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To The Stars! (Zilrax, Mind Flayer, plmnko)

Re: To The Stars! (Zilrax, Mind Flayer, plmnko)

The Den Mother wraps her arms around Elena, sighing as she holds the herm close to her, and pressing her against her bloated belly. "Can you feel them, sweet Elena? All the new lives you've created today?" she asks the kitsune, as the sound of claws clacking on the floor can be heard, the Alpha entering and moving over towards Elisa. "Female ready to breed?" he asks, nuzzling his snout against Elisa affectionately.
Re: To The Stars! (Zilrax, Mind Flayer, plmnko)

Valis coughs at this point. "I hate to interrupt, but I've made some rather startling discoveries and it can't wait, as I need to perform check ups. Elisa, Elena, I need to scan you both. This won't take long."

She takes the medical scanner from her medpack and moves over, programming in the data of the new virus and running it over the pair to see if they had been infected, and herself as well.

"My initial theory proved correct. The strange sexual parasitism all species are now performing is due to a highly unstable retrovirus. It seems to invade host systems, mutating rapidly until it adapts to the host, then seems to accelerate fertility, and likely virility, by enormous factors. It then renders the dna incompatible to their own species. My best guess is to encourage contact and conflict with other species, without causing death. This leads to a highly prolific and virulent pathogen.," says Valis calmly.

"The chances of you two being infected are incredibly high, though it likely has yet to fully rewrite your dna and reproduce. There is also a chance I too have been infected, though I am hoping my enviroshield and gas mask have neutralized all foreign intrusions. Now the sudden arrival of this virus indicates an artificial origin. While viruses are prone to random mutation, this is far too sophisticated and sudden to have come about naturally. There is a high chance there is a listening post or research lab on the planet. If so, it likely will have the tools I need to engineer a stop gap solution, as a virus this unstable will likely require a virophage to deal with."

Valis shrugs and leans against a wall. "For now my best means to assist in the issue on the small scale is to try to ensure that Elena reproduces several litters of kitsune herms that the wolves can use to repopulate. The virus' gene scrambling nature will probably ensure all genetic matches are viable so I doubt having close genetics will be an issue. And the fact Elena's young can only reproduce with another species and not each other should prevent too many. So I'll be using nanites to ensure that the fertilized eggs genders are set to ensure they have the ability to bare young. And will be using various instruments to study the virus' spread through your systems to see if it has any vulnerable points."

She snaps her fingers and glances to the Alpha. "Oh, right. You, once you and Elisa finish up, I want you and your Den Mother in the medical lab. If you're going to be on this ship, you're getting physicals. Need to make sure you don't have any hidden issues that I have to solve on top of your viral infections."
Re: To The Stars! (Zilrax, Mind Flayer, plmnko)

As Elena lay there with the Den Mother, a pleasant smile on her face as she rested her head, she was about to speak when Valis came into the room and got their attention. Elena listened to everything Valis had to say and felt her heart sink at the knowledge that she'd already been infected by this virus. As Valis finish talking, it began to sink in just what all this meant to Elena, with the kitsune herm gulping very audibly as tears formed in her eyes.

"Oh god... I... I can't ever have babies with my own people? I... I need to lie down," Elena said, her mind forgetting in her panic that she was already laying with the Den Mother on the floor. "Valis... w-we can't ever leave this place until we've cured this. We can't risk bringing this virus to our own peoples. It... it'll destroy us. And, you're probably infected already too... the bite. It drew blood remember. It's... almost like the Krogan genophage Valis. Do you think maybe some Salarians are involved somehow?" Elena went on to say, remembering the wolves biting her and Valis both.
Re: To The Stars! (Zilrax, Mind Flayer, plmnko)

The affection than the Dem mother placed on Elena was not pleasant for the human, but she dont have too much time in think about the possibility of what would happen when the Dem mother give birth or if the kitsune has done the same to her, as soon as she get closer the alpha wolf looks to have his eyes on her once again. Eh!? Dont you has already enough with the others two? Sigh... just let me drink something and some minutes more. The red haired human said, trying to earn some moments more to decide herself.

It was then when Valis come out and mostly shoot a long discourse than Elisa dont needed to put attention on all, just the words virus and than they were mostly infected were enough. Why are you waiting to check them after have contact with us? That should be done before and it must be also be a priority to send a quarantine signal on this planet before anyone else come here. Elisa almost shout before go to do the last for herself.

Elisa mumble and curse her luck, once she send the signal she will look for something to drink.
Re: To The Stars! (Zilrax, Mind Flayer, plmnko)

"Scans indicate you are correct, I too am infected. In any case I said I would cure this and I will, or at the very least mitigate it in some manner. It will take me much time and research but no pathogen is unbeatable. I wish that I had more people to work with me on this. Our best bet is probably to locate the origin of the virus. That means we must locate patient 0.," grimaces Valis as she checks the scans.

She shook her head a bit as she paced a little. "The origins could be anyone, laying blame at this juncture is pointless. It could just as easily be a Krogan attempt at making a counter virus to undo the genophage, or a rogue corporation, or terrorists or an unknown species. Speculation is pointless until we locate the origin site. It could even have been caused by pure accident or happenstance. What's important is we deal with it. In any case you not being able to reproduce with other kitsunes is not a large concern as you are the only kitsune here. Unless you are planning to reproduce with your daughters, it won't be a significant burden, and we are not leaving until this is resolved."

Valis looks to Elisa with a sigh. "We were infected during the fight, if we weren't infected on contact with the air. I'll need to go over the air samples to see just how spread this pathogen is. I also need to go over our plant samples to see if it;s affected the flora. If so, we may well be impregnated with trees or grass or flowers via pollen. In any case I was a bit lax in my duties and I apologize. I shall make up for it by finding a solution. For now we should turn our attention to the fact with the coming population boost and our evidently long term presence, we will need a more permanent settlement and research site for me to work with."

As Elisa began to go get a drink, Valis holds up the open but undrunk beer from earlier. "Here, it's been untouched."
Re: To The Stars! (Zilrax, Mind Flayer, plmnko)

Elisa was ready to leave and do what she has said than she will do, the notice of the infection with the virus and how easily could infect any visitor of this planet get over any dislike than she could have by the almost certain possibility to have her second time this time with a dog.

But Valis talk back making her stop and shrug. Hey! at least is not lethal, we had luck this time. However, this virus couldnt be the only pathogen on this planet than could drasticaly affect us, that is you must do a scan to all ours visitors and i preffer than i get impregnated if possible by artificial insemination, if im not already carring the child of Elina. She add with a sigh at the end and then went to take the drink offered by the other human.

Before drink from it she ponder a little, using the hand dont holding the beer to remain the blanket in her place, the upper side of her breasts slighty comming out for all to enjoy, but her nipples still covered even when certainly all had seen her naked just as she born. Hmm, Thanks. We should work as best as we can before the symptoms of the pregnancies and the virus start to reduce our capabilities, if only we could find more hands to help us to cbuild all for the research of the cure, we also should use some of us to scan faster this planet and find that patient 0 when we can. Said this she start to drink and then look for more after put the alert.
Re: To The Stars! (Zilrax, Mind Flayer, plmnko)

"I am performing said scans, though I remind you that it is YOUR job to take samples, not mine. I am filling in for you at this juncture but scanning for these sort of things are your duty.," sighs Valis.

Valis shrugs as she listens to Elisa before shrugging. "Artificial insemination won't protect you from disease, since the fluid is still from them. You may as well take the knot but if you truly rather have puppies from me and a syringe than from them, I can accommodate. In any case, for the time being it is just us. So we'll make do and perhaps teach some of the natives how to assist us. In any case pregnancy shall proceed rapidly, and viral interference remains to be seen, but it doesn't seem to cause any overt harm to the host beyond reproductive issues."

Valis reached into her pocket and removed her sonic surgical tool before tweaking it a bit. "For the time being, shall I ensure that all young are capable of baring?"
Re: To The Stars! (Zilrax, Mind Flayer, plmnko)

Sure, i will take all the sample and scans needed to find a cure and yeah, is my job, but these scans for ours guests are more at the medic area, so i supposed than you should be the most appropriate to do them.

Elisa take as much as she could, maybe half of the drink before make a sigh of delight for the cold in her mouth and the taste, her eyes focus on Valis before move them toward the Alpha and the Den mother. Of course, i know than some diseases cant be protected by Artificial insemination, but there are a lot of benefits... Elisa close her eye making the known gesture of "follow the current" and then nods so Valis affirm and even aid her in this. You know more puppies than the normal, no problems in the births and impregnation and we can check them better, is a win win for all for the exchange of a little of sex than Elena would love to help, right Elena? noding some more times to the kitsune
Re: To The Stars! (Zilrax, Mind Flayer, plmnko)

"Yes. And I did say I was going to give them physicals. In any case, it will be handled."

Valis noted Elisa's evasiveness and hopefulness and sighs. "It;s not only up to me, but should it be alright with them, then I'll do so."

Valis looks to the Alpha. "I can use your seed to impregnate her. Without direct copulation. You'd try the device your packmate used, and then I would use a device to impregnate her with your seed. It seems to be her preference. Is that acceptable?"
Re: To The Stars! (Zilrax, Mind Flayer, plmnko)

The Den Mother cuddles Elena tighter when she hears how broken up she is, cooing sweet assurances in her ear and kissing her, trying to be as comforting as possible to the father of her pups.

The Alpha huffs out his nose at the notion of breeding any way other than how he was raised. "Breeding can't be done like that. Wouldn't do it like that anyway. Best way to breed female is directly." the Alpha says, looking over at Elisa hopefully. Clearly he wanted nothing to do with this artificial nonsense.
Re: To The Stars! (Zilrax, Mind Flayer, plmnko)

Sniffling a little as the Den Mother comforted her with soft gentle strokes to her head. Elena lay there on the Den Mother, cuddling back and laying her head down on the wolf woman's breasts. She listened to the other two talking between one another, saddened over the new knowledge about this virus that was now infecting them. What if... she and the others were never able to leave here? This thought made her even more scared as she shuddered.

While laying there sniffling softly, Elena heard the Alpha wolf reply to Elisa who wanted to apparently do a artificial insemination, which while it did in her eyes have merit to ensure many of her eggs were fertilized so she'd have plenty of pups for them, Elena had to agree with the wolf. "Elisa... come on now. Sex is... just the best if you want babies. There's no reason not to now, especially since we're already infected. At the very least it'll help take my mind off of it for a while," Elena said softly to Elisa, the sadness clear in her voice.
Re: To The Stars! (Zilrax, Mind Flayer, plmnko)

There was not surprise at the wolf answer, but Elisa wanted to try it anyway, she already expected than his primitive culture wouldnt understand this easily. However Elisa couldnt do something than place "the sight" on Elena when this looks to dont get than she needed her support. She turns to the Alpha and nods with a last drink to empty the fermented liquid. It was just a sugestion, artificial insemination is one of the tools than the humanity used to fight the infertility, breed problems and genetic infection, between others techniques. Why dont you follow me to get some more of these, get a room and then we can end this. She then turn to Valis and smile. Thanks Valis, we could be fine doing this, but you can follow us and check us anyway.

Said this she leave and do what she has said, leaving the kitsune with just the dem mother and the others wolves.
Re: To The Stars! (Zilrax, Mind Flayer, plmnko)

"Elisa... stop trying to worm out of the agreement. You and I both agreed to breed with them in exchange for their protection and whatnot. This virus doesn't effect fertility outright, simply the means of reproducing with someone's own species. I'd rather not anger out hosts since there's a good chance we'll be staying with or at least near them during our time here," Elena said from her pillows that were the Den Mother's breasts, softly chastising Elisa for not going along with the agreement made that she and Elena would both be bred by the wolves and Elena would breed the Den Mother.
Re: To The Stars! (Zilrax, Mind Flayer, plmnko)

"To be fair, the agreement was to breed, and one way or another, she will birth puppies. And it can work. Indeed, given the right machines, I could take unfertilized eggs and sperm taken from two separate hosts and fertilize them and then implant them in another. Or given the right systems even grow them in artificial wombs. I however do not have the requisite technology for these things.," shrugs Valis.

She gestured to the door. "In any case Elisa is proposing she get drunk first then take the Alpha to another room. I will of course be monitoring in case of any issues. After that, I'm going to take a decontamination shower then see about those physicals. I don't want anything to throw my readings off after all."

Valis waited for Elisa and the alpha to proceed, humming a bit as she looked over her medical scanner, her squeaky high pitched voice distorting it a bit.
Re: To The Stars! (Zilrax, Mind Flayer, plmnko)

The red head was close to talk back to the kitsune, but Valis words were enough to make the fox girl understand, there was not need to know more about Elena than could make Elisa feels worse about her first time.

She soon went to the door pinted by their medic where she drink some more until she could feel herself ready for have their little fun to get wolf babies. She then drink to empty her beer tin and looking to the Alpha say to this. It could sound strange, but my race education was not planned to have sex intercourses with anothers races, out of the humanoid ones... So, i couldnt be so skilled as Elena and before start i must appologize for this. She ended blushing a little as she start to remove the blanked and soon her breasts were exposed again.

Uhm, how should we start? Do you want to start direct to impregnate me? At the time than she ask to the Alpha, her hand tried to pet him a little, turning to see his member, she was ready to just turn her body to use the doggystyle, looking at Valis for a moment as she ponder if she should let someone see her at this moment.
Re: To The Stars! (Zilrax, Mind Flayer, plmnko)

The wolf growls approvingly at the petting from Elisa, his member starting to slide free of its sheath. "Want you on all fours. Want to fill you with as many pups as possible." the Alpha says, nuzzling his head into her side affectionately.

The Den Mother reaches a hand up to Elena's head, starting to guide her towards one of her nipples. "You seem a bit lethargic, Elena...Do you need a little boost?" she says, as milk begins to form on the nipple her head's being directed to. "Drink up...It'll help you keep your strength up."
Re: To The Stars! (Zilrax, Mind Flayer, plmnko)

Valis followed the wolf and Elisa out, leaning against a wall while waiting for them to get started. Seemed the wolf wanted her the classic way. "May as well jsut do so, Elisa. Do you want some assistance in the meantime? Or you, Alpha?"

Valis pulls out the sonic surgical tool, offering to give them assistance in pleasure and possibly other ways in their coupling.
Re: To The Stars! (Zilrax, Mind Flayer, plmnko)

Ehm, thanks Valis but not this time. Why dont you give me some moments alone with him to start, is odd do this with public. Elisa said, asking to the other human a moment of privaticity in this shamefull moment. Her pets on the wolf continue, mostly thanks to see than these were turning him aroused.

After talk with Valis, the red haired girl nods when the wolf said how he want to do it, very classic indeed and should be easy as she dont need to do much, mostly just endure do this with the beast for maybe just some minutes.

She slowly get on her four, removing her blanket to have her whole body exposed, then she move a hand between her legs, using two of her fingers to open the birthing tunnel entrance, her hole still leaking some of the kitsune's sperm. Well, you can start when you are ready. She said in the best kind tone than she could, her mind slighty affected by the alcohol, but not much as she should wished.
Re: To The Stars! (Zilrax, Mind Flayer, plmnko)

The Alpha wolf moves up behind Elisa, sniffing at her cunt before walking over her, placing his rather large and erect cock against her folds, lightly pressing the tip into her, as his front paws rest directly in front of her arms, holding her in place as he begins to work himself to press deeper into her. "Can tell will be good mother...Carry many pups for pack...Going to fill you full of them." he begins to pant out as he penetrates her, pressing deeper into her with his massive cock.
Re: To The Stars! (Zilrax, Mind Flayer, plmnko)

Elisa tensed her body at the moment than she noticed the wolf smelling her already taken cunt, her cheeks blush by still be a little against the idea of be taken by just a beast. His words just intinsified her shivering, to stay in this humillating stance she needed all of herself. Just...do it. She with difficult answer as she closed her eyes when the massive member press her exposed baby hole.

Gasping by the paws over her and some of the weight of the creature, her breasts softly bouncing as she tried to endure his weight. Then it come her body was taken as she gasp in surprise by the lenght of the object going inside almost all the way to her womb, her body soon bounce with the thrusts, each one so intense and with unexpected pleasure than only pressing her teeth could she hold at the start the upcoming soft moans and whimpers.