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DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Shinto Victory

Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Day 4

Yes, she totally was. Don't let anyone tell you different Shinobu. Don't let Toxic control you. You were totally blocked and you aren't afraid to say it.

Said the narrator and GM of Shinobu's character, who will definitely provide favors.

I fucking knew this would come back to bite in the ass. I completely forgot to put you in my will, you cockhat, I just assumed Blood would know and I don't know why.

"Annette was still blocked on her second night, just as I claimed, and she even told us this fact. I am our peacekeeper and Yomi is a liar."
Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Day 4

"If you are indeed our Peacekeeper then I can say I know that Yomi isn't and should it come up that she is then I know the other one besides you that is leading us astray."

"I ask my sister-priestesses to allow this trial to pass should Yomi prove innocent we have identified the true supporters of the Cultists that plague our temple."
Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Day 4

"There is no confusion or argument about one thing. We have two priestesses able to block roles. With only one supportive maiden on either side of the cult or Shinto, Yomi and I must be the seducer and peacemaker. According to myself, neither Shinobu or Annette are our attackers. On the nights when I visited them, one of our own were attacked, and neither of them forced me from their room. According to Yomi, Hikari and Keiko both removed her from their room. Assuming that Vaiza is our interrogator, as no one else has tried to claim the role (and the role being nearly impossible to pretend to be), that would mean Hikari and Keiko are the neutral maidens throughout all this. If this were true, that would mean that Annette and Shinobu are both pure shinto priestesses. I doubt Yomi would want to throw her 'Fhalma under the bus, so this would mean that Shiori, who has been incredibly quiet this day, is the 'Fhalma.

If I had to guess: Yomi is the seducer, Shiori is the 'Fhalma, Hikari is the crazed maiden who probably should be dealt with immediately, and Keiko is the wych, who would be the least of our worries. I think we should take our shot at the crazed while we still can, to disrupt any plans of trying to take us all down with her. If we're wrong, we can still jail and kill the right one. The cult will just have to be dealt with in numbers.
Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Day 4

Vaiza grimaces, pacing back and forth, before going into her room and retrieving another of her water bottles, drinking a bit then grimacing and shoving it in her pocket. "I hate being the centre of attention to be honest, but your logic is sound enough. I'm inclined to agree. Still, much as I dislike the amount of disruption a wych can cause, then it seems we have little choice. I have potentially one day before I am defiled. And this is fairly suspicious. Hikari is the one person I only have Yomi's word on but if Keiko collaborates with her, then one way or another..."

She sighs with a grimace. "I pray to the gods I am right this time. I agree with Ikumi on Hikari. It is possible we are wrong but then we have the one other target. I will have to find out who Ikumi and Yomi truly are in the end later."
Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Day 4

"I find Ikumi's claims of innocence suspect... Not just because I'm the peacemaker, but also because she forced Vaiza to reveal herself." Yomi spoke. "She painted a big target on our interrogator and left her in a crossfire between the Fhalma and the Crazed one. If this goes as badly as I fear it might, the following night shall leave us unable to muster enough force to purge the others. And while she spread her lies, I've managed, through a private discussion in whispers with Keiko, to get her to confess to being a Wych. And I fear that Ikumi's manouvering will convince her to cooperate and coordinate with the cult, judging by what I've learned in the discussion. She's engineering a situation where she can prevent us from having the advantage of numbers. As soon as she gets rid of Hikari, she will turn on the rest of us."
Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Day 4

"Wait, we have THREE people claiming to be the peacemaker now?! Rrrgh...," says Vaiza, throwing up her hands, "Excuse me, I need to go update my spreadsheet. Anyone else want to claim to be the peacemaker while we're at it?"
Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Day 4

"Wait, you're Yomi. Argh this stress is getting to me."
Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Day 4

"Anyways, Keiko said as much to Ikumi and myself anyways that she is the wych, so that's not a new thing. This is getting ridiculous. One of the two is the Crazed Maiden. So. Here we are."
Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Day 4

Ikumi scratches her head, unable to think of how to prove herself the peacemaker and not the seducer, and equally boggled that it's not even the most pressing matter at hand. "I don't recall seeing you talking to Keiko."
Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Day 4

(RJ is not around)

"Keiko told me she spoke to Yomi." Vaiza knew it was not the pressing matter for a simple reason. There was nothing they had that could differentiate the two. It'd be a pure coinflip. And Yomi could not be the Fhalma who would be more pressing but since they had no real information on who that was, the Crazed Maiden was someone they could possibly work out. Still a coinflip but a coinflip that wouldn't end in the death of a sister. Maybe.

Vaiza looked at her water bottle and went to go upgrade it to something stronger. She wasn't a drinker but this seemed like a good time to start.
Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Day 4

Ikumi and Vaiza whisper

Keiko and Yomi whisper

Vaiza and Keiko whisper

Yomi whispers to Shiori
Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Day 4

"The funny thing is that both Ikumi and Yomi jumped with Monty Python speed to the conclusion that I am a Wych. And each of them privately dropped their claims to be Peacemakers, claiming to be Seducers. They have at least this much in common: they're liars in one form or another. I can tell you that I'm not a threat to your town, except as a distraction from the real threat. But it's unlikely that I'll be permitted to survive anyway, so I really don't care." Keiko goes to the hot spring, disrobing for a relaxing soak as she waits for someone to lynch someone else.
Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Day 4

"Well, like I said originally, the most dangerous figure here is the crazed maiden. Both the Shinto and the cult want to rid themselves of her and the only possible ally would be a wych, which no longer became an option as the wych was marked for evil rapings since the first night. We have to move now while we can. I say we burn Hikari with holy fire."
Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Day 4

1/5 Votes to burn Yomi(Cross) ; Shinobu(Blood)

1/5 Votes to burn Hikari(Xivvix) ; Ikumi(Toxic)
Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Day 4

Im already busy, but i preffer to skip all the RP to give a vote before the end day and i come back late

I vote to lynch Hikari
Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Day 4

For what i get at the already dead talk and whispers from this day, we should already know the role of almost all the players so its not rare than who arent a Shinto will try to earn time, not like that helps the cultists with the crazy maiden around.

About why i choiced to decide to trust at toxic over hope is because Hikari(Xivvix) looks to be the best possibility to hit someone than is not a Shinto. The reasons had been already said and we could talk more if the rest want before the night come.
Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Night 4

It is now night. You return to your rooms and wonder why lynching didn't happen. Regardless of reason, you are all now forced to decide what to do with your night.

Send me PMs
Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Shinto Victory

Due to a large amount of inactivity, and the fact that the remaining active Shinto have concluded the presence of Cultists correctly, I shall conclude this game in favor of the Shinto.

This is the role list for reference.
1: Zilrax (Vaiza) - Marked
Role: Shinto Interrogator

2: Bloodshifter (Shinobu)
Role: Shinto Sherlock

3: Hentaispider (Alisa) - Raped
Role: Shinto Leader

4: Freeko (Yamane) - Dead
Role: Cultist Illusionist

5: Cross (Yomi)
Role: Cultist Seducer

6: Toxic "Blue Fuck" Shock (Ikumi)
Role: Shinto Peacemaker

7: Blue "Dubius" Slime (Miyuki) - Raped
Role: Shinto Healer

8: HopeyouGuess (Keiko) - Marked
Role: Maiden Wych

9: Xivvix (Hikari)
Role: Crazed Maiden of werewolves

10: Mindflayer (Shiori) - Marked
Role: Cultist 'Fhalma

11: Tassadar (Suki) - Raped
Role: Shinto Warden

12: Plmnko (Annette)
Role: Shinto Healer
Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Shinto Victory

Is sad but, ha I did guess it was Shiori that was a Cultist Leader. Would have never guessed Hikari though.

Eh, would have been next after Shiori in my investigation.