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Sailor Moon OOC thread

Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

Did a very very brief google search and found Magical Burst. However, after a brief glance, it seems more dark in tone than what we're going for. It might fit Sailor Nyx, for example, but no one else really. I don't even know what kind of mechanic system it uses.

If the problem is the boolean nature of the rolls, could come up with a house-rule for it. Maybe if you 'miss' by 2 or less, it's a partial hit or something. Though one thing that bothered me about this game is that you have your attack, which may or may not hit, and the enemy can still defend, which can negate an attack anyway. I don't recall exactly, but I think you can only defend against one attack a turn, so ganging up on enemies makes that less of a problem... though I seem to remember that you might be able to get one defense per attacker. I could be wrong.

Hmm... Had an idea. It's a bit complicated in principle, but I think it might be fairly simple to implement. When rolling, you roll 3d6. Let's see how well I can explain it...

Assuming there are no duplicate rolls:
If the Highest die + Middle die is a success AND Highest die + Lowest die is a success Then the roll is a success.
If the Highest die + Middle die is a success AND Highest die + Lowest die is a failure Then the roll is a partial success. The converse is the same.
If the Highest die + Middle die is a failure AND Highest die + Lowest die is a failure Then the roll is a failure.

In cases where there are duplicate rolls:
Two Highest dice: Designate one die the Highest and the other the Middle.
Two Lowest dice: Designate one die the Lowest and the other the Middle.
All dice the same: Discard one die and resolve as per normal rules. Or designate one die Highest, one Middle and one Lowest. Result is the same.

Spoiler for Truth Table
H = Highest die.  M = Middle die.  L = Lowest die.  
S = Success.  F = Failure.  PS = Partial Success.

 H+M  |  H+L  | Result
  S   |   S   |   S
  S   |   F   |   PS
  F   |   S   |   PS
  F   |   F   |   F

So yah, sounds complicated... basically roll 3 dice, check the highest number against the two lower ones, if neither of the lower ones are enough to push the die roll over a failure, then it's a success. If one of them is, it's a partial success. If both are, it's a failure.

Feel free to take it or leave it or do whatever with it. Just came up with it on the fly.

That Apocalypse World/Dungeon World system sounds like it'd be worth a shot though. Probably simpler than what I came up with too...

Okay, now I'm done.
Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

For simplicity's sake, I may just implement a glancing blow system, whereby, if you miss by 1, and your target fails its defense roll, then you'll deal half damage.

But missing by one does not take away a target's single defense roll for the round, and you lose any senshi attack bonuses that hamper an opponent's defense.
Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

I think I can see that working. Should we try slowly adding different aliments and seeing if they work, if they do, we keep them, if they don't, we take them out again and try something else? If we manage to get a good working system up we could make another thread and have them put down so we don't end up forgetting them.
Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

Sprig hasn't been online in 5 days. Wondering if everything's okay with them (considering how active Sprig was beforehand).

I may just assume that his character is struggling to get free and post for the game thread. But I'll give it one more day.
Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

If Volcanis had used her attack and hit, Tempestas would not have survived the damage. So not an option for Volcanis unfortunately.

Or perhaps fortunately, depending on whether you like group tentacle sex or not. :)
Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

Yeah. XD I am not sure I really lost either way. Lol.
Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

At least you can share in Volcanis' first sexual experience...

And your first one as a woman. ;)
Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

Poor Tempestas, having 4x increases sense of touch compared to a normal person, likely is not very good for this situation. XD Though I wont be complaining. :p
Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

Don't know what's happened to Sprig. Hope they're all right and able to come back. In the meanwhile, going to NPC status the character.
Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

Let us know you're okay, Sprig!
Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

I'm okay! Just been having some real life stuff going on. Ended up having about two hours of sleep a day and then passing out during the day. Things seem to have calmed down so I'm back. And bugger my character been taken.

Erm...does that mean my character is done for? I can't really see them surviving now with all those minions. The injured but still powerful leader. And anyone else that was in the portal.
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Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

Sprig, you can choose to play your character as captured or you can choose to have him wake up at the last moment and use the last of his strength to tear himself free and dive back into earth as the portal closes.
Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

Would it be possible to use all of my magic to take their crystal from them while I dive out as well? So I collapse their portal onto them.

So I would basically come through completely exhausted and unable to defend myself in both magic and body. Kind of just want to get payback for the group as a whole as I get out.
Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

All but one of your magic has been drained from you by the shadow creatures. So it's half a miracle just for you to throw yourself back through.

No, you cannot get the traveling stone back and cannot kill off the bad guy. You'll have to wait for payback some other time.
Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

Alright. I'll get my reply up when I wake up tomorrow. Pretty late at the moment and I have a early start. So I should be able to get the post up before I need to rush.
Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

Feeling a little under the weather so I may be delayed a little bit. I will get a post up in the next day or two.
Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

Glad you're feeling better Rath.

My apologies for the delay. I didn't notice your post until a couple days ago, and then I was slow because I owed posts for a lot of other things.

I can't do a longer post because this is probably the beginning of a dialogue time. I also forgot to mention that Chalbys appears to be unconscious at this point, and has transformed back to Miki.

All violated heroines, upon transforming back, still feel quite horny, but any and all physical signs of violation are gone. If you were a virgin before this fight, physically speaking, the normal girl forms still are.

Mentally of course, you remember everything.
Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

I'd been hoping that this would have been a good time for Sprig to have introduced his character and for some direct roleplaying interaction between the players. However, Sprig hasn't even logged in for 4 weeks, which is a problem.

How do my remaining players want to spin this? I'm happy to retcon Sprig's character back to the point where he was still being captured and taken away by Sadisto through the portal.

Then I could go back to giving the other PCs more to respond to. Does this seem like a good idea? Xivvix? Rathuris?

Given the experience of people trying and failing to jump onto this thread, I'm tempted to keep this story closed to the two of you going forward.
Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

I think a retcon might be for the best. Maybe just leave what happened to Alladra vague so if/when Sprig returns it'll be easy to come back in true episodic form.
Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

Given the experience of people trying and failing to jump onto this thread, ...

Sorry about that. I meant to say something before but, well, life happened. Still is happening, but looking like it's starting to settle down.

I'd still like to do this game, so maybe once things become a bit more regular for me, I could pick up one of my threads again. It'd be solo, of course, until whoever's in charge wants to change it.

Spoiler for some more explanation about what happened/is happening with me with regards to its effects here:
So not having a job and having to worry about how I'm going to pay next month's rent, let alone phone/internet bills, get food, and so on can mess up a person's life pretty badly. On top of all that, having persistent depression only makes things worse. That's where I was at when I was last around here. Things seemed like they might be turning around when I tried to get going again, but they didn't pan out.

Now, however, I've got a job, and it's looking like I'll be able to keep doing it for a while yet. Still early though, so nothing's guaranteed, hence my non-committal tone above. Looks hopeful though, which is something I haven't been able to say honestly for quite some time. To be continued, I guess.