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Rumia (cross_grave)

Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia sighed. Of course it'd be annoying. With no clear path leading to the nest, she'd likely have a hard time reaching it. Perhaps the spider could... But then again, it wasn't quite viable as a mount just yet. Shaking her head, she decided to leave exploring the nest for later. Especially since those bones tossed around the place were... Ominous. She'd try to inspect the bones, see if there was anything useful left among them. If she found nothing that could help her find a path to the nest, she'd turn around and go South, despite the warnings. At least a valley ought to be easier to reach, plus she was really damn curious about what was located there.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia would realize after a bit of travel that the nest was up on top of the mountains for a very obvious reason, it was not meant for. Deciding that trying to travel any further along this route was going to simply be a fruitless endeavor, Rumia would stop a little to investigate the bones that were strewn about the area.

The likelyhood of them being humanoid, was very high. Were they actually human, not likely Lassic would surmise. Not very far into the "investigation", they were interrupted by a Roc swooping down upon them. At least for now, it was far too high to have done anything to them.

The Roc itself was fairly majestic with its wings open wide. The speed at which such a large creature was moving would be a testament to the skill and power it possessed. Rumia did some quick thinking and would turn tail to get out of there. Simply deciding that running south would be the best bet since it was the place that she was warned not to go. Maybe she would end up with two seperate threats that would hold her in no regard and allow her to escape the situation entirely.

This was at least partially true, after a few minutes of a fairly brisk pace, the Roc would swoop down upon them again and again. Never coming within more than maybe 50 feet of them as it made its dives toward them, the wind gusts alone from the beast were enough to paralyze them in place for a few seconds.

Entering the valley to the south would at least afford them safety as the Roc was far too big to pursue further. Though every once in a while, Rumia would be able to catch a glimpse of it in the air as it was seemingly circling overhead of them now.

What stood before Rumia was a fairly enclosed valley, maybe 5 feet on either side of her to maneuver in. There were paths that lead in three directions. Along the eastern wall a path would go upward. Another path along the western wall was headed upward at a slightly lesser incline. Finally the path they were currently on headed along the base of the mountains.

Rumia would again have a few options before her. Mainly what path she would want to try to investigate first. It did not look as if the Roc that was currently interested in her group was able to get to them, but were she to go too high up where the valley opened up more..
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia swore as she ran towards the valley, moving as fast as she possibly could. This was crazy! Given what she had seen so far, she expected harpies or the like, or maybe some kind of flying beast that'd try to mate her. Not a massive bird that was able to nearly toss her around like a ragdoll with it's wingbeats alone! It was just like those worms from before, except in the air instead of the ground! As she fled, the mage resolved to never, ever visit another place that could contain such a giant without procuring ample firepower first. For now, she had to get away first, though, and figure out what to do about that persistent bastard!

As she stood in the valley, panting, Rumia let out a sigh of relief at managing to get to a safer place. The bird was still there, circling. She could see it whenever she looked up, as if waiting for her. Damn bastard. Though now that she could relax and watch it calmly, she had to grudgingly admit that it was a majestic creature. And powerful, too. Those winds rendered her all but helpless as it approached. Still... Why didn't it grab her? Usually birds of prey were very accurate with their dives, able to hit their prey even when coming down from great heights. Was it because she was so small compared to it? Could be. Honestly, she wasn't sure whether she wanted to find out.

Shaking her head, Rumia returned to contemplating her new options. She could either go along the eastern wall, the western one, or continue down the bottom of the valley. The first one would likely lead her high up, potentially within the roc's attack range - a risky proposition. The last one most likely led directly towards... Whatever the Hell it was that lived inside the valley. In the end, she decided to go with the middle road. The western path didn't go up as fast as the other one, meaning it was more likely she'd be safe from the bird while potentially allowing her to inspect the bottom of the valley from a distance. Granted, there was a chance that something lived along the paths as well, but she'd have to risk it.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia would conclude that the Roc was not exactly looking for its next meal currently as to why it was not interested in simply swooping in and capturing her. The beast making its presence known may have been because it felt threatened from something invading its territory. No matter the actual reason, at least she was safe from the thing within this valley.

Seeing no reason to retreat, Rumia would pick the middle ground and head along the western path. The area was surprisingly silent, possibly due to the Roc overhead scaring away whatever native creatures previously here. This notion was squelched once the arrows started to rain down from the other side of the mountain. At least whatever was shooting them had terrible aim, these arrows were fired way too high and simply impacted on the side of the mountain above her.

Looking at the arrows, Rumia would be somewhat bemused at how primitive they were. The points of the arrows were not even sharp, nor did they seem to have any kind of a poison on them. A diversionary tactic?

With the attackers revealing themselves, it would seem that was exactly what it was. A few deep in front of her and behind her, Rumia walked right into an ambush it would seem. The orcs had her surrounded as she would not be able to move in any direction aside from straight up. The archers had the advantage of higher ground, there was a small army forming along the valley floor below, and there was about a squad of ten orcs on either side of the path she was currently on as well.

From what she could see, they were poorly armed. Their weaponry was little more than bones, including the arrows that lay at her feet around her.

"Intruders... Surrender or Die!

A voice was heard amongst them that made the whole lot of them kneel. It would seem the leader of this tribe was amonst them, however Rumia could not discern where exactly the voice was coming from.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia cursed as she heard the arrows fly towards her through the sky, getting ready to dodge... Then raised an eyebrow as they've impacted away from her. Hell, those things weren't even sharp! Still, at that speed they had enough force to scratch or bruise her, maybe even wound, so it was a concern. The reason for the poor aim quickly became clear, however, as the ambush sprang. Looking around at the gathered masses of orcs, the girl cursed again. How in the Hell were they able to hide such numbers around here?

Glancing around, she took a quick count. Ten on each side, twenty in total within rushing range. God knows how many down below, she didn't have time for a quick count. And they had archer support. They likely wouldn't fire at her while she was locked in melee, the risk of hitting their own guys was bigger than the chance of hitting her, actually, but they could easily prevent her from climbing her way out. And even if she rushed the ones in front and somehow broke through, they'd likely put her down. Breaking through the ones in the back was pointless, she'd get cut off by the mob below.

When the call to surrender came, Rumia glanced around fast, trying to locate the leader. No such luck. Well, attacking him probably would just get her mobbed, even if it worked. With the orcs kneeling, she could try to make a break for it, but it was unlikely to work. Plus, even if she somehow managed to outrun the bastards, she had her companions to worry about. Running was impossible, and fighting out of the question. Much as she disliked the thought, against such odds she had no chance of victory. She was not sure how strong each orc was and while her Dancing Flames could do a lot of damage, it was not guaranteed to work. Plus it was likely to get her shot.

"I mean no harm!" The girl called out, hoping that the mob could be reasoned with. Or at least that the leader could be reasoned with. He seemed to have great control over the rest, so she'd try to address him directly... If only she could find him. "I am merely trying to pass through and try to shake off that damn bird that pursued me here. I wasn't planning to cause trouble to anyone, I just wish to be on my way." She doubted this explanation would work, to be honest. But she had to try. "I will defend myself if I have to, but I'd rather not cause trouble. I have no quarrel with you. I'd rather just be left alone."
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia would be surrounded and seemingly her surrender was demanded by an unknown voice. After a few words of her own, the leader of the tribe would emerge among the lines of archers prepared to rain down their arrows upon her.

The king was fairly clearly discernable as he was likely about 20-25 feet away, and as he emerged from the masses the head ornament that was likely their crown or some other form or symbol of leadership became visible. An ornament that looked to be made of gold, it looked simple enough though these were simple minded orcs afterall.

"You bring bird here, intrude on our land, now you threaten us?
Maybe you need lesson on where your place is puny girl!

As the king's voice rose the rabble around him would spring up from their kneeling position and take their positions waiting for battle. Were Rumia to make the first move here, she might be able to take them by surprise. The numbers game was clearly against her however.

"Kneel down before me and I may let you live."

This would put Rumia into a simple choice, kneel down and surrender or try to fight.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

'Is he serious?' Rumia stared at the orc king, thinking. 'HOW was that a threat? I just said I want to be left in bloody peace! Declaring willingness to defend yourself is NOT a bloody threat, at least not when you bring a whole goddamn WAR PARTY against one person!' She kept her mouth shut, not vocalizing those thoughts. There would likely be no reasoning with those meatheads, either she'd bend her knee to their bullying tactics or fight and try to get away. She doubted she'd be able to beat all of them, but perhaps inflicting enough damage would make them think twice before attempting another stunt like this.

Ignoring the king and his cheap crown - seriously, if it weren't for the fact that gold was so soft and easy to mold, he'd likely end up wearing something even more ridiculous - Rumia focused on the group that barred the way forward. Retreating back down would put her on a path towards the biggest group, so that way was out of the question. Instead she'd break through and run in the same direction she was moving in previously. She could not afford to half-ass this. Much as she hated to admit it, she'd have to make a little sacrifice to make this work. She quickly focused, channeling Dancing Flames and sacrificing a bit of her strenght to complete the spell immediately, then launch it at the orcs as she sprinted towards them. She'd have to do as much damage as possible and hope she'd be able to break through.

(Dancing Flames, instant cast. Goal is to rout or wipe out the group blocking the way forward and run in that direction.)
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

(Oh bother, I just am not posting the 83,316 rolls that caused)

Rumia would tire of this farce rather quickly. Muttering a few things under her breath, she decided it was just time to end things. One way or another. Rumia would put some of her own energy into the casting, so that Lassic would also channel his power as well into the spell that was cast.

What emerged was a regular inferno. Small flames would shoot out in almost every direction where the orcs were. The group both in front and behind her would be turned into barbequeued orcs. A few out of each group would survive, but what was 24 orc soldiers in her immediate vicinity was reduced to 7 severely wounded orcs. Their minds more likely wishing that they were the lucky ones that died instantly.

The flames seemed to be less effective on the group below her as a few had shields and would dissipate the sentient flames as they impacted upon it. Still that group was reduced to about half, though a good number of them were relatively undamaged. These orcs would start to give pursuit. What was disturbing to Rumia may have been that some were heading toward her from where she entered the path behind her, but they were also heading to cut her off from the front as well.

The archers seemed to not fare very well compared to the ground unit, though at least for now they were far more intact than the two regiments that were directly next to Rumia upon casting the spell. The distance that the flames needed to travel to reach them allowed time to react. The orc king making a quick reaction ordering his archers to fire as the flames were incoming.

It would be some time before their volley was ready. Given the tone of voice of the indiscernable command that was given. They were likely shooting to hit Rumia this time around. At least the flames were on their way toward them, though they were likely going to be able to return fire as well. Rumia would have a few seconds to think up a plan of action before those arrows would be on their way.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia was almost awed by the amount of devastation her spell had caused. She almost forgot it seemed to simultaneously hit everything that appeared to be hostile around her, at least with the first salvo. The end result was nothing short of a massacre. The ones closest went down from two dozen to a mere seven, heavily damaged and unlikely to be much of a threat. The ones down below fared better, the survivors managing to weather the storm of Hellfire rather well. But that was only among the survivors - about half of the initial amount, putting her kill count for this encounter alone rather high. They were moving to box her in, not only from the back like she expected them to but from the front as well.

Sadly, she didn't have time to ponder this. The archers were preparing to open fire and while the flames would likely thin their ranks, the spell would not stop their first volley. Cursing, Rumia began to ran forward. She'd have to hope the fire would do enough damage to stop them from firing again while she retreated. She'd keep moving in the direction she was aiming for earlier as fast as she could, calling Master and the spider to follow her. With orcs preparing to cut her off, she'd have to break through as quickly as possible before she was overwhelmed or shot to pieces. Speed was most important now.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

With only two enemies out of the squad previously standing in front of her, Rumia would decide that was the path of least resistance. Motioning Master and the spider to follow her they would hope to avoid the arrows. Rumia would get tagged by a few of the arrows, though none of them seemed to do anything past be an annoyance. These orcs were still firing blunt arrows. Both Master and the spider seemed to be unfazed by them as well.

As Rumia would start to flee, leaving the remains of two orc squads in her dust she would arrive at a fork in the road. Two paths where the road along the side of the mountain would split. One leading downward and another that seemed to be the natural progression of this path that looked to go upward. Rumia would make a quick decision and choose to keep along the path that she was moving along. Thinking to herself that it was not going to help if she made it easier for the pursuit force to catch up to her.

Having weathered the storm of the initial rain of arrows from the archers, her Dancing Flames were starting to thin out the crowd some. If for no other reason than when wood bows are introduced to a flame, it tends to not work well for the idiot orc holding the bow. Loud yelling could be heard from the vicinity of where the orcish king was, and it was possibly only a matter of time before he was incinerated by the flames dancing through the ranks of the archers. Without being able to truly see what was going on as they still had the high ground advantage, Rumia could not truly discern what was going on up there aside from the arrows no longer being launched in her direction.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia felt relief wash over her as the arrows failed to do any significant harm. Seriously, what was the point of those bows if they were so weak? What were those orcs hunting with them, hamsters? Still, she'd not question this further. It worked for her and she was ok with that. It also sounded like the barrage finally reached the archers as well, too, causing massive damage to the formation judging from all the screaming. That'd teach the asshole king NOT to piss her off. As she reached the fork in the path, she chose to take the upper road, pausing only to glance around and take stock of the damage her spell had inflicted. She'd like to have a rough idea of how her final kill count looked before she fled the place entirely. Plus, she was curious whether the orc king managed to escape.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia would almost forget what she was running from for a few seconds. Taking the time to turn around and assess the damage she had caused now that her spell started to take its full effect. Had she already defeated this flimsy excuse for a king? Just how many of these pathetic orcs did Rumia kill? An exact number would be far too difficult to ascertain, unless she went onto the other side of the ridge and counted the bodies of the archers that were incinerated.

Rumia knew she at least got 17 of the 24 that were immediately nearby, and while she afforded herself a quick look along the floor of the valley she could see a realistic number close to around 60. Rumia may have been wanting to get over 100 kills, but she may never really know an exact number. What she was about to know unfortunately, was that the archers were not wholly wiped out. On top of that, Rumia would discern very quickly that their arrows were now fire tipped. The yell that was given could have only come from one source, the king still lived.

With roughly half of the force remaining on the ground going up toward her from behind, Rumia would need to think of something before she was boxed in again. With the fire arrows about to be launched, Rumia had a few things on her plate that she needed to worry about. Were she to continue on this path, there were 3 possible paths that she could take. One that seemed to start to lead in a direction that looped around the valley, another path leading downward toward the base of the valley, and a path going further upward.

Along the base of the valley where the path starts to loop itself around, Rumia could see a cave entrance or some other large opening in the mountain face. A possible escape route?
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia swore as she turned around to resume running. She had a nice kill count there, but she wouldn't be able to repeat this performance anytime soon. The large group was still going after her and the archers now had flaming arrows at their disposal. That meant they could burn her now, potentially doing great damage. The bloody king was alive, too. They'd definitely not take kindly to what she had done now which left her with only one option - retreat and escape. Alternatively, funnel them through a bottleneck to pick them off one by one. Sadly, she did not have a convenient bottleneck available. Which meant she had to run.

Looking over her options, the girl realized she had several routes to choose from. The first one lead upward, possibly allowing her to reach the same elevation as the archers. However, it could just as easily put her back within the roc's strike range and she didn't have the time to check if it was still around. The second one went downward, towards some kind of cave at the end of the valley. It could be an escape route, or some kind of deathtrap. Maybe it was claimed as a dwelling or an outpost by the orcs, or served as a lair for some monster creature. It could just as easily prove itself to be a natural labirynth of some kind, too. The mage wasn't too keen on the idea of getting lost there.

Frowning, Rumia set her sight on the middle path. It seemed to be looping around the canyon, which meant it could potentially lead her back to the orcs, but it could just as easily lead her towards an exit from this place. Besides, as long as she managed to shake the pursuit off somehow and rest for a bit, she'd likely be able to launch another Dancing Flame in case she got ambushed again. Breaking through the orc lines was something she knew she was capable of. Feeling reassured by this, she began to run down the middle road, towards the looping path.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia would forego an attempt at a true escape from the orcs, and choose not to move down toward the archway. Anything could have been behind it and Rumia chose to deal with the devil she did know instead of the devil she did not know. Without trying her luck with going upward, Rumia would continue along what seemed to be the main pathway with the spider and Master in tow.

As Rumia started to go over the archway, she could see that this path looped itself around the structure. She could see a clear path now to where the king and the archers were now. They were still above her by about fifteen to maybe twenty feet at most, but that still gave the arrows the advantage of the high ground.

As the next volley was incoming, a few of the arrows were on fire, an unwanted side effect of Rumia'a Dancing Flame. One of the fiery arrows did "hit" Rumia this time. Still unable to do any actual damage, the flame of the arrows would catch on Rumia's clothing. Within seconds the remains of her dress were annihilated, only the scales around her neck would survive.

With one more chance to either go up or down, Rumia could possibly position herself right underneath the archers making it almost impossible to fire any arrows upon her. If Rumia would take the next path upward, she could engage the archers and the king at point blank range. She could also attempt to go down and make for the archway, but there would be a regiment of around 20 orcs that would be between her and her egress point.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Running forward, Rumia would realize she'd not shake off the orcs if she continued to follow the path she ended up choosing. On the plus side, now that she was on the other side of the valley she could confront the orc king if she wished to. Perhaps without the leader the mob would finally crack and flee, or at least give her the bloody respect she deserved. Seriously, she killed at least five dozen of them in the span of a minute or two, she had to be more successful than any group of invaders they might have encountered before! Going up there would let her get rid of the archers too, letting her leave without worrying about getting shot at.

Unfortunately, her approach wasn't entirely safe. A few of the arrows that were aflame got caught up in what was left of her clothing. Hissing, the mage was forced to discard the remains of her attire when it caught on fire. At least she was able to get into some cover after that volley. Swearing bloody vengeance, the girl began to move upward. She was going to go and end that bloody stupid king, beat the shit out of any motherfucker that got in her way and figure out what to do next after she was done imprinting herself in the minds of orcs as an unholy, burning terror.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia had set her mind on taking down the king of the orcs. Maybe it was the way she acted or some kind of motion she unintentionally made, but Master would turn himself down toward the path leading right into the small orc horde that was pursuing Rumia. It looked as if he was going to go right into them and fire a Sonic Pulse to knock as many of them out as possible.

The spider would charge ahead of Rumia, using the walls of the mountain side to it's advantage. Dropping itself square in the middle of the remnants of the archer line. Catching them completly unable to defend themselves, orcish bodies would comically go flying as the spider swatted a path through their formation. An arrow would get lodged in one of it's legs at some point during this whole display. The spider did not seem fazed by it as of yet, though it was still likely that one of the archers hit from point blank range before being sent crashing into the side of the mountain or into the orcish burial grounds below.

What remained for Rumia when she would ascend the path was roughly 12-15 archers that she could see that were focused solely on the spider at this point. However, that was truly of little interest to Rumia as her sights would soon lock into their intended target. The orcish king was burned about the face and body though it did not seem to be all that serious it was still clearly visible.

What was also visible was the sword the orc had was reflecting light as it was drawn. The light was coming from two sources, the sun overhead and a small green glow could be seen from his off hand. A ring of some magical purpose, Lassic was able to discern exactly what it was.

"His ring is giving off an aura that regenerates him." Lassic was willing to offer only that much currently.

Rumia was still about 100 feet from the king and her spider companion had already mowed down the obstacles between them. There was a clear line between the two and thus the standoff begins. The orcish king simply pointing its sword toward Rumia now as if to challenge her directly.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

"Of course it is." Rumia grunted in response, bemused. It was hard to say how much of a threat he'd be in single combat against her, but the ring was definitely an unwelcome factor. Judging by the fact that some of the burns still persisted, she likely could outdamage the healing spell if she were able to blast him repeatedly often enough. Overall it was a nuisance, but not a critical problem. Not yet at least. The sword was a much less welcome sight. Even if all he did was swing it around wildly, the orc king could still kill her with a lucky blow. Depending on his skill with that weapon, he could be a serious threat.

At the very least her companions seemed to be faring better. She didn't think to send them off to fight without her, fearing that they'd get mobbed, but perhaps her concern was unnecessary. At the very least, her pet spider was going through the archers with great force, ambushing them from their flank by utilizing the wall as an attack route. She was suprised that one of the arrows was able to get past it's carapace and got stuck in the arachnid's leg, they certainly didn't seem to have that sort of piercing power before. Still, it was not enough to cause any sort of serious damage. Considering it's physiology, the spider would likely be able to shrug it off, probably.

Meanwhile, Master was rushing to face the charging mob. His net would be basically useless there, though his sonic weaponry would likely manage to stun a fair number of them. Past that, however, the robot would not be able to do much. He lacked any sort of dedicated primary weapon that didn't suffer from cooldown issues. He'd likely stop part of that mob before being forced back, buying Rumia a little time. She wasn't sure whether they've had enough strenght to do much damage to his frame with their primitive weapons or bare hands, but a big enough group would likely be very dangerous to him.

Looking back to her opponent, the mage realized she was racing against time. She was curious where the orc king got his equipment, which was definitely a cut above the rest, but questions would have to wait. Master would not be able to hold the charging orcs for long and the spider could end up getting taken down by a lucky shot. She had to finish this fast. Concentrating, Rumia channeled a forked bolt and infused it with some of Lassic's power. Treacherous as it was, this lust-inducing magic had strenght she could not deny. With a bit of luck, she'd kill the king with this assault, then move on to deal with the mob. It'd likely either run, halt their approach or rush her in anger. The first would be her victory, the second would give her a chance to act. The third? Most likely her loss.

(Forked bolt, 1 AP channeled. Both shots aimed at the king.)
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia had the lines of battle drawn for her it would seem. With Master and the spider buying her both the time and the opportunity, Rumia would confront the orc king alone. With the distance factor working in her favor, Rumia would call on her last ally in Lassic to empower a forked bolt. As was the case in the past, Lassic would take a minor memory and corrupt it into an erotic event. This time however, Lassic did none of the usual shenanigans.

Rumia would kind of figure it out now, Lassic had taken control of both the spider and Master to give Rumia this opportunity. At least Lassic's power was still there to be used, so Rumia would deal with this revelation later were she to survive this.

Rumia Forked Bolt: 7,7 - 9,7 Orc king - 1 hit

Rumia would launch her attack, with the pair of missles being launched while the king had started to charge at Rumia. Having brought his blade forward, the king was able to deflect one away while the other impacted him on the shoulder. Now the king was still outside of striking distance, but closing in pretty steadily. The ring on his finger also taking effect as some of the burns previously on its leg seemed to be mending themselves on the fly.

Rumia: 4/6 FP, 2/10 AP, 0/3 CP

King: 5/10 FP
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia braced herself for the inevitable corrupting vision, almost stumbling when none came. This was unusual. She still felt her body heat up, but her mind was not plagued by pictures of herself being violated and enjoying it. She felt a mixture of relief and a slight hint of disappointment at that. It didn't take long to figure out why this was occuring - Lassic was deliberately showing her those twisted images for whatever purpose. Now that he apparently directed his attention towards controlling Master and the spider, he wasn't able to use the opportunity. The revelation annoyed the girl a fair bit. She was going to grill him later for putting her through that. Though maybe if he could make the spider a decent lay...

Rumia shook her head. Dammit, she had to focus! The king took a decent hit, but he managed to deflect one of the projectiles. How he did so without wrecking his sword was beyond the girl. Was it an enchantment? Property of the metal used in it's construction? A quality of it's craftsmanship? Hard to say. She'd have to keep shooting for now, though, and try to keep his health down to a level that'd allow her to hopefully finish him off once Forked Blast finished charging. She could try channeling once more, but if the orc dodged or blocked then it'd be nothing but a waste. Two projectiles would give her a much better chance of finishing the battle.

(Attack normally until forked bolt is ready.)
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia would try to focus, bracing herself for images that never came as she would channel her Forked Bolt through Lassic. One of her forked bolts landed and it did some pretty serious damage. The ring the king has seems to be doing its job keeping the orc alive. Rumia would correctly surmise that her next best opportunity would be when she was able to channel another forked bolt.

With the time in between however, Rumia would need to keep herself alive enough to actually cast it.

Rumia: 6 - 10 King - Miss
King: 7 - 8 Rumia - Miss

Rumia: 7 - 8 King - Miss
King: 5 - 6 Rumia - Miss
Ring: 1FP restored

Rumia would try to keep her cool and launch an attack at the orc king. However these attacks were ineffective, the orcish king would evade the first spell rather easily. The King now would put his swordsmanship on display by flailing about fairly randomly. A few strikes would narrowly avoid Rumia as she was able to steer clear of the attacks for now. About the only thing of import that occured was the ring on the orc's hand would pulse.

A loud sound was heard, Master has triggered his Sonic Pulse. Though it was not a frequency that would affect Rumia or the orcish king. It would be unclear for a short while as to the results of Master's gambit. The spider was still doing some work on the archers, as they were pretty visibly routed and attempting to flee at this point. The carapace of the main body of the spider being too much for their primitive weaponry to handle. Headed down to the base of the valley, the spider was either moving to stop them from retreating or simply going to engage the next targets, with those being the forces originally attempting to pursue Rumia.

Rumia now had a choice, she could at a cost, both accelerate the casting delay and add to the damage to the attack that she assumed was the one neccesary to defeat the orc king.

Rumia: 4/6 FP, 2/10 AP, 0/3 CP (1 turn on bolt cd)

King: 6/10 FP