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Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Grapple Check (Xetal vs Guard): 34+1 = 35 v 42 = 12+30 -> Guard wins.

The slime changed shape, focusing on properly restraining her hostage. And felt him pull through the temporarily weakened limb around his arm. That was all it took. Between the efforts Xetal was still taking to cover May and the guard's suddenly increased leverage, he managed to stumble back a step, away from the cage door and out of her immediate reach.

At which point the would-be queen noticed the sounds from the rear of the wagon had changed. Where before there had been one man, quietly shuffling around, there were suddenly at least four, talking in quiet voices, and the occasional thud of two pieces of wood bumping together.

By now anyone looking closely at May would be able to tell that something was profoundly wrong with her, but she was still only about halfway converted. The moment Xetal left, the girl would begin returning to human.

The recently-captive guard was still sputtering, trying to get breath after Xetal had begun squeezing his throat, but in another few seconds he'd be able to speak.

Xetal: 133/106 EP; Converting May.

May: unconscious, converting to slime (50%)
Blonde: okay, bound
Guard: okay

???: in front of the wagon.
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Xetal growled in frustration. She hadn't wanted to waste any energy but at this point she had to actions to ensure the successful transformation. She focused her energies on the guard, changing her peceptions until she was a friend. "Lay back down so I can grab you. And then struggle a little, enough to fool your friends but not enough to escape. While you do that, tell me about your friends." If this fails Xetal will withdraw herself from May, causing her to resume her normal appearance. Then she would slip though the cracks and make a dash for the river.

Using Charm. If unsuccessful... Xetal will just have to come back for them.
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Okay, time for this talk. Charm is a very powerful skill. But it isn't mind control. It will make that person your friend, not your puppet. And they don't suddenly forget the last five minutes, where you may have, for example, held them hostage and threatened to murder them. That's going to give them a resistance bonus to suddenly believing you're a friend.

You also will have problems convincing someone to act against their own interests. That includes betraying and murdering their friends. It will probably let you sleep with them, but perhaps not betray their husband, or give up a virginity they've spent years carefully protecting. And it includes willingly becoming a hostage again.

Xetal can still give it a try (on the initial charm, calling him over, or both) you're just going to get a pretty significant penalty. In this case, I think 8 would be appropriate. Which reduces Xetal's resistance to 15, the same as a 30/10/10 mook.

That said, I also looked into the Weakening Arousal issue. And the problem is that the grapple check to see who gets to act in a given round happens at the start of the round. Penetration damage happens at the end. So the guard didn't take any PP damage the round he escaped penetration, and doesn't get any grapple penalty.

Only now that you've pointed that out, that's clearly BS since making escaping penetration more difficult is practically the point of that ability. So the wording is being changed to "until that character's next action" instead of "until the end of the round", or something to that effect. I'm not going to go back and fix something that happened in a previous round, but since your action this round is an attempt to reverse that... I'll skip the penalty this time.

Charm: 23+6= 29 v 33 = 18+15 -> Guard wins anyway.

The guard smiled, and took a step back towards the slime. Then blinked, forehead wrinkling, and slowly frowned. He stepped back again. The slime didn't wait around to see what happened next. She seized the moment as the guard yet again failed to call out any sort of information or warning to his fellows, and slipped through the cracks under the wagon while the guards continued around the sides.

The still-unconscious May let out a soft moan as the tendril withdrew, and the reversal started almost immediately. It wouldn't be instant, but in under a minute there would be no visible sign that anything had happened.

The soldiers rounded the back of the wagon as Xetal reformed under it. She could hear the blonde slave trying to say something through her gag, thumping her knee against the wagon floor, but the guards didn't seem to understand. It looked like only one additional slaver had made the journey back with the ferry, but another three men were with him, carrying clubs.

Not waiting around to give them something to hit, the would-be-queen slipped back into the river in the confusion. The ferry was again on the near bank of the river, only one man standing on it, keeping it in place by the dock, and he didn't seem to notice Xetal's escape.

Xetal: 127/106 EP

May: unconscious, deconverting from slime (30%)
Blonde: okay, bound, gagged
Guard: okay, stunned

2 additional guards, 3 ferry attendants: in front of the wagon.
1 ferry attendant: on the ferry.

OOC: I try to keep options pretty much wide open, as far as "what should I do next" is concerned. But that also means you can get in over your head, like you sorta did here.

I'll try to give better hints in the future, but I'm feeling kinda thick at the moment, so I'll just come out and say it: I'd suggest finding somewhere relatively isolated where you can bring converts and prisoners, and rest/recharge in the event that you get injured, since slimes don't naturally do that. Tackling the slavers would have given you plenty of tools to help with that, but they're kinda much for just Xetal alone. Don't feel like you need to rush, though.
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Notes have been noted. Guess I'll have to get the Psion Talent after all. Also, do slimes need to sleep?

Xetal sighed as she slid down the river. So much for that attempt. And now the slavers could warn the villagers. Xetal bubbled in frustration. She had clearly gone beyond her limits. She'd just have to take this as a learning experience. And she had gotten some food out of it. Now, it was time to move. She'd head back to where she left Jessica, hoping the young slime hadn't left. Then she lead Jessica into the wilderness running alongside the road the slavers were on. At this time, she'd try and figure out what abilities, if any, Jessica had. She would shadow the slavers until they stopped. At night, she would cut the horses free and scatter them. That would slow them down at least. If they decided to go after the horses at night, she would try and take them down one by one, having Jessica help her.
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Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

The trip back to Jessica was uneventful, and the other slime was still where Xetal had left her. They relocated near the road, and the would-be queen examined her first subject for any talents. Unfortunately, there didn't seem to be anything particularly useful. Jessica hadn't had any tricks to stop herself getting raped, and the conversion process hadn't added any. She had the natural abilities at grappling and similar afforded by her slime body, but no martial skills or innate magics.

The sun rose and fell in the sky, and sunset passed. There was no sign of the slavers. From a small hilltop where Xetal could see the town, however, she could also see the lights of a fire on the village green, two wagons slightly illuminated by the glow. Closer examination suggested that the slavers had set up camp around the wagons for the night, their horses likely in the town's stable. If some of the leaders had decided to sleep in the inn instead of the ground it might still be possible to cause mischief, but it wouldn't be as easy as the slime had hoped. Of course, they couldn't stay in the town forever...

Glancing in the other direction, the farm she had used to feed the previous night was just barely visible in the last hint of light, a streamer of smoke rising from its chimney. There might be other farms around as well, better less visible from the road.
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Xetal sighed. Her earlier attack had put them on their guard. Now it was going to be extremely difficult to take them, if she could do so at all. She thought about the farm she had taken food from before and remembered there had been very few people there. If she could manage to take them quietly... she might have herself her first real victory. She followed the road, hoping it would branch off to a nearby farm. If it didn't, she'd look for the smoke from a chimney.
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

The slime didn't have far to go before she found a trail leading off the main road, and she was able to make out distant lights from where she stood. A quick walk revealed a farmhouse much like the one she had seen the previous night, complete with a lit house, an unlit barn, and a small orchard. There was more activity than Xetal might have liked - if anything, more people than the first farm - but still far less than she'd seen around the slaver's camp, or the town.

Before she could go down and investigate, though, a light broke away from the house. It revealed 3 young women with brown hair, one of them holding a lantern. They moved around the barn to a fire pit, and within a few minutes they were sitting around a moderately sized fire, talking.

With the three young women gone, the activity in the house was greatly reduced, but there were still at least two people moving around inside.

Are you bringing Jessica with you?
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Xetal assessed the situation carefully. By pure luck, the inhabitants had already split up. She wasn't going to get a chance better than this. "Jessica, guard the road to the farm. If anyone tries to get by there, grab them and drag them off the road. Have all the fun you want but make sure they don't get away or alert anyone else." With that settled, Xetal approached the main house, coming in a direction away from the young women. She would try and get a look at who was in the house first before sneaking in.
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Jessica nodded her understanding, moving to the road and looking out away from the town. She wouldn't be in sight from the main road out of the town, but anyone coming to the farmhouse along the path would run into her.

That done, Xetal headed for the farm house. There were three people, bustling about with various degrees of efficiency. An old, white-haired man was fussing over a kettle. A middle-aged man was cleaning dishes in a sink. And a younger man, perhaps a year or two older than the girls outside, was sharpening a kitchen knife.
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Xetal looked at the trio moodily. Six people. That makes even more than the farm before. She tested various approaches in her mind, discarding them when they ended in failure. While they were together, both groups, there was no hope of doing something without alerting everyone else on the farm. She collapsed into a pool and attempted to examine the women more closely without being seen. She was getting frustrated and stubborn. I didn't matter if this took the whole night, she was going to get another convert.
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

The three young women were sitting around the fire, chatting excitedly. After sitting through nearly half an hour of inane chatter, Xetal felt she had a better handle on the situation. Michelle and Serene were sisters, living on the farm, Michelle the older by one year. Betty was Serene's friend, and it seemed clear to the Slime that she was interested in being more. But that while Michelle knew, Serene was totally oblvious. Michelle was trying to push the other two into a game of truth or dare.

At which point the middle-aged man from the house came out, holding a tray with three cups and a small pitcher on it, steam rising from all four.

"Daddy! You said you were going to leave us alone!" Serene seemed petulant, and sounded about 10 years younger all the sudden.

"Of course. Once I'm sure you're safe and comfortable out here. Everyone having fun?"

The girls nodded and agreed.

"Fine. Stay close to the barn, and try to get some sleep. Good night, girls."

Once he was gone, they stayed quiet for nearly ten seconds. Betty was the first to pipe up. "Okay, so... were we going to play truth or dare?" After a moment, the other two agreed.

Xetal: 127/106 EP
Jessica: Fine, guarding the path in

3 girls: All fine, sitting around their fire like good girls.
Menfolk: In the house; within screaming distance.
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Xetal watched the pitcher with interest. This could be her chance. When the girls were playing the game and had shifted their interest, Xetal would dribble a little of her body into the pitcher. This was going to be interesting. She had high hopes in Betty for this operation.
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

The game started off fairly tame. Gossip about the village. Handstands. Then Michelle pulled out a small metal flask, and added something to the pitcher, pouring each of them another cup. Things started progressing. First kisses. Confessions of virginity. A few lifted shirts. And then finally something that would be of real interest to the slime. "I dare you to do a lap around the orchard. Naked."

The brown-haired young woman blushed, hesitated, then flashed a glance at Serene before running towards the trees. She pulled off her shirt and skirt, her bra and panties. Then, blushing furiously, tugged off her socks and shoes, and started running. She tripped immediately, fell on her face, got back up, and continued.

"That was mean!" Serene's pout was back, directed with familiarity towards her sister. "Wh-"

Her older sister cut her off. "Truth or dare?"

"Dare." She blinked. "Wait, it wasn't your... you have to wait for Betty to get back."

"Not if my dare is for you. And I dare you to do the same thing as Betty, but in the other direction. And when you run into her, kiss her."

"I... can I... wait..."

"You have to do it. I dare you. Betty did it. Or are you chicken?"

Looking slightly confused, the younger sister walked over to Betty's discarded clothes, and added hers to it. Then - blushing at least as much as her friend had - started off in the other direction, somewhat unsteadily.

The orchard was a fairly large one, and it was a dark night. Between that and the two girls' apparent inebriation, it might be as much as three or four minutes before they met, and eight or ten minutes before they got back. Longer, if they got distracted.

Xetal: 127/106 EP
Jessica: Fine, guarding the path in

Michelle: Mildly drunk, sitting by the fire, grinning like an idiot.
Betty and Serene: Very drunk, naked, running around the trees.
Menfolk: In the house; within screaming distance of Michelle. But probably not of the other two.
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Xetal bubbled in satisfaction. Michelle had done most of her work for her. With those two gone, she had only one person to deal with. With a quick glance towards the house to make sure no one was watching, she sprung into action, slimy tendrils wrapping around the girl's torso, throat, and mouth. She wouldn't begin anything there. She would drag the girl to where she had left Jessica. In addition, she scooped up the clothes and would leave one or two behind as she went, creating a trail of breadcrumbs. As she went, she would murmur "I have to thank you, Michelle. I was wondering how I would handle you and you just had that spirit of mischief that made this all possible. When I'm done, I'll let you have first pick of the spoils."

I can see why bad guys monologue. It's kind of fun.
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Grapple: Xetal can't actually lose against Michelle at the moment.
Stealth: ... same

The slime carefully moved up to the slightly-giggling woman, while she leaned towards the orchard. It wasn't hard. Michelle was obviously getting drunk, and seemed to be closing her eyes, focusing her hearing on the orchard. Where a sensual giggle was carried by on the breeze. She opened her eyes again, just as the slime closed over her face.

She struggled futilely, helpless against the natural versatility of a slime, and Xetal's talent at restraining young women. After a brief detour to the pile of clothes the other two women had left behind, she made her way to jessica, leaving a few spare articles of clothes behind; a sock here, a pair of panties there. Enough to follow, but not too obvious a trail.

Jessica had a huge grin on her face, seeing the nude and helpless woman, terrified eyes darting back and forth between the two slimes, and at the farmhouse, too far away now to even scream for help with any real hope of being heard.

Xetal: 127/106 EP, grappling Michelle
Jessica: Fine, guarding the path in

Michelle: Grappled, submission hold.
Betty and Serene: Very drunk, naked, running around the trees.
Menfolk: In the house; within screaming distance of Michelle. But probably not of the other two.
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Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Xetal whispered "Jessica, this is Michelle. You get a good grip on her as well. I'm sure she can handle us both at the same time." She did not want this one going the same way as the last time. She was going to be more careful. The tentacle around her neck wriggled beneath her clothing, then flexed, attempting to rip it to pieces. Then it would slowly crawl downward, while Xetal moved to kiss the woman, enjoying her mouth. Despite her words, however, she knew they didn't have that much time. Another tentacle would worm its way downward.
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Jessica wrapped herself around the woman's waist, imitating her mistress in tearing off the young woman's clothing. Between the two of them, she was naked and half-covered in slime in seconds. Xetal kissed her, as best she could with Michelle's lips squeezed tightly together.

Then, after a moment, Jessica spoke up, sounding more confused than the young woman was starting to look."Mistress? She doesn't have a penis. How do I eat?" She licked her lips somewhat theatrically.
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Xetal glared at Michelle. "If you insist on being stubborn, I guess I'll have to be a little rougher." She began tearing up the clothing, binding Michelle's arms and legs. She also blindfolded her and started to force her mouth open. Once she managed to do that, she'd gag her with her panties, then tie some clothing around her mouth to keep them in. "Well, women are a little different. While they have something like a penis which will show up if you keeping toying with her crotch. That's also where you'll feed the most. They also really like it if you stick something inside of them. Try using one of your tentacles. The front hole, not the back one. Although some of them like it back there as well.." She looked at Michelle's face. "Are you one of those people?" She wasn't going to let her speak so it was more of a rhetorical question.
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Sorry about taking so long, I've been on vacation since before Thanksgiving. And on that subject... I'm going to be without a computer for about a week. After that I should be more-or-less back to a reasonable schedule. Until people start arriving for christmas...

Michelle's eyes went from a seething glare to wide with surprise at Xetal's question. Or perhaps that was just the fact that Jessica had extended a tentacle, and shoved it inside the girl without any warmup. It wouldn't hurt her - not with the slime's natural lubrication - but it was certainly enough to explain a certain amount of surprise. A glance down south revealed Jessica feeling up the farmgirl's nether region with both hands, around the tentacle that had slipped between her lower lips. After a few seconds, the new slime turned excitedly to Xetal, finger pointing at Michelle's clit. The would-be queen could practically see the girl's energy drip out at the touch, though she was now biting down hard on her panties, face screwed up in concentration as she continued to resist the two slimes' assault.

Xetal: 127/106 EP, grappling Michelle
Jessica: Fine, guarding and penetrating Michelle

Michelle: Grappled, submission hold, penetrated by Jessica.
Betty and Serene: ???
Menfolk: Last seen in the house, well out of screaming distance.
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

That's fine.

Xetal smiled like a parent praising their child. "Yes, that's exactly it. When they get more excited, it'll get larger. Not as big as a penis, though. There are special cases... maybe we will run into one." Xetal rubbed Michelle's breasts as she began to think. She really wanted all three. She decided to go for it. "Alright, Jessica, I'm going to trust you and leave Michelle in your care. Keep her quiet and tied up. I'll be back soon. Hopefully with even more food. Also, women's breasts and nipples are usually quite sensitive. You can try to play with those as well." With that last comment, Xetal double checked Michelle's binds before leaving to circle the area and find the two other women.