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SW CYOA: Scum and Shadows

Re: SW CYOA: Scum and Shadows

"Damn it, run!" You make the decision for the group, and figure it's a wise one. You're outnumbered and it's likely that these guys are as armed as you. You spin and book it flat out, with only the Weequay looking like he was ready to hop right into a chase.

As you race down the city side-street, Neema lags behind you, having awkwardly pulled out her blaster as her instinct to fight had won out, so she had to side-petal with her pistol out to start running with you. Jado was also running, but he called out for the two of you to lose them in the side streets.

"Those bothans are here for me," he shouts, as he ducks off into an alley that heads straight for the main thoroughfare. "I'll lose them in traffic!"

The landspeeder's engine thrust intensifies and Jado is correct in his assumption that the Bothans would turn and follow him. You're unsure of how he's even going to make it through that alley without being run down, but you have little time to think about that as you keep pumping your arms, your red, shoulder-length hair spilling out behind you while your boots clap down on the concrete streets.

The weequay, Sooba, is catching up rapidly to Neema, but by having her blaster out already, she's able to ward him off with the weapon, releasing a shot behind her as she runs. Of course, without being able to pause and aim, her shots don't hit Sooba, but they do force him to duck and weave as he chases her down.

You've never been the best runner, but the knowledge of what that deathstick addict wants to do to you is giving you wings at the moment. With undaunted energy, you reach the next intersection, having gained plenty of time on your pursuers, but your friend Neema is lagging behind. Worse still, Sooba has managed to pull out his own blaster and has fired off an errant shot with the stun setting turned on. Knowing that you have time to do so, you pull out your blaster, take aim, and squeeze the trigger.

The blaster singes the weequay over the top of his shoulder. Neema adds her own burn mark with a last blaster shot before the speedier alien overtakes and tackles her to the ground in his fury.

"Guhh! Get off me you smelly piece of mynock dropping!" the Twi'lek curses as the overbearing Sooba puts his weight on her.

The other two humans draw up beside her, taking their blasters out. The talkative one grins.

"We've got your pretty little friend here now. If you don't come back, RIGHT now, we're gonna put two blaster holes in her head, just after we get done putting our three cocks in all the holes she's already got! But you come on back Red! We'll find it in our hearts to let you both live, my word o' honor!"

The man's tarred, deathstick stained teeth and gums repulse you and convince you that you can't trust him as far as you can throw him, but he's got Neema for certain.

1. Blast 'em. It was a boring conversation anyway.

2. Try to coerce him. If he doesn't let Neema go, you'll make sure that he won't live to enjoy another breath, let alone a woman.

3. Tell them you're putting your blaster down. Just don't harm Neema. (Try to charm them into a false sense of security, then pull out your hold out blaster in your boot at the right moment and shoot to kill.)
Re: SW CYOA: Scum and Shadows

1, it's what Han would do
Re: SW CYOA: Scum and Shadows

Two voters, one for the direct approach, one for sneakiness. I'll flip a coin... and it comes down sneaky, but don't worry, there'll be plenty of blaster shots either way. And for those who were voting before but not voting now, I'm open to constructive criticism about what you'd like to see. The heroines are still on their way to a manage-a-trois with Jado, provided they don't get killed or captured. Don't worry I haven't forgotten. ;)

You weigh up the odds in your head, wanting badly to just squeeze the trigger now and try to blast away the weequay before he can harm Neema, but in this dimly lit backstreet, you're just not confident enough with your aim to pull off the shot. You decide to use a bit of duplicity instead.

"Okay! Okay, you win! I'm putting my blaster down, don't shoot, and don't harm her. Please."

You raise the barrel of your trusty BlasTech DL-44 to the sky and walk out into the open, keeping your hands where the bastards can see them.

"I didn't think you'd miss us all that much when you were high on spice. Didn't think you'd have the balls to pursue us. I like men who know what they want... come on, there's no more need for blasters."

The men take your measure, the talkative one giving a long glance up your legs and to your chest. He motions you over with his gun still pointed at you. You can see in the moonlight that his is set to stun. You're not sure about his partners. The weequay, Sooba, has holstered his pistol and pulled out a simple hunting knife. Thankfully it's not at Neema's neck.

You can see her looking at you, and you take a moment to do a stutterstep, tapping the back of your bootheel with your other leg. It's a modification of a signal you and she cooked up in the months you've been working together. It means she should be prepared for you to try something.

"You oughta be more careful which johns you pick up, little darlin," the talker says. "I don't know what that guy was paying you but he's in deep water with the wrong people, you know what I'm saying? Imperials, syndicates, swoop racing fixers... bad scene girl. You should have come with us."

"Well, we're here with you now. That ain't so bad. You've even managed to get my heart racing."

"Drop the blaster," he says, stopping you in your tracks.

You smile coyly and lower whole body, putting the blaster down with one hand while the other sneaks to your boot and the small holdout that you have hidden underneath the out-turned leather flap of your boot for just such an occasion.

As you toss your DL-44 forwards along the ground, he lowers his gun, and his silent human partner steps forward to retrieve it. When he is partially obscuring the talker's vision, you make your move, catching them by surprise.

You whip out your hold out blaster, squeeze the trigger, and shoot the silent one point blank in the head, frying him gruesomely and dropping him to the asphalt. As you do this, Neema shifts her weight and heaves the weequay off of her and rolls away from him.

You notice that he's coming after her with his knife and choose to fire at him rather than at the leading human. You shot connects and with a cut-off scream the weequay drops.

A blaster shot sails past your ear, and you see that your remaining foe has switched off his stun setting. You thank your smuggler's luck that he's as poor with his shooting as he is with his hygiene.

Seeing that he's now outgunned, he turns and flees. You calmly pick up your DL-44 and take aim against the fleeing addict. You're certain you can pick the coward off, addled and panic-stricken as he is. (A)

Do you shoot the fleeing man in the back?
1. Yes, he deserves to die for what he tried to do.
2. Yes, he might tell whoever he works for what happened, and you need to keep that person in the dark about you.
3. Yes, but on stun setting. Let him sleep it off to give you time to make a clean get away.
4. No, the man is defeated and shooting him in the back is not necessary.

After you deal with the final man, or let him be, you and Neema gather and holster your weapons. Then you move to the main street, thinking about Jado and what might have happened to him.

The capital city's main thoroughfare always has some sort of traffic on it, and so when you look down one direction and then the other, immediately it's obvious that something has happened to your left. Landspeeders have been driven off the road in several places, and angry bothan drivers are shaking their fists at one another and pointing further down the road.

"He must have made his way to the street," you say.

"How are we going to find him now?" Neema asks.

Just as you shrug, something in your vest pocket starts to buzz. Confused, you pat yourself down and then find that someone has placed a short-range commlink into your pocket without you noticing.

You switch it on.

"Hello?" you say into the speaker.

"Hi!" Jado's voice is on the other end. You can hear many speeder horns in the background noise of his transmission. "You girls doing all right I hope?"

"We can handle ourselves. Where are you and when did you give me this commlink?"

"Sorry Tamlyn, but I'm a bit busy at the moment. Can you just give me a street corner where you're at? I'll drop by and pick you up."

"Hey, you called me pal." You look up and read off the Bothan words as best you can pronounce them.

"Right, no problem. Be there in a flash." The commlink goes dead, leaving you looking down at the communication device in your hand and wondering about it.

You and Neema wait for several awkward minutes, until at last the sounds of a revving landspeeder can be heard and Jado swerves around the corner at a dangerous speed, drifting and spinning, but controlling his spinout in a clear sign of vehicle mastery.

"Impressive," Neema observes as the speeder slides to a halt inches away from the curb of the sidewalk.

"Thanks," Jado winks. "Hop in. I don't think I've quite lost them yet. Bloody landspeeders. Way too thick. Nothing like a swoop."

Both of you jump into the back seat of the open-topped speeder. As you do so, the Bothan speeder with Gutter and his fellow thugs rounds the corner.

"Gotta go," Jado says, punching the accelerator. You and Neema both swear as the sudden motion threatens to make the two of you tumble out of speeder if you're not quick enough to grab onto the seat belts. Fortunately you both do so.

"Okay! First Imperials, now pit fighters and thugs. Why is everyone after you?!" You shout as the chase starts.

"Long story, different reasons. Besides, I already told you about the Imperials. Case of mistaken identity!"

"You've a knack for getting in trouble, don't you?" Neema grinned.

"But a better knack for getting out of it. Hold on, we're going to try a shortcut."

You catch Neema's eye, and you both start to go for your seat restraints. But just as that happens, a blaster shot richochets off the chassis right near your head. You glance back and the two bothans in the back of the pursuing speeder are firing blaster carbines at you.

"What the hell!" You mutter and consider how you want to handle this new mess. (B)

1. Use the restraints and try to keep low and safe.

2. Take out your own blasters and return fire at the bothans with the rifles.

3. Take out your own blasters and return fire at the pursuing driver.
Re: SW CYOA: Scum and Shadows

First: 3.) Restraint is the name of the game. We ain't cold blooded self defense murderers yet.

Re: SW CYOA: Scum and Shadows

Re: SW CYOA: Scum and Shadows

Re: SW CYOA: Scum and Shadows

Winning choices are A2 and B3

With cold calculation, you put a blaster bolt through the retreating man's spine. Scum like that can't be allowed to escape. He would only bring more hateful men back with him. You cannot deny that it brings you some satisfaction to end his life, knowing what he would have done to you, Neema, and who knows how many more women before his deathstick addiction killed him.

[Gain 2 Conflict]


Later, in the landspeeder, Jado swerves off the main street and back into the smaller side streets where traffic isn't as bad, though there are still some speeders to be avoided and the occasional late-night pedestrian as well. The blaster fire between you and the Bothans does well to alert most people in the street to get to the side and seek cover.

The swerving of the vehicles makes most shots between you and your pursuers veer off course. You and Neema brace yourselves as best you can and try to make your shots count. Some of them scratch the hood of the speeder while other's reflect off the top of the windshield with a shower of sparks as the blast melts the inferior metal chassis.

Return fire from the Bothans lights up the back of your speeder with sparks, as though it were being power-welded in a machine shop. The bright light against the dark background hurts your eyes, throwing funny spotted shadows across your vision.

Jado takes a sharp right, followed immediately by a left, using the hard hover break to adjust for the drift.

As he does this maneuver, your shot strikes the windshield in front of the driver full on, shattering it and sending shards of glass into him, taking his hands momentarily off the wheel. Neema's followup shot takes him in the head, frying him just at the moment when his driving skills are most needed.

You see Gutter's eyes go wide and the pit fighter throws himself from the speeder in desperation. The bothans with the carbines however do not react with the same swift survival instinct.

As you round the last corner, the pursuing speeder slams into a building and explodes into a fiery inferno.

"Wooo hoo!" Jado exalts, righting the speeder and slowing down ever so slightly to avoid an unnecessary accident. "Nice shooting girls."

"How many times am I getting my neck put on the line for you?" You wonder aloud. "1,000 credits seems cheap."

"Standard bodyguard pay on Moltova," Neema adds, cheekily, but then pauses. "Hey, if she's getting paid, then I want in too!"

Jado puts up a hand as if to ask what he's done to deserve all this, but he only laughs charmingly before saying, "All right, sure. A 1,000 credits each for the two femme fatales of Bothawui. But I swear, the heat's going to pass over. The Imperials don't have a good idea of who I am, and that little wreck that Noba's goons just had is going to make him go real quiet for a while, due to embarrassment no doubt."

You find yourself wondering if Jado's confidence and bravado is grounded in any sort of reality, but the danger seems to have passed for now, so you stow your blaster away and settle in for the ride to the racing garage. Beside you, Neema smiles, content in getting paid. She rests a hand on your thigh, rubbing it a little. You reply with a wry grin. A good life-or-death experience tends to get the Twi'lek's blood racing. It's a wonder she's not making out with you already.

In sudden answer to your unspoken thought, Neema, brushes her lekku behind her shoulder and then likewise nudges your hair back as she tilts her head to the side, giving her access to your lips. As her mouth silently demonstrates, she's as eager as ever, and the feel of her pillowy green lips against yours does wonders to push away the night's concerns.

Jado catches sight of the two of you making out in the rear view mirror, but doesn't say anything. He keeps on driving until you arrive at the garage, where a light is on and the sounds of hydrospanners and power cutters rattle the stillness of the night air around the racetrack.


"We're here," Jado informs you, and you pull apart from the nuzzling of your alien partner to look at the driver.

"I don't know if I'm really all that interested in seeing the swoop right now," you say.

"I'm not interested in seeing it either," he replies. "I could watch you two all night and all day tomorrow - if only I didn't have to win that race to pay you, that would be my plan."

He extends a hand out to you and when you take it he gently, but easily, lifts you out of the back seat and onto the dura-crete trackside lot. He does the same for Neema who gives him an appreciative pat on his cheek, followed by another pat on his butt.

"Is watching all you want to do? I though you liked being in the driver's seat?" She teases the man with a wink.

He puts an arm around her waist and yours alike, and leads you both to a small lounge building that is separate from the main garage. The door is locked, but he produces a code-cylinder from his hip pocket which opens it. The two of you go inside and find that there are plenty of comfy looking couches to choose from.

He locks the door from the inside and turns around to see you both smiling coyly at him, with your arms around one another's backs. Wordlessly he let's his jacket drop and then removes his shirt, revealing an attractive and muscular body. He looks at the two of you, expecting you to follow, but you smile at each other and shake your heads. Urging him to go further.

Jado sighs bemusedly, and then kicks off his boots and pulls off his bottoms and socks, so that he's only standing in his briefs. Now that you have a better idea of the goods he's smuggling, and you're satisfied that the night is going to be worthwhile, you head over to him and with Neema mimicking you, drawing him by one of his hands over to the couch where you turn him about and push him down. Then standing back from him, you and Neema perform a simultaneous strip tease for him, shedding your clothes one by one, until like him, you're each only adorned with your panties. Then, taking it one step farther, you each turn around to show him your backsides, and lower your underwear as you bend forward, giving him a close up show of something he'll soon be enjoying.

No sooner have your garments cleared your ankles then he's up next to you, placing his hands on your shapely butt. He gives your cheeks a squeeze, and then moves over to Neema, feeling her body as well. She turns around and presses her chest up against his, flattening her green mounds against his muscles. From behind him, you hook his black briefs and do away with them, laying gentle kisses along his hip and the curve of his taught butt. You can sympathize with Neema's earlier urge to simply want to bite into it. It may be shallow, but Jado's physique simply isn't to be scoffed at. He's in a professional athlete's shape, and the anticipation of what that might soon feel like turns you on.

Your left to your own devices for right now, as he seems to be making out with Neema, cupping his hands around her butt and lifting her onto her tip toes as they get familiar with one another's taste. You decide that you'll initiate the proceedings further by reaching around him and taking his hardened member into your smooth hands, feeling it pulsing warmly in your grip. He shifts his hips around to give you room, and you take the invitation, kissing your way around his Adonis belt while your hand moves to his balls and rubs them. You kiss the tip of his erection and glance upward to see Neema and Jado looking down at you. Neema eyes his cock hungrily and then prods him backwards to sit on the couch.

Following this, the Twi'lek joins you on her knees, her head besides yours and the two of you creep closer to Jado's hips. Then, with your tongues leading the way, the two of you begin to lick at either side of his shaft. You trail your wet saliva along the veined pole, from the well-kept base to the helmet shaped-tip. Your tongue meets Neema's there, and your mutual slickening of his cock turns into a messy external kiss around his penis head. You hear him sigh in pleasure and shift in his seat slightly, prodding himself forward.

Neema takes the bait first, and wraps her mouth around his cock, proceeding to shallow suck him, swirling her tongue about his tip while you move to kiss the side of the shaft. When her bobbing head pushed forward more, you give way, satisfied to simply stroke her lekku and massage one of her breasts as she gives Jado head. Her blowjob technique isn't developed enough so that she can give the tall human the deepthroat she'd like to give him, but she gives a vigorous and determined account of herself. Moaning into his cock as she increased the rate of her bobbing. Then, going as deep as she could go without gagging, she wrapped her lips especially tight and slowly withdrew, inhaling as she went until his cock escaped her mouth with a loud sucking pop and a wobble as it sprang up and down and up again, glistening wet in the low artificial glow of the city lights through the window.

Recognizing it as your turn, you position yourself in front of Jado and open your mouth, descending on him until you feel his warm meat sliding across to the back of your tongue and the tip of him reaching your throat. You close your lips tight and concentrate on relaxing your neck muscles while keeping your opening straight and in line. You begin to bob your head while using your tongue to caress the underside of his cock, licking either side of his main vein as you attempt to go further than Neema had and reach his base. It takes a bit of warming up your throat and getting used to his presence there before you're able to do so, and in the meanwhile, you can feel Neema's fingers sliding over your moistening slit and beginning to play with you back there. The process only goads you further and soon you are managing to deepthroat Jado, and are rewarded with his deep groans and a pulsing twitching and throbbing of his cock inside your mouth.

When you believe you've warmed him up enough, you remove yourself from him, at which point he lifts you up onto the couch, places you on your back, and raises one of your legs high and rests it at the top of the couch's backrest. Neema positions herself near your face and starts to kiss you again while Jado reciprocates the oral attention on your lower lips.

His tongue is dextrous, and his fingers are not idle nor inexperienced. They press and rub across your engorged clit, then spread your labia slightly and create a zone of action for his tongue to race across your bulb, quickly at first, then slowing down and nursing you into a build up as he explores different directions for his tongue to act. You liken it to a code-breaker, and something about that criss-crossed mental image makes you giggle to yourself, which in turn makes your two partners amused too, though they don't really know what has made you smile.

Quickly, Jado's tongue hits upon the right swirly motion and your hips immediately push upwards, so that he knows what was the right thing to do. Like the good boy that he is, he repeats the motion again and again, and you have to stop your kissing with Neema in order to bite your lip and concentrate on the pleasure welling up inside. The Twi'lek coos and begins to whisper dirty nothings into your ear, telling you that she sees how much your loving it, and how much of a naughty captain you are, picking up strange men in the cantina and fucking them. She suggests that maybe this is what you think you should be paid for, and you growl unintelligibly at that, though her words are certainly doing the trick to enhance Jado's efforts.

Neema interrupts Jado just as he's getting you there, and claims that you need to get her ready too. She climbs into a sixty-nine position with you, lying on top and putting her green crevice right up to your mouth. You oblige her desires and begin to lick, tasting the Twi'lek's familiar folds and animalistically dig your tongue inside while pulling her closer with your hands clamped tightly into her round ass. She also begins to lick at your clit, while Jado repositions himself and gently wraps one of Neema's lekku around his cock, using it to rub himself against it and her face. She doesn't seem to mind, and you know from experience that the use of the brain tails in sex is common for her species. You remember the first time she asked you to suckle on one. For you it was similar to a blowjob, though you had to be even more careful about your teeth. She certainly squealed as if she liked it though, and now as Jado was doing his thing, Neema began to sigh and moan more animatedly between licks.

Soon Neema gets as wet as you've seen her and Jado decides it's time to line the both of you up. She gets up turns around and lies with her breasts mashing down on yours as her pussy is placed above your own, giving Jado his choice of either of your entrances, and the ability to quickly adjust and change girl on the fly. He admires the two of you in your anticipatory position, long enough to where you crane your neck, hoping that he's not taking some sort of secret holo-vid picture. He just smiles at your concerned look and then aims his tip at your flower, putting pressure down and then sliding easily inside of your worked-up hole. Your body heaves from his powerful thrusts, and you can hear Neema groan in jealousy as he takes you hard. The wet slaps of your bodies meeting dominates the your hearing and by now the smell of Neema and Jado's bodies and the heat, sweat and musk you three have created fills your nostrils, driving you into a wilder state. You can feel yourself reaching a tipping point and you sense Neema fondling your breasts and observing your facial contortions. You surrender to the feeling and let the wave of emotional and physical release cascade through you, more powerful than you could imagine, cumming freely as your body tenses and your fingers and toes curl and scratch and you stifle a scream of triumph and ecstasy.


You lie beneath Neema's heaving, sweating body, too tired to move. Your lower half feels like jelly. Jado has extricated himself from you and has moved on to satisfying your co-pilot doggy-style. As if from a distance, you register the hard, rough slaps of her butt against his hips. He's giving it to her hard, and knowing her as well as you do, you're certain she'd have it no other way. Slut is acting like a bitch in heat, you think to yourself, grinning at her anguished face with its eyes squeezed shut and the head tails curling ever so slightly at the tips that dip down and brush against your skin with each sway of her body.

Then you sense a presence inside of you welling up from seemingly nowhere, but growing with incredible pace. There's simply a fraction of a fraction of a second to feel sudden fear and panic and suddenly you're not where you just were.

Your vision stands on some unknown landscape. You are on a rocky edifice, overlooking a sea of mutlicolored foliage. Leaves of green and blue and purple and white vie for supremacy in your vision of this strange and unexpected place. Four moons hang pale and ghostly in the blue sky thick with stormclouds rolling in from the horizon. Drums, low and rhythmic, play in the distance. The smell of the local flora is sweet and the air is humid, heavy and warm. Something whispers your name. Your vision blurs and rapidly descends through the trees, fast-forwarding through the dense, trail-less world, over root and rock and brook. You pass into a dark cave, and then lower down into the depths without light. The drums grow louder and louder, and then shift in tone, until you recognize it only as a heartbeat, possibly your own.

In the pitch black that spreads before you, you SENSE more than than see movement. Something lives here. Grows here. Something moves past you and up against you. Two eyes, red like garneta, appear in front of you and begin to drip their red ichor as if they were... weeping.


The You-That-Is-Not-Entirely-You looks up and at the female Twi'lek above her. She is moaning like a whore and begging the male human behind her to cum with her. He seems reluctant, but at her repeated insistence bears down on her and releases inside of her with a deep moan. The Twi'lek cries out happily and also cums, her fingers digging and clawing deep in to the material of the couch on either side of your head.

You sense their completions, as well as acknowledging your own body's recent climax. You desire to participate, and will the red and black tentacles to begin to spread out from the host's flesh.

The host being that is the True You may fight for control or may not. You sense that the You-That-Is-Not-Entirely-You does not intend harm against Neema and Jado, but it does intend to sexually violate them and feed off of their emotions and sexual fluids, and it will be using your body to do so.

You can attempt to fight or influence it, if you wish...

1. Try to will control of your body back from whatever the fuck this thing is and put those tentacles away. Bad tentacles! Bad! Go away!

2. If it doesn't mean any harm and you were having sex with these two anyway, then you suppose you don't really need to intervene. Just go with it.

3. Try to subvert the presence inside of you, gaining enough control over your body to leave Jado and Neema and go outside in hunt of someone else.

4. Suggest something else that would be fun to do with these tentacles if you could get partial control of your body back.
Re: SW CYOA: Scum and Shadows

4.) Take them as your own, subsume the tentacles completely, do not let them escape. In return, grow in essence, join with Jado and Neema and screw Jado's tight bum-hole while licking at the hot juicy twi'lek pussy that is oozing cum.
Re: SW CYOA: Scum and Shadows

You resist the influence of the entity that has possessed you. Straining with pure willpower, you grit your teeth and squeeze your eyes shut underneath the burdening strain of this Other inside of you.

You feel the fleshy tendrils withdraw, inch by inch, reabsorbing back into your skin. Warm liquid pools at your tear ducts and drips across your cheeks and nose. Above you, Neema and Jado sigh and heave slowly into one another as they come down from their mutual orgasmic high. Just as they separate, you feel yourself quell the impostor presence and regain full control over your body, doing so with a painful scream as the intruder claws and scratches at your spirit before its banishment. In an instant, all your heightened and far seeing senses vanish, leaving your perceptions of the world to become more familiar, but less vivid. Whatever was inside of you, attempting to use your body, was also connecting to you to something far beyond your imagination. Something that permeated and flowed through you, binding you to the universe. And now it is completely gone.

You don't know whether to be immensely relieved or... sad.

"My god! Tamlyn, what's wrong? You're bleeding!" Neema exclaims, looking down at you in shock, even as she rests her warm, green body on top of you. "Do we need to get you to a doctor?!"

"N-no, I'm fine. I swear," you tell her, though she doesn't seem convinced.

"Whoa," Jado intones upon taking a closer look at you. And pointing to your eyes. Without a mirror, you can't see how bad it looks, but from the wetness and previous experience, you have an idea that you must look a mess.

"Does this happen often?" he asks.

"Not too often, but more than I'd like," you say unsteadily, still struggling to make sense of what just came over you. More than ever you think that time is running out to get to the heart of this family curse. You resolve to investigate Gammon Trude tomorrow, before the race begins.

Jado's hands on your arm make you flinch, still wrapped up in the unwholesome feeling of losing your own body to a strange presence. His grip is gentle though, and he rubs your smooth back, calming you down. Neema takes a seat on the other side of you, offering a handkerchief that she's retrieved from her discarded pants' pocket.

You take it with thanks and dab your eyes clean of the red smears. Both of the warm bodies on either side of you stroke you comfortingly, each sensing that something has shattered your usual calm and confident demeanor. You doubt though that either of them noticed the tentacles. You wonder if you should mention it. (A)

1. Don't mention it. You don't want to freak either of them out - Jado especially, considering that you had been hoping to get to know him more, or at the very least not lose track of him so that he could pay you some of his winnings.

2. Wait for a quiet moment with Neema and let her know while keeping Jado in the dark. You've been through more with her, and she knows a bit about your desire to track down Gammon Trude. As your co-pilot, she deserves to know.

3. Tell them both. That presence just snuck up on you out of nowhere. Maybe it's something that one of them has heard about? They both seem like they're well-traveled, so this new symptom could shed new light on things. It can't just be some disease...

You simply have no clues, no answers as to what just happened or what made you this way. You only know that your family has dealt with the weeping curse for two generations at least, and they're all dead. Does that same fate await you?

In an attempt to not end such a pleasurable episode on a down note, Neema caresses you and places light kisses on your cheek. You allow her to do this, as it is calming. The two of you cuddle you a bit longer, but then Jado gets up and redresses.

"I'd better see if I can find Caer and have him help me return the landspeeder I borrowed..." he announced ruefully. "You two take as long as you need. And when you're ready, meet me in the garage. I'll drop you wherever you like, and I'll get you trackside passes for tomorrow."

He leaves, and you and Neema slip your clothes back on and eventually walk to the garage bay, where the lights are on as many late night mechanics put the final touches on the swoop bikes for tomorrow. You notice that some bays aren't just full of mechanics, but have armed personnel patrolling outside, protecting the investments.

Jado's bay is not as busy. Inside of it, you notice the auburn-furred Caer messing with some wiring on an open compartment of the swoop bike's engines. An assistant Sollustan mechanic stands nearby with a tool kit, switching out various technician's tools for Caer's ease of access. The garage is protected by two retrofitted battledroid guards, scrapped together and heavily moddified from the old Confederacy of Independent Systems (CIS) armies. They are stockier, built for more wear and tear than the average model.

"Bzzt. Greetings. You are... bzzzt... expected. Pass freely."

The droids' voice modulators seem to be in need of repair, but at least their etiquette programming seems to have been upgraded. They each bare the logo of the Jorub Shipping Company on their armored chestplates - a yellow sun with three orange horizontal bars running through it.

Caer looks up from his wiring efforts and nods to you both.

"So, you managed to stop by after all. Amazing that you should end up running into Jado out at the cantinas. Well... maybe not that amazing, but still, it's a big city. He's just gone to get the cargo skiff to tow the 'borrowed' speeder back to a safe lot. In the meantime, feel free to have a look around. Just be careful what you touch."

The two of you nod and have a seat, watching Caer work diligently through the night. You don't feel much like talking at the moment, so Neema asks most of the questions, maybe helping to make things seem less awkward. Asking why all the mechanics are working through the night reveals that it seems to be common practice among swoop racers to touch up the hyper boost systems on their bikes at the last minute. You miss out on the specifics, but from what Caer says, to get the maximum breakneck speed, you need to use a fresh battery and you need to overclock the systems in a way that will burn them out incredibly fast, but will last just long enough to get the bike through the race. Not even the Corellian models, the most popular racing swoops, can be designed so recklessly if they intend to sell for profit. You become strongly aware that the sort of thing Jado intends to race is in fact a superfast rocket engine with a saddle strapped onto it - and it's going to be in the process of falling apart during a race in which he will be traveling at speeds almost guaranteed to kill him if he falls off or crashes.

Neema asks how Jado ended up racing on Bothawui, in an independent racing circuit. To this, Caer shrugs and says that Jado appeared one day and made a rather large bet saying that he could beat the practice lap time of the company's fastest racer. He won the bet, and as a way of payment, they signed him to a racing contract. Caer seems confident that Jado can win tomorrow's race, but he fears that the Vys clan, to whom Noba belongs, seems to prefer using underhanded interference tactics. While the Fel clan, one of the highborns and most notably connected to the Imperial sympathizers on Bothawui, also seem hellbent on intimidating Jado out of the race.

"It's just too much of a coincidence... that he should be chased by both Imperials and Vys thugs in one night. I'm glad the two of you were there to help him out of those messes."

"It seems like Jado's pretty decent at getting himself out of trouble too," you comment.

"Maybe. But he's not as good or as lucky as he thinks he is, not when it comes to people with blasters," Caer replies, rubbing his facial fur thoughtfully. "First you save my father, then you save my racer. Seems I may owe you after all... tell you what. After this race, I may have a contact who'd be interested in hiring some people to carry cargo off planet. Some sensitive materials that would be better off not being scanned by Imperials. Now I saw your ship is a medium freighter - good for bulk cargo, but not for speed. With pirates and Imperials out there, you may end up needing a faster ship. If I said I could get you one, would you be interested in a trade? (B)

1. Tell him no, the Even Tide may be big, bulky, and fly like a brick, but it has tonnes of space for large cargo. That's something that a light freighter can't have.

2. Tell him you're interested in the possibility, but you need to know more, and you're not just trading the Even Tide away unless you've gotten a chance to see that it's a fair deal.

Caer is reluctant to tell you about the nature of the cargo at this point, and you know better than to ask for further info. Smuggling can be a touchy business, besides, you have other things to think about before tomorrow's race and whatever will come after it.

Jado arrives back at the garages and arranges to drive the two of you back to the Jorub estates. He gives you each an official pass to the trackside for tomorrow and thanks you both for the best night he's had in a long time. Neema offers to stay up with you if you're still not feeling well from before, but you tell her no. You need whatever rest you can get. Tomorrow is going to be a big day.


Encounter 1 complete.

Tamlyn increases her skills.

Currently Tamlyn is something of an all around rogue. She's passable with a blaster, has basic piloting training, and has enough underworld savoir-faire to be able to lie and charm her way around people, and can pick the occasional easy lock.

Options for Improvement: (C)

1. Increase blaster skill and quickdrawing.

2. Increase your thieving and black market connections.

3. Increase your piloting skill and perception.

4. Toughen up and gain 2 extra health (you have 12 right now... the average blaster rifle does 6-8 damage to you on a hit).

5. Learn Side-Step technique. Increase ranged combat defense in firefights.

6. Take another smuggler specialization (Pilot/Gunfighter/Thief/Gambler/Charmer)
Re: SW CYOA: Scum and Shadows

A) 3
B) 2
C) 6 (Charmer) or 5 (Side-Step). As a smuggler, charmer might be handy for negotiating prices or getting ourself out of a jam, but side-step might help keep us alive if said negotiations turn sour, so I'm for either one of those two (assuming we can only pick one).
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Re: SW CYOA: Scum and Shadows

A 3
B 2
C tentatively 1,

Can you explain how the smuggler specializations work? The benefits seem pretty obvious, but are there drawbacks as well? Do we already have one that we would need to replace?
Re: SW CYOA: Scum and Shadows

Sure, I'll explain a bit more.

Basically Smuggler is your class (like Fighter, Wizard, Rogue, etc...)

A specialization is a tree of talents/techniques that you can get that help with specific situations, such as dodging lasers well or quick drawing or... iunno, maybe using the force (if you're a force user).

Right now, Tamlyn is a Scoundrel Specialization (Han Solo-esque, the Scoundrel specialization is a bit of everything, but masters none)

The other specializations would offer more direct benefits in an aspect of the smuggler's lifestyle, so if Tamlyn became a Gunslinger, then she'd get better talents for shooting with blaster pistols. If she became a charmer, she'd become more smooth-talking, like a Lando Calrissian. If she became a Pilot, well... you get the idea hopefully.

Specializations open talent trees. Talents are special case techniques, like the Side Step technique, which is a part of the Scoundrel Specialization. Skills are straight up extra dice when trying to accomplish something like shooting a blaster or driving a swoop bike or negotiating the price of your trade goods.

The reason for specializing as opposed to just upping skills is that your attributes (things like strength, dexterity, etc...) will only upgrade by reaching the end of specialization trees. So it helps to diversify a bit as well.

I'm trying to not overburden the readers with serious character building choices... I just wanted to give a general direction for upgrades, and I'll worry about the nitty-gritty mechanics that I'm using to determine success/failure.

If people are interested, I'm using Edge of Empire rpg ruleset. A little searching on /tg/ will reward you.
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