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Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira: HP = 65, PP = 50, EP = 49 CP: 757 CL: 3 Status: Fine

Unfortunately, neither of them was going to get off within 15 seconds. He made a game attempt but he didn't quite manage it. If she chose a nice place to sleep, she could probably get a hot bath. Otherwise she was going to have to rinse off with a bucket from a well. After that, a new day greeted her. A new day that was slightly too bright. It took a while for the hangover to pass but Alira knew how to survive them.

She ended up heading back towards the jungle and it got warmer, and wetter, as she went on. She ended up near a mountain range, though apparently the temple wasn't located on it, just near it. It took a while to track down, and she dodged a few of the larger wildlife, but she finally managed to track it down. Astok tried a few more things during the trip but each time, the chains held him. The temple was eerie. Several pillars dotted the outside. Some of them had been eroded, some destroyed, but those that remain held stone eyes that almost seemed to follow Alira. The entrance of the temple looked like a mouth, with a tongue leading into it. She could see a few statues here and there that looked an awful lot like people running away from something. All of them, interestingly, were men. One of them seemed to have been going to the bathroom when he got jumped. Above the temple was a person-sized orb that actually did track Alira's movements. It was floating about 50 feet above the temple and the pupil was made out of some kind of crystal.

The temple's shape itself was kind of bulbous. There was a main hall which was spherical and ten minor rooms, all of which were spherical as well, each connected by a long, mostly curved passage. All were intact and Alira was able to confirm there were no other entrances.
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

The leader made a game attempt at standing, but didn't manage it, while his two cohorts barely grunted in response. Alira sighed and walked back toward the group of prone and dazed orcs, stooping to gather her scattered clothing and armor. As she collected her items, she took the opportunity to discreetly frisk the two orcs, relieving each of his coin purse. Quickly donning her armor, she walked up to the half-orc. Slipping her hand down his waist, she gave his cock a quick squeeze, before deftly removing his money pouch as well. As an afterthought, she pulled his dagger off his belt, smacking his limp arms away when he tried to stop her. "I know, I know, I was supposed to 'pay you back', but I think I deserve a little something extra for the effort. And the dagger... well I do need something to remember you by. Be seeing you, stud. Maybe next time, think twice before you jump a woman you see drinking in a tavern."

Alira walked out of the alley, her coin purse slightly fatter, and the new dagger on her hip. Well, that's one way to get the coin I suppose.... The extra denarii were more than enough to cover a night's stay at a friendlier inn, and she woke up refreshed and clean, ready for her next trek through the jungle.
Alira eyed the orb floating above the temple uneasily. It eyed her back. Well, that's not something you see every day. And those carvings.... I guess the good news is I'm not a man. Bad news is the carvings say nothing about what happens to women...

The trip to the site of the temple was arduous, but Alira was become used to the rigors of the jungle. Astok's attempts at freedom had all failed, and after the third or fourth empty effort, Alira stopped tensing herself for a mental onslaught. The angel knows his stuff. Is it permanent? Probably not, but good enough for now... With a last look around, Alira set about exploring the structure, weaving between the stone pillars as she approached the yawning entrance.

Once inside, the night elf first canvassed the smaller structures, before embarking on a careful, methodical search of the main hall. Recent experience only reinforced her instincts, and she was wary of any traps, magical or otherwise.

I'm assuming that of the 12 d Alira took off the orcs, she spent 3 on a stay at an inn.
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira: HP = 65, PP = 50, EP = 49 CP: 757 CL: 3 Status: Fine

The inside was much more shiny than the outside. Mostly onyx which was unfortunate because it would be nice impossible to transport in bulk. There were statues everywhere of eyes. In addition, there were several robes, like the ones priestesses wear, with a giant eye on the top and back. Whoever built this place sure had a thing for eyes. The largest piece in the room was a kind of throne but it certainly wasn't a seat for a humanoid. The only reason Alira could identify it as a throne was because of its expensive make and the way it was placed to give a full view of everyone in the room. There was a... well, it looked like glasses but there was only one giant piece to it. So like a giant monocle. It was fractured to the point where it made seeing through it an impossibility. There was a large table that occupied much of the space but the center was hollow and a very comfortable, very large bed was placed in the center. The sheets looked like the finest silk and the frame was made of more onyx.

The different passageways to the ten rooms were labeled. Kitchen, Observatory, Rest, Recreation, Procreation, Prayer, Holding, Library, Bathroom, and Treasury. Unfortunately, the treasury and library tunnels were bared by iron gates. There wasn't a lock to be seen but they simply would not open.
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Well, at least they were consistent, whoever they were. Alira glanced around the main hall, a hundred blind eyes staring back at her. Why would you put a bed on display like that? Not a lot of options for the intended purpose, and I doubt these people worshiped sleep. She looked at the strange throne and the broken lens thoughtfully. Hmm.. a focusing lens of some kind? I guess light would be a big deal for people obsessed with eyes. Well, assuming I'm even dealing with people here, she corrected herself, looking at the queer lines of the stone seat.

Picking up one of the priestess robes, Alira ran the material through her fingers. Still intact... interesting. Must be important. Taking the robe with her, she considered examining the bed closer, but decided to hold off for now. I should check the smaller rooms closer, might have missed something. A lever or something, to lift those grates, she reasoned.

With that thought in mind, she headed back to the side chambers, focusing her search in the Prayer, Kitchen, Recreation and Procreation chambers.
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira: HP = 65, PP = 50, EP = 49 CP: 757 CL: 3 Status: Fine

The first room, Prayer, had something surprising: a hidden window. From the outside, it had appeared as if it was all encased in stone but looking from the inside, Alira could easily see the giant orb above. It was staring at her again. However, this time the sun's rays were caught and projected a kind of prismatic light upon Alira. It was alien but beautiful nonetheless. There were some texts, talking about how beautiful eyes were. Some of them were medical, details the different colors of eyes, how eyes worked, and the eyes of different species. Nothing too valuable here for any sane person.

The Kitchen was... well... a kitchen. There was a box with some kind of enchantment to keep things cold and cooking tools. There was no flame to heat with. Instead, an enchantment had been focused on a red crystal (not a ruby, to Alira's disappointment). The crystal had been cut into the shape of, surprise, surprise, an eye. The box was filled to the brim with various meats and a little plant-matter. Whoever lived here was a carnivore. Interestingly, all of the equipment looked very clean. In fact, now that she thought of it, she hadn't seen much dust or rust or anything that would have given the idea this place had been abandoned. Spooky.

Recreation was filled with all kinds of board games and books. Several of the books were quite risqué but none of them were outright pornographic. There were also two handfuls of kaleidoscopes. There were also children's toys such as a doll (that had one eye instead of two), a ball, and plenty of picture books.

In Procreation Alria found the pornographic books. And pictures. And various kinds of liquids. She could only identify a few: a couple of energy potions, a love potion, and plenty of lube. There were also blindfolds. In fact, there were way too many blindfolds. A dozen at least. This room had pink, silk curtains that could be closed, in addition to heavier red ones. There was a bed set in the middle with plenty of room to move, though the one in the center hall was bigger. The fabric had absorbed the smell of sex and a lot of it. Almost made Alira swoon.

Alira was figuring out that this was really just someone's house. A really weird house but a house nonetheless. If she wanted treasure, she was probably going to have to get through the gates. When she approached the bathroom, she felt the air get warmer. And she heard sounds. It sounded like a young woman was humming. Peeking around the corner, she encountered a bizarre sight: there was a young man in a butler's uniform washing the hair of a... thing. She couldn't see what it was from where Alira was but it had tentacles. And eyes at the end of those tentacles. One of which happened to be looking back. Right at Alira. Uh oh. The humming cut off and the bundle of tentacles and eyes suddenly lifted off, hovering, and came right for Alira. When Alira ran, she found that the front entrance had been closed, the jaws of the opening slamming shut.
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Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira skidded to a halt in front of the stone wall that used to be the exit from the temple. Great... Though she couldn't hear the tentacle creature, she knew it couldn't be far behind. As quietly as she could, she threw herself behind one of the many eye statues spread around the hall, pressing herself against the dark onyx stone. Trying to hide from a floating collection of eyes... well old habits die hard I guess.

Alira's going for a Sneak action - with appropriate modifiers depending on whether or not the tentacle and eye ball can currently see her.
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira: HP = 65, PP = 50, EP = 49 CP: 757 CL: 3 Status: Fine

Alira successfully ducks behind the pillar fast enough that she is sure the... thing didn't see her. The room had some light but that wasn't much of a problem. "You interrupted my valuable bath time. Just another in a long string of annoyances. Why do you keep coming? You come in, I steal your stuff, then I turn you to stone. The status weren't enough of a warning?" Every time the voice got closer, Alira managed to judge the situation well enough to slip to another pillar. But this wouldn't last for too much longer. The creature seemed to be pretty methodically forcing Alira into a corner. She would need to take action soon.

Between movement, Alira was able to get a better look at the being. It was floating and had a main body of a young woman surrounded by 10 tentacles, each covered in rubbery, black skin (or scales, Alira wasn't sure). The main body looked like a young woman with pale skin, though her arms and legs were stained black. She had long, flowing black hair and, oh yeah, only one, huge eye that took up half of her face as well as large, sharp teeth that looked more at home on a bear trap than in someone's mouth.

Stealth: 38 + 13 vs 2 + 41 Alira wins!
Stealth: 38 + 9 vs 5 + 41 Alira wins!
Stealth: 38 + 20 vs 14 + 41 Alira wins!
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

The statues... damn, should have checked them closer. Well, at least the robbery comes before the petrification. Small victories. Alira peeked out from behind the latest hiding spot, seeking a way past the creature, but there didn't seem to be any possible way of dodging the encounter. Great... well, let's see if I can't do something about that eye.

Hefting her hand crossbow, Alira took careful aim, and fired at the tentacle creature.

Alira's going for a Sneak Attack, but replacing the double damage with Blinded and Paralyzed status effects. Shadow Striker, don't fail me now!
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira: HP = 65, PP = 50, EP = 49 CP: 757 CL: 3 Status: Fine

Alira's idea was a good one. Right before she struck, the girl shot some kind of green beam out of her main eye that reduced one of the statues to dust. Her bolt struck her right there but the creature's eye was apparently thicker than a normal eye and it didn't penetrate. It did force her to close her eye and wail, however. She looked to be in too much pain to do anything at the moment but Alira realized that the eyes on the ends of the tentacles could probably see her as well.

While she was occupied, however, a shadow snuck up on her. The man she had seen before launched himself at Alira from the darkness, tackling her to the ground. He wasn't as fast as Alira but he was strong and the surprise granted was enough for him to get her in a headlock. He was angry and put enough power into his movements to make it hurt, though it didn't actually damage Alira.

Attack roll: Auto hits
Damage Roll: 1 + 2 + 2 + 5 + 6 + 8 = 24
Resistance Check: 32 + 6 vs 16 + 25 Alira wins!... kind of!

Stealth Roll: 18 + 20 vs 6 + 30 Ex-hero wins!
Attack Roll: 33 + 19 vs 51 Success!
Grapple Roll: 45 + 19 vs 1 + 48 Ex-hero wins!
Alira is now grappled!
Second Roll:
Grapple Roll: 45 + 17 vs 11 + 48 Ex-hero wins!
Alira is now in a submission hold!
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Yeah, take that you....

Alira didn't have a chance to finish her celebration, as a pair of strong arms wrapped around her. Oh hells...

The thief struggled against the grip, but the man was strong and able, and soon had her in a painful headlock.

Bastard...Just wait until I get free. Conscious of the fact that the girl wouldn't be down for long, Alira gripped the man's forearm with both of her hands and yanked down, hard, at the same time as she thrust her hips backward. Using the extra leverage, she tried to slip free of his grasp.

Alira tries to break free of the hold until she's successful/something else happens to change the situation. If she succeeds, she'll proceed to try to disengage from the grapple entirely.
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira: HP = 65, PP = 50, EP = 49 CP: 757 CL: 3 Status: Fine

Alira twists and turns and eventually manages to get out of the man's hold. She actually manages to buck and knock him off right in time to lift her head and see the girl looking at her through one of her tentacles, her main eye still closed. Alira could see tears flowing, though. "That really hurt." One of the tentacles was pointed right at her. It would probably be a little difficult but... Alira was pretty confident with her speed. Maybe she could dodge out of the way. "Who are you and what are you doing here?" It was a little odd that she was asking that NOW instead of firing off bolts of energy like before but if Alira decides to go on the defensive, at least the monster was put off guard at the moment.

Lots of grapple rolls. Alira wins after five rounds.
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira panted for breath, her unexpected wrestling match taking its toll. She'd managed to throw off her attacker, but the man was getting back on his feet even now, seemingly unfazed. Preparing to fend off another assault, Alira was surprised to hear the voice of the tentacled girl behind her.

The elf spun around to face the other....what exactly is she? A woman, sure, but I've never seen one of her kind before... Alira gave up trying to figure it out, instead keeping all of her attention focused on the two threats in the room.

"It hurt? Well, yeah, I get a little touchy when someone threatens to turn me to stone! It almost happened once, too, so I know what that would entail!" Alira pointed at the man, who was holding off for now. "You want to talk? Call him off, and I'll be happy to chat." Alira watched the two carefully, ready to counterattack at a moments notice.

Just in case anyone gets any funny ideas, Alira prepares Sudden Shot
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira: HP = 65, PP = 50, EP = 49 CP: 757 CL: 3 Status: Fine

The girl narrowed her eyes (all of them) and opened her mouth, then stopped. She frowned and motioned with her hand. The man obediently came to her side, staring at Alira. "There. Now, I assume you are one of those treasure hunting types. Well, you aren't getting anything my father gave me. Unless you are simply one of those people who goes around killing any monster she sees. In that case, we are going to have a problem. It won't be a problem for very long, though." She now had three eyes trained on Alira, with the others watching in different directions.
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

"Hey, it's live and let live in my book lady. I was never one for much blood, monster or otherwise. You don't try to fry me, keep him off, and no more shooting or stabbing needs to happen." Alira warily eyed the woman and her thrall. "As for treasure hunting, sure you've got me there. Not going to pretend I'm not interested in some valuables, but I had no idea this temple was someone's home. You want to protect what's yours, I get that. Plenty of easier marks out there anyway. Listen, what is this place? Who are you two?" Alira glanced around the large hall, the huge bed at the far end catching her eye. "Wait, did you say 'father'?"
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira: HP = 65, PP = 50, EP = 49 CP: 757 CL: 3 Status: Fine

The girl, little by little, seemed to relax, though the man standing next to her showed no signs of doing so. When Alira brought up the creature's father, the big eye sparkled. "Yes my father! I was born into this world by his loving hand! My family consists of him and dozens of brothers and sisters! My name is Einetra!!"
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira looked around, a little alarmed. "Dozens? Are they... here?" She turned back to Einetra, studying the woman.

Well she seems excited about her "father", whoever, or whatever that is.

"Einetra, tell me more about your father, please. Is he here too? And what's with strong and silent over there?"
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira: HP = 65, PP = 50, EP = 49 CP: 757 CL: 3 Status: Fine

"No no no! My father told us to spread out. I haven't seen any of my family for months. And this is Jamie. He was given to me by my father as a parting gift! He was made to protect me and take care of me."
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

"So how did you end up in this place? Far as I knew, this temple had been abandoned for... well, centuries I guess."

Alira glanced at a nearby statue. "From the looks of it, you've had a lot of recent visitors. Are they after you, or something in the temple?"
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira: HP = 65, PP = 50, EP = 49 CP: 757 CL: 3 Status: Fine

"I found it. Cleared out the creatures that had laid claim to this place. They were easy. It was cleaning this place that was hard. I also had to change the structure of the whole place! It took some work. As for your other question, well.... you know, I don't actually know. Maybe there is something in the treasury. Maybe we can work out a deal. You could do something for me and I'd give it to you. Then you can let everyone know you found the whatever and then people would stop bothering me."
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira looked at Jamie. The man was still standing there, quietly watching her with dulled eyes. "Well, at least you had a pair of helping hands. Doesn't say much though, does he?" She gave him a little sarcastic wave, not really expecting a response. "By the way, did you bring the big eye floating up above with you as well?"

The elf looked around at the dilapidated hall. "Yeah, there must be something here to draw all of these people. Hells, I'm here! But it's nice to get some confirmation that my instincts are right." The thief back up and leaned back against a collapsed piece of masonry. "Well, it sounds like you've got something to offer me. Question is, what do you want me to do that he", Alira nodded at Jaime, "or you can't."