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[Dot_Slave3] Parasite in City

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Re: Parasite in City [New Comic!]

Thanks for sharing your work with us. I'm very impressed with your talent and skill, and respect you for your ambition.

I don't think the people who posted these realize how offensive this sort of speculation can be to people from other cultures. Please consider forgiving them.

Everyone Else:
Most people from Asia would be deeply offended if someone speculated on their race. Many cultures in other parts of the world have little or no concept of how important this is to someone from Asia.

Indeed, this may be offensive enough to keep Dot_Slave3 from posting anything more about this project.

Since it's been such an offensive topic, please consider editing out all the posts concerning nationality / race speculation (even the posts which commenting speculating on nationality / race).

Please consider apologizing to Dot_Slave3 by replacing the text in the posts with only the phrase below. Please don't perpetuate the situation by posting a public apology in the thread.

Suggested Phrase
Message Redacted By Author

Thanks for considering this.
Re: Parasite in City [New Comic!]

Thanks for sharing your work with us. I'm very impressed with your talent and skill, and respect you for your ambition.

I don't think the people who posted these realize how offensive this sort of speculation can be to people from other cultures. Please consider forgiving them.

Everyone Else:
Most people from Asia would be deeply offended if someone speculated on their race. Many cultures in other parts of the world have little or no concept of how important this is to someone from Asia.

Indeed, this may be offensive enough to keep Dot_Slave3 from posting anything more about this project.

Since it's been such an offensive topic, please consider editing out all the posts concerning nationality / race speculation (even the posts which commenting speculating on nationality / race).

Please consider apologizing to Dot_Slave3 by replacing the text in the posts with only the phrase below. Please don't perpetuate the situation by posting a public apology in the thread.

Suggested Phrase
Message Redacted By Author

Thanks for considering this.
don't get the wrong idea
i'm mad just for not funny meme
i'm posting noting here now because i am busy
see you later
Re: Parasite in City [New Comic!]

I sure hope so.

Even without the sex content, I thought it was a great "cinematic platformer" in the vein of Flashback, Out Of This World, or Prince of Persia.

I hope they'd consider assigning Jump to it's own key rather than Up.

It took some getting use to in the first game and some of those jumps were pretty much do or die.
Re: Parasite in City [New Comic!]

I hope they'd consider assigning Jump to it's own key rather than Up.

It took some getting use to in the first game and some of those jumps were pretty much do or die.

I'm fine with just pressing up for the jump that's designed to get up to a ledge above, but it would be nice if the long jumps were less slippery.
Re: Parasite in City [New Comic!]

We need more parasite infestations and impregnations...

I was so disappointed when only the flies caused pregnancy!
Re: Parasite in City [New Comic!]

We need more parasite infestations and impregnations...

I was so disappointed when only the flies caused pregnancy!

I'm happy for whatever we get, but:

I'm totally in agreement!
Re: Parasite in City [New Comic!]

Infestation...? Eh...I like Parasite because it straddles the line of unusual/gross well. Go too far and things just get gruesome...
Re: Parasite in City [New Comic!]

what happen to the humanity..

That's what we're hoping to find out! It's been a year in the game
, right? Things ought to be nice and perverted by now!
Re: Parasite in City [New Comic!]

what happen to the humanity..

when I entered to the world of the eroge, galge, VN, etc... I renounced to my soul, I'm no longer human(because for the moment Im a neet:p)...so I can be as perv and fucked up as I want(or between the margins of the law).:cool:
Re: Parasite in City [New Comic!]

I would also like to point out... The second biggest statistic on the poll is infection/impregnation/breeding, which happens to be a fetish. The top polling option is an enemy type, as is the third top polling.

As a concept, it can be implemented in FAR more aspects of the game, while the other two are enemy types and can be added only so many times before overwhelming the gameplay.

Also, we are willing to throw money at you for it. Your game was the first game I purchased and didn't regret, I want the sequel to be the same!
Re: Parasite in City [New Comic!]

Now we are five!

I'm in the same boat as Zelnik, first purchase of an H-game for me.. now I just look at other games from time to time and compare them to Parasite in City... they fail to impress.*

*But there are some good ones, and I bought more since then but that's another topic.
Re: Parasite in City [New Comic!]

This game needs a hentai movie!!!!!
Re: Parasite in City [New Comic!]

How about cum inflation? The more the character is being "catched" the more she will be filled up and here movement slowed down. Would be a great addition to the aroused feature in my opinion.

Oh, yeah an impregnation would be also nice to have. :D
Re: Parasite in City [New Comic!]

Eh, probably a minority but I never found ridiculous types of body modification to be pleasing at all. The thing I liked about Parasite in City is that it struck a good balance between the weird (monsters and all that) with keeping it conservative enough so that things wouldn't get gruesome (like having girls turn into inflatable cum balloons...that's never a good look IMO).
Re: Parasite in City [New Comic!]

Not a fan of inflation either unless it's involving something growing inside.
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