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monster girl quest 3d


Demon Girl Pro
Oct 13, 2012
Reputation score
Not sure if someone has mentioned this before but it seems there is a 3d version of monster girl quest in the making

I don't know if the main char is still going to be young or not but it might be worth looking into. There is a h and non h version in the making.
Re: monster girl quest 3d


There is no such thing! Forget everything you've seen and run!

It's not worth it!
Re: monster girl quest 3d

So is this a case of blatant theft or licensed work? What I've seen seems to point to the former, which is basically a line that should not be crossed... I'm both repulsed by the models so far and curious as to how some of the angels will turn out... (doubtful they will get properly implemented though)
Re: monster girl quest 3d

So is this a case of blatant theft or licensed work? What I've seen seems to point to the former, which is basically a line that should not be crossed... I'm both repulsed by the models so far and curious as to how some of the angels will turn out... (doubtful they will get properly implemented though)

Anyways,some angel could have been hardly feasible since some of them have fuking lot of tentacle or shit like that,a hell to setup and animate if you are a novice in 3D.
I think however that the part 1 and 2 could be easy enought to do since most of monster are still humanoid.
Re: monster girl quest 3d

Yes, that's exactly why I'd want to see how that turns out, like how you want to see an imminent train crash where despite the horror is just something compelling to see.

That said, if it actually came to that (which it might, considering the kickstarter got funded, somehow) we'll probably just get some placeholders or humanoid angels.

Also, one cursory glance at those models will show you they are not going to be animated particularly well... (will probably look like marionettes having sex >_>)
Re: monster girl quest 3d

So is this a case of blatant theft or licensed work? What I've seen seems to point to the former, which is basically a line that should not be crossed... I'm both repulsed by the models so far and curious as to how some of the angels will turn out... (doubtful they will get properly implemented though)

From what he's saying it is being made with Torotoro's permission. So this is indeed a licensed 3D remake. But yeah, I'm seriously not feeling those character models. If they wanted a 3D anime feel they should have taken the path that Illusion, RealTime or Yoshino took or made the whole game cel-shaded.

I'll probably check it out when it's done to see if there was improvement but I'm sure I won't like the looks of this version. Saving anytime would be nice though.

Edit: OH GOD the 4 bandits!! What have they done to that merry pile of cuteness!? Ugh as a diehard fan of Haga Yui I simply cannot accept that look for Loli Vampire....
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Re: monster girl quest 3d

Edit: OH GOD the 4 bandits!! What have they done to that merry pile of cuteness!? Ugh as a diehard fan of Haga Yui I simply cannot accept that look for Loli Vampire....
Re: monster girl quest 3d

Well yea he's "saying" it's licensed and to prove this he has some text which is "allegedly" from torotoro while leaving out any actual email correspondence because that would, you know, breach privacy or something.

It's shadier than wearing sunglasses at night.

Also, it looks like we do have some of the angels modeled! Oh wait... those are the four bandits? -_- what's with the faces? I understand this is early work and I'd give some lenience due to that, but I can't help but chuckle at how awful that looks.
Re: monster girl quest 3d

Well yea he's "saying" it's licensed and to prove this he has some text which is "allegedly" from torotoro while leaving out any actual email correspondence because that would, you know, breach privacy or something.

It's shadier than wearing sunglasses at night.

Also, it looks like we do have some of the angels modeled! Oh wait... those are the four bandits? -_- what's with the faces? I understand this is early work and I'd give some lenience due to that, but I can't help but chuckle at how awful that looks.

Yeah, I was being a bit sarcastic by mentioning that was what he was saying so it's obviousli true since "if it's on the internet, it must be true" (quote by Uiharu Kazari) Well, I'm sure someone will casually send the finished copy or a demo to a Japanese site where Torotoro will hopefully either sue him (if his claim is fake) or take back his approval (if his claim is true) after seeing those character models.

With the 4 bandits...it's obvious that cute characters is beyond their skill range and they'll be better off just taking them out or completely redesign them.
Re: monster girl quest 3d

Alice...what have they done to alice....

Burn this game with fire ;^;
Re: monster girl quest 3d

I'm mostly just curious who would actually back this project... Maybe I'm being a bit too harsh here, maybe he legitimately got permission and these are just "drafts" for the models and he'll actually make a decent 3D version of MGQ...

Then again, maybe the moon will fall from the sky and I'll poop rainbows for the next few months, who knows?!

Also had to laugh at the 50k stretch goal, "console version" bwahahaha

*edit* Oh, and the one before that just proves he's full of shit and fills me with a sense of dread "adding additional characters, dialogue...."
Re: monster girl quest 3d

They do note on the kickstarter

As you can likely tell, the models used in the video are now out of date. After a reversal in fan feedback we have switched to more realistic models as seen in the above screenshots.

So it does sound like feedback like people are posting here has been noted and they are redesigning.
Re: monster girl quest 3d

There's a "demo" in the kickstarter updates thread...

My eyes are not ready! :eek:
Re: monster girl quest 3d

not sure i want this... but i really hope he doesn't ruin imp,all of the succubus.
edit. wait a min they don't allow porn on kickstarter, right?
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Re: monster girl quest 3d

They do note on the kickstarter

So it does sound like feedback like people are posting here has been noted and they are redesigning.

I've been to the site where they have pictures of the updated models. Alice is better (still far from capturing her 2D beauty), Luka.....well if the term "bastardization" means anything to you it describes Luka, Tamamo is easily their best work I have complaints but they are mostly just nitpicking, the 4 bandits are easily the worst of the worst....Dragon Pup is...acceptable, Goblin is dead in the center of either being bad or decent, Tiny Lamia and Loli Vampire can be considered war crimes in the H-gaming world.

It doesn't even make sense how badly they were done, Lamia at least all they needed to do was take Alice's model and make it smaller + younger looking then add in the details that separate the two (hair style, lack of boobs, clothes, etc). LV....her face would guarantee no male would be tempted by her, even if she uses her visual powers. Regular men would run, lolicons would cry in horror, woman would threaten their sons that if they aren't nice to girls they would end up with her instead.

@They aren't suppose to but there is word that there will be a non-H version as well and he was smart to not mention there being H even once in the descriptions. So if you're not familiar with MGQ, you wouldn't know about the H.
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Re: monster girl quest 3d

Is it sad that the angel halo bothers me more than anything? That thing is way too shiny.
Re: monster girl quest 3d

Shiny is often used to cover for lack of texture in 3D modeling, no surprises there.
Re: monster girl quest 3d

the origins of this game i actually saw

they first posted in some forum somewhere i don't remember where but they were advertising it as a project and were wondering about how to go about making/selling it

super surprised when retsupurae found it and made a video on it

and found out how horrifying it became

oh yeah if you thought they look bad now, you should've seen the initial models, those were way worse
Re: monster girl quest 3d

Tried the demo. The movement controls are terrible, it's impossible to turn around in window mode, there is no skip button as far as I know, the game is an exact copy of the original MGQ with the exception of a horribly made overworld in which there is no map and it is very easy to get lost in, and the worst part, the main character looks like he's having a stroke during the rape scenes.

This is easily the worst thing I have ever seen made in 3d. It feels like whoever was working on the models spent about 5 minutes per model and left most of them half finished.