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ACT [ MOSABOX ] [ モサボックス ] Samurai Sacrament / サムライ・さくらメント RE155385 RJ155385

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Re: Samurai Sacrament (Act)

This might be stupid, but how do I use the gale shot?
edit: When I got to the boss, I did around half of the boss's hp at the left most side of the room with the box under intact. I just dashed and attacked and got off around 2-4 dash attacks which did 10 hp per hit.
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Re: Samurai Sacrament (Act)


In order to charge up or do gale shot you have to get that brass looking thing in the upper corner of that one room, then you have to max out the blue meter. They'll be a little flame next to it once you have. To max it out you collect white orbs from killing enemies. Once you've done all that when you push up your character will start charging up. Letting her charge up completely will give you a temporary power-up and pushing z while charging up will do a gale shot. This depletes an entire blue meter so you have to build it up again.

Attacking right after guarding makes you do a powerful counter. Watch your stamina though (yellow meter), if it runs out while guarding you'lll be dazed and countering takes up a lot of it. By the way you guard by holding down + c

attacking while dashing does a stronger thrusting attack

while in the air, down + attack will do a powerful plunging downstab

attacking normally while in the air acts as a small second jump

also at the checkpoint before the boss you can destroy the wall behind the crate for a full blue meter refill, you can then destroy the wall behind that one to get another refill.

Honestly the combat is pretty damn cool but so far the platforming is abysmal.
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Re: Samurai Sacrament (Act)

I kinda wish there was a benefit for just-timing guards, say, reducing knockback like in fighting games. Guard guard guard, better get used to that input.

That being said, game flows really smooth and I haven't seen anything like it since Unholy Sanctuary. I'll assume any other techniques you pick up like Gale Shot will require Soul to prevent spamming on bosses.

I was expecting the game to be like a metroidvania, but instead it ended up more like a Megaman Zero game (in terms of both flow and learning curve). I expect that using the wall jump to get over bosses will become much more important, doubly so if we're expected to dash walljump.

Guhh, I'm gonna have to wait like 2 years for this to come out, but it seems like this is going to be a hell of a ride.
Re: Samurai Sacrament (Act)

Playing through the demo, I could now see how people mistook this to be a game that Kyrieru would make, haha.

The turrets were just insane. I didn't bother getting that brass power-up for the Gale Shot just because of that one turret.

As for the boss, well, I naturally got creamed, but after learning to do the block counterattack, he became a cakewalk.
Re: Samurai Sacrament (Act)

Its always schoolgirls, but hey, its plays really nice. Hope its not too expensive.
Re: Samurai Sacrament (Act)

Its a pretty decent challenge if you ask me.
We already have many games that are "too easy", so having challenging ones will be a good change of pace.
Re: Samurai Sacrament (Act)

Eh, While I did find most of the game fairly challenging (especially getting the brass tank powerup), the boss felt a bit like a joke. The simple strategy of 'repeatedly hit it in the face until it died' worked like a charm. Although I do wonder if my 'training' on Megaman Zero helped...

Incidentally, the platforming sections aren't actually that hard, but you've got to remember that (like Megaman Zero) it's timing-based rather than intriciate-platforming-based.
Re: Samurai Sacrament (Act)

anyone can rehost the alpha, the site from the author gives me timeouts. :(
Re: Samurai Sacrament (Act)

this is going to be a pretty sweet game, been waiting to see a demo. yeah the jumping around is a bit annoying, but its not game breaking.
Re: Samurai Sacrament (Act)

Does the demo end after the first boss?
I'm too incompetent to beat him and don't want to waste my effort if there's nothing past that.
Re: Samurai Sacrament (Act)

Does the demo end after the first boss?
I'm too incompetent to beat him and don't want to waste my effort if there's nothing past that.

Yes it is. Beating him nets you a cg of the blue-haired girl, but it's pretty negligible.
Re: Samurai Sacrament (Act)

Yes it is. Beating him nets you a cg of the blue-haired girl, but it's pretty negligible.

It's a beautiful CG, but it's not animated, and was already posted earlier in this thread (it's just a close-up of her topless).

Unrelated: when artists make animations for stuff that has to be censored, do they make an animation and then censor it, or just censor it from the get-go, thus not ever actually drawing the supposedly 'censored' image?

When you lose to Nobushi (the first boss), his balls actually get bigger right before he cums, then he rapidly pumps it all into the protagonist. Tenuous anatomy aside, is there a version of this where you could see it uncensored? Or is there no actual picture behind a filter or whatever?
Re: Samurai Sacrament (Act)

Depends on the artist and/or the censorship rules of the site it's posted on. I believe DLsite has rules that the censor can't be easily removed. I remember games being taken down on different occasions because the censor wasn't good enough anyways. I think in general they at least draw a vague pussy, so it doesn't look weird with the mosaic.

You see sometimes in uncensored anime that the genitals are pretty simple, probably the artists being used to drawing them that way because the censor would normally ruin any higher quality stuff. I kind of feel bad for the Japanese, a lot of their media makes it difficult to study anatomy :p
Re: Samurai Sacrament (Act)

where am I supposed to go after I run into the authorized personnel orange door and the door to the right? Been stuck for a bit now
Re: Samurai Sacrament (Act)

Instead of just guarding like some1 mentioned, you can do a counter by attacking straight after blocking an attack. A popup will notify you that you done a counter and i found this out while fighting the boss. Didnt really help me much against the boss since he can sometimes block your counter as well and strike you straight after.
Re: Samurai Sacrament (Act)

I found the boss incredibly easy. Just dash towards him and attack to do an impale strike thingie. Repeat and he's dead in two seconds or less. The turrets+platforming was much more difficult if you ask me.
Re: Samurai Sacrament (Act)

I found the boss incredibly easy. Just dash towards him and attack to do an impale strike thingie. Repeat and he's dead in two seconds or less. The turrets+platforming was much more difficult if you ask me.

Yeah, it's a lot easier to cheese him like that. I tried using the Soul Enhancement (Wind). From what I gathered, it's not really that useful for the boss, but it might make platforming easier.

-You get a double jump (you're not allowed to use it if you wall kick, but the double jump goes higher than the wall kick)
-An extra air slash
-An extra hit to your standard combo for more continuous attacks

That's all I could gather. From older flash demos on the dev's blog, it seems if you use Soul Enhancement with Fire then you get a fire orb that drones around you. I just hope there's a power-up that charges spirit for you slowly so you can use techniques on bosses after you've depleted your soul charges already.

Maybe it's too early to say but I went back through the blog and found pictures of the player character using the same sheathed sword as the girl that dropped you down the trapfloor, I wonder if they'll be able to implement different weapon playstyles too.
Re: Samurai Sacrament (Act)

where am I supposed to go after I run into the authorized personnel orange door and the door to the right? Been stuck for a bit now

You have to destroy the alarm thingy on the ceiling to the right of the door all the way on the right side the room (with the left side being the huge orange door). Go in security door, fight two doggystyle cavemen, press button, exit security room back into hallway, go to left, giant orange door is opened.

Zerrest said:
Maybe it's too early to say but I went back through the blog and found pictures of the player character using the same sheathed sword as the girl that dropped you down the trapfloor, I wonder if they'll be able to implement different weapon playstyles too.

At the start, a pop-up of your sword comes up. Looks very Megaman. Guarantee you'll be able to use other weapons.
Re: Samurai Sacrament (Act)

This game has some seriously ass backwards controls. Skipping it for sure.
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