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Demon Girl Master
Jun 21, 2015
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The menagerie is an 18+ original western eroge made by studio Lupiesoft
The game tells the story from Rao-Ji's perspective the Drachene futanari girl.

The Menagerie is released now and available to buy and download from Mangagamer.


Store page Link, Demo also available.

New PV Revealed at Anime Expo with MG 5th July

Patreon funding keeps things going in-between title releases and helps Lupiesoft grow as a studio paying for things like music costs and giving the occasional bit of pocket money to its staff. Even Voice acting if we get that far.
Lupiesoft is also Known for upcoming Dizzy Heart's & Steam Release The Reject Demon Toko all titles are of a Yuri Focus. Useful links at bottom of patreon page.

Music Sample:

Can Purchase the sound track here for $3 or more.

Key Points
Visual Novel(With decisions!)

Cg Samples as also seen on MG




This is a official post as I've been a part of the studio for quite some time.

Bug Fixes
Shortly after release someone pointed out a background error at one point near the start of the game a fix has been made and deployed as a new build.
The Last 2 cg's are non unlockable and are not actually content in the game. These were not mean't to be listed at the time of release. & The next fix will delist these.

Future Content

P.S The demo was made with a older build of the game back in febuary 2015 and is missing art and story elements whilst still containing various route options of the game.

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Re: The Menagerie (Lupiesoft)(Demo)

Haven't downloaded the demo yet, since it needs an account to download. So I thought I'd ask this even though it might be an obvious question.

Does, "Original western eroge" mean the game will be completely in English?
Re: The Menagerie (Lupiesoft)(Demo)

Haven't downloaded the demo yet, since it needs an account to download. So I thought I'd ask this even though it might be an obvious question.

Does, "Original western eroge" mean the game will be completely in English?

Yes that does mean its completely in English and was made by a international team with both US & English writers. Whilst Taosym(Artist/Director) does occasionally write in Japanese. Though the person that helped us with the video production is Japanese Cause we use some Kanji/lettering here and there and with the vocal op it can be a bit confusing as to its origin :D We kinda like that it can be mistaken for a JVN release. But its entirely un- intentional.

The singer speaks both English/Japanese and is also an artist but does not do art for Lupiesoft. Though in a weird cross promotion sense they do art for the project I have in my signature.

If original western eroge doesn't work EVN might of been better :D
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Re: The Menagerie (Lupiesoft)(Demo)

Oh wow I had completely forgotten about this after not seeing or hearing anything for quite some time now. I think since it was announced.

Never been one for the VN format but I wouldn't mind giving this a go.
Re: The Menagerie (Lupiesoft)(Demo)

Oh wow I had completely forgotten about this after not seeing or hearing anything for quite some time now. I think since it was announced.

Never been one for the VN format but I wouldn't mind giving this a go.

Yea we were pretty quiet about The Menagerie until recently the video was done a few days before but we were waiting for MG to show it off along with all the other announcements.
Took a short intermission and released The Reject Demon Toko on steam.

We're a bit ahead of development schedule currently but the release date is set in hope that we'l be able to go through some feedback/editing before final release.
We were getting covered around various websites and visual novel communities but I really hadn't reached out to some of the other forums Until now for example. Some of those communities can be pretty judgemental that we're ruining the western vn scene with adult content.
Re: The Menagerie (Lupiesoft)(Demo)

Hey all,

Got a Demo downloaded and re-uploaded into MEGA.

This is the .zip file, so I haven't extracted anything out yet for any of you with different locales setup.

Without further adieu, here yah are:
Re: The Menagerie (Lupiesoft)(Demo)

Hey all,

Got a Demo downloaded and re-uploaded into MEGA.

This is the .zip file, so I haven't extracted anything out yet for any of you with different locales setup.

Without further adieu, here yah are:

thank you good sir
Re: The Menagerie (Lupiesoft)(Demo)

Hey all,

Got a Demo downloaded and re-uploaded into MEGA.

This is the .zip file, so I haven't extracted anything out yet for any of you with different locales setup.

Without further adieu, here yah are:

Yea officially we only had a demo download available on MG but we also had another one for Japanese users. Though currently for the release window we probably won't be on any other website unless something good crops up and I've been hearing vague rumours from another dev that their might be another good solution soon. But if you have any opinions from the demo do let us know!

Do people in general have an issue with signing up to MG ? or just don't want to go through the hassle?
Re: The Menagerie (Lupiesoft)(Demo)

why futa -_- what a waste :(
Re: The Menagerie (Lupiesoft)(Demo)

Do people in general have an issue with signing up to MG ? or just don't want to go through the hassle?
Its just a hastle. If I had to sign up for every H-game I played i'd have a lot of accounts I didn't use.

Also, I played the demo. I quite liked it. The writing was good, and the characters are interesting and have their own opinions. I also liked that the game has actual decisions, which is a nice change from visual novel games not being very good due to lack of decisions.

One of the only things I didn't like was a bit about the main character's day to day activities. Near the end of the demo she was relatively busy due to all her obligations, but at the start it really felt like her days ran together and she was just disoriented all the time. Since she seems to pass out every time she has sex (for days sometimes) some of the days felt like she woke up, had sex, passed out again without time for a meal or a bath.

I know that was part of the story but I know she was talking about wanting a bath for like 2-3 days and it was never really explained if she did take one? Maybe a bit of elaboration on other activities would be nice.

Although overall thats just a minor problem I had with the game overall, I still enjoyed the demo a lot and was a bit sad when it ended.
Re: The Menagerie (Lupiesoft)(Demo)

I know that was part of the story but I know she was talking about wanting a bath for like 2-3 days and it was never really explained if she did take one? Maybe a bit of elaboration on other activities would be nice.

I'm don't think anyone has pointed that out before. The demo was released some time ago so some changes have been made if I get any update on reflection of this I'l let you know:D

Maybe hopefully soon I'l be able to summarize what's new in the space of where the demo was. & point out on any changes we made on feedback.

Having all the downloads in one place kinda helps us to know how well we're doing in terms of awareness. Though that's not actually a decision I made its just the current situation. But hey as long as theirs no real drm it'l spread around on its own :)
I'm aware that other sites have higher figures/user numbers and that signing up is a hassle:D if you might never use that site again.

So you might be able to get to ask a few things or give feedback directly.
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Re: The Menagerie (Lupiesoft)(Demo)

Thanks for those that popped into the stream last night. Whilst I didn't really forget to mention it I just stealth updated that we opened up for pre orders. For anyone that likes the demo and well ? doesn't mind supporting Lupiesoft regardless we're creeping up those weekly rankings ^-^.
Re: The Menagerie (Lupiesoft)(Demo)

Are there benefits for pre-ordering?
Re: The Menagerie (Lupiesoft)(Demo)

Nothing really planned as we're not really holding anything back. It helps us out generally as we have little budget.
If you would prefer to get the game and gain access to the feed then patreon would be the general solution. I'l get a clarification about it soon but I recently suggested that anyone that had given a certain amount of money via patreon would get the final build along with any preview/review builds we do.
Re: The Menagerie (Lupiesoft)(Demo)

I just tried the demo (only 1 playthrough) and its nice.

Not sure what else to say without getting slammed for being overly critical/hostile/trolling.
Re: The Menagerie (Lupiesoft)(Demo)

Sometimes that all you need to say ^-^
Though like above the comment in reflection to never discovering if a character washed or not is one of the better point outs.
Re: The Menagerie (Lupiesoft)(Demo)

Looks like the release date on Mangagamer was pushed back to October 2nd. Thats a shame, I was looking forward to playing it soon.
Re: [Lupiesoft] The Menagerie (2nd October Release!)

Updated Main Post because of game release so go get and and throw those comments out ^_^
Re: [Lupiesoft] The Menagerie (2nd October Release!)

I'm downloading it since I had it pre-ordered but I don't intend to play it until I wake up in the morning. I'll have things to say then im sure.
Re: [Lupiesoft] The Menagerie (2nd October Release!)

Now this is the time when I wished I wouldn't have bought the MGS HD collection, I forgot this comes out in October. I will have to wait until I am a little less penniless.

Then again I do love MGS, so points for me?