, should i suppose than you are also as me one missfortunate adventurer stuck here? Gyges ask, as she try to find out if she could free her leg of the gel, as also know more of this strange dressed woman.

At least this female was dressed, something than could make the warrior suppose than she have some info than she could earn instead be just a helpless prisioner like the elementals on that pond. My name is Gyges, please answer me who are you and what do you mean as plaything. The nude woman was sure what this woman needs of her, certainly wants to rape her as anything here, but maybe her questions would place the guard down on this pink haired girl. Gyges was ready to let this woman get closer and before try any sex on her, the warrior would take her in a grappe and make a supplex or at least throw her to the wall, certainly this will give her time to free her leg and escape or at least an upper hand in a possible combat with this woman.
Re: The Maze of Flesh (plmnko)

Gyges grapple roll: 7 successes vs ???'s Dodge roll: 5 successes success
???'s sneak roll: 5 successes vs Gyges Awareness roll: 2 success
Gyges is Plugged with slime vibe
???'s Attack roll: 4 Successes vs Gyges's Dodge Roll: 4 successes Gyges is slime manacled!
Gyges is Milk Suctioned! Take 3 pp from milk suckers and vibrator till removed

"Fufufufu! So eager to get started are we?" The slime woman would laugh as Gyges would embrace her only to feel herself slide through her gelatinous makeup and shortly feel something enter her pussy and begin vibrating. " Do you like mg little present little miss adventurer? Kekekeke~ Let's keep those hands from getting in the way of my fun hmhmhm?" She said as she quickly formed a pair of manacles around Gyges's wrist made of slime before forming a pair of suction cups attaching to her breasts before she would feel her milk coming out. "And to answer your question, my name is M-e-l-o-n-a~ I'm sure you will be hearing it again in your nightmares, granted you keep me entertained long enough~" she finished as she squeezed Gyges' cheeks in her hand.
Re: The Maze of Flesh (plmnko)

With the unknown woman getting closer, Gyges decide to bet at for her sudden attack, after all it could end the fight in just a move if all works. She made a quick move and then a strange event happened. What kind of sorcery is this? She manage to say when her body looks to pass through the pink woman.

There were many questions on her head, most ponders of what she could do now or who was her foe's race if it werent a human or bunny girl in worst case. These ponders soon started to fade as an object was placed in her precious hole, the one increased her arousal causing a groaning moan to come out of her.

Dont expect a free entertainment, I Gyges will show you what a warrior can do, even in this state. The red head said aloud in the same instant than she tried to use these strange manacles placed on her hands to surround Melona's neck or a headbutt in the pink bunnygirl if her arms were tied at her back.

The strange suction cups draining milk from her and the vibration on her already wet cum covered pussy wouldnt give her too much time before fall on her knees, she know it for sure and wouldnt let that happen, this time she will face this danger with all her might.
Re: The Maze of Flesh (plmnko)

Gyges' Grapple Roll: 4 successes vs Melona's Dodge Roll 5 successes- failure
Gyges gets bound to floor
Melons inserts sentient slime into Gyges anus
{Sentient Slime expands over 5 rounds, if Gyges can't break free from bonds and remove slime in 5 turns, it will gush out of her mouth and ass for 1d6×3 PP damage}

As Gyges would attempt to swing her slime manacles down around Melona's neck and headbutt her, the slime woman would quickly slink back away from the attack, receding back into a puddle before reforming behind the fallen warrior and smacking her in the ass. Upon the impact Gyges would feel something begin worming its way into her bowels. Melina would giggle wickedly slapping both of her buttocks simultaneously and squeezing her ass. "I just put a piece of my own mass into your sphincter little hero~ I can control it like any other part of my being. And I can also make it grow. In just a few minutes it grow to the point where you'll eventually have to spew it out of both your holes~ Huehuehuehue!"
Re: The Maze of Flesh (plmnko)

The worries on the warrior just increased when her foe looks to be really something far of a human. H...how...? She mutters as she tried to look where the pink woman has go, something than lasted just an instant before her rear was attacked, a gasp of surprise escape from her lips and soft cold sweat drops start to appear in her forehead, mostly by the remain in her memory of what the last creatures caused on her.

No....I will not allow it! It has been enough of this kind of things on this place. Gyges exclaims, her needs to get free of the slime objects placed on her almost made her forget the pleasure getting increased by the dildo and suction cups on her, all was just nothing in the side of have her insides filled up her limits, her hands are placed close her mouth where her teeth press at the slime manacles pulling them to free her hands of the thing, if she could free them then her work to remove what is now in her rear would be a more easy task, certainly the desesperation to avoid such similar fate than some moments ago drive her to act like this ignoring most of the next seconds what Melona could try on her.
Re: The Maze of Flesh (plmnko)

Total 11/10 SP- Manacles broken

Melonas Sneak Roll(6d6)+0: 1,4,5,1,4,3,+0 Total: 4 successes vs Gyges Awareness Roll(7d6)+0: 5,1,3,1,4,4,3,+0 Total: 5 successes fail

Gyges Dodge Roll(8d6)+0: 1,6,2,1,5,5,3,2,+0 Total:4 successes Success
Dislodge Rolls: 3,1,4 no success

Status: 3 PP from vibrator
4 turns till eruption

Gyges' luck would seem to be bipolar as she would not only manage to break free of her slime manacles, but also manage to twist her face out of the way whatever evil chicanery Melona was trying to force on her through her mouth several times; unfortunately no matter how hard she tried to dig at her ass the slime was still firmly lodge inside her sphincter and in a few moments would come pouring out her pie and ass holes violently.
Re: The Maze of Flesh (plmnko)

Using the remain of her strengh after the witch's curse made effect on her body, Gyges manage to free her hands from their restrain, fortunately she made the work before she gets hurt herself or Melona manage to do something more to her. Mostly thanks to her instincts in combact, the nude woman manage to notice when the slime woman tried to get close her mouth from behind her, who know what she was trying now, but there was enough too much things to take care for another more.

Her body started to get a pink tone, by the vibrator and the suction cups on her, her attention remain in the most dangerous one, the slime in her back door, that thing would certainly make her pass out if what her foe attempt succeed.

Im not sure if you are her servant or just another prisioner Melona, but if i need to defeat you to escape then i will do it. Gyges said still trying to have her face out of the reach of her foe, her hands move down behind her to try to get the end of the slime and pull it out of her, it was still early so it could be easier than the manacles and maybe her next step would be remove her vibrator. She was not sure how to beat a woman than could turn into slime, maybe once free a sudden hit in the head of Melona when is a solid could do the work, but that would be a problem than she will solve after free her butt hole.
Re: The Maze of Flesh (plmnko)

Wild rolls to remove slime butt plug' 5,1,4 slime remains lodged
Melona attack roll: 5 successes vs Gyges Dodge roll: 3 successes
Gyges is equipped with slime cock
Melons pleasure roll: 4 Gygess takes 4 PP damage
Remaining PP: 11 (3 from milkers and dildo, 4 from slime cock handjob
3 turns till erruption

Unfortuantley no matter how hard she would try Gyges would find that she would be unable of removing the slowly expanding slime in her bowels. Meanwhile Melona would continue pressing the advantage and attach some of her slime onto her clit which would slowly take the shape of a cock before beginning to slowly stroke and taunting the former warrior. "Fufufu~ There~ Isn't that better?~ At least now you have a facimily of your man parts back~ Kekekeke~" she would mock Gyges before slapping her tits once fairly hard.
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Re: The Maze of Flesh (plmnko)

The objecy inside her was just more difficult to remove of what she expected, no doubt than in her male form her arms would have the need to face this in an instant, but now she was also affected by this growing pleasure than is turning her breathing into weak cooes, at the end her fingers slip the thing when Melona tried something more to increase the arousing pleasure. Get out! This is not fun at all... she shout as she closed her eyes and her futile attempts to push her away dont worked at all.

Her eyes wide open by see how some of the slime turned into the form of a dick, it was silly pnder if it looks as the one htan she always had, the thing looks to react to the touch as if were actually real, but Melona's words was what caused more attention on Gyges who whine pittyfull by the hit in her sensible lactating breasts.

H-how do you know than im a male!? She ask, with her tone already weaken by thee lust in her body, her legs close to fail to her. Of course than the warrior dont waited for an answer, with luck Melona will waste her time talking, so meanwhile she will try to remove that Slime sentient in her back hole, no doubt than the time was ending as she feels her insides getting invaded.