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To The Stars! (Zilrax, Mind Flayer, plmnko)


Master of Kinky Fetishes. Or just Bitch if you pre
Dec 13, 2013
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Re: To The Stars! (Zilrax, Mind Flayer, plmnko)

Valis nods at their theories, moving to follow them. "There must be differences, nothing stays identical. This planets population is unusually dense. That's not normal, moreover these species shouldn't have evolved in the same environments. This bares full studies."

She nodded to the others and opened the gate, scanning the area before slipping out again, gesturing for them to get some tree samples before they headed out to search for the locals.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: To The Stars! (Zilrax, Mind Flayer, plmnko)

As the trio exit the camp, the sounds of the forest begin to pick up again, the forest becoming another cacophony of wild sound. As they begin to move deeper into the forest, a loud rush of paws brings a wolf pack to stop right in front of them, the beasts bigger than an average Human, and lead by one even bigger than them. He growls at the women, his pack also snarling as he and the wolves to either side of him begin to advance on them. The translators in all three of their omnitools beep, informing them that those snarls are actually a form of communication, and that it needs time to decipher. The Alpha wolf snarls and growls at them, the other wolves also doing the same.


Master of Kinky Fetishes. Or just Bitch if you pre
Dec 13, 2013
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Re: To The Stars! (Zilrax, Mind Flayer, plmnko)

Moving through the woods, it seemed the creatures had been watching and picked up the noise again. Valis watched about warily as they moved, but their opposition exposed itself swiftly.

Wolves. Big wolves. Evidently big talking wolves? The Omnitools seemed to be trying to translate but it seemed aggressive.

"They seem territorial. Perhaps we should back off slowly while the translator adapts. Though if they attack, a warning shot might be valid. But not from me. My bullets explode.," states Valis, glancing at the spreading out wolves, starting to step back slowly, but gun ready.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: To The Stars! (Zilrax, Mind Flayer, plmnko)

Moving out of camp, Elena takes tree and plant samples here and there, as well as a few samples of the smaller bugs around that she could get into the sample jars and vials. She tried to ignore the sounds of the wildlife around there starting back up, figuring that they were perceived as not a threat and thus life could continue as normal.

After a short while though the pack of wolf like creatures came upon them and prompted Elena to pull her shotgun up quickly as the wolf things snarled and growled at them. When her omnitool informed her that the things were apparently trying to communicate though, Elena tilted her head to the side a bit. "Whoa there big guy. There's no need to fight, we don't wanna fight if possible okay, we're just exploring. We mean you no harm," Elena said cautiously at the larger alpha wolf. If they attacked though, Elena would fire up into the air to try and scare them back. "The omnitool says they're trying to communicate though, so... let's try and buy time for it to see what they're saying I say," she added to the others, but kept her shotty in hand and ready to shoot just in case.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: To The Stars! (Zilrax, Mind Flayer, plmnko)

Glad to be supported by her team, the red head continued her scanning, using more her time looking around for troubles than to collect stuff. Suddenly she almost chuckle looking at the creatures jumping at them and the last words than Valls said about evolution in different planets. She was close to shoot at the huge lupines when her omnithing tried to translate the growls.

Really?Ok, lets give them a chance to try to talk. She answer almost sarcastical ready to shoot as warning if any of these beast try to attack them and of course shoot to them if all get worse.

[Give time to the omnitool to work and shoot if needed]


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: To The Stars! (Zilrax, Mind Flayer, plmnko)

The Wolves continue to growl, the Translator finally working, somewhat. "Fertile females! Strange breed! Make good pups for pack!" the Alpha says, the other wolves growling in assent. "Two ways. Wrestle you to ground and make pups, or present selves for breeding!" it growls out, the Translator obviously having a ruff time deciphering the finer points of the massive wolf's speech.


Master of Kinky Fetishes. Or just Bitch if you pre
Dec 13, 2013
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Re: To The Stars! (Zilrax, Mind Flayer, plmnko)

Valis blinks a moment, staring at the translation before responding. "First, we're different species who are not Asari. So not even possible. Second, fuck no. Elise, warning shot."

Valis brought her rifle to bare in case they didn't obey the threat and pushed it. She preference getting live specimens but she was not going to let giant talking wolves rape her. No way, no how.

She shuddered to imagine if they were actually compatible.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: To The Stars! (Zilrax, Mind Flayer, plmnko)

"Now... come on boys. We're beautiful I know, but we only just met. And as my companion here said, we don't know if it's even possible for you to breed with us," Elena said to the alpha of the pack, readying her shotgun to fire a warning shot if they approached closer to try and force the issue. Then an odd thought passed through her mind and she smirked at the alpha wolf "But... if you try to breed me, then I'm by god going to try and breed you back," she went on to say in a serious tone as she lowered her bikini bottoms and released her amp on her large cock and balls for the wolf to see, smirking and hoping that might scare them off.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: To The Stars! (Zilrax, Mind Flayer, plmnko)

There was not need to get an order to shoot and freak out these wolves for the rest of their lives, if they manage to escape. Elisa just frown point and shoot merciless to the Alpha's head. Certainly the odd creatures werent expecting than they were armed and would run in the instant.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: To The Stars! (Zilrax, Mind Flayer, plmnko)

The alpha laughs when Elena reveals her dual nature, the other joining in. "You both! You make good breeder for pack! Breed with-" he's cut off as Elisa shoots him in the forehead, his head turning with the force of the bullet, before he begins to growl, the only sign of the bullet having any effect a small area of red fur, looking like he had just been bopped on the head rather than shot, as the bullet falls to the ground. "Hard way then!" he shouts, lunging at the one who had shot him, his head lowered as he tries to headbutt her. His two flanking wolves both leap at Elena and Valis when he leaps at the strange rifle-wielding woman, both also trying to tackle the two women.

Elisa and Elena are both ehadbutted, while Valis somehow manages to dodge the wolf attacking her.


Elisa: 4 vs 12, failure, -1 FP

Elena: 9 vs 14, failure, -1 FP

Valis: 16 vs 4, success, no damage.

Elena: 4/5 FP

Elisa: 4/5 FP

Valis: 5/5 FP

Alpha: 6/7 FP.

Wolf 1: 5/5 FP

Wolf 2: 5/5 FP

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: To The Stars! (Zilrax, Mind Flayer, plmnko)

Seeing that her plan failed and didn't scare the wolves off, Elena was about to make another threat at them when Elisa took a shot at the alpha's forehead, which didn't kill him like it ought to have. "Um... shit, Gah!" Elena began saying before letting out a yelp of surprise and pain as she was headbutted by one of the wolves, knocking her back a bit.

Elena hoisted her shotgun up and took aim at her wolf opponent and fired at the largest part of it, hoping the sheer power of her shotgun would knock it back down. If she could manage to do so, Elena would wait and draw him in before firing at pointblank range into her foe in hopes of doing some damage to him, though in more likely hood it would probably shred the poor beast.


Master of Kinky Fetishes. Or just Bitch if you pre
Dec 13, 2013
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Re: To The Stars! (Zilrax, Mind Flayer, plmnko)

Valis glares at Elisa when she does a very much NOT warning shot. "That is a kill shot not a warning shot! Are you insa- Oh hey it's still alive. Well fuck."

Not paying attention to the exhibitionist foxkin or her sudden junk growth, or the wolves evident extra desire for her dual gendered self, Valis' focus was on the wolves rushing at her and her companions.

Valis was ready for it though, ducking aside with a grimace. She needed to gain some ground. The others evidently took hits from the wolves.

"Elena when you get clear, get your damn clothes back on proper!" Kitsunes, friggin weirdos. She was good with a gun though, hopefully she could handle these bunch. Analyzing bullet proof wolves would definitely be worth some good cash.

She rolled back from the wolf and opened fire at it with her assault rifle, hoping she cleared enough distance to avoid her bullets explosions.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: To The Stars! (Zilrax, Mind Flayer, plmnko)

Hmm...why he is not dead? Elisa ask maybe thinking than some of her allies changed her amunition for blank bullets, she was so close and the thing shouldnt have a chance to survive.

Anyway soon the things attack them and the sniper couldnt be ready to dodge the attack, blaming in her mind she prepare her aim to shoot again to the same target than her partners choice.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: To The Stars! (Zilrax, Mind Flayer, plmnko)

Elena's shot grazes the wolf, cutting a line through its fur and leaving a red slice down its hide, the beast growing and leaping at her, although he leaped past her rather than attempting to hit her. The other two women's attacks go wide, Valis' shot exploding against a tree in the background. The Alpha roars as he leaps at Elisa, landing in front of her and attempting to bite her, though she has more than enough time to evade the attack. The wolf attacking Valis, however, gets a good bite on her right leg, growling as he draws blood with his massive canines.


Elena: 18 vs 4, hit, wolf 2 -1FP

Valis: 10 vs 17, failure

Elisa: 4 vs 9, failure


Elena: 14 vs 18, success, no damage.

Valis: 11 vs 20, critical failure, -2 FP

Elisa: 10 vs 2, success, no damage.


Elena: 4/5 FP

Elisa: 4/5 FP

Valis: 3/5 FP

Alpha: 6/7 FP

Wolf 1: 5/5 FP

Wolf 2: 4/5 FP


Master of Kinky Fetishes. Or just Bitch if you pre
Dec 13, 2013
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Re: To The Stars! (Zilrax, Mind Flayer, plmnko)

Valis grimaces, concentrating but her shot went wild, her cursing. She gave a cry of pain as she;s chomped hard in the leg, grimacing. Bleeding, she had hoped to avoid using nanites so quickly. She grimaced and threw down her shield cover field to try and buy herself some time, banking that the wolves never had faced a shield projector before and would smack into it.

She began opening fire over it, trying to blast the wolf, or at least the ground near it, hoping the splash could strike it.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: To The Stars! (Zilrax, Mind Flayer, plmnko)

With all the time of the world Elisa have the chance to recover of the first atack, mostly pissed than her shoot has not been lethal as she expected. What? stop the roars and thank me, you shouldnt be alive. Said this she dodge the wolf attempts to hurt her and then she tried to help her friend but her moves to avoid the damage at her legs made her miss her chance to hurt that other wolf, but looking how the other human was having problems she focus on her attempt to take Valis wolf first.

[Shoot Valis opponet]

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: To The Stars! (Zilrax, Mind Flayer, plmnko)

"Damn, hang on girls. I'm on my way," Elena called to the others after hitting her wolf opponent with her shotgun.

Elena spun and aimed at Valis' opponent to help get it off of her, firing when she had an open shot so she wouldn't hit Valis in the process. While she aimed and fired her shotgun, Elena's large bushy tail waved in the air behind her which would hopefully distract the wolf that had come after her, and when it inevitably came at her, she whip it around and roll out of the way.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: To The Stars! (Zilrax, Mind Flayer, plmnko)

Valis and Elena's shots strike true, the former singing the wolf's for and a small patch of flesh, and the latter shaving off a diagonal line of fur and making a deep gash in his flesh, causing him to howl in anger, as Elisa's shot goes wide once more, killing a poor little sapling growing off in the distance.

The wolves leap at them again, the Alpha biting into Elisa's left arm, and the wolf fighting Elena getting a good bite on her left leg, sinking their fangs deep into them before pulling back, the Alpha actually laughing. "Females have spirit! Will make VERY strong pups for pack!"


Elena: 12 vs 6, success, Wolf 1 -1FP

Valis: 18 vs 15, success, Wolf 1 -1FP

Elisa: 13 vs 19, failure, no damage.


Elena: 1 vs 2, critical failure, -2FP

Valis: 19 vs 18, success, no damage.

Elisa: 3 vs 20, failure, critical hit, -2 FP


Elena: 2/5 FP

Valis: 3/5 FP

Elisa: 2/5 FP

Alpha: 6/7 FP

Wolf 1: 3/5 FP

Wolf 2: 4/5 FP


Master of Kinky Fetishes. Or just Bitch if you pre
Dec 13, 2013
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Re: To The Stars! (Zilrax, Mind Flayer, plmnko)

Valis curses, her explosives barely doing anything at all! What the hell was going on? She decided to try and change tactics, swiftly drawing her combat knife and trying to slam the blade home.

Hopefully this would work better, but she had her doubts. They were being worn down very quickly. To wolves. Talking wolves but still. This didn't sound good. She considered fleeing but there was no way they could outrun a wolf pack.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: To The Stars! (Zilrax, Mind Flayer, plmnko)

Damn, i know it. We should had passed more time inside the ship. Elisa mutters feeling the new earned pain at her arm, she was completely amazed with the problems at her equipment, it was like some kind of gremblin cheat her rifle to be almost useless.

I will kill one no metter what and then i will check this thing. Said this she shoot to the popular wolf 1