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The Razor's Edge (Knephi) GMed by Takimaru

Re: The Razor's Edge (Knephi) GMed by Takimaru

"Sure~" cooed Diggs, who could only shrug and grin, making it that much more difficult to trust the ruffian's answer. Still, such a reaction to these sorts of matters wasn't particularly uncharacteristic of him, especially regarding Rhea's 'sessions' with Valtes.

On the other end, Thohn gave a more solemn and quiet nod, but he couldn't keep his gaze from shifting between the two participants of an undoubtedly lewd act that was to happen. While the set of reactions didn't appear to be as explicit as a promise as Rhea might have hoped for from the other Thorns, it was probably the best she'd get for now.

With that, the blue-haired bandit made his way to the room that Rhea motioned to, inviting her in. Shutting the door behind them, he then slid the heavy lock into its secure position. At least it was a sturdy one. No doubt it would help her feel a little safer later, even if her nerves would be on end now.

Blue led the only female member of the Thorns to the lone bed that was placed near the center of the chamber. Provided, it was a large and comfortable looking mattress for one in such a dungeon... but even then, it would only be big enough for Valtes and Rhea--and hopefully nobody else. Directing her to sit on the cushion, the thug stopped to place a few items from his pockets onto the bedside table. He then wasted no time in unbuckling his belt and revealing, perhaps to no one's surprise, a fully erect member.

He wasn't quite as big as the thief girl's usual partner, but his manhood was still impressive, all things considered, and something that she'd have to become intimately familiar with nonetheless. His size, his shape, his scent... they weren't things that the girl would be able to easily forget. Rhea was reminded of such when the bodyguard brushed a hand along the side of her head, saying, "Don't keep me waiting, heh..." Looking down at her expectantly, he awaited her attentions, be it with hand or mouth--though from the way he shifted his hips forward gradually, she'd eventually have to provide the latter.

Of course. The very nature of this 'favor' was for his pleasure, not hers, and she'd have to work her mouth on his cock to make him feel as good as possible to repay his kindness in providing such lodging. Blue wasn't shy about claiming his prize, as when Rhea welcomed his rod in between her lips, he secured his grip upon the back of her head, groaning loudly. "Ohhh... yeah, that's good," he assured her, his member twitching upwards as she welcomed it into the warmth of her mouth.

After only a minute or so worth of work on her part, she'd taste his precum as it dribbled upon her tongue. If she didn't want to 'disappoint' her employer in terms of performance, she'd have to swallow, as spitting wasn't a particularly welcome gesture, at least not by Valtes... nor was there quite enough of the substance for her to allow it to overflow if she simply wanted to let it leak out from her lips. Her continued services would cause him to grunt and twitch on occasion, letting her know that the experiences she had with the boss of the Thorns hadn't gone as a complete waste. While she knew that Valtes was pleased with her performances, it seemed that even one of Xanrud's bodyguards was having a good time thanks to her oral work.

Her expert services were enough that the man would begin to shudder and jerk forward, and his wobbling knees showed that he probably couldn't stand any longer while continuing to receive such treatment. So he parted himself from her, but only long enough to have a seat upon the edge of the mattress, where his stiff cock awaited her continued attentions. As she leaned over sideways along the length of the bed to return to sucking on him, the thug would run a hand down along her side, only to stop at her rump. Helping himself to a nice squeeze of her soft flesh, he employed the other hand to encourage her to go on. Was he entitled to please her as she did him in this little exchange? That was up to Rhea. But unless she didn't make any outright protests, he would boldly continue, using his more exploratory hand to venture in between the girl's legs and rub her more sensitive spots.

While the ruffian's skill level with his manual ministrations wasn't terribly far above that of Valtes, his zeal for doing so was notable. His fingers constantly worked, letting Rhea's juices soak through her panties before pulling them aside to gain quick access to her slick flower beneath. Meanwhile, his other hand settled behind Rhea's head, guiding her pace. While a bit commandeering, it was her that had something to prove in this instance, not him. Luckily, encounters with Valtes were often rougher up to this point--in a way, perhaps the boss of the Thorns had prepared her for these kinds of deals. If the formidable thug's protection was a service, then her sex was the commodity by which to purchase it.

The one called 'Blue' would help himself to more of Rhea's 'currency', thrusting his hips up so as to get deeper in, towards her throat. At the same time, the progression of his manual services would go even further as he sunk his large middle digit in between the girl's pink folds, adding a second finger when her natural wetness eventually allowed it. It only made it more and more difficult for Rhea to imagine leaving the room while only having given the man a simple blowjob. However, as she began to taste more and more of his precum, it grew apparent that the blue-haired thug would reach his limit soon. All she had to do was keep working, which wasn't difficult by that point.

However, when he began to pant and grunt more frequently, wordlessly announcing that he was getting close, the mohawked bodyguard wasn't to be content just releasing his load in Rhea's mouth. Seconds before his imminent eruption, he grabbed the girl by her hair and lifted her off of him, giving a short "On your knees, uuhh... a-and open your mouth!". The command gave Rhea just enough time to do so as he hurried to his feet. If she followed through with the second order, leaving her mouth agape, he would sigh deeply and point the tip of his manhood right into the target.

"Ahh... hnnngh... oohhhhhh~! Uuhhh, yeahh... hehh... haaauuhhhnn...!"

The first two thick ropes of his semen spurted out from the tip of his cock onto her outstretched tongue, and thanks to the way the thug was handling himself, several more would follow. If Rhea didn't actively seek to catch them in her mouth, the viscous jets of seed would splatter over her face, nose, and cheeks.

"Uwoohhh..." groaned Blue, squeezing out the remainder of his first load for the night. Regardless of whether the female thief had caught most of it in her mouth or with her face, he would press his rod forward towards her lips, directing her to clean him off properly. He would then groan his pleasure loudly at Rhea's compliance, giving a few brisk thrusts into her mouth to let her taste as much of his cum as possible. It was somewhat rough, but still not much worse than what Valtes did to her on a near-daily basis. Still, it was odd for Rhea, quite used to only one man for a good while, to have a different scent, a different shape, a different size in her care.

And after having milked him of his load and cleaned him up, that would be her end of the bargain. Or was it? He had managed to stay erect the entire time, after all.

Before she knew it, Blue had directed her back up from her knees and pushed her back onto the bed. "Huhh, damn you're good. I should savor this though, huh? Don't get girls like you in our Division that often. 'Sides... you look like you want it bad, too." As he leaned over her, Rhea could feel the bandit's fingertips make contact with her moist opening once again, as if to remind her of how wet she had gotten. Positioning himself between her legs, he grinned, rubbing the tip of his cock in between her lower lips in preparation to penetrate her.

Out of the corner of her eye, Rhea noticed an odd glint from the bedside table. It seemed out of place amongst the pouch of coins, dagger, and shell comb that he had set upon it. The gleaming object appeared to be a crystal of some sort...
Re: The Razor's Edge (Knephi) GMed by Takimaru

Rhea shot another glare at Diggs, who didn't sound nearly as sincere in his reply as she'd have liked. Still, this behaviour was pretty routine for him, so she could only hope that was all it was. Thohn at least seemed to take it a bit more seriously, though she didn't miss the fact that neither of them had expressly promised they'd keep their mouths shut. Still, it was as good as she was likely to get, and she wasn't about to back out now.

The sound of the lock sliding shut behind her wasn't nearly as comforting as she'd hoped it might be. Quite the opposite in fact, it made her feel much more vulnerable than she had moments before. She was confident in her ability in a fight, but in a contest of strength she knew when she was outmatched. It was just the two of them here, if he decided he wanted more than she was willing to give... would she even be able to stop him? With the lock in place—and it was a heavy lock, not something that could easily be broken—she couldn't expect help even if her supposed comrades would give it, and Valtes didn't even know where they were.

Rhea found herself being guided to the bed in the centre of the room, reasonably large and surprisingly comfortable for something down here—yet another reason to make sure this went well. She obediently followed his directions, waiting as he emptied his pockets onto the bedside table. When he finally got to unbuckling his belt and revealing the member within, she was initially surprised by his size. He certainly wasn't a match for Valtes, which would make things easier on her, but impressive nonetheless for the comparatively smaller man.

She leaned forward a little to meet him as he approached, reaching out first with one hand to begin to stroke slowly up and down its length, her breath teasing across the head barely an inch from her mouth as she exhaled. If she was going to do this, she was going to do it well. As much as the idea of what she was doing might repulse her, as much as the different yet familiar sight and scent might remind her that she shouldn't be doing this, this was the only thing she had to barter.

It was an unfortunate truth she'd learned back when she made the decision to accept Valtes' proposition in the first place. In the end, as much as she might wish to deny it, this was what people really wanted her for. She had other skills, but this was what it always seemed to come back to. She'd have to have been blind to have missed the looks she got from the other members of the Thorns after one of her and Valtes' sessions. Some of them weren't subtle about their comments on the matter either. She’d received many such offers in the past too, before her time with the Thorns, and even some who were a bit more insistent about it. She’d never accepted back then… but here she was, doing exactly what she’d sworn she wouldn’t do years ago. Would it stop here? She wasn’t deluded enough to think this would be the last time someone would try, would she be able to keep refusing, or was this the start of a downward spiral?

Her thoughts were interrupted by the feeling of his tip pushing softly against her just barely parted lips. Apparently he was getting impatient with just her hands, but she had known that was coming. There was no way she’d get off that easily, she knew that. She parted her lips to accept him in, feeling his hands on the back of her head pushing her deeper. She put what experience she had—which while not inconsiderable, was primarily limited to one man, who had never been much for technique—to use quickly thereafter, bobbing her head slowly up and down his length, working her tongue along the underside and up the sides as she went, one hand still working whatever wasn’t in her mouth at the time while the other had settled on his leg to steady herself. Evidently her skills were enough for him just as well as they were for Valtes and soon she could feel him reacting.

His member slid out from the suction between her lips with a soft pop as he repositioned himself on the bed next to her, forcing her to lean over sideways to continue her ministrations, practically draping herself across his lap in the process. She didn’t immediately return to her previous methods, first taking the time to run her tongue teasingly along his length before a hand on the back of her head encouraged her to take it into her mouth once again and she returned to slowly bobbing up and down. A surprised gasp escaped her lips, still locked around his cock as his other hand found its way between her legs, teasing her through her panties.

She very nearly tried to pull her mouth off of his member to tell him off for that, but she quickly thought better of it and continued her ministrations. This was for his pleasure, but that also meant he could do as he wished. Unfortunately, it was looking more and more like he wasn’t going to be satisfied with just this. That had been a possibility from the beginning though, and she was prepared for it. She redoubled her efforts, moving more quickly with the hand on the back of her head guiding her pace, his other growing more adventurous the longer they went. It was more than a little humiliating to let herself be controlled like this, but she’d gotten used to such things with Valtes. In reality, Blue was being gentler than she was used to with her usual partner, even if he might not seem particularly gentle to an onlooker.

She only hesitated a moment at his order to kneel, but she did as commanded, smoothly slipping off the bed and onto her knees on the floor, she swallowed her pride and opened her mouth for him, ready to catch the load she knew was coming. Humiliating as it was though, she could endure it. She had to. She hadn’t come this far to quit now. Unfortunately, his aim turned out to not be particularly impressive. While she caught the first pair of shots landed on her outstretched tongue, she’d closed her eyes to do so, preventing her from reacting in time as a few more splattered across her face. His scent strong in her nose she finally cracked her eyes open, just in time for him to press his cock against her lips once again.

She obediently parted her lips once again after swallowing what had managed to make it into her mouth the first time, quickly getting to work cleaning him off. This she was used to too, and though the taste was different it was not unfamiliar. She had to push down the reminder that she shouldn’t be doing this. She shouldn’t have to stoop this low. She was here though... As much as she hated that she was doing it, she was going to finish. Unfortunately, as she’d feared, it seemed the blowjob alone wasn’t going to satisfy him.

She soon found herself being pushed back onto the bed, confirming her thoughts. In the process though, something caught her eye. Among the items he’d placed on the bedside table, there was an odd glint, some kind of crystal? That seemed like an odd thing for a bandit like him to be carrying around, usually it would have been pawned off at the first opportunity. Unless... her eyes narrowed almost imperceptibly as she looked at the offending trinket before she relaxed, this time entirely for show. She’d heard of crystals that could record images and sounds… was he really using one here? She felt a surge of anger that she carefully kept below the surface.

It wasn’t enough that he degraded her like this, he was recording it? She could already imagine the crystal being passed around among his friends, letting everyone watch her degrading herself like this. But what could she do? She couldn’t call him out on it, he’d deny it or just call off their deal altogether, after she’d already come this far... unless he didn’t know what had happened to it. He was obviously trying to do this in secret, so he might be hesitant to say anything about it if he didn’t know what had happened to it. For all her knew, it could just roll off the table and under the bed, or maybe he forgot to place it in the first place. As long as she could snatch it without being noticed, she had a chance. Sleight of hand was one of her best skills after all, and stealth and misdirection had always been her talents as a thief... She just needed a distraction, and in this case she could be a pretty big distraction herself.

Shrugging her jacket off and tossing it onto the corner of the bed near the table—it would make a good cover later—she allowed herself to be pushed back onto the soft surface. "What I want doesn’t matter here, but..." She spoke up hesitantly in response to his comments, flinching as she felt the head of his cock rubbing against her lower lips, "Do it. We can’t take too much longer. I need to be cleaned up before my boss is done with yours and finds us, or things might get complicated." She gave what she hoped was a convincingly alluring smile, playing up her own arousal. She certainly wasn’t quite to the point he seemed to think he’d pushed her, but she couldn’t deny she was starting to feel it. Playing it up a bit could only help her chances here.
Re: The Razor's Edge (Knephi) GMed by Takimaru

Every time Rhea had chosen to swallow her pride, which was more than just once in a relatively short span of time during the increasingly heated foreplay session, she would find her efforts rewarded with honest groans and sighs of appreciation from her eager partner. Before she knew it, the situation had progressed from the promise of a simple handjob to something much more, and she was in little position to refuse. But playing up her willingness to the inevitable finish did just enough to excite Blue. Unfortunately, he seemed mindful of the crystal he had apparently planted on the bedside table, as he paused for just a second to ensure that it was still there after she gave him her approval to penetrate her.

But afterwards, his focus returned to one thing--claiming her for his own in the most physical sense possible. Blue eased himself forward into Rhea, parting her soaked pink petals with his cock. "Ooooohhhhh..." he cooed in delight as he gradually slid himself down to the hilt, feeling the thief girl's cunny wrap around his tool in a warm, snug embrace. He was the second man she had allowed inside of her that day, and he didn't make light of the opportunity, despite this being a first of sorts for her. As the thug drew himself out a little over halfway, his eyes momentarily skimmed over their point of union before locking onto those of Rhea's, and a look down at the same place would show her his shaft partially buried in her, already glistening with her own secretions. She had chosen this... or at the very least, caved in to the pressure to do so, and this was the result.

With that, he began to pump her in earnest, letting out steady yet soft grunts that matched his initial rhythm. It certainly didn't feel bad by any means, at least not physically, as Rhea's already receptive body was already firmly placed into a state where she too could enjoy the experience. The man's sighs and groans of pleasure, combined with the lewd sound his member made as it plunged in and out of her sopping cunny surely and steadily, made for a particularly erotic soundtrack as the two engaged in their carnal coupling. He allowed his pace to increase gradually, and before long Rhea would feel her entire body rocked by the force of his fervent thrusts. Yet as good as it must have felt for Blue, he wasn't content to speed up and then finish in the first position he took her in. Just as she seemed close enough to reach for the memory crystal, he shifted her a few inches to the side, elevating her entire lower half upwards while keeping her legs properly spread. From there, with his cock still buried in her canal, he proceeded to thrust downwards into her.

It was a different experience, somewhat more inventive than the usual doggy-style positions that Valtes preferred to fuck Rhea in. While slightly uncomfortable, it was difficult to say that the new setup wasn't enjoyable, especially once the man placed his thumb firmly over the thief girl's clit and began to rub it up and down, side to side, in circles... proceeding to do most whatever got the most in the way of involuntary reactions from her. If she cared to look elsewhere, Rhea would find that she had been rotated somewhat, as if to expose the front of her body to the 'watching' memory crystal. Was he showing her off, as if it were a movie? Either way, the thing recording her little session was well out of her reach by then; her foot was closer, if anything, and it still would require a good deal of obvious effort on her part to try and topple the stone with a toe by stretching her leg towards the bedside table. And so Rhea was left helpless to try anything in such a position, only capable of reacting to the barrage of sensations that the man imposed on her.

His thrusts proved surprisingly fast even in this somewhat awkward position, and it was only thanks to the softness of the bed that the girl didn't find herself injured by her partner's energetic movements. It even caused her breasts to sway in time with his downward pumps, though both his hands were quick to reach down and cop a feel of the soft mounds of flesh. That still wasn't enough, apparently, as he moved on to knead them with no apparent shortage of interest. A look towards the ceiling would show that Blue had a wide grin upon his face--he was enjoying this, no doubt. She had given him an inch, and he had taken a mile and then some, intent on exploring as much of her body as he could. He took her with the kind of vigor that would no doubt last the night if she cared to let him. Worse, he was still in a position to easily notice if she were to do anything about what was most definitely a recording device of sorts. Perhaps she could try her best by attempting to draw his attention to her face or breasts or encouraging him to work her clit a bit more...

However, minutes later, that changed. After hilting deep inside of her, Blue released a sigh of pleasure... then, began to re-adjust his footing. He rotated around while still inside of her, stopping after turning 180 degrees. Rhea was still stuck with her lower body still high in the air, but this time, her partner had foolishly turned his back towards the crystal that was watching her. Though it was difficult to deny the pleasure threatening to overcome her senses at that point, the adjustment to the piledriver position caused the bodyguard's thrusts to hit her G-spot less often, buying the thief girl just enough clarity to point her leg at the tiny crystal and grab it between her toes. It was a challenge nonetheless, given that her entire body shook with the force of Blue's steadily accelerating strokes, but she felt the hard, small crystal catch between her toes. No doubt the angle had already changed by that time! Now, she only needed to bend her leg and transfer the item to her hand... but that was harder than it sounded, thanks to the man's now rapid pace and Rhea's body screaming at her to let it achieve a natural release of its own. Thanks to the escalating groans coming from the thug, not unlike those he let out when he gave her a facial earlier, it was clear that he could cum any second. He confirmed this with a few words. "Huhhnnh... fuck, I'm getting close," uttered Blue between short breaths. But despite that uncontrollable urge to breed Rhea as thoroughly as he could, he managed to retain the lucidity to say just one more thing...

"...Put it back on the table for me. I wanna get a nice picture of your face when I unload inside of you."
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Re: The Razor's Edge (Knephi) GMed by Takimaru

As much as she wanted to hate what was happening, Rhea couldn’t deny that her body was quite receptive. She had to bite back a moan as he finally penetrated her, not wanting to admit what she was feeling to herself, much less to Blue. He wasn’t as physically impressive as Valtes, so she’d thought it might be disappointing in comparison, but it was just… different. Valtes was fairly simple in his tastes, so she’d gotten used to his usual preferences. At first it had seemed that Blue would be the same, simply pounding away until he was satisfied, but he seemed to have other plans.

Rhea finally let out a sound, a brief startled gasp as she suddenly found herself partially lifted off the bed, legs spread in the air and even more exposed to the crystal she knew was recording her. A soft moan escaped her lips as she squirmed briefly in his grip, hands grasping at the bedsheets as each thrust seemed to drive her down into the bed beneath her. It was a new experience, certainly... if only it hadn’t been here, with this man she could have let herself truly enjoy it. She didn’t protest, though she shot Blue a brief glare at the rough handling. This was more than she’d bargained for, much more, but she wasn’t in a position where she could back out now.

All she could do was bear with it until he was satisfied, even as her body betrayed her. She tried not to think about the fact that the crystal was getting a perfect view of her right now, while she still had no way to reach it. She gripped the sheets tighter in her hands, biting her lip in an effort to hold back any more sounds as he began to tease her clit as well, all but writhing in his grip between the sensation of this and his relentless pounding, as if he was trying to drive her through the bed. The awkward position wasn’t helping matters, leaving her little room to move on her own.

It took no small amount of effort to keep herself focused on her goal, on that crystal even now recording her in this degrading position. She was rewarded before long as he decided to change positions, though not without drawing another muffled gasp from Rhea as he started to thrust seemingly even harder than before. She tried to resist her body’s steadily growing desire for release though—his back was turned, this was her chance. Unfortunately, being half lifted in the air like this made any attempt to reach for the crystal a challenge, but she’d always been quite flexible. It took some manoeuvring, made even more difficult by the fact that Blue hadn’t relented at all in his pounding, but she eventually managed to snag the crystal between her toes after stretching enough.

His words froze her in place even as she struggled to slip the crystal into her hand, trying to suppress her own approaching orgasm long enough to get it hidden away. How had he noticed? She’d been sure she was perfectly silent, and he’d been facing the other way… "This wasn’t–" she was cut off by her own sharp gasp as he bottomed out inside of her again. It wasn’t his words, but an involuntary spasm as her own orgasm grew too close to ignore that caused her to drop the crystal, it slipping from between her toes and landing on the bed next to them as she was briefly overcome by the pleasure. She barely even registered Blue’s own orgasm save for the fresh heat spreading inside of her.

She made a frantic grab for the crystal as soon as she’d recovered enough, even if barely, gripping it tightly in one hand if she managed to be the first to do so. "This wasn’t… This wasn’t part of the deal!" She managed to get out between panting softly even as she was still coming down from her own orgasm. She knew she wasn’t in the best position to make any kind of demands, but she was desperate. She couldn’t let this thing leave this room, not with everything it had recorded. She had to find some way to convince him… And they had already taken too long. Valtes couldn’t be too long from finding them again.
Re: The Razor's Edge (Knephi) GMed by Takimaru

Rhea managed to stutter the first part of a protest in response to Blue's command, but neither that nor a more clearly communicated message would stop what was to come. The rhythm that the ruffian established had already grown too fast, too hard for him to simply stop now. The internal warmth and natural slickness of the thief girl's pussy made for far too inviting a target; this time, he was going to finish inside of her whether she liked it or not.

So when she made it clear that she wasn't entirely on board with his order, he chose not to argue with her there, but simply quickened his pace, making it all but impossible for Rhea to hang on to the crystal or even to keep her voice down as he hurried to a most satisfying orgasm. "Ohhh, fuckkk... hnnhh, hahh, HNNNN, HRRRRNNNGGHH! HOOOOHHHH! OOHHHHHH~!!"

And then it happened. Rhea felt a defined throb, a twitch from the member buried so deep inside of her before the first hot slap of Blue's potent seed touched down upon her inner walls. It was enough to push her right over the edge, causing the beauty's feminine faculties to respond in kind to the stimuli forced upon them. The body-shaking spasms prompted her cervix to dilate and dip, kissing the very tip of the thug's cock and opening just in time for his third, fourth, fifth and sixth shots to squirt directly into her womb. His thick rod continued to pulse inside of her, as if telling her that it still had much more to give. Loathe as she might have been to admit it, her traitorous body was essentially surrendering to the man's attempts to impregnate her... though she could do little about it as Blue grunted and groaned to express his feelings of sheer bliss, facilitated by the involuntary contractions of Rhea's tight sex. Deep inside, the fastest of his sperm would race toward her egg, perhaps at some point surrounding it in a bid to grant Rhea a terribly unwanted gift--a child sired by one of the most vile of Elynsor's criminals. Yet all Rhea would be able to feel at that point was pleasure, and no small amount of it...

Meanwhile, the crystal had fallen out from between her toes, plopping onto the bed in a position not terribly unlike the way she had found it--with its wide 'face' looking directly at Rhea and whatever expression she might have made as the orgasmic tremors echoed through her entire frame. By that point, it had surely captured the majority of the pair's coupling, including her most thorough insemination. The memory crystal managed to steal a few more moments as Rhea struggled to grab it with Blue continuing to release spurt after spurt into her deepest reaches. Finally, as she came down from her own thunderous climax, she would be able to retrieve the crystal and issue her protest in its entirety.

"Hauhhh... erhuh? Yeah, that's for me... h-heh, don't worry--my private use only. Your man'll never see it," explained the bodyguard while still hilted deep inside of her cunny.

"...Unless you don't want to hand it over, that is," he then added, before employing his amazingly still-erect cock to make a few more thrusts... and then several more after that. It was enough to remind Rhea that she was largely helpless in such a position, and tinges of pleasure returned to assault her senses as he pistoned downwards into her, stirring his member about at the end of each stroke. "Heheh... hahh, ooohh, yeah. Fffork it over already and we can be done. Unless you WANTED to keep going," teased the man, as if daring her not to surrender. He resumed his fevered thrusts to remind Rhea that he could continue to do so against her will, as the seconds before Valtes' return ticked away. Whether she would heed his command was up to her...
Re: The Razor's Edge (Knephi) GMed by Takimaru

"Sorry if I can't—" Rhea began to speak before cutting off with a gasp as Blue began to thrust a few more times, somehow still able to continue even now. Unfortunately, with her legs still held in their awkward position, she wasn't in a good position to physically push him off of her, not with his advantage in leverage and simple strength. "You already tricked me once, after I gave you a lot more than we agreed on in the first place. You think I can trust that you won't let anyone else see it?"

Rhea struggled to keep her voice steady as he continued to make good on his threat. She was in a bad position here, and she knew it. Who knew how long it would be before Valtes returned? She needed to finish this, and fast... but she couldn't just hand over the crystal. Not when it such a thing recorded on it. Just Blue having a record of this would be humiliating enough, she couldn't afford the chance that it might be spread around.

"Maybe we can make... another deal." She offered, hoping that this wasn't just going to make things worse. She didn't have time to delay though. "I can get you another crystal, and— Ah," She grit her teeth for a moment, willing her body to ignore the sensations being forced upon her. "Look, there has to be something else you want. I can't just let this go, but we need to finish here. Now."
Re: The Razor's Edge (Knephi) GMed by Takimaru

"Yeah, but you agreed, huh? You coulda said no," responded Blue with a smug look. "So what are YOU gonna do with that crystal then, if I let you keep it? Show it to your big boyfriend? Maybe he's into that kinda thing, eh? Hah! You know I'd get more use out of it anyway, unless you wanna jill to it... in which case..." he added, pausing for a moment.

"Alright then. Yeah, I'm kinda bummed that we had to make this so quick, so why don't you meet me again? I choose the place, I choose the time, since ah... my boss is yer boss's boss, y'know? And you can keep that little crystal. It ain't cheap, I'll tell ya that much. But I'd say you're worth it," said the blue-haired thug, leisurely in his rocking motions as he remained hilted deep in the girl. He was obviously no hurry to pull out of her, and this was made even more evident when he began to thrust in and out of her once more, albeit slowly. Rhea was still helpless to do much against him in her vulnerable position, and suddenly the worry that he would have another round on her, against her will, became quite real...

"Uuuuhhh, you just feel so good," admitted the man, stirring her up a few times in a smooth circular motion with his shaft. "When you give me that look... I kinda want to keep going, heh. Can't help myself sometimes. Nngh..."

He would then pull out and step off the bed, rather abruptly, causing Rhea to flop onto her back. The lady thief would soon feel a warm oozing sensation from her crevice, which Blue did little to help with cleaning up.

"You made me cum a lot, heh. Don't drip all over the place, now!" he reminded her jokingly as he slid his trousers back on. "Well, enjoy your rooms. When I want you next, you'll know."

Provided Rhea made no outright protest or disagreement to his terms, he would then take his leave, looking all too refreshed. When she stepped out of the room, Diggs and Thohn couldn't help but gawk a little.

"Uh... s-so..."

"These rooms are ours now, right? I gotta hand it to ya, I didn't think you had it in you. But you did us a real solid this time!"

The three then headed back to the bar, where Valtes was sitting at the same table... by himself. The same lively environment, save that Xanrud was nowhere to be found, and the towering leader of the Thorns was looking less than pleased.

He raised a brow upon seeing Rhea walk back in with Diggs and Thohn.

"Where were you?"
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"...Fine." Rhea muttered in response to Blue's terms, obviously not too pleased about them but willing to agree if that was what it would take to end this. She was seriously regretting having agreed to any of this in the first place. These rooms, as happy as she'd been about the chance to have them, weren't worth this. Damage control was all she could do now though, and hope that if she could suffer through one more 'meeting' with Blue she could bury this whole thing and forget about it. She still wasn't sure how much authority he actually had, but she knew it was enough to cause problems for her if she tried to go back on their deal later. "As long as you don't try to pull this again. No recordings."

She winced as he finally released her and let her flop down on the bed. Another brief grimace followed as she felt some of his seed dripping from between her legs, another reminder of what she'd let this man do to her... and what she'd have to look into dealing with before they left. She was certain they had some kind of contraceptives around this place somewhere, or there would be a lot more pregnant slaves around, and she at least still had the excuse of her session with Valtes earlier, which would spare her some awkwardness in explaining why she needed it.

After cleaning herself up as well as she was able and dressing herself once again, slipping the crystal into her pocket so that she could dispose of it later, she stepped out of the room to meet her fellow Thorns. She refused to meet their eyes, looking away down the hall as they spoke. She really didn't want to see their reactions right now. Especially since while the door had been locked, she didn't really think it was soundproof. "Right. Just... Keep this quiet, okay? It's bad enough that I had to do it in the first place, I really don't need people talking about it too." Hopefully they'd actually do so, because they'd not sounded entirely sincere earlier.

Once they returned to find Valtes waiting, Rhea's words caught in her throat as she tried to speak. What did she say? She hadn't even thought about how she was going to explain all of this to him. "The one that was with Xanrud there, Blue. He wanted to show us a place that was vacant around here." She began, trying to keep her voice and expression level. Luckily lying was something she'd long since developed an aptitude for, after years of making her way alone on the streets of Elynsor. "It's a pretty nice place actually, and should have room for everyone. He just wanted me to do something for him when we were out in exchange, but nothing big, that won't be a problem." She tried to brush aside any concern about what she'd had to do to get them. She couldn't say he'd just offered them to them, he wouldn't buy that. That wasn't how things worked in their line of work. All she could do was be evasive about what he actually wanted, maybe even say he'd wanted to keep it a private matter? She'd figure that out if he pressed her about it.

"Said something about keeping us and the Scarmarked from killing each other too, so maybe he was just trying to protect his friend's gang? Doesn't really matter why though, as long as we've got the place." She remembered Xanrud having mentioned that his other bodyguard, the red one, had been a part of the other gang. She could only hope her deflection away from the topic of what he wanted would be enough, and Valtes wouldn't press her for details.
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Though Rhea might have tried her best to avoid direct eye contact with her two cohorts, their delightfully amused expressions were plain to see even from her peripheral vision. Had her 'contribution' made her more worthy in their view? If their grins alone was any indicator, then perhaps... yes.
"Yeah, 'course," said Thohn.

"Hey, I won't be talkin' about it. I mean, ya did a great thing for us and all, but ah, I'm actually not sure what Valtes'll think, so yeah... I think he might kill whoever's closest if he got mad enough."

"Don't wanna be it," Thohn chimed in flatly.


As Rhea explained herself, the skeptical look wouldn't leave Valtes' expression. He scratched the back of his head puzzledly.
"Blue, huh? He's not that Scarmarked one, is he?"
"Nah, I think that was the red-haired one who had the scar," corrected Diggs.
"... Oh. Xanrud never told me nothin' bout that. Didn't think he'd do shit for us," muttered Valtes. "Not for free, anyway. Whatever--we got a job. Shit work, but it's still work. Xanrud told me to go see some guy named Liberham in the nobles' lounge, so let's get goin.'"

"We not gonna pick up the boys from the Chambers?" asked Thohn.

"Not for this. Said it was on the northern end, so... let's go."


The four of them made their way through the various corridors of the Rogues' Division, heading vaguely north, though it wasn't easy for Rhea to tell. The dimly lit corridors, often splitting off into numerous other directions, made it somewhat difficult to keep a solid bearing--all the more reason to be nervous in a den full of rapists and slavers. After a while, however, it began to narrow down into a more straightforward path.

"Think this is near where the Military Division is," commented Thohn, a hint of uneasiness lingering in his voice.

"I don't give a shit," said Valtes. "I know where we are."

"Well, nah, it's just near the edge right? Near the border," Diggs chimed in.

Valtes, Diggs, Thohn and Rhea soon passed two more forks before finding themselves in a noticeably more luxurious lounge. One might never guess that this was still part of the same division, but the presence of three ruffians in one corner reminded them that it very likely was. This was a place for the dealings of Elynsor's elite--one of the few places where a noble would even bother to speak to a commoner of Rhea's social standing.

At the far end of the place was a fully stocked bar, the surfaces of its countertops polished and lacquered. Several tables and couches, the quality of which Rhea had rarely ever seen in her lifetime, were in no short supply here. Unlike the loud, boisterous and lively atmosphere of the tavern they were in only moments before, this one had a more subdued, formal air. The ambient volume was kept to normal, conversational tone. Only three conversations appeared to be occurring here--one between the three bandits in the far corner, one between a man dressed in black and the bartender, and one between two men who were obviously nobles, at a nearby table.

One was a somewhat thin man with flippy red hair, dressed in a perfectly tailored maroon longcoat and sporting a cane kept against his chair. His legs were crossed as he took a relaxed, casual posture. He had a dark-haired, lightly tan-skinned girl beside him--possibly Talean--standing obediently as if waiting on his next command. She was dressed in a skimpy floral outfit, with a flower in her hair, as if to accentuate her exotic nature.

The other gentleman had more neatly combed brown hair along with a matching short, well-groomed beard. His suit was cream-colored, with a fancy patterned tie and vest underneath. Where the other man had one slave, this one appeared to have three. The first was a relatively plainly dressed Gremic blonde-haired girl about Rhea's height, who appeared to be heating a kettle of their tea with a bit of fire magic from her hand; the other was a hulk of a man, even larger than Valtes himself, with tanned skin and bluish hair typical of a Xali, his attire and armor seeming to denote the status of a mercenary or bodyguard; and the last was a somewhat androgynous servant dressed in scholar's robes with light green hair and noticeably pointed ears--an elf, although their immediate gender wasn't easily distinguishable. Probably a male, if Rhea had to guess from the relative lack of curvature.

His posture looked somewhat better than that of his friend's, but body language would indicate that there were no pretenses here; this was about as casual as a meeting between high-class western nobles could get.

"Mm, yes," the dark-haired one seemed to answer in a noticeable Brevnian accent. "I hafe a verkshop for slafes in ze south zat puts zem to verk in filliplant harvestink, refinink, and also textiles. Not too difficult to train zem into such a trade--dependink on ze stock of ze slafe, ov course--but ven operations are done right, ze results are all too pleasink, I'd say."

"Oh? You'll have to show me sometime, my good man! Does it net you well? I may be interested in supporting you in such an endeavor, if it's lucrative enough."

"Vell, it vas difficult at ferst, but I sink it is caming all togezer now. Ya, I vuldn't mind showving you my operashuns in good time."

After heating the kettle with a small flame generated from a fire gate conjured by her left hand, the Brevnian's slave girl carefully poured the tea into cups for each of the nobles, remaining respectfully quiet as she did so.

"But I must say, mage slaves must be quite useful as well. But you can't just steal an Academy student around here, not when the vast majority of them are the offspring of nobles. Those Gremic folk, though..."

"Mm... she vas not cheap to acquire," said the Brevnian before taking a sip of tea. "Few slafers dare to brafe ze Gremic vailds. Too cold, zey say."

"Hahaha! Well, they've got a point, my friend. I've crossed the Gremic border but once in my travels, and I could feel the wind's chill down to my bone. Not a trip I care to take very often, and for good reason. How those people survive out there, and why they bother to do so, I may never know."

"Perhaps not ze most ambishus people, but... if zere is anysing zey can do, it is survive," replied the chestnut-haired man matter-of-factly.

Valtes walked up to the scene, looking first at the Brevnian--who didn't look troubled at all given the easily comparable stature of his bodyguard--then turned his gaze to the red-haired one.

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Re: The Razor's Edge (Knephi) GMed by Takimaru

"I don't think Xanrud was the one who ordered it, seemed like something Blue was doing on his own." Rhea just shrugged after that, not wanting to push the subject if Valtes seemed willing to let it go. She remained mostly silent along the way to their destination, eyes nervously watching their surroundings the whole way.

More and more she was regretting having agreed to come here. This place was stifling, both the environment and the surroundings. She wasn't used to being underground for so long, everything so dark and claustrophobic, but more than that it was the people who bothered her. She'd seen people raped, had exposure to slavery before, time and again in the seedy underbelly of civilization she'd been forced to make her living in. She'd thought she was desensitized to it, that as long as she distanced herself from it she'd be fine.

These people though... merely for being female, so many apparently already saw her as little more than a slave herself. It hadn't even been a day yet, and she was already fearing for her freedom if she stayed here. This wasn't the time to discuss such concerns, but she had a few things she needed to talk to Valtes about when she got the opportunity after all this.

For now though, she simply tried to keep track of where they were going. Making a mental map of this place was difficult, the corridors arranged in an almost nonsensical pattern, very much like the place's namesake. She ignored Thohn and Diggs as they spoke, feeling more and more uncomfortable the further they went. This place wasn't like the Rogues' division, it was... nicer. Which meant the people they were meeting were at least a little more influential than she was expecting for their first job

She subconsciously fell a few steps behind Valtes as they entered, keeping herself mostly hidden behind the much larger man. She didn't speak, tried very hard to simply fade into the background without doing anything that might be seen as rude. The sort of people before them were familiar to her, if not the men themselves. Obviously wealthy, they were probably important customers or backers of the Redclaws.

She knew their type, perhaps the most hated by those like her, who had to scrape by on scraps. She herself had taken the risk of stealing from the wealthy a few times, but it was dangerous too. She'd seen it go wrong, seen people simply disappear. If someone had enough money, they could get away with anything, or so it seemed from her perspective. That was how these men could flaunt their slaves like this, unconcerned by the fact that the practise was still illegal here.

She'd had a friend, years ago, who had fallen prey to such people. Another girl in the same position Rhea had been, back before she'd joined the Thorns. Just trying to live day to day. She'd gotten reckless, tried to pick the pocket of a nobleman in the market, and that was the last Rhea had ever seen of her. She hadn't faced justice, that was certain, hadn't even been locked up for more than a day before she'd simply vanished. Had she been killed? Sold off to a place like this? Rhea had never found out, had been to afraid to dig too deep.

These people could surely do the same to her, especially here. There were no laws to protect her, little as they might do, and the Thorns couldn't stand up to the real powers here, if they'd even risk themselves for her in the first place. A word to the right person would be all it would take. So she found herself shrinking back, trying to appear as unimportant as possible while retaining a neutral expression and posture. In some way, she was even unconsciously mirroring the slaves these men had brought here themselves.

She could only hope they would get this over with quickly, and that she wouldn't need to speak at all. If Valtes could handle this himself, that would be for the best, she wasn't sure how long she could keep her composure here, not when she most likely needed to be respectful for everyone's sakes.
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Re: The Razor's Edge (Knephi) GMed by Takimaru

"That would be me," replied the Elynsorian noble. He briefly scanned over Valtes' group, failing to give Rhea more than just a cursory glance, then resumed. "I imagine you lot are here about the job?"

"Yeah," was all that Valtes said, shortly, already waiting for him to continue.

"Ah, good. I hope these three aren't all you have? Though I suppose the task could still be done like this, perhaps, given good timing..."

"No way," exclaimed Diggs. "There's a lot more of us! They're just uh... relaxing in the Stalls."

"I see. Good, good. Certainly one of the places I would be, if I were of your stock," replied the noble. "At any rate, this is the job. You see, one of my... business rivals has started a new shop near the Royal Magic Academy. It's been oddly successful in such a short amount of time. Lately, I found out as to why. Let's just say that he hasn't exactly been playing by the rules. Undercutting prices, using slander to ruin the good reputation of my more well-established chains of fine sellers."

"That's against the uh, 'rules'? Thought it was something lots of merchants did," said Thohn, which only earned a slight look of annoyance by the leader of the Thorns.

"Shit if I know."

"Well, yes, there are unwritten rules that many business owners in that district in particular abide by. This rival that I speak of apparently pays no respect for such regulations. Surely, I am not one to allow such blatant disregard of establishment, otherwise it may become a trend. Others would soon show the same disrespect for others. So, this clearly needs a proper sanction. Your task is simple. I want you to go into his shop, Ahlgren's Magical Goods, at night, and just smash it up. Can even steal some of the product if you want."

"The fuck are we gonna do with magical stuff we don't even know how to use?" asked Diggs.

"Then just destroy what you find, ruin it. Either way is fine by me. Whatever you do though, make it look like the work of random thugs--which you are, of course. I am not to be incriminated in this."

"All I need to know," replied Valtes. "What about pay?"

"Oh, don't worry about that. Provided you do a good enough job of discouraging them, it will save the rest of us business owners quite a good amount. As such, I can promise the lot of you 10,000 gold up front to divide amongst yourselves."

Diggs and Thohn's eyes widened in astonishment. Valtes, on the other hand, didn't flinch. "15,000," said the physically imposing brute.

"Hah, already bargaining! I'm tickled. 12,000 up front, the rest depending on what comes of this deal."

"It will be a good job," assured Valtes. "That I can promise."

"Good," replied the noble. "Then you'll have no complaints when you see the rest of your pay."

Even as Rhea tried to sink into the background, and would successfully do so for the most part, she would still feel at least one set of eyes on her. It wasn't aimed at her legs, nor her chest or any other part of her womanly assets, but upon her face for once. Something told her that it wasn't the typical, lust-filled gaze of a Redclaw thug.

A look for the source would reveal it without much trouble, one of the Brevnian's slaves--the Gremic girl who had been serving tea earlier. The servant said nothing while her gaze homed in on the thief's position at every given chance... and while Rhea could easily tell she was being examined, judged even, whether that was happening with curiosity, envy, contempt, or something else entirely, was difficult to discern.

Her master seemed to pay more attention to his slave than to Rhea, and snapped his fingers.

"Aeta... Aeta!"
As if waking up from a daydream, the slave girl's body jolted upright, and for a moment her somewhat expressionless facade dropped and showed a look somewhere between surprise and terror... but only for a split second before the facade restored itself in an instant. She turned to acknowledge the voice.

"Vhy are you so distracted? Vat silly sing has you shirking in your attentifness, hmm?"
The Brevnian's tone was soft, even polite, but it had an odd bend to it. There was something predatory about it, as if challenging the slave to come up with a satisfying answer that would prevent later retribution behind closed doors.

"Just now I was reminded to be grateful for my blessings and good fortune," answered the girl softly.

"Ah, ja. As vahn should. Und zose in ze light of Erion should not grow accustomed to its varmth, else zey forget about zose subject to ze chill ov ze Void," pronounced the Brevnian master, in a quote that Rhea might have heard a priest say at one point or another.

With that, the slave bowed her head in acknowledgement and and continued with her apparent duties. For the moment at least, Rhea would be free from any more of her examinations.

Between Valtes and Liberham, the negotiations had ended.

"I expect this to be done within the week," said Liberham, pushing forward a hefty sack of coin, which the gang leader picked up with one hand.

"It'll be done in a day," replied Valtes firmly.

The trio took their leave from the rather lavish room, back towards the Stalls.

"So all we gotta do is smash up a place? Easy money," said Diggs.
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Re: The Razor's Edge (Knephi) GMed by Takimaru

Rhea remained silent as the job was being explained and the price negotiated. She had learned to let Valtes handle this sort of work on his own, he didn't need her cutting in. In fact, as much as it grated against her pride, she knew that it would be better for these sorts of negotiations if she kept quiet. She'd already seen enough in this place to understand what these people thought of her, so despite her actual position within the Thorns it seemed best not to try to act like she had any authority.

One look at the obvious slaves these men had brought with them told her all she needed to know about how she'd be viewed, and it wasn't worth the effort or the risk of hurting their relationship with their employer to correct those assumptions. Not only that, but she wasn't sure how easy it would be to offend them, or what lengths they'd go to if she did. It would likely be a relatively simple matter for them to do whatever they wanted with her here, the Thorns weren't nearly strong or influential enough to protect her from men like these, if they'd even be willing to stick their necks out for her in the first place.

The job itself was simple enough, though not particularly well suited to Rhea's particular talents. She was a thief, one who relied on getting in and out quietly, or quickly swiping something without being noticed. This job was far too noisy and obvious for her tastes. Still the pay was more than good, and most of the rest of the Thorns were better suited to this sort of work anyway. And it would get her out of this place for a while, which was welcome.

The fact that the shop sold items of a magical nature immediately caused a plan to begin to form in her mind as well. She still needed to resolve this situation with Blue, and the memory crystal that even now she was checking was still safely in her pocket. He'd mentioned how expensive it was as a reason he couldn't just let her take it, but they were being given free reign to loot the place. If she could get a replacement she'd be in a better position to negotiate, and hopefully weasel her way out of repeat visits. She wouldn't mind taking a few more for herself either, if they had a decent stock. If she could figure out how to make them work they'd certainly be useful.

It was at that moment that she noticed a pair of eyes on her. Oddly, it was none of the men in the room, as she briefly met the gaze of one of the slave girls. She gave a questioning look in return, not quite understanding what interest the girl had in her to stare so intently, but it seemed that her master had also noticed her distraction, if not the source. Rhea frowned at the girl's fearful reaction when he called for her attention, and even deeper at the exchange that followed.

It was a reminder of the narrow line she was walking simply by being here. The exchange reminded her more of someone reprimanding an unruly pet than words spoken between humans. Part of that came with the wealth or status the man obviously held, those sorts always seeming to patronize those beneath him, but there was something more too, and it made her uncomfortable. She seemed... too passive, too docile, and Rhea couldn't help but wonder what had been done to her to make her that way. Even worse, she couldn't tell if the man was simply acting superior—as his type always seemed to do—or if what she vaguely recalled as religious scripture he'd recited meant that he truly believed he had done her a favour in treating her like this.

Luckily she would be spared needing to remain much longer, as Valtes and their employer quickly concluded their business. She quickly fell in line behind their leader as he left the room, breathing an audible, if quite sigh of relief as soon as they were away. The atmosphere of the place had made it simply impossible to relax, especially with her confusion regarding the girl's attention.

"Don't get too overconfident." Rhea quickly fell back into her usual role among the Thorns as they began the walk back to the Stalls, with some comfort in the familiarity. She'd been a thief for a long time, and had worked alone for years before joining Valtes. She'd never have made it as long as she did if she hadn't learned to think things through, to expect and prepare for danger around every corner. Something many of the more thuggish Thorns never seemed to consider. She didn't really understand magic, but that only made her more wary about this particular location. "It's a shop that sells to mages, and right near the Academy. Who knows if the owner's set up some kind of magic traps to protect the place from looters? That stuff is expensive, and besides that there's bound to be more guards around that close to the Academy."
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Diggs rolled his eyes. He paused, as if considering something. Would he rat her out right then and there for putting out to Blue, in response to a mere warning that annoyed him?

Instead, he gave the girl a knowing grin and shook his head.
"Aw, c'mon, Rhea. You seriously think some magic shop owner is gonna lace every part of their little store with traps that could seriously kill somebody? Besides, it's in Elynsor's inner circle--like, one of the safest districts as far as these rich folk are concerned!"

"But... even we can get in there, if it's at night," Thohn chimed in.

"Yeah, so long as we duck the guards. That's prolly the main thing we gotta worry about," replied Diggs. "But we've done this before, ya know? I just don't think this shop is gonna be any different. And hell, if it does, we can always send the rookie Sammon in first? Hah."

Valtes made an annoyed grunt, as if telling them to 'shut up', and the others fell silent. The group made their way back through the bar, and back down into the Chambers, where many of the Thorns were sitting outside the Stalls, smoking and exchanging stories amongst themselves. The hulking leader of the gang stopped in front of them, and motioned with his head for them to leave.

"Penadin's not quite done yet," said Coinall, a long-standing member of the Thorns. "You know how he gets with mage girls..."

"Then tell him to hurry the fuck up," said Valtes.

Coinall nodded twice and spared his leader the trouble of hurrying a frustrated Penadin up, yelling a few choice words into the stalls. Minutes later, the second-in-command emerged, frowning and fastening the front of his trousers.

"What? What's so damn urgent that we can't hang around here for a few more hours or so?"

"We have a job," said Valtes flatly, yet loudly.

"Oh. Well, shit, great."

"And some new rooms," added the alpha male.

"Thanks to Rhea," said Diggs, his gently grinning expression hinting that he knew more than he was putting on.

"Ohhh, put that little pussy of yours to work for once, did ya?" teased Penadin with a grin--he may or may not have picked up Diggs' face as a suggestive tell. "Alright, lead us to them!"

Valtes looked towards Rhea. "Where are these rooms? Let's all see them first. Then, tonight, we do the job."
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Re: The Razor's Edge (Knephi) GMed by Takimaru

"Shut it, Penadin." Rhea shot the man a glare, hand instinctively checking the crystal in her pocket again. She needed to find some time—privately—to just destroy the thing, but she hadn't had that chance yet. Maybe she could just smash it up along with some others in the shop, once they got there, and nobody would know the difference. Sighing, she motioned for everyone to follow her as she started walking "Come on, they're this way."

Once they had made it to the rooms again, once Valtes had a chance to look around the place, Rhea pulled him off into one of the side rooms for a moment. She'd been putting this off since the morning, and now thanks to Blue it was even more important that she do something about it before they left.

"So, um, sorry to bring this up now, but after what we did this morning... I'd really like to get ahold of something to make sure I'm not going to get pregnant." She shifted a little awkwardly, eyes quickly scanning the doorway to make sure nobody else was listening in. "I know they've got something for that around here, but after that incident with the military division guys earlier, I'm not sure it's a good idea for me to be walking around alone down here."

Rhea didn't like feeling like some helpless damsel, needing to ask Valtes to escort her everywhere, but she really was afraid of what might happen if she went anywhere alone down here. Even if she wasn't one of the slaves, nobody here seemed to think any better of her, and that probably wouldn't stop them. It wasn't that she wasn't confident in her abilities, she was pretty sure she could handle herself in a one on one fight against most of the random thugs that seemed to populate this place, but she doubted it would be that simple. Everyone seemed to roam in groups, and she wasn't confident in her chances if a group of these thugs decided they wanted to do something with her.
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Re: The Razor's Edge (Knephi) GMed by Takimaru

"Oh. Uh... yeah," Valtes murmured in response, his eyes wandering down somewhere below Rhea's neckline for a second. "They've got an apothecary. Let's go."

He threw his chin in the direction of the hallway, and gave Penadin a look before leaving. "Hold the place down. We're going out for a few."

"Whatever you say, boss," uttered the former mage with a sly grin, his gaze shifting to Rhea momentarily. "Don't get too busy now."

Then, it was just Rhea and Valtes, making their way through increasingly familiar corridors back towards the west... or what the thief girl might guess to be such a bearing. The streets of Elynsor's capital were not strange to her in the least, but the labyrinth still was. At times it was difficult to tell where one section ended and another began. Walks like these, however, at least helped familiarize her with the main avenues.

Luckily, the apothecary wasn't too far. Only a few branched routes from where the bar was, the initial area was rather small, with a wide wooden counter that most shops claimed, though the rows of shelves beyond hinted that it was a much larger area in the back. Attending was a lanky, balding old man with a devious look almost permanently stuck to his face. If anyone would be a regular visitor of the Stalls, he may very well be, given his apparent unattractiveness and glee in working here.

"Birth control," said Valtes flatly, placing his new emblem--that of the Redclaw Syndicate--on the counter for the shopkeeper to see.

"Oh?" replied the man with a knowing smirk. "Morning after, or daily?"

"Both. A week's supply of the daily."

"Hohoh. New slave then, I see? Got to make sure they don't lose their value too fast, indeed. Get some good use out of her, huh? A moment, please." He retreated to the back with a wooden box under one arm, knowing exactly where to find what Valtes sought. The shopkeep returned with one large vial and seven smaller ones.

"Here you are," said the attendant, placing the goods on the counter. "Thorns, right? Heheh... yes, you'll find that the benefits here are quite nice."

"Yeah," was all that Valtes said before scooping up the vials and walking out of the room. He placed them in Rhea's hands once they were out of the lecherous shopkeeper's sight.

"We don't gotta worry about that for a while," quipped the gang leader. Not that he ever seemed too concerned with it in the past, as nothing really stopped him from letting it all out inside of Rhea whenever he pleased.

The pair returned to the new rooms that Rhea had helped earn with her body, and the series of looks that she received from her own teammates certainly didn't help any insecurities that may have been lingering in the back of her mind about such a fact. Had Diggs told everyone else? Chuckles and murmurs seemed to travel back and forth through the room like a tide.

Valtes raised a brow and looked to Rhea. "Somethin' wrong? We only got a few more hours to kill 'til the job."
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"Thanks." Rhea nodded gratefully as she followed Valtes out. She couldn't shake the nervousness she was feeling though, even as they left the rest of the gang behind. She'd been hoping being alone with Valtes would help, but she wasn't feeling any better. It wasn't a case of love, despite their relationship she'd never really loved Valted. She liked him well enough, certainly, and he had saved her from an awful fate when she'd been caught. He had always made her feel safe, but now it simply wasn't enough. This place, the knowledge of what she was hiding from him... it all kept her on edge.

She barely even reacted when the man behind the counter called her a slave, but the fact that Valtes didn't deny it left her feeling a little insecure. She knew it was most likely just for the sake of expediency, there was no need to correct him, but it made her think about how vulnerable she was, how much power Valtes actually had over her. If he decided he wanted her to be a slave, nobody would raise a hand to stop him, despite the value of her other talents. Management of the Thorns themselves was left to Valtes despite them now being under the employ of the syndicate, so if he suddenly decided he wanted to declare her his slave he could do it, and there was nothing she could do about it.

She willed herself to relax, there was no sign Valtes was even considering that. She still didn't know exactly what Valtes thought of her, whether he was only in this relationship with her for the sex of if he cared for her beyond that. That was why she was so afraid of how he'd take the knowledge of what she'd done with Blue.

That was something she was regretting more and more with each passing moment. No matter what she got out of it, it wasn't worth it. It wasn't worth all the worry it was causing her, and it wasn't worth... selling herself like that. She'd never done that, never taken that route. She could have, she knew full well that she was seen as quite attractive. She'd never had any luck finding honest work, but it had always been an alternative, and she'd never considered it. Even with Valtes, while it wasn't a relationship of love, it was still far more than that. So why now? Why had she given that up so easily?

This place was getting to her, that was the only answer she could come up with. She'd been too afraid to say no, and now she was stuck.

She took the vials wordlessly, tucking the set of smaller ones away in one of the pouches on her belt. They were padded enough that they should protect the vials from any softer impacts at least, having been designed or stashing delicate trinkets while on the job. Cringing ahead of time at what was likely to be an unpleasant taste, the downed the 'morning after' concoction right there, around the corner from the shop. She needed something to set her mind at ease, if only about one of many concerns.

"I just haven't got used to this place yet," Rhea responded simply to Valtes' question once they made it back to the rest of the gang, doing her best to ignore the others. She didn't want to know what they were talking and laughing about. Didn't want to think about it. "Still puts me on edge, makes it hard to relax."
Re: The Razor's Edge (Knephi) GMed by Takimaru

The potion that Rhea quaffed proved itself undeniably and perhaps expectedly bitter, slightly sour, and with a hint of saltiness. Anything but sweet, of course, as if to remind her of the consequences from the choices she had made with both Valtes and Blue. Whatever momentary pleasures she had felt earlier that day, she made up for them in that moment with the foul taste of the morning after potion.

"Yeah? Huh," replied Valtes gruffly. "I get ya. No turf lines here... or less of 'em. Gotta mix it up with guys we woulda killed on the streets," he added, sharing the sentiment somewhat. The massive man walked into the bedroom that Rhea had worked so hard to secure for the two and then waited for his woman to follow him in, shutting the door behind them and leaving the other Thorns to their lively and animated banter.

He sat down on the bed cushion, testing its firmness with a few testing taps of his fist. "Well, I'm still here. So relax," he said simply, as if commanding the girl to put her worries to rest that very moment. As if to show that he had already done so, he would lay back upon the mattress, causing it to creak slightly as he reclined with an arm behind his head.

He then looked directly at Rhea and crooked a large, beckoning finger towards himself, directing for her to join him. After all, they still had a few hours to kill before the upcoming job...
Re: The Razor's Edge (Knephi) GMed by Takimaru

Rhea didn't bother to correct Valtes on his interpretation of her worries. In truth, she hadn't even thought too hard about that outside of their encounter with the Scarmarked, too busy with everything else that put her on edge about this place. Could she really live in a place like this? It didn't seem too bad like this as she looked around the bedroom Valtes had led her to, even with the unpleasant memories regarding how they got it. That would all change once they stepped back out into the halls though, when she once again had to see all those other women and what the people here did to them.

Did Valtes truly not see how that would bother her? He would thrive in a place like this, he was good at what he did and intimidating enough to keep people from messing with him. Rhea was good at what she did too, but that wasn't what these people saw when they looked at her. Only a few hours after arriving she'd already had someone wanting to buy her, thinking she was just another one of the slaves. Could she ever relax in this place?

Valtes said he would protect her of course, and she believed him, but how long would that last? It couldn't last forever, surely, that just wasn't the sort of relationship they had. Would he still be so willing to protect her if this ever ended? Did he value her other skills enough? She hated the fact that she'd never been able to answer that question.

"Right..." She righted, taking a seat next to him. She could already guess what it was he was after, and normally she wouldn't have minded. As much as his sex drive was certainly much stronger than her own, by no means did Rhea dislike it. She really wasn't in the mood right now though, not after everything that had happened so far today, and her dejected expression would likely be enough to suggest that fact to Valtes if he looked.

Rhea just wasn't sure what to do with herself anymore. It said a lot about how uncomfortable she was with this situation that she was even considering the possibility of simply disappearing on this job. It was something she'd done before, and she knew that nobody in the Thorns would be able to track her down if she really did it. She'd have to move on, find somewhere else. The Syndicate had too many eyes around here for her to ever be safe if they thought she knew anything dangerous or simply held a grudge. There were plenty of places to go though, especially if she took her share of loot from this job with her. Could she really do that though? Could she really leave behind the only companionship she'd had for so long? As much as she disliked some of the other Thorns, some weren't so bad. She didn't want to lose the safety such a group provided yet again, but she was still left wondering if she was really safe here at all.
Re: The Razor's Edge (Knephi) GMed by Takimaru

Either Valtes didn't notice his subordinate's dejected expression, or he didn't care, as when she took a seat beside him, he wasted no time in wrapping an arm around her and pulling her close, so that she might lay her head on his broad chest or shoulder. But his hands didn't wander any further than that, which was likely a good sign. The brutish leader of the Thorns wasn't much for subtlety, and if he really wanted to have Rhea, he'd likely have her in a far more compromising position by now. Instead, he seemed content to lay there with Rhea in relative relaxation, leaving the two not terribly unlike that of lovers in their arrangement if a total stranger were to gaze upon them.

But there was no such witness this time, luckily, leaving Rhea to unwind with Valtes in peace. It was the first time the Thorns' sole female had also been this physically close to their leader without sex being expected of her immediately afterwards (or perhaps beforehand). He idly ran one of his massive hands through her hair, giving her as close as he could possibly make to a few comforting strokes upon her back afterwards. Lately, he had been treating her far less like a glorified relief device and more like a lover, and this behavior certainly helped in hinting that some degree of romantic feelings might be budding beneath the man's rough exterior.

Valtes lightly held Rhea to his warm, firm body, feeling no need to feed her any words--not that he did much anyway--but instead looked content to simply be. This continued until Rhea would glance up at him, eventually finding the massive gangster with his eyes closed. Fast asleep. If she didn't have to go through the other Thorns on the way out, she could simply leave him here... or perhaps attempt worse, if she were so inclined. If anything, it was quite the show of trust at this point. From there, Rhea could wait it out or join Valtes in his slumber until the time came.


If she chose to fall asleep, Rhea would wake to find Valtes sitting on the edge of the bed in quiet contemplation, perhaps just a few hours later. It was difficult to track just how much time had passed, but it was likely not more than two or three hours.

"Alright... time to head out. Let's get moving," said the leader of the Thorns, tilting his head to one side then the other to cause a few cricking noises. With a toss of his chin, he motioned for Rhea to follow him, and a brief wave of the hand towards the rest of the gang once the pair entered the larger room would command them to follow his lead.

The group strode through the halls of the Rogues' Division, and while it certainly felt like they owned the place, at least with the way Penadin and some of the others were strutting, Rhea already knew that was far from the truth. They had much to do in order to even earn their spot as mainstays in such an organization, and this first mission was only the start of what would be a large series of criminal tasks.

Eventually, they came to a corridor with steps going upwards at its very end, and once they ascended the staircase, Valtes would raise open a cellar door, continuing through it. The Thorns found themselves in the back room of some tavern, which at the time seemed empty, until they continued on to the front. The barkeep, an inexplicably well-dressed man who proved still awake at this time of night, gave them a slight nod. A glance through the windows to the outside would show Rhea that it was pitch black out--the perfect time for breaking and entering.

The female rogue could tell from the lacquered, polished tables and chairs that this was no low-class establishment; if anything, it was the opposite. This restaurant was within Elynsor's capital's 'inner circle', which the city's nobles, knights and mages called home. Only shops for the society's elites could be set up here, showing that even the lowly Rogues' Division had avenues into its more protected parts. The Thorns moved out into the streets with relative haste, and Valtes pointed a finger to the right, nodding towards Rhea, who was sent forward to scout for any night watch guards.

Their immediate street, lined by one side with a wall beyond which the Royal Magic Academy stood, and with numerous blocks of shops on the other, had were no sentries in sight. However, a bit further down, looking across an alley to her right, Rhea could spot one watchman with a lantern in hand. Luckily, the figure didn't notice her, and kept walking past, further and further away from the Thorns' current position. Their best bet was to move forward, which Rhea could signal however she liked.

Only a few blocks down, Ahlgren's Magical Goods could be found. It was a smaller a relatively humble shop compared to the many storefronts that Rhea saw on the way there. Still, orders were orders, and the other Thorns were already looking for ways in. The glass window didn't appear to have any iron bars behind it, and so Diggs took it upon himself to locate a sizeable rock, the size of a fist, in order to break through...