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Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

"You still haven't said who they are Helle. I think since we're getting surrounded that it'd be a good idea to know... please. Or at least what they are if you'd be so kind," Telara said to Helle, looking around and noting that they were getting surrounded by whoever or whatever it was stalking them, apparently there were more than just a few.

If Helle didn't answer her and give her an explanation as to who it was out in the trees, Telara would take matters into her own hands and find out herself, while giving Taeyani to do her spells. "Excuse me... could you tell me what it is that you want and who you are please? If you wanted to speak with us you didn't need to try and stalk us you know, we're friendly. So why don't you come on out and talk with us, okay," Telara called into the trees if Helle didn't give any more information as to who their stalkers were.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

Hearing to Telara ask her again, made Helle blush and more when she could see her half nude with the most interest thing on full display. Well, i never said than i know exactly who are, they must be some of the girls than live at the forest. Helle just said that, it was obvious than she will not say more, maybe because she cant.

With her options reduced Telara decide to find answers herself. There was not an answer untill a bite to a hard object was heard behind them at full view where they were looking at the tree, just above them. Exactly, why should i talk with both of you when at the start my goal was not do it? But yes, i have plans for both of you, some than could be benefic for both parts. over themselves the woman voice make them turn to see a mantled girl standing over a tree, she have her face covered and bandages in her face as also hands, what she was eating was a bare skull with some flesh on it, taking bites as if it were just and apple.

She then throw a pair of fruits than she take out from her mantle tunic than covers her large voluptuous body, the mantle was dark grey and with some blood stains on it and sit in a branch. Telara could see with her elven eyes two gold antennas getting out her hood and a strange object at her rear covered with her clothes. Which are yours goals at ours domains? Dont say me than both are just a pair of curious tourists, i had seen and heard it all from the river to here.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

After calling out to the forest around them, Telara gripped her axe a bit as Taeyani did her spell and Helle sat next to her. Suddenly she heard a crunching sound and looked up into the tree it came from to see a woman standing there munching on... a skull. After hearing the woman speak, Telara looked back over to Taeyani and Helle before back to the woman. She shuddered a little bit at the sight of her crunching the skull and wondered why she had bandages around her, making her wonder if she was hurt.

"Well... perhaps you'd like to let us know why you're following us then? And what is it you want from us? We've already promised Helle that we'd be staying with her and that we'd help her to protect her home in exchange for staying with her," Telara told the new woman, curious as to what she wanted with her and Taeyani. "I think we have a right to know what you want of us if it's meant to be beneficial to us both. And no we aren't tourists, we're... adventurers you might say, exploring these lands and looking to make new friends when we can, so no, not tourists," Telara then told the woman as she threw the pair of fruits down towards them.

"Might I ask you to come down so we can see you miss? You can see us both very well indeed, so it's only fair I think that you let us see you... or perhaps some of the ones with you at least," Telara said after a few moments, looking around to try and see if she could spot any of the ones that were with the woman, as she was certain she heard plenty of others with her.


Master of Kinky Fetishes. Or just Bitch if you pre
Dec 13, 2013
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Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

Telara stared up in alarm when suddenly their stalker revealed herself. Some sort of... mantled... wrapped up... girl thing. Eating flesh from a skull. Reminded her of someone's persona in a different game she played. Creepy. Still, she had to respect a clear predator. Confident, strong, stealthy, she looked forward to getting a better look at her.

Still, seemed Telara wanted to talk with the girl. Maybe it'd work, who knew. Either way she could pitch in her two cents.

"Simple really. We're hoping to find lot's of nice people to meet and make friends, and maybe a bit more with. And to make a home for ourselves. Seeing the sights is just a benefit of it all. You're quite a sight too.," smiles Taeyani with a grin, ogling the new girl a little. Sure, she might decide to try and devour them, but she kept her new spell idea in her head for if things got violent.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

The woman remain on the branch easily eating pieces of bone and meat from the skull at her hand. I preffer the view here, maybe i could find another meal as we talk. With one of her hands easily couldhave a grip of a huge area from the skull, her sight remain looking at them and ponders a moment before decide to talk them again.

I think than all of us could be friends, they are nice and kind... Helle almost plead in sumision.

Fine, i will say it all. Anyway i dont see why they should deny this deal. Look girls, the best for all of us is than both help me to get inside that town, mostly all the monster girls escaped of this area to avoid be hunted and many of ours males remain there to be used to rape the many lucky human and monsters girls... She then made a evil grind as she turn to Telara, i was close to find out how strong you could be after heard than in my lands could be a possible mate, but luckily for you im looking for even stronger genes.

The woman give a last bite and then pressed the skull with his hand turning it into many pieces. I get very wild mating so i need a strong perfect mate than could endure what i could do with him.

So that is, you get inside and help me to go there too, we free some males and monster girls trapped and you will get more friends as i if lucky a mate, sound fair for me.
The girl remain sitting there looking them and waiting their answer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

"So... you don't think I'm strong enough then? Well it's a bit insulting telling me that you heard about a possible mate but are looking for someone stronger instead. So that makes me want to fight you even more now than I was ready to before, to show you just how strong a mate I could be. And you can see us much better than we can you so come on down and I'll show you just how strong a mate I can be, and then I'll show Helle here how strong a mate I can be, and afterwards I'll show Taeyani here too. Because I've got a lot of stamina when it comes to sex, I've trained myself plenty to have as much, and I've laid with several women before at one time... all of them were very satisfied when I was through," Telara told the woman, sounding and looking a bit insulted at her words. "If you won't come down though, might we at least know your name? And I wouldn't mind helping you out for us to get more friends to have. But what would you be willing to give in return for our help hmm?" Telara went on to say to the woman, glancing over at Taeyani to see what she thought on the matter.

"Hey Taeyani, you think we ought to ask her to become a part of one of our harems, or our combined harem if you'd rather do that? She looks strong and capable obviously," Telara whispered to her friend, curious as to her reaction to that.


Master of Kinky Fetishes. Or just Bitch if you pre
Dec 13, 2013
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Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

Taeyani raised an eyebrow listening to the strange creatures spiel. She didn't know about this thing, and how honest she was being, but if there was slavery being performed, she wanted it ended. She had no tolerance for that sort of foolishness.

Telara seemed to have hitched on another thing. Taeyani couldn't help but feel a bit amused that Telara seemed to have a very similar reaction to herself at having her prowess insulted, not to mention her capability.

She raised an eyebrow at the idea of letting the creature into the conceptual harem. "Hey, if people eating dominants are your thing, sexy, who am I to argue, long as she doesn't eat us. I find her hot but I find everything alive hot. Either way, I'm more than ready to free slaves. I can't abide such a horrible activity."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

"Aye, I detest cruel slavery as well, though... sex slaves aren't quite as bad I think so long as they're well taken care of and aren't mistreated. And... we'd have to find out more if she'd try to eat us or living people obviously as well. But surely that's not a human skull, maybe it's just an animal's skull or something... I hope," Telara whispered back to Taeyani with a smirk before looking back up to the new strange woman. "I'd like to show you just how good a mate I can be if you'd be willing. So if we help you, you could be a part of my harem," Telara then said to the woman, wondering what her reaction would be to what she'd said.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

Sorry, but you cant denny it, look yourself: soft skin, needs a weapon to defend yourself, weak to this flower pollen and the gas close the river. Of course than you should be better than a human but not too much. The woman over the tree shake softly her head and rise up her hands at the height of her shoulders.

I dont want to hurt you even trying to get close me, my instincts to find the right mate for my firsts breed turn me on so much than i cant stop me, im so needed than i tried orcs, trolls and huge beasts but nothing can survive the enough to lay his seed or even thrust inside me.

The woman then yawn and stretch herself a little making her body do some crack sounds. Oh well... She said after sigh. Then jump from the tree making a soft spin to get at her strong legs and make the earth tremble around where she land, there was also a soft wind hot circle around her for a moment before land, easily she was more tall than Telara, two feet at least of difference.

Both girls could feel the flesh blood on her, as also a delicious alluring scent behind all that death. Do you really was so offended to see your axe break hitting my body? Its not my interest to kill you, so prove your strenght fighting me when i dont hit you is useless.

The possibility to meet new girls and free them should be enough reward, without my help you would had never know of this or reach so far without a battle. Her eyes who had a fire red mix with purple changed of shape for an instant as she think and her antennas move to a side.

Two weaklings having fun with a poor one... a mile. The woman then turn back to the three girls and then bored of this talk end saying. Look, i could accept have a time with you if you provee yourself in that city and i get a first rank mate from the monsters trapped there. I got some hard names to say really after get out of Hell, just call me Melissa. The woman then started to smile and bite her lips maybe ready to leave them to hunt some more males.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

"Well we're in a new and unfamiliar land, you can't blame us for not being used to this pollen and whatnot really. Give us some time though and we'll be better prepared for it. And you never know hon, we might just surprise you with some hidden strength that you can't fathom that we'd have," Telara said a the woman jumped out of the tree and landed with a bit of a shockwave as she hit the ground, but Telara stood firm and didn't budge an inch as she put her axe away. "And who said I need an axe to fight, and who says we have to fight to the death or that you'd kill me necessarily? I meant a sort of sparring or wrestling match to determine who's more physically fit, like we can go to a three count on a pin, or until one of us taps out and can't take it anymore, or something like that. I'm game for trying my luck and trying to show you just how strong I can be when riled up some. Also was that a person's skull you were eating just a few moments ago?" Telara then told Melissa as she introduced herself as.

"Unless you're scared that I might be able to really please you that is and that frightens you," Telara said after a few moments of letting Melissa think what she'd said over, the young dark elf trying to goad her into a fight somewhat to see what would happen. If Melissa didn't answer her or wasn't impressed with her challenge then Telara would sigh and roll her eyes a bit. "Alright then I'll just have to prove myself in other ways I guess, and then perhaps you'd be more willing to let me tap that sweet ass of yours," Telara would then say if Melissa wasn't goaded into a fight.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

Melissa's eyes almost close of how Telara wanted to recover her pride. wrest...ing ? i havent heard of all that, sound pretty boring and useless, i would just rest and let you do that count so you can feel better, yet i doubt to control myself, even as babies my kind dont play with what could be food. Almost ending to say this she then started to walk to the right where she has turned a moment ago.

I dont know really who i eat just a moment ago, they were some males placing something, maybe a group of five humans or orcs.

Just enjoy your stay as i go for my dinner before it get cold
Melissa add moving half sleepy to the brushes where she would dissapear. Helle was holding Telara at her left leg shivering in her all this time after the woman landed, maybe trying to stop the dark elven to try to suicide herself or to protect her of Melissa.


Master of Kinky Fetishes. Or just Bitch if you pre
Dec 13, 2013
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Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

Taeyani sighs and glances over. This was going to get silly. Still, freeing slaves was good enough for her. Telara definitely seemed determined to prove herself to this... Whatever she was. Might be partially the pollen talking though. Either way, there was a more pressing matter.

"Hey, before you go, where in the city are the slaves being held? And how? And why? I mean they must be using them for something. I'd like to know what we'd be dealing with before we go doing things."

Still, before she could step in, Melissa was gone. Taeyani sighed and walked over and wrapped an arm around Telara's shoulders. "We'll show her in the city. I'm sure we'll see her again though. Heh, well, you'll certainly by bolstering the predator population with that one. Not sure her not getting it from you is a bad thing. Either way you have us, huh? Let's get going, Helle needs to be taken home and her family fed."

Those slaves had to be freed, as far as Taeyani was concerned, that was way more important than tapping any haughty killer bug girls.
Last edited:

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

Looking over at Taeyani as Melissa as she'd called herself left, Telara sighed. "Well that went about as well as it could I guess. And Taeyani, just so you know while I wouldn't mind a go at her, I don't approve of her eating people or anything like that, so any children that could come from that union would be raised by me to not do as such. Besides, you two are definitely much better lovers than she'd be I'll wager, since you're so much more tender and caring," Telara said to Taeyani, smirking at her as she wrapped her arm around Taeyani in return when her companion did so to her. "And yes I agree, slavery is bad and we should stop it if we can. Hell if worse comes to worse then we'll either free them by force or collect some money and buy them and afterwards free them," she added, her still fully erect cock bumping against Taeyani's hip as she helped Helle to her feet and they went onwards to Helle's home nest.where she was positive some good loving would come her way, and afterwards they could deal with the situation of the enslaved people, for they couldn't do anything on an empty stomach.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

With all the time of the world to get her prey as this have fun at a mile, Melissa dont needed to stop to answer what the human had to ask her.

The males should be in a basement close the biggest building for what i heard from some travelers or hunters. About the girls im not really so sure, sometimes i can see theirs remains in the garbage or theirs scents in strange funny objects, at the silents nights you could manage to heard them having fun. That is all what i know until now

Melissa continue moving, Taeyani could have some more timw to talk her again but once they end talking the three girls will be maybe ready to continue before the spores get even worse to stop them and make them fuck each other.

Its not so really bad as she said, many girls are happy at the streets but... on that building all just feels bad... you could live happily in that city as long you dont get close that place. Helle said as she gets up and pull softly the axewoman's arm to make her continue walking to her home and dont try to run to where Melissa is going.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

As they turned to go, Telara heard Melissa call back to them where the ones she wanted them to help were at, and at her words Telara's hands clenched into fists, her knuckles going white from how hard they clenched together. "Alright Melissa, don't worry about it anymore, as soon as we're prepared to go, which ought to be sooner rather than later now that you've told us this, then we'll take care of it. And if I find out that anyone has been hurting those poor people that have been enslaved... be rest assured that they'll pay for it... I'll make sure of it," Telara said back to Melissa before she wrapped an arm around Helle and went on, an arm around Taeyani on her right and Helle on her left as they went towards Helle's nest home.


Master of Kinky Fetishes. Or just Bitch if you pre
Dec 13, 2013
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Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

Taeyani couldn't think of anything else relevant to ask the predatory creature, so let her go. She smirked a bit as Telara pressed up against her, and pressed her iron elf rod against her.

"Eager, hm? And Tender and Caring? Well, that's a description, dunno how accurate though, haha. Cmon, let's go before you start splattering yourself. Helle's been dropping hints she wants you to pump her full of elf kids or something all day.," chuckles Taeyani amusedly.

She walked with the two, eager to get another ride, and to sample herself some bee girls too.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

"Oh ha ha, I may be eager and horny as hell Taeyani, but I do still have some stamina and whatnot, so I won't go splattering until I'm inside one of you at least. Don't want to waste my cum now do I," Telara said with a smirk before looking over at Helle. "And is that what you want cutie? For me to give you some babies," she then asked Helle, giving her a wink.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

Good, then lets talk later. Melissa just said as she rise her arm and to wave without turn back.

Helle meanwhile finally could calm herself, getting up thanks to Telara and then helped with her walked toward her hideout. When she was asked if she wanted to have babies, she blushed softly and shaked her cute head a little. Maybe, there are a lot of things than we could do too. The bee girl inocently said, certainly giving clues than this will be more than a release for Telara inside the two girls.

When they finally reached that huge tree, the two adventurers could see at a hidden place in the branches of the giant tree a gold structure. Telara and Taeyani as they expected noticed than Helle wanted to fly, but she still needed some rest, so they needed to find other way to get up.

Aw... i suppose than i could call for them, but maybe they arent at home. Helle sugest, the calls sound fine unless something more could be close.


Master of Kinky Fetishes. Or just Bitch if you pre
Dec 13, 2013
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Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

"Could. I could also maybe lift us up there using some vines.," offers Taeyani, looking up at what she surmised to be a big bee hive.

Bolstering the bee population was an amusing thought, she imagined it was how Helle made honey too. Telara seemed into it. Probably good, because there was a decent chance she had filled her with half elves after last night. Not that she really knew how elven pregnancies worked.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

Making their way over to the large tree, Telara saw Helle's nest and had an awed expression on her face, amazed at such a beautiful structure made so high up and being stable. When Taeyani stated that she could take them up using some vines, Telara nodded in agreement as it seemed Helle still couldn't fly just yet herself, and with no way of knowing if any of her family as she'd called them were home, Telara decided that Taeyani's plan was the best.

"Alright Taeyani, go ahead and take us up then. I've got nothing better in mind really," Telara told Taeyani, giving her the go ahead and bracing herself for the pending lift into the air.