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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Earth

Siphon was silent for a moment, seeming to consider his words carefully.

"I briefly mentioned to Aya about this subject before we left, and she made a remark that both she and I are apparently immune to this crud. We still have to fight it off, but it doesn't ever take root in us, never really makes us feel sick. Before I went through the gate, she confided in me that she had a theory, specifically about you and Sho. Between what she personally has seen, and what memories she still has from her brief possession by Nirrti ... Aya thinks that both you and Sho have the same mutation in the Mitochondrial cells that she and I do. If she's right, then the two of you should in theory be completely immune to this stuff, maybe even more so than we are since Earth's population has had plenty of time for that specific mutation to evolve, and become more prominent. Which would actually make things a hell of a lot easier on us if that's the case."

Christina nodded slowly.

"I really hope you're right. I just hope that he doesn't stretch himself too thin and end up like the rest of us."

She blinked a few times, and finally had to take a seat as her legs became unstable. After sitting down though, she looked up sharply at Sho.

"Hey ... how are you feeling anyway? Doesn't look like it's hit you yet, which, don't take this the wrong way, is rather odd."

Like Ian, Sho would realize she felt perfectly fine, even though she probably shouldn't be.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Earth

"Yeah, that's two less fer you ta worry about," Ian says with a bit of a chuckle. "Can't say Ah'm s'prised. Sho and I are part of a different lot. Basics are the same, but there's no denyin' we've got a little extra in the stew. And Ah'd say that we're still up walkin' and talkin' is decent evidence of that." That was the thing about Ian. He generally took everything in stride. Sometimes with a heavy dose of incredulousness but he still took it in stride.

"I'm fairly certain Siphon coined the idea of being stretched too thin," comes out with a chuckle and a shake of the head. "He has us. He'll get things done, don't worry."

She'll help Christina to her chair if she needs it, which is likely another sign that she's doing all right. No wooziness and the only time she was sitting down was when she was at any of the terminals. "I'm...surprisingly fine, actually." There's a pause and she seems to be taking mental stock of her facilities. "No dizziness. No weakness. No blurred vision." She'll bring a hand up to her forehead. "No fever as I can tell." There's another pause. "This really should surprise me, but it doesn't." The statement is punctuated by a chuckle. "Looks like you might have something a little more Earth-based to work on a vaccination with."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Earth

Christina nodded slowly, fighting back waves of nausea as she sat down.

"Perhaps. We'll have to see if any antibodies show up in your blood work. Though ... I don't think I can stand anymore."

Siphon nodded.

"Agreed. We'll talk more about this later though, right now there's work to be done."

As they had been walking, he appeared to have shrugged off whatever the disease had been trying to do, and seemed perfectly fine now. Which was good considering they had just arrived at their destination. Entering the room and spotting Sho, Siphon cut right to the chase.

"Who's next?"


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Earth

"Don't have to. If there's anything you need, you've got me, though if you don't mind, I'd prefer you not stab me with any needles while you're feeling woozy, okay?" She gives her a little smile, teasing, but definitely concerned for the doctor.

Her attention goes to the two men who've just entered. At his question, she points to the bed. "Samantha. There. Then Christina. Everyone else is mostly stable enough for the time being, but they're all infected. And we're going to have to do something about Ashana and fast. Doc here thinks we're looking at only a couple of hours."

The way that she's talking and acting, he can probably get a good head's up that she, like Ian, isn't among the infected. The aforementioned simply takes up rank near the beds, ready to lend a hand when needed.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Earth

Christina nodded slightly, a warm smile coming to her face, said something that Sho couldn't understand, and promptly passed out.

Siphon frowned slightly at the news about Ashana.

"Then we need to try and contact the Tokra now. I shrugged off the first heal pretty fast, but I'm not sure if I can get everyone in that length of time. Fortunately, the Tokra are likely to be immune to this thanks to the symbiotes. Might have even more so of an immunity than Aya, or myself, or you folks. Ian, there should be a sub-space transceiver in the main control area, out by the stargate. See if you can raise the Tokra via Atlantis, use carrier wave three."

((And yes, he'd likely know how to do that after all these years)).

Taking a deep breath, Siphon set to work on Samantha, who made a soft groaning sound as he touched her. This caused him to pause a moment, and he muttered, "great, she's ducking in and out of being at least partially alert. That could be an issue later."

After a few moments though, he settled down, and a faint glow enveloped the two of them, though this time instead of white, it was more blue.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Earth

Which will spring Sho forward to catch her before she falls out of her chair. "Definitely no stabbing right now," she mutters under her breath, just a faint chuckle there.

"Right. Just lemme get doc here settled and Ah'll go play telephone." He'll move over to help Sho get Christina moved over to one of the beds, heading for the gate room once that's done and taking a moment to find said transceiver. Settling in front of it, he'll actually crack his knuckles a bit before working with the controls. "Alrighty, let's see about ringin' 'em up."

"Why?" Sho's likely close enough to lend him a hand, should he need it. If there's room, she'll take up rank on the other side of the doctor's bed, just resting her hand over top of the other woman's to give her a comforting anchor before Siphon gets to work. (She'll leave it there if it won't mess things up or move it, if it will.)


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Earth

Siphon actually snorted, something he never did.

"Well let me ask you this. How would you react if you were sick as all hell, delirious and couldn't process information properly, and you were having periods of being awake and out cold, and during those periods where you were semi-alert and able to see, all you could see was some guy you don't know standing over you with one of his hands right on your breasts? Like I said, this might pose a problem later if she remembers this. Hopefully she doesn't react badly in the middle of this ..."

At her questioning look of if leaving her hand where it was was alright, Siphon just nodded once. Closing his eyes, he got back to work, the blue glow returning, stronger this time as it seemed to envelope both he and Samantha.

It took Ian a few minutes to get someone on the other end, and when he did, he was fortunate enough to get Vorhan, one of the Tokra to answer.

"Hello again Ian. I'm taking it this isn't a social call?"


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Earth

"Which is another reason I'm over here," she states at his explanation. Thankfully, he'll have people to vouch for him, should push come to shove. As long as it's all right for her to keep contact, she will, hand on the woman's own or resting on her arm or shoulder, just giving her contact other than Siphon. And well, if she does start to react, Sho's already got a hand on her.

"Nevah is these days, mate." There's a sigh. "Siphon asked me ta ring ya. We're at a base in our ahktic. Can give ya the coordinates. We're dealin' with a strain of that Ori flu that ripped through a while back." Trust Ian to sum up a devastating disease as simply a "flu" but then, it's the meat of the matter that's more important. "Siphon's here, tendin' ta the infected but we got ahselves a sick 'Lantean. She helped one of the folks who was ill and then promptly passed out. He seems ta think ya might be able ta help in that regahd."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Earth

Vorhan was silent for a moment before beginning to nod.

"I believe I know of what disease you are referring to. Siphon is likely correct, disease is often much simpler to deal with for us than physical trauma or such. Fortunately, we do have a symbiote in need of a host, one who we believe has vital information about an undercover mission we sent him on. His previous host was wounded and beyond the ability of even a hand device in conjunction with his symbiote. This woman though ... is she willing to become a host?"

Siphon didn't say a word, he just continued doing whatever it was his kind did when healing someone. After a long period of time, at least fifteen minutes, he finally stepped back, blinking a few times.

"Wow ... we got lucky. Another five minutes and I don't think she'd have still been alive. It hit her a lot harder, and faster than it had Dr. Green. The question is why, what was so different about her than the others? Unless ...."

He trailed off, sitting down to recover as quickly as he could. As he did, Sho could see him looking over at Samantha, and could almost see and hear the mental wheels churning.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Earth

Ian makes a bit of a noise. "And that's where things get tricky. She's a mite bit unconscious at the mo' so we're not really sure. Ah could try gettin' her ta come around, but not really sure how well that's goin' ta work." He sighs. "You do what preppin' ya need ta. Ah'll...go see if Ah can wake sleepin' beauty."

Which is what she calls him on. "I can hear you thinking. And since you're just going to be sitting there for a few more minutes, why don't you enlighten me, Obi Wan."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Earth

There was a brief pause from Vorhan before he replied.

"If it comes down to it, there is an option open to us. No Tokra would remain with an unwilling host. If we cannot wake her, or she doesn't wish to remain a host, the symbiote would be willing to blend with her, cure her of this disease, and when it was safe for both of them, leave her if she didn't wish to remain a host. If it came right down to it, the symbiote would sacrifice it's own life rather than remain with an unwilling host. If you do manage to wake her, she should be informed that this is an option open to her."

Siphon was silent for a moment before he replied.

"Well, it's possible certain genetics could play a role in why it hit her so much harder and faster than the others so far. Specifically ... do you know if she has the ATA gene? If she does ... if a part of her is of Lantean makeup ... Then it's possible the 'diluted' mixture between human and Lantean in those not displaying abilities like yourself or Ian could be more vulnerable to this."


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Earth

Ian listens, feeling a bit better about the situation having had it explained in further detail. "Fair 'nuff. Ah'll try an' get consent outta 'er. Take what steps ya need ta and dial on in. Ah can't open the door fer ya on this side and risk lettin' the bugaboo out. 'Fraid we're a little short on welcomin' commity right now, so just show y'selves along. Ah'll let the awake folks know yer comin'." He'll provide the coordinates needed for the Tokra to dial in and then, if nothing further, will cut the conversation to head for the medical bay. Pending on what stage of recovery Siphon's at, he'll tell both of his friends or just Sho and then head in to where Ashana rests trying carefully, but firmly, to rouse her before the Tokra show up.

"That I don't know. I might be able to find out." She looks over at the computer in the room. "Might take me a while, but you're going to be busy. And if you get Christina woken up, I might be able to find it faster." Of course, personnel records are probably encoded, but it was worth a shot to try and see if she could find anything. And it would keep her busy while he worked.
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RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Earth

Siphon nodded to her.

"I think I'm alright to start working on her now anyway. Do what you can."

Siphon began to work on Christina, the same blue glow settling around the two of them.

While he worked, Sho discovered that luck was on her side. Christina had been working on some of the files she needed when she'd passed out, and the system was unlocked. She found what she was looking for about two minutes after Siphon started working. Listed on Samantha's chart was a notation that she did indeed have the ATA gene, and out of everyone on the base, hers was the strongest. There was another notation after that made regards to some kind of interface ranking, which appeared to be the highest on the base personnel listing as well. If she dug a little deeper, she'd discover that Colonel Grant and Christina also had the ATA gene, as did several other people, who fortunately had left long before the current issue had surfaced, and before Ashana had been brought in.

By the time Ian returned to the crew quarters, he'd find Sho at work on the computer system, and Siphon already working on Christina. Samantha was still out, but one look in her direction and Ian knew she was going to be alright.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Earth

"Well, your hunch was right," she informs him, glancing over to get an indication that he's listening before she continues. "She--actually, both of them are positive for it, though Samantha's got a higher...compatibility rating. Might have to do with syncing up with Ancient tech, like you do. You might want to get the Colonel next, since he's got it, too."

"Got what now?" comes from Ian, who'd returned from the call. Sho waves off the question, though he might be able to get it from context if Siphon speaks on the matter. "Ah'm gonna try and wake Sleepin' Beauty up. Tokra'll do it. Ah'd just feel better if Ah knew she was a willin' host. Vor'an gave me assurances, but..."

"Ever and always the gentleman," Sho concludes. There's a bit of a tease in her tone, but she doesn't mean for it to be cruel and he knows it, given the duck of his head.

"Tokra're on their way. Place is gonna get a mite crowded pretty soon, Ah think. Ah'll bring 'em beck once they're through the gate."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Earth

Outwardly Siphon showed no signs he had heard her, at least until he spoke.

"Well then a lot of things are making a bit more sense, like why this thing hit them harder and faster. And yeah, ATA Compatability is for interfacing with Lantean technology. The higher on the scale we came up with, the more natural controlling Lantean technology the person is."

He paused as Ian entered, then stepped back from Christina, his work done.

"ATA Gene Ian. Apparently Christina, Samantha and the Colonel have it, which I think may be why this stuff hit them so much harder and faster than everyone else. As for Ashana and the Tokra bit, you and me both. Although I have to warn you Ian, she's in bad shape. I hope I'm wrong but I doubt you'll be able to wake her. Simply put, without at least a temporary blending ... she'll be dead in a few hours at most. The last that I saw was all of her internal organs are shutting down, and that's never a good thing. Even if you do wake her, just be prepared that neither of you may be able to understand each other. If I can help you out with telling her I will, just come and get me and as soon as I finish whatever I'm doing at the time, I'll join you. With that said ... on to the Colonel."


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Earth

"Ah, yeah. F'got she hadn't picked up English yet. And not exactly somethin' y'can walk me through, idinit?

"You'd think, with all this technology, we'd have come up with tricorders by now," Sho cuts in, mostly to just help Ian relax, especially since it does get a chuckle out of him.

"They can't undahstand me anyway. Well, Ah'll try and get her up, but if she's as bad off as ya say, might be best ta let her sleep. Just be ready if Ah hollah a'ite?"

He'll head over to where Ashana rests, trying first to call to her, then a bit of a shake. He's not being forceful and he seems already resigned to the fact that she won't be waking up. If she does, it'll surprise her and he'll immediately call for Siphon. If she doesn't after a minute or so, he'll head out so that he can meet with the Tokra when they arrive, if they haven't already.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Earth

Siphon nodded back to Ian.

"Will do."

As Ian headed out, he set to work on Colonel Grant, figuring he'd get one more person cured of the disease before Ian might need him.

At first Ian couldn't wake Ashana. However just as he was about to give up and walk out, she began to stir somewhat. At first it seemed she was only partly awake, more uncomfortably shifting than anything. Then her eyes opened, and when they did Ian could tell just how bad off she was.

Both eyes were blood shot, and seemed 'glazed' over. Her entire body trembled, as if trying to stay awake were a major task. Considering what was happening to her, it probably was. Still, despite this, as soon as she set eyes on Ian, her gaze focused somewhat, locking eyes with him. What he saw in her gaze told him that she'd resigned herself to what was happening to her, that she knew exactly what was happening. Still, despite that, there was a sudden look of determination in her eyes, and before he could call out for Siphon, she was trying to get up. She managed to get to her feet, shaky to say the least, before he could do much of anything. Slowly, painfully she started trying to walk out of the room, and it dawned on him that she might be trying to go to the others and help them. In her condition, that would certainly kill her before the Tokra arrived.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Earth

Sho works on double checking the records, making sure there aren't any more ATA positives that might still be here, despite what the duty roster said.

As she gets to her feet, Ian moves to intercept her, calling for Siphon to "get y'arse ineah!" Despite the initial outburst, he keeps his expression neutral as he puts himself in front of Ashana. His hands are held up and out, a halting gesture. "It's all right, dahlin'." Even if she doesn't understand the words, his tone is calm. There's a slight push motion to his hands, directing her back toward the bed. "They're bein' taken care of. Y'need ta rest. They'll be a'ite." He looks in the direction of the others and then turns back around with a smile. "They'll be okay." His brow will pinch for a moment. "Safe." He tells her in Ancient, having at least picked up a few words from Siphon. He might not be conversational, but he can hopefully get the point across.

Hearing him shout, Sho looks up from the computer. "Right. I'll go meet the Tokra, then." She'll leave Ashana to the boys and head for the gate room.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Earth

A double check only confirmed what she'd already seen, that all the ATA's still on base had been accounted for, and, just before she stood up, taken care of as well.

Siphon had just finished his work on the Colonel when he heard Ian calling for him. He'd barely finished turning in the proper direction when Ian came into sight, followed shortly by a staggering, barely standing Ashana. Immediately, a look of concern crossed his face, and he started for the two of them, only nodding in Sho's general direction to acknowledge her departure to greet the Tokra.

Ashana was less than responsive, at least until Ian's single word in Ancient. Bleary eyed, she looked at him, as if only just now truly seeing him. She tilted her head slightly, as if trying to process what he'd said, and that he clearly wasn't one of her people. She repeated the same word back, but in a questioning tone, and finally determination wasn't enough for her anymore. With little warning, her legs gave out, and she started to crumple to the floor. Only Siphon's timely arrival to catch her, and possibly some of Ian's handiwork kept her from hitting the floor. Moments after Siphon caught her however, she began twitching slightly, and Siphon's features darkened.

"She's seizing. She doesn't have much longer, and there's not a damn thing I can do for her. We're losing her Ian. If the Tokra don't get here very soon ..."

He trailed off, the look on his face telling Ian the rest without it having to be said.

Sho hadn't been at the gate very long when it began dailing in. In a few moments, the unstable vortex of the wormhole rushed out, then settled back as the connection was established. A single Tokra, one she didn't recognize emerged from the gate, carrying what she'd recognize as a portable symbiote container. Inside she could just barely make out that a single symbiote was present.

"I am Trel Vah of the Tokra. I have been briefed on the situation. The symbiote with me is Val Shara. She will temporarily join and cure the woman you have found, if it is still possible. We should begin now to maximize our chances."

During his mini speech, the wormhole had disconnected, leaving it just the two of them, and the 'cargo'.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Earth

Between the two of them, they'll keep her off of the floor and likely back into bed. "They're on'er way," Ian informs him, which will hopefully mean that Sho will be returning soon enough with the Tokra in tow.

"Greetings to the both of you," Sho states, though she never really could remember if the symbiotes were aware when they were traveling like this. "All three, technically," since there was the host to think about as well. "This way." She'll lead the two of them back toward the infirmary. "I think she's awake, or at least she was when I left. That may yet change by the time we get back there. I've got a feeling we're really racing against time on this one."
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