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RPG RPG Maker [azurezero] Princess Ren Returns (Damsel Quest 2) OUT NOW (6.5usd on itch.io) RE165673 RJ165673


Tentacle God
Feb 22, 2010
Reputation score
the games been lowered to $6.5usd, enjoy

ends 9th of march now (i extended it)

11/12/2015 -I'm Happy to announce the game is up for sale on the Kimochi client now for 8usd,
in other news, until the 17th, damsel quest 1 will be on sale at 4usd (it's on the kimochi client under azurezero game collection).

Click pic for demo (UPDATED 09/10/2015)

i built this game off a lot of the scripts in my majo project (still need to change the title picture)

this game is a sequel to damsel quest, in which princess ren arrives back at her castle to find it in chaos, the soldiers have all been reduced to horny beasts...and an imposter has taken her place.

features switch based clothing damage, an armor break skill for disrobing opponents... The bondage pictures of majo were fun, but the ability to stunlock enemies broke the game a little...





Oh, and give some love to for the mini battle hud script he did

06/07/2015 - current demo features the intro, loss scenes for horny guards, orc boss, and the dominatrix

Now the game is done i'll be hoping people come forward with what theyd like me to add to the game, I have plenty of spots for optional bosses, fanservice, sexier minigames... etc
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Re: Princess Ren Returns (Damsel Quest 2)

Hey Azure, I talked to you a bit over skype, but here are some additional suggestion for you:

With all your works you seem to have both oral and penetration pretty well covered, but one thing I have not really seen and would like to see more is rubbing / grinding.

Pretty much imagine some sort of slime girl shape shifted her hand into a studded gooey hand and started rubbing it back and forth against the victims pussy, that's a new rape "attack" you could employ.

Apart from that, I'm liking the oral that's going on with the shape shifter and the lesbo, keep up the good work!
Re: Princess Ren Returns (Damsel Quest 2)

OH, in case some people didn't realise, you're meant to run from the orcs
as it lets you bottle neck them to fight one at a time. you can do it without any extra levels provided you have enough potions and a bit of luck

i'm working on the first proper area now, with the castle being under the enchantress control, it can be shaped to her will, so i'm thinking of making a nice garden area next... *lists off on fingers*
plant girls, slimes, bee girls, maybe fairies... hmmm
Re: Princess Ren Returns (Damsel Quest 2)

You might wanna make the "Strip" skill usable only in battle. Using it out of battle results in the character's portrait remaining on the screen and obstructing the player's view. Or at least give us a skill to put clothes back on.
Re: Princess Ren Returns (Damsel Quest 2)

Wasn't the first Damsel quest the stealth/puzzle game? I liked the stealth stuff, I don't want to play another generic RPG battler.

I can only base this on the screenshots you've got there, but they've got me concerned.
Re: Princess Ren Returns (Damsel Quest 2)

You might wanna make the "Strip" skill usable only in battle. Using it out of battle results in the character's portrait remaining on the screen and obstructing the player's view. Or at least give us a skill to put clothes back on.

ah, thats a test skill, it wont be in the final game unless there's skills that become available as a result currently the only way to get stripped is the green slimes can use an attack on the 3rd turn, and i've changed the skill for you anyway.

(next update)

Wasn't the first Damsel quest the stealth/puzzle game? I liked the stealth stuff, I don't want to play another generic RPG battler.

I can only base this on the screenshots you've got there, but they've got me concerned.
at the end of damsel quest Ren has wings and fire abilities, one can only imagine the shenanigans that went on between that game and this one...
i also got a complaint saying they wanted me to do stuff that wasn't just stealth games, it was unfair cause ive only had 2 stealth games
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Re: Princess Ren Returns (Damsel Quest 2)

here's a breakdown of my patreon is as follows.
pledging gives you access to this game as i update it, and if you pledge more than 20usd in total you'll get the unlock file once the game is complete even if you weren't pledging when it's finished like i have done previously

20usd must seem high to some people, but for pledging 8usd or more you get one of my back catalog games per month (which is cheaper than the dlsite prices for most of them) and you get entries to the commission lottery, which takes place every month i get more than 100usd
Re: Princess Ren Returns (Damsel Quest 2)


Teaser art for area 2
Re: Princess Ren Returns (Damsel Quest 2)

if all goes well i should have the final public demo (patrons will get updates after this) finished by the end of the month, i still have cg to draw for

2 mooks (both strippable girls)
1 boss (immune to armor break but only cause shes barely wearing anything to begin with)

and i still have to write 4 h scenes for them.

the area is under the control of the plant girl i posted in the previous post,
i'm also trying to think of a gimmick for the layout to keep it interesting.

i'd like to imagine some non combat related scenes too... like opening a trapped chest and such...
Re: Princess Ren Returns (Damsel Quest 2)

I'm definitely looking forward to this game as I was a big fan of the first and second games. It'll be interesting to see if you bring back any recurring characters.

I played through the demo and found the orcs to be hard to get through as Ren. So I found a bug where I could play through the demo as Emily. To activate this bug, I went left, instead of straight, after I went into the castle as Emily.

As for content, it's always nice to see heroines becoming petgirls through bondage. You know, collar, leash, tail/ears, and maybe blindfold. You know, the usual.

we'll i'll be damned, i didn't know anyone had commented... i'll get that bug fixed now but it will be a week or so before the next demo upload... i literally only have one more battler to design, one more cg scene to draw, and a nude version of a different battler
then i just have the writing and enemy placement of area 2 to do
i got a lot done in the last 2 weeks...

somehow i've been really burnt out after deepground lab but i'm starting to come out of it now...

so for the new area since i fucked up and designed unique enemies instead of people i can use more than once per screen, i had to design some more... so the second area is populated by asshole fairies... and i don't mean like the kind of thing eluku would do, these fairies are mostly motivated by profit so their game overs will all reflect that (again just one more of those left to draw)

the other girls got upgraded to sub bosses so 2 sub bosses, 3 new enemies and the area boss
Re: Princess Ren Returns (Damsel Quest 2)

What's left to be done

2 battler images (armor broke and normal images for fairy alchemist enemy)
the area boss game over needs writing
the area layout and design needs completing

when this is done the final public demo will be released
i have fixed that bug that was mentioned previously

have a cg preview
Re: Princess Ren Returns (Damsel Quest 2)

I might be wrong but...have i got this backwards? i just noticed Majo is still selling consistently while my sprite sex games aren't... I wasn't expecting to get any payments next month but thanks to majo i still have a little more...

my expectation was that my properly made platformers would do better than stuff made with rpgmaker...

also small update on top of this... I only have the boss loss scene to write and a few more rooms to design before the next demo will be released...I'm sorry if i'm a bit late with it though, I've been spending time with friends for the first time in months
Re: Princess Ren Returns (Damsel Quest 2)

again, sorry the new demo is late... i've had a cold depriving me of sleep and i'm finding it hard to think sexy
Re: Princess Ren Returns (Damsel Quest 2)

it has fixes based on the feedback i got. but i'd only made on minor mistake

new demo has 5 new enemies and one boss. originally it would've been just 2 new enemies but i made them unique accidentally so they became the lackeys of the boss instead, and i created the fairy enemies to fill the game, and i'm quite pleased with what i did with them.
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Re: Princess Ren Returns (Damsel Quest 2) new demo 09/10

Okay, where to start...
The art style is your own so i won't comment on that, i'm instead going to comment saying that it really clashes badly compared to everything else.
Be it the Window Skin and the actual combat enemies.
What i mean is, yours is more colorful with expressive colors, you use brighter while the default enemies are more darker and more detailed compared to yours.
Also, your not using a custom Status Menu, but your using expanded accessory script which is good.
My suggestions is if your going single character only or more is to find a script or make your own so it looks a bit diffrent.
And also use your own Window Skin rather then using the most common one.

The battle seems the same as any other rpg, maybe you can try expand on it a bit to make combat feel more engaging or active rather then "Attack, Select Target,Repeat".

Your using the default icons which is okay, but i like it more when it's diffrent.

Now, there is directions you can go and ive seen this in many rpgs ive played .
Either you focus to much on the H Scene and very little on the other stuff just making it : Pay to watch CG, or Pay for Gameplay and okay CG.
Atm, yours fall much into the first category of focusing too much off the sex stuff then the others, there are some changes, but nothing that makes your game stand out atm.

So my suggestions are as follow :
* Create Enemies based on your drawing style so it doesn't clash with your character art.
* Create a new Window Skin that matches your tone of the game
* Make battle unique by introducing a new combat style of how to fight enemies rather then Mash A until it's over.
* Put Character art or make your menu more diffrent then what the default one is. There are alot of scripts that changes it, im sure you can find one you like.
* Your maps look very rushed, Castle Town and Forest Town seem to be the only one that's been done anyreal work on.
* I don't know if your introducing new items, but you seem to be using default ones. Try making your own rather then "Potion : Restore 500HP" Doesn't long to make a new item : Soda : Restore 20 HP. Recyle today!
Re: Princess Ren Returns (Damsel Quest 2) new demo 09/10

This is an impression from going at the game for just under 20 minutes.

I can't describe the game as anything other than simple; the fighting is generic, and the music is the standard RPG Maker fare. Not exactly boring, but it's not... let's say 'engaging' as the other games in the series.

I can't complain about the story, because really, it's logical the princess would now be more action oriented since gaining strenght in the previous stories. The plot isn't original either, but assuming people have played the previous one, they'd at least feel a bit more of a connection with the princess than if this was the first game in the series.

Now, difficulty. The level presented in the demo is a bit of a wild ride. The simplicity of the fighting system, and the random nature of the loot system can make it a breeze or a slap in the face. Going a good number of fights without getting a single healing item in the loot is quite possible and can screw anyone who goes on to try and level up.
Other times you'll get so many healing items, you can end up levelling up forever, a real possibility seeing as the enemies on the world map don't despawn when they're defeated, they're only made intangible for a few seconds after being defeated. I would say it would be better to balance out the number of enemies rather than make it able for players to fight them as much as they want. It lends itself to an easy, if slightly boring process of grinding that can destroy any challenge on later stages.
There's also the issue with the escape command, it always works. It allows players to escape a match up of random enemies, meaning they can simply keep escaping a battle until they get a pair of soldiers, the easiest match up to fight and win against. I'd suggest that, if making enemies disappear when defeated is not an option, you change it so that escaping has a random chance of success, it will make people try and pick fights carefully.

If anything, I'd suggest normalizing the drop rate of items, while also making it harder for people to escape battles. It will make the game slightly harder, but also a bit fairer. And I'll echo Fan3's suggestion, making some custom art of the enemies would definitely make the game more appealing.

Overall, the game isn't too bad but right now it's only serviceable, I am hoping you can polish the game a bit more.
Re: Princess Ren Returns (Damsel Quest 2) new demo 09/10

This is an impression from going at the game for just under 20 minutes.

I can't describe the game as anything other than simple; the fighting is generic, and the music is the standard RPG Maker fare. Not exactly boring, but it's not... let's say 'engaging' as the other games in the series.

I can't complain about the story, because really, it's logical the princess would now be more action oriented since gaining strenght in the previous stories. The plot isn't original either, but assuming people have played the previous one, they'd at least feel a bit more of a connection with the princess than if this was the first game in the series.

Now, difficulty. The level presented in the demo is a bit of a wild ride. The simplicity of the fighting system, and the random nature of the loot system can make it a breeze or a slap in the face. Going a good number of fights without getting a single healing item in the loot is quite possible and can screw anyone who goes on to try and level up.
Other times you'll get so many healing items, you can end up levelling up forever, a real possibility seeing as the enemies on the world map don't despawn when they're defeated, they're only made intangible for a few seconds after being defeated. I would say it would be better to balance out the number of enemies rather than make it able for players to fight them as much as they want. It lends itself to an easy, if slightly boring process of grinding that can destroy any challenge on later stages.
There's also the issue with the escape command, it always works. It allows players to escape a match up of random enemies, meaning they can simply keep escaping a battle until they get a pair of soldiers, the easiest match up to fight and win against. I'd suggest that, if making enemies disappear when defeated is not an option, you change it so that escaping has a random chance of success, it will make people try and pick fights carefully.

If anything, I'd suggest normalizing the drop rate of items, while also making it harder for people to escape battles. It will make the game slightly harder, but also a bit fairer. And I'll echo Fan3's suggestion, making some custom art of the enemies would definitely make the game more appealing.

Overall, the game isn't too bad but right now it's only serviceable, I am hoping you can polish the game a bit more.

excellent feedback, will see what i can do
Re: Princess Ren Returns (Damsel Quest 2) new demo 09/10


new boss completed with all her cg. used the succubus from damsel quest 1 as a base. her scene gets 3 cg with 3 variants each, pretty proud of these. her area has brainwashed and horny maids after you.

I've also added skill related to the princess demonic wings that she'll be able to use after bringing enough of the barrier crystals under her control.
the way non of the enemies seem to be affected by the barrier must mean its only being turned on the princess.

I'm also planning on adding a minigame/gambling area where you can earn tokens to buy special skillbooks and bonus equipment. be a fun opportunity to bring back the capitalist fairies.

I've also added a new high tier to my patreon, for 60usd, you can have one of your characters featured in a HCG in one of my projects. currently there are 3 slots for this tier, because i only have 3 ideas for slots so far, considering the state of the castle in this game it would be a simple matter to add them anywhere...but what i have planned is a little more special than that. i plan on giving the princess the option of peeking in on the bosses before she takes them on, and theyll probably be fucking someone else in their domains...so perfect opportunity

currently theres slots for the Orc boss (requiring a custom sprite too) and plantgirl boss so far. the succubus slot is taken already
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