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Re: Earth

The Colonel had pulled out a radio and was already calling for a medic before Sho had finished her sentence, while Samantha had hopped out of her vehicle and crossed over.

While Sho checked for a pulse and other vitals, Samantha was close enough to check for frostbite on exposed parts, but when she placed her hand near his forehead, she jumped slightly.

"Something isn't right, he's burning up."

Within a few moments, a small medic team had arrived, checking Dr. Green over. As they whisked him away, one of them, a woman with a tag that read "Olsen" on it, made a quick report to them and the Colonel.

"No sign of frostbite on the areas we can actually see, but we'll double check him once we can get his clothing off. He is however completely out cold, and his body temperature is almost 106. I'd say some kind of fast acting, very nasty virus or bacterial infection has taken root in his body, and there's a chance it could have come from one of the samples they were collecting. And before you ask, yes. It's possible Ashana is carrying something that isn't affecting her directly, something she's able to fight off that we can't. If Dr. Woods is in the same shape Dr. Green was in, he may be completely unconscious."
Re: Earth

"Oh, good. Let's keep me on hazmat watch, then," Sho remarks, her tone a little dry, but then, given the man's state when he showed up, she figured something had to have been up. It was just a question of what.

"So we keep Shoni heah?" Ian asks, glancing between the two officials.

"I'll abide by whatever decision, but I think I'd still be a bigger help out there with the weather."

"Thought ya weren't Stoam, not yet?"

"Don't make me give you frostbite now, Aussie. I'll figure out how to do it."

Banter aside, they're still ready to head out, or not, pending on what the higher ups want to do.
Re: Earth

The woman, Olsen, shook her head.

"We'll deal with any potential infection when you get back. Chances are if this came from Ashana, all of us are infected already. Maybe only just those two are, I can't say until I get a look at Dr. Green and figure out exactly what is wrong with him. Right now, if you don't find Dr. Woods, he'll likely die of hypothermia. Good luck to you all."

The Colonel didn't seem to have to think much on it.

"You're with us still. Any help you can give us will be welcomed. We'll deal with everything else when we get back."

He would load into his vehicle, while Samantha did the same with hers, starting them up and moving out once Ian and Sho were inside and strapped in.

((Give ya a chance to reply before I send them into Snowmageddon))
Re: Earth

"Point taken. All right, let's saddle up then."

They'll stick with the original plan, Sho riding with the colonel and Ian in the rig with Samantha. As they're driving, Grant would notice Sho doing her best to peer out the windows of the snowmobile before reclining back in the seat, her eyes closed, almost like she was setting in for a nap. Outside of the vehicles, though, he might also notice visibility being slightly better than it was, the snow not blowing up and into the windscreens.

"Keep close to the other rig," she'll tell him, eyes staying shut, "and I should be able to try and help them out, too."

((Up to you how much Sho's going to actually be able to affect the storm. If she can make it blow over (by getting rid of the clouds), great. Otherwise, she'll settle for putting the vehicles in an "eye" while they travel to help visibility and keep them from getting too lost in the snow.))
Re: Earth

((Seems to me she should be able to form an eye around them without issue. Completely eradicating the storm at this point seems a bit far fetched, at least as a permanent thing. Still, as the saying goes, every little bit helps!))

"Acknowledged. Whatever you are doing is working, we seem to be in a calm spot that's moving with us."

Some time passed, with the vehicles steadily crossing distance towards the last known spot the missing Dr. Woods had been. Finally, Sho felt the 'Cat' come to a stop.

"Well, there's the missing Sno-Cat. Samantha tells me that it's empty. Bundle up, we're going to have to fan out and search the immediate area on foot I'm afraid."
Re: Earth

When the vehicles come to a stop, the storm will blow in around them briefly, the eye "winking out" as Sho needs to concentrate on other things. As they climb out of the vehicles, though, it returns, being just on the perimeter of their vehicles and the one they've just discovered.

"I can try and spread this out, but even I have my limits," Sho states, rubbing her forehead even as she's speaking. "I can keep it with us as we walk, provided we don't stretch ourselves too thin. At least, I think."

"Side-by-side prob'ly be best," Ian suggests. "All head in the same direction. In this weathah, Ah'd say max ten feet apaht, in case Sho's eye goes down. What's our plan fer not losin' these in the snow?" He inclines his head toward the vehicles.
Re: Earth

"We'll leave the engines running for now, we can afford to shut them off with these temperatures dropping, they'll freeze up. As for the abandoned one, we'll have to wait until the storm is over to get that one back, by now it's totally frozen up. We can leave the exterior lights on too, that'll at least make them easier to spot. I'll set them to strobe setting for maximum visibility, although if we start going too far away we may want to move them just so we're closer to home so to speak."

Samantha paused briefly before continuing.

"Agreed on the distance. That'll also keep Sho from having to focus on too large of an area."

"Alright, sounds like a plan. We'll try calling out to him, but we shouldn't expect a reply. If he's in the same shape as Dr. Green, he may not even be conscious enough to hear us, let alone reply. Accounting for some disorientation, let's start this way."

He indicated a general direction close, but slightly off the path they had taken to get there.

"We'll start off the assumption he would have tried to start walking back, maybe drifted slightly, and cone out from there. Let's hope he isn't too far out, and that there's still time."
Re: Earth

"Yeah, if he were makin' a beeline, we'da seen him. Least Ah like ta think so."

Sho will keep mostly to the center of the group, keeping pace, but likely always a step or two behind the others, doing her best to keep the worst of the snow away from them, giving them enough visibility to, hopefully, spot the missing man.

Whomever is walking closest to Ian will notice the snow in front of him being pushed away. It's not enough to clear him a path, but it is enough, at the very least, to dust off any top layers of it that might be concealing the missing doctor. It's also not a very wide sweep, as he's a bit limited by sheer scope, same as Sho, but it's something.

((Guess it's up to you what happens next. They're going to trudge on, looking for the poor guy.))
Re: Earth

Fortunately, it seemed that someone was smiling down on them today and that their efforts were enough. About five or ten minutes into their search, Samantha, who had been the closer to Ian, suddenly stopped, and turned back to a spot they had just walked past, bent down and began to move some of the snow with her hands. After another moment, she shouted "I've got him!"

By the time the others arrived, Ian and Samantha would already have dug the missing doctor out of the snow, as well as the bag he had been carrying with ice core samples. Samantha was in the process of checking his pulse when both Sho and the Colonel arrived, and as they did, she looked up with concern on her face.

"He's alive, but his pulse is extremely erratic. Some of his clothing is frozen to him as well, and that isn't a good sign. We need to get him back fast, or I don't think he'll make it."
Re: Earth

"Right, Ah got 'im," Ian states. Rather than haul the man through the snow, he uses his telekinesis to lift him up and carry him, the bag, too, since he's uncertain whether or not it's a good idea for them to be handling it so directly.

"Unless we've got any other reason to be here, let's haul ass," comes from Sho, who is perfectly willing to start back toward the vehicles once the others are ready to go as well.
Re: Earth

Nodding and calling out agreements, the group makes their way back to the vehicles, which were fortunately still running, and ready to go. Without having to worry about accidently running someone over, they made much better time on the return journey, and soon enough were pulling into the facility.

Rushing Dr. Woods into the 'med bay', which was really more like a lab than anything, the medical staff began to work on him. Ashana had woken up at some point, and was now off to one side, a horrified expression on her face. While it was questionable how much English she might understand, it was clear that she knew something bad was going on, and that the person now on the table wasn't in good shape at all.

Samantha gently cut away some of the frozen clothing, and then gently pulled off Dr. Woods' boots and socks. When she did, she let out a gasp, her body stiffening.

"Christina ... this doesn't look good at all."

Revealed to the others now that the boots and socks were gone was a nasty sight. Dr. Woods' feet were completely blood shot, blistered up and swollen. The nails had turned completely yellow, and everything up to the ankle was similar to the feet.

"My god ... He may lose them both, if we can even save him. He's in hypothermic shock."

At that moment, the heart and pulse monitors let out a rapid beeping sound, and then completely flat lined.

"We're losing him! Paddles, now!"

Even as her nurses scrambled to get the paddles charged, some might get the sickening feeling it was coming too late. Ashana winced several times, definitely distressed about the situation. Then, abruptly, her features relaxed, and she lightly popped her neck to one side, taking a deep breath. Then, she was on the move, pushing past both the Colonel and Sho, putting her right in the path of the paddles, which were set to go.

Fortunately, Christina, who's tag only read Olsen, was paying attention, and yanked back the paddles. "hey!"

Ashana paid no attention to her though, instead placing one hand on Dr. Woods' forehead, and another on his chest. Closing her eyes, there suddenly seemed to be a slight charge of energy in the air, or perhaps it was just the only perception of what she was doing, and their minds were filling in the blanks. Either way, Woods, who was basically dead at that point, suddenly opened his mouth, a gasping sound escaping his lips. Ashana's face twisted slightly, as if she were focusing hard, or in pain, and then suddenly they started noticing physical changes to Dr. Woods' body.

In mere moments, the swelling of his feet subsided, the nails returned to a healthy looking color, and the bloodshot blisters on his feet vanished. In fact, all of his skin returned to normal color, and the heart monitor suddenly registered a very different story. Whereas a moment ago he was completely flat lined, now his heart rate and pulse were almost completely normal, and steadily leveling out towards that. After a moment, his eyes opened and blinked several times as life returned to him, at which point Ashana seemed to smile slightly, before completely collapsing. Only quick thinking from the Colonel moving in kept Ashana from hitting the floor and striking her head.

"She's completely out cold. Is he ...?"

Stunned, Christina looked up to him.

"Yes ... all vitals are completely normal. Whatever she did ... it's like nothing of the last hour happened for him."
Re: Earth

Once they were back at the base, both Sho and Ian pretty much kept the hell out of the way and let the medics do their jobs, the former because of the exhaustion from battling the storm and the latter because he knew better.

Given the state he was found in, the severe frostbite doesn't come as a shock, though the sound of the flatline does seem to cut through to the two of them. There's that glance and that moment of panic on what to do, though there's little else but to let the doctors work.

It's Sho that seems the least surprised at Ashana's actions, though she lets out a bit of a yelp as she sees her falling. Ian will move over and help the Colonel with the unconscious woman, even lifting her over to a bed or gurney, if there's one available.

"I've seen that trick before," Sho remarks, "but pretty sure it's always been self-contained. If she can heal other people..." She rubs her temples with her fingers and thumb, though it seems more of a headache from her powers than frustration. "We probably ought to get Siphon on the horn. Or Aya. Get one of 'em here."
Re: Earth

The Colonel shook his head.

"If we do, it'll have to be via subspace message and not the Stargate. We can't risk that whatever pathogen Dr. Green has can travel through an active wormhole on it's own."

Samantha cut in after a moment, perhaps surprising them with her knowledge.

"Actually Colonel, if we contact Peltas and they dial us, there's no risk. Disease is still basically matter, and matter can only travel one way through the Stargate. Subspace to contact them definitely, but they can dial us without any problems. The only thing though is, it may very well infect whoever comes here as well."

Colonel Grant seemed to think for a moment, then nodded slowly.

"Siphon might be alright though. Talvesh may make him immune to this thing. Sho, come with me to the transmitter, you seem to know more about what we just saw."
Re: Earth

"This is, of course, assuming that Siphon is reachable and not gods know where in the universe." She'll push herself up and follow after him. "Only really going off of theory, but I know he'd want updated on this latest development. Still, best to give him the head's up on the quarantine, since we don't need more of us getting stuck here until we figure out what's going on."
Re: Earth

"Let's hope he's close to home and has an answer. Here we are, sending transmission."

A short time passed, and soon the Colonel was speaking with Julia. Giving her a brief rundown and requesting Siphon, the two might get a surprise.

"Stand by, I have to get him out of the gate room. They were just getting ready to dial Earth in a few minutes."

After a bit of a pause, Siphon appeared on screen.

"Sho? The hell is going on?"
Re: Earth

"Oh, you know, the usual. Folks here finding random Atlantean women frozen in the snow. Searching through blizzards to find missing scientists. The fact that we may or may not be infected with some random virus that we know absolutely nothing about yet." She waits for the sputtering to stop and then gives him a more detailed and less sarcastic rundown of the events, starting with them finding Ashana, losing the scientists, finding the scientists, the possible infection, and "Wait for it," a description of Ashana healing Dr. Woods.

"I remember us talking, in passing about Atlantians being able to heal other people. I know the ability can be self contained, but I also remember you having some theories in that regard. And, well, I just witnessed it first hand."
Re: Earth

Siphon was silent for a long moment, and Sho could almost see the mental wheels turning. When he spoke, she might not like all of what he had to say.

"What you are describing is nearly identical to my own healing abilities, and further proves what I suspected. Unfortunately, this may be the worst way of finding out. Sho, it's likely this infection is the same plague that decimated the Ancients. If so, there's no cure for it. I'll join you folks shortly and try to help, but I won't lie. I have no idea if I can help any of you or not. The first thing we need to do is check to see if Dr. Woods is carrying the same pathogen as anyone known to be infected. If he isn't, then it is possible her healing him granted him some kind of anti-body, maybe made him immune. One of our theories on the subject is that when healing a disease from other species, that it makes them immune to reinfection. Why, we don't know, but I've seen it several times myself in people I have helped. This however is something that I am uncertain of if it can be removed. Give me ten minutes, and I will be there."
Re: Earth

She's quiet for a moment, perhaps ingesting what he's just said.

"Well, send over what you know about it and I know it's only ten minutes, but it'll give us something to start looking at. I'll get us going on the blood tests and the like to determine if this is, in fact, what we're looking at. Just make sure that you are immune to it, because I don't fancy being stuck with you until the end of days because you're suddenly a carrier, too."

She flashes him a grin and will wait for any further transmissions from him before ending the call and going to Samantha with the news, which is delivered a lot gentler than she would to, say, Siphon, or someone that knows her sarcasm from her being serious.
Re: Earth

There was a wry grin from Siphon before he replied.

"Talvesh will provide an immunity for me. My main concern though is how much time I will need to heal all of you if need be. I'll send a data burst, but I have to warn you, there isn't a whole hell of a lot of data. Be there as soon as I can, Siphon out."

His image was soon replaced by a small data burst, one that unfortunately only contained snippets of information. A few references to symptoms which did seem to be a match, a copy of information regarding the Ori virus that had been used during the war, which seemed out of place to Sho, and that was about it. True to his word, there didn't seem to be a whole heck of a lot of information on it, probably because no one had ever actually seen it until now, or at least left a record of it.

Sho found the medic Christina Olsen first, and got some more bad news from her.

"Samantha collapsed just a few minutes ago, right after you left. I've got her resting now but she's running nearly a 105 fever. Whatever this thing is, it's fast, and it isn't bacterial. I ran some fast track blood work on Dr. Green, and there's no sign of bacteria. Which means this is a virus, and I have nothing here that can stop it. Worse ... his kidneys are starting to shut down, and that's not a good sign. At the rate he's deteriorating, if Ashana can't do the same thing for him that she did for Dr. Woods ... I don't think he'll make it through til nightfall."

As she finished, she had to steady herself on one of the walls, nearly losing her balance.
Re: Earth

"Better than nothing. See you soon. Shoni, out."

She'll get the data, then go looking for the medical staff with it. She listens to the news, her lips just barely pulling into a frown. "Ashana's probably going to need time to recover after that last stunt, but worth seeing. She might have a kicked up metabolism. Until then, you probably don't have a dialysis machine handy, huh?" She'll reach out to help steady the other woman. "And looks like we need to get you to a chair, too. Siphon's on his way and he's going to try to help, but we're going to have to prioritize, especially if they need recovery time. I've got some data, but not sure how much it's going to help." She sighs. "If you need manpower, you've got me and Ian, too. Best thing to do is to try and keep panic to a minimum." Her lips quirk up just a bit. "Good news is, once you do get the cure, you're set, in theory. Maybe we should start looking to Woods for a vaccine."
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