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Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"I see... well I'm sorry for nearly taking her purity away from her, but at the same time I'm not sorry, because of my circumstances and all. But... the world is a harsh place Sophia... if you don't try to move things along soonish, then... well you saw how close I was to taking you both as my own and all. So I won't go into detail about what could happen to her down here, because even if lady Viridiana tells everyone to leave you alone, there are some that would go against that just to have the chance to even get a kiss from either of you to boast about. Newcomers like yourselves are oftentimes looked upon as conquests for many of us, because it's someone or something new down here in this dreary place," Adriana said when Sophia confessed that she was in love with Agnes to the drider lady, where she then smiled a bit as if thinking about something.

After Sophia spoke again about Adriana coming with them and that she'd have to learn to blend in Adriana actually laughed aloud. "Well not that I won't try Sophia, but I have no magical talent as far as I know. The seers all told me as much while I was growing up. You see we all are checked from an early age to see if we have any talent at it, for those that do have it are trained from then on to nurture that talent so that they too can become seers and mages to help guide the various tribes. But I'll remember those words, don't worry," Adriana said when Sophia was done talking again, assuring her that she wouldn't forget.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Sophia gave Adriana a slight disaproving look. "Everyone has magic in them Adriana. But like you said not everyone has the talent to make use of it. No worries you won't need any specfic magic or talent to make use of this spell after all I don't have any." To prove her point Sophia would stand and intone a familar spell. "Exaudi orationem meam, et alas." Focusing on the magic inside of her that all living things had her wings began to shrink down so they could be easily hidden by her cloak. "If I put more power into it I could make them dissapear completly. The only sign would be wing tatoo's on my back. I don't do that very often unless I have to be in a human community for a long time. That much power is draining and I would have to recover for a little bit so its not suitible for sudden action."
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Well if you say I can do it then alright, I'll trust you. But just don't be disappointed in me if it doesn't work," Adriana said, noticing the disapproving look Sophia gave her.

Soon after that, Agnes returned with the slime girl from before, where Agnes waved over to them. "Hey girls, come on in. Lady Viridiana gives permission for all of us, even you Adriana. I explained what all has happened and what we were doing down here to her Sophia. From what I can tell Sophia, she's a sidhe of the summer court. Or at least she seems to be anyway," Agnes said when she got over to them, gesturing them on into the town, where the guard girls would stand aside for them to enter, not showing any enmity towards Adriana and seeming to abide by Viridiana's decision.

Entering the village, Sophia saw that it was similar, yet different than the lamia village. The buildings were slightly smaller, and on the far end of the hollowed out cavern was a larger stone building that was similar in design to a castle or manor, but a smaller version of one. Agnes led them through the town, with several younger looking girls that had just come of age doing something similar to the lamia girls and sneaking peeks at Sophia and Agnes, though not as lewdly as those ones had done and peeking up their skirts and whatnot.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"I know it will work as long as you belive it will work, but we will hold off actual practice untill we get your egg issue worked out." Turning her head to Agnes as she approached Sophia smiled and stood up helping Adriana up as well. Heading in Sophia noted that the slime girls seemed better behaved than the lamia from earlier. Though still curious they kept a respectful distance. Following along Sophia waited to see the first glimpse of Lady Viridiana. She had heard all faye where pretty even the winter court faye whome had a fearsome reputation. Still once she caught a glimpse she would inform the Lady about Adriana's attempt to rape Agnes and herself. She would also inform her of her plan to aid Adriana due to her current predicument avoiding what the drider had told her, figuring that if Adraina wanted to say something she would speak up.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"I hope it does, for these caverns and the other villages hold no prospects for my future or that of my children, so I'm at a dead end," Adriana said as they entered the village.

Agnes led them to the larger stone building, where there were 4 guards outside, all 4 of these slime girls wearing bronze scale armor and wielding bronze spears and shields, with bronze swords on their belts. It seemed that these 4 were elite guards or something and they looked very well trained despite their malleable forms. They waved Agnes and the other two on through though asked them to leave their weapons just at the door inside, where another 2 guards stood and took them from the girls and stood them all up against the wall there at the door.

Going down a 20 foot long hallway, they came to another set of double doors similar to the front doors in fact. These doors opened up into a large round chamber with a large comfy looking throne like seat there, upon which sat a tall and obviously , with an obviously powerful staff in one hand, as Sophia could feel the magical energy radiating from the impressive thing. She stood up and bowed slightly in greeting to Sophia. "Ah the other angel, please be welcome in this sanctuary of life I have created, to house those that the regular mortals above would have seen exterminated, simply for living the way they were created to. I am Viridiana, one of the high sidhe of the summer court. Though not the queen of course. You could call me a... cousin of her's I suppose," the fey lady said as she stepped down from the dais that the throne like seat was on, introducing herself and explaining who she was in a more simple way than she'd apparently been about to.

"Your friend here Agnes has told me much already about why you've come down here. Had I known that the cavern's entrance was in jeopardy of being discovered I would have resealed it. But... perhaps the fact that two angels have come down here is an omen... one that tells us it is time for these people to resurface and be a part of the world as a whole again, and no longer hide in fear of being hunted to extinction," Viridiana said after retaking her seat and gesturing the pair of angels forward as a couple of slime girls brought out a couple of more seats for them to sit in. To Viridiana's left sat a matronly looking slime girl who's form while slimy looking was in fact not sticky or slimy, and she wore some fine looking silks that had no stains of her slime on them at all. Agnes leaned over and whispered to Sophia that she was the slime's matriarch and leader as they took their seats.

Adriana came forward too, but stayed off the dais as the others all sat down, obviously feeling like she didn't belong from the look on her face and all Sophia would see. When they were seated, Sophia had the chance to tell the tale about Adriana, who blushed a bit and looked away in shame from Viridiana as Sophia spoke. "I see... so she accosted you on your way here then. Well I guess being impaled upon your glaive was punishment enough all things considered, since you managed to defeat her in battle and all," Viridiana said as she gave a sidelong glance at Adriana and smirked a bit. "She's likely not deceiving you though on what her punishment was, the driders can be quite... cruel sometimes when it comes to that sort of thing. Especially when it comes to their breeders, most of whom are willing... though not all are of course," she added, shaking her head slightly and sighing.

"If you think that you can help her though, then that is her business and yours, not mine. But please do not lead her to her death is all I ask," Viridiana told Sophia after a few moments before she looked over at Adriana and gestured her forward. "Adriana dear, I am sorry for what your matriarch did to you, but you know that I allow the matriarchs to settle the affairs of their own villages as they see fit. Now do you regret trying to rape these two lovely angels?" she added to the drider, who blushed a bit and looked down at Viridiana's feet.

"Kind of yes, but I'm not sorry for trying to put my eggs in their bellies. They're two of the most beautiful beings I've ever seen, you can't fault me for wanting to surely," Adriana said in response.

"Aye they are beautiful, and I can't fault you for wanting to lay your eggs in their beautiful bodies, but you are only making that brand on your body truthful by doing as such against their will. So do not betray Sophia's and Agnes' trust and I'll make sure that your matriarch apologizes for something that was mostly beyond your control, and that she overreacted about," Viridiana replied to Adriana with a smile. Then she glanced over at the slime matriarch and nodded at her, where the matriarch nodded back with a pleasant smile where Viridiana leaned forward a bit again and looked over at Sophia and Agnes. "Please, be welcome here in this village for the time being. I'm sure you'll need to rest a bit after your run in with Adriana earlier and the fight with her. So take some rest here, the matriarch will get you set up in the guest house just outside of here for a while until you're ready to leave. And when I'm done with my affairs here, I shall escort you back to the surface. But before you go I shall visit you, as I'd like to speak more about that and what you can tell the humans about this place... for there could be some good ways for them to get used to these people down here without wanting to kill them, and hopefully with a little time they can return to the surface without persecution from the humans and other mortals," Viridiana said to the angels, gesturing for the slime matriarch to handle that while she herself went off to do whatever she'd been there to do to begin with.

"Ah ladies, a couple of my guards outside shall escort you over to the guest house, please make yourselves at home, and a couple of handmaids shall be by shortly to see to your every need whilst you stay here," the slime matriarch told them, gesturing to another slime girl in silken robes that weren't quite as fine as the matriarch's own, who escorted them back to the main doors, giving Sophia a chance to talk to Agnes and Adriana a bit if she wanted to as they walked on out.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Sophia returned the bow and sat at the offered seat. She was rather impressed with the security of this place as well as its apperance given that it was all underground. It wasn't a match for the marble terraces and balconies of home but given the situation it was grand enough. Hearing the Lady out Sophia nodded in agreement mostly. "Have no fear Lady Viradiana with her combat skill I doubt Adriana will be in danger too often. I mostly want her to take this oppertunity to travel with us to see what the surface world is like. In that regard she can be a scout for the communities down here. Only someone who lives here can judge if they are ready for the surface world."

Bowing Sophia left with Adriana and Agnes. "Well that went better than I expected. Truely the Lady is rather kind and understanding. Though Adriana it still leaves us with your predicument. Maybe the Lady can help us contact the heavens to see to your egg problum." Bonking herself on the head with her palm Sophia explained to Agnes what she meant as she wasn't there when she had told Adriana about taking her children to the heavens to be raised in safty.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Very well then Sophia, if that is your wish, and if she is willing to become our... scout as you called her, then Adriana here shall go with you," Viridiana replied before leaving the room.

Agnes listened to Sophia as she quickly explained the situation with Adriana to her, a thoughtful look on her face as she listened to her friend. "I see, well Viridiana did say that she'd come to see us shortly, so maybe she was going to wait until we were all in private to talk about it. I mean that is a bit embarrassing to talk about in front of a dozen people when you thin about it. And also Adriana, I'm so sorry about what's wrong with you. I apologize again if our bodies were what riled you up so much Adriana," Agnes said sincerely, her innocence charming even Adriana it seemed as she blushed a bit while they walked out to the guest house.

"N-No Agnes I'm the one who should be sorry. I feel despicable for trying to... well, trying to rape you both. You needn't be sorry for anything," Adriana told her in a flustered tone, blushing profusely at Agnes' words still. Then she turned to Sophia to speak, "And lady Viridiana is quite powerful, if anyone could help you to contact your high heavens then she probably could easily."

A couple of minutes later, the trio arrived at the guest house they'd been promised, with a couple of the slime girl guards remaining with them just outside their guest house, with one of them assuring the girls that they weren't prisoners and that it was more for their protection against some of the younger and more curious of their race, but that they had the freedom of the town, which this one was a bit larger than the lamia one to say the least, despite the size difference of each of the girls here. Adriana had to squeeze a little bit to get inside the guest home, but once inside she had enough room to move around as long as she didn't rear up or anything like when Sophia had stabbed her.

"Well this place looks rather nice I must say. There's... wow look at this stuff Sophia, these paintings are beautiful, and this vase is so exquisitely designed," Agnes said, seeming to instantly fall in love with the decor of the place as she pointed out several paintings, all of which were very finely done, one of her hobbies showing itself that Sophia remembered about her friend, that she liked fine art.

One of the paintings was of Viridiana in fact sitting completely nude on the side of a pool at the bottom of an underground waterfall with sparkling gemstones all around the walls, the thing looking almost lifelike in fact, and if Sophia looked closer at it she'd notice the magic in it to make it look so exquisite. The rest of the paintings were of various things from landscapes of the caverns to portraits of the past slime girl matriarchs, as well as one painting of an angel, who looked much like one that Sophia knew but just couldn't place her right off. The vase that Agnes had mentioned was sitting on a small pedestal underneath a glass fixture to keep it safe, and the thing was intricately designed and hand painted with pristine white and sparkling blue colors, white flowers being the white parts painted on the thing while the rest was the sparkling blue.

"These are so beautiful. Aren't they Sophia?" Agnes said to Sophia as she gave the barest of touches to the one with Viridiana, which as soon as she touched it the thing changed slightly, as Viridiana picked up a small bucket of water and poured it over herself. It was as if the painting was a moving story almost, and it played out with Viridiana taking a whole bath until she was finished and climbed out, dried off, and redressed herself in some pale green robes. "W-Wow, a magic painting. That's so awesome. And... she's so beautiful in it, I wish I was that beautiful," Agnes then said quietly to herself after watching the whole thing play out until it got back to the beginning.

Adriana heard Agnes, as did Sophia, with the drider looking over at Sophia and smiling a bit before nodding over at Agnes, as if telling Sophia to go talk to her. "Now's a good chance to strengthen that relationship you told me about hon, I'll be in the kitchen," Adriana whispered to Sophia before heading off and leaving Sophia and Agnes in the living room of the guest house alone.
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Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

As much as Sophia disagreed with her methods Adriana was right about this moment. Setting her weapon aside she quickly moved up and embraced Agnes from behind and kissed her on the cheek. "That was a close call today." Her embrace was warm as she held her dear friend. Sniffing Agnes's hair Sophia felt the twinge of arousal. Gently turning Agnes around Sophia kissed her deeply on the lips. It indeed had been a close call and Adriana might be right in showing Agnes about love and how it should be not the forced action that was taken on her.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

As Sophia hugged her from behind, Agnes gasped softly as she stared at the paintings, specifically the one with Viridiana in it. "Y-Yeah... it was rather close I suppose. I thought that... Adriana was truly going to rape us. But... after hearing her problems and the circumstances and all I can't really hold it against her Sophia, it's rather said to be honest. I hope that the high priestess will take her eggs in for us," Agnes replied in a soft tone as her arms gently hugged Sophia's arms that were wrapped around her, with Agnes' wings fluttering ever so slightly at the tips of them.

Agnes didn't really notice Sophia sniffing her hair, which had a rather fragrant floral scent to it, the scent of roses in fact, roses the same beautiful color as her hair most likely. Then when Sophia gently spun her around and kissed her, Agnes seemed taken totally by surprise, her eyes wide for the first few moments after Sophia's lips met her own. When she felt Sophia's tongue enter her own mouth and touch her own, Agnes' eyes closed halfway and her arms slid around the small of Sophia's back as she clung to Sophia. She then kissed Sophia back and hugged her closer, her instincts apparently taking over somewhat as one hand slid down to Sophia's butt where she'd feel a gentle squeeze.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Sophia let Agnes's efforts pull her closer as she held her kiss, their tongues danceing wildly. Breaking away Sophia gently pulled Agnes's hands off her rump. "I think its time Agnes.." Sophia let one hand go while gently pulling on the other to lead Agnes to one of the upstair bedrooms. This is of course if Agnes wanted to.

If Agnes allowed such Sophia would lead her up the stairs stopping only to kiss her at the peak. She would pull her tight pressing their breasts together letting Agnes feel her rock hard nipples. Kissing Agnes deeper if she allowed Sophia would slip a hand up under her shirt and caress her friends generous mounds before pulling her the rest of the way to the bedroom.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"T-Time? F-For what Sophia?" Agnes asked, stuttering a bit as Sophia gently pulled her hands up and off of her body.

She didn't try to pull away from Sophia any and allowed herself to be led upstairs, which were easily found in the foyer where they entered the guest house at. When they reached the top of the steps Agnes allowed herself to be pulled into another kiss, and didn't pull try to stop Sophia from hugging her close which pressed their bodies together, where Sophia would feel Agnes' own nipples stiffening up under her clothes, her companion having removed her armor when they entered the guest house.

"S-Sophia... my body feels like... it's on fire. W-What's happening to me?" Agnes said when they both pulled away to catch their breath before Sophia dove back in and slid a hand up Agnes' soft linen shirt she'd been wearing underneath her armor, at which Agnes would let out a soft gasp as their tongues entwined with one another, her eyes going wide slightly, but she didn't make Sophia stop any at all.

Heading to the bedroom after that, Sophia would see Agnes was getting a bit frisky herself as one of her hands crept up Sophia's skirt back to her butt while the other hand slid up her shirt to Sophia's breasts which she gave a slightly hard squeeze, a bit harder than Sophia gave Agnes' breasts, though she was still new at this sort of thing and obviously didn't know how hard she could or should squeeze. By the time they got to the bedroom, Sophia would see Agnes was panting slightly, her cheeks flushed pink with arousal as well as her neck, and if Sophia pulled Agnes shirt off as soon as they were in the bedroom she'd see that pink on Agnes' skin was spreading down her shoulders and to her chest, leaving her breasts a light pink while her nipples were a slightly darker pink than that.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Sophia let out a sharp gasp as Agnes pressed a little to hard. "Gentle lover I won't be able to wear my armor if you bruise them." Sophia giggled as she pulled Agnes closer letting her know she didn't hurt her at all. Tugging at Agnes's shirt Sophia would pull it part way over her head blinding Agnes as she kissed her friend on the lips before planting a kiss on each pink breast. Pulling the shirt the rest of the way off Sophia smiled and treated Agnes to a little strip tease of her own. Shedding her own padded linen shirt to show off her large tanned breasts. After leting Agnes get a good look Sophia moved up to her again and pulled her into an kiss and toppling them both onto the bed.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Oh... s-sorry Sophia... I didn't mean to hurt you if I did," Agnes stuttered a bit as she spoke.

With that, Agnes blushed deeper as Sophia lifted her shirt up over her head until it blinded her but revealed her impressive chest to the not so innocent angel, with Agnes returning the kiss on her lips ever so gently. Agnes let out a soft gasp followed by a cute little moan as Sophia kissed her breasts, her nipples hardening up the rest of the way. Agnes then watched Sophia strip down after getting Agnes' shirt off of the redheaded angel, her eyes following Sophia's every movement as she stripped herself down, with Agnes watching the jiggling of Sophia's breasts as her own shirt came off to release them from the confines of the thing. Gulping softly, Agnes leaned in as Sophia pulled her and planted her lips on Sophia's in a hard kiss, with Agnes moaning again slightly before a muffled gasp escaped her lips as they toppled over onto the rather large soft bed, with Sophia landing on top of Agnes.

"Sophia... um... what happens now? I... I don't have any experience in these matter, but you knew that already I guess," Agnes asked curiously as she panted softly while staring up at Sophia who was atop her, the redhead angel not seeming to mind the fact she was all but pinned down by her horny friend.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Shhhss" Sophia moved and kissed Agnes on the lips again to quite her friend. "Just relax and it will come naturally." Kissing her again Sophia trailed each kiss lightly and rapidly down to her friends belly button. Smiling as she started to kiss again going lower to Agnes's lower lips. Her she paused before looking up at Agnes's eys. Her lover was already wet and she could feel the tension in her body. Moving her hands down Sophia traced the curves of Agnes's body letting her touch feel like a light breeze tickling the woman slightly.

With her hands now in the right position Sophia could start the next part of her sensual assult. First she slowly pulled Agnes's legs apart to reveal her lovers sex. Starting at the knee Sophia brought her ever so slight touch down along the inner part of each leg till her hands met near the glisting sex. Slowly with her thumbs Sophia parted Agnes's lower lips exposing the pink flesh of her lover. Sniffing it slighly Sophia felt herself begin to tingle down below. Looking up at a blushing Agnes Sopha licked the tender senstive flesh slightly. She would take it slow and not rush Agnes to much. After all there was alot she would show her. Licking again and riding out the likely jolts from Agnes Sophia smiled and brought her hands up along her lovers side gently touch her and resting her hands on the cute pink and hard nipples. Here she would tease them as she lapped at the delicate flower before her.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Agnes shushed herself when Sophia told her to, accepting her kiss willingly as her wings fluttered slightly at the tips again. When Sophia began going down, kissing her every few inches, Agnes visibly tensed as her hands fell to her sides and gripped the bedsheets on the bed, which were made of the finest quality drider silk. Once Sophia's hands touched near to Agnes' tender virgin flower, her beloved friend tensed a bit more as her hands tugged more on the bedsheets.

Agnes gasped as she felt Sophia's thumbs gently spread her lower lips apart, the scent being utterly divine and pure that Sophia smelled when she sniffed. Agnes tensed up greatly as she felt Sophia's tongue touch her soft tender folds, and then her entire being relaxed at Sophia's touch, her toes uncurled, her wings went limp, her hands stopped gripping the sheets so hard, and her legs stopped quivering like they had been ever so slightly the whole time since Sophia parted them. Upon the second lick from Sophia, Agnes let out a soft moan as her body instinctively pushed towards Sophia's tongue, the pleasure obvious in her voice.

"O-Oh gods Sophia... w-what was that? I-It was so... intense. I've never felt anything like that before. K-Keep doing it... it feels so nice," Agnes panted slightly to Sophia, apparently enjoying the sensations Sophia was bringing her.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Indeed Sophia kept going her own body relaxing as she got more confident that Agnes could handle her full effort. Teasing Agnes's breasts Sophia moved up to kiss her friend the taste of her own love juices and Sophia's lips. Here their sexes touched ever so slightly Sophia's own aroused clit touching Agnes's. What neither of them saw was how blank and flat Sophia's eye color had become. Sliding a hand down her friends body Sophia entered Agnes's virginal folds with two fingers. Here she began to pump them in and out slowly as she kissed her friend deeply on the mouth.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

As Sophia continued pressing Agnes further in their pleasuring of one another, Agnes seemed to get a bit more confident as well, her right hand reaching out to more gently grasp Sophia's left breast than she did before, her fingertips brushing across Sophia's pert nipple. When Sophia kissed her again, the taste of Agnes' juices on her lips, Agnes seemed to perk up a bit more than before as they kissed one another, and she gave a very audible moan of pleasure when Sophia's soft most flower brushed against Agnes', who's clit was perking up and poking out from under its protective little hood even as they kissed each other more.

"Y-Yes Sophia... m-more... yes gods more. It feels so good. I... I love it... I love you," Agnes panted aloud at Sophia when they finally broke their kiss to catch their breath, her pussy lips parting ever so slightly to allow Sophia's fingers to slip inside until they brushed against Agnes' hymen.

It didn't seem to matter though that Sophia's fingers couldn't enter her further than that however, as this seemed to be more than enough for Agnes to push her further towards the brink. Sophia would see that Agnes began grinding herself against Sophia's hand, her hips moving as her hands slipped around Sophia's back again and both groped her perfect heart shaped ass a bit before one slid back around and between Sophia's legs to return the favor, though Agnes obviously had little experience on this matter as her ministrations were only about half as good as Sophia's own and were only slowly bringing her closer to climax.

Suddenly though, Agnes' middle finger slid in as far as it could as her thumb brushed across Sophia's clit, the inexperienced angel seeming to start to get into it a bit better. This sudden move nearly pushed Sophia over the edge to her sweet release, but not quite as she continued on Agnes. "Mmm... S-Sophia, I think that... that there's a knot o-or something... i-in my belly. It's... it's getting so tight, it feels like it's about to burst. W-What's happening?" Agnes said, moaning slightly as she did and looking a bit frightened about the whole thing, though curious at the same time.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Its okay Agnes its okay... enjoy it...." Feeling her friend tremeble near release Sophia sped up her own efforts. As her fingers teased her lovers inner lips her thumb began to rub the girls clit. Surely it would bring Agnes to her very first orgasam. Still Agnes's own efforts to please Sophia while enthusiatic where up to par. Sophia couldn't blame Agnes however as her sweet lover had no experiance. Sophia's own was only due to the prolonged rape she suffered at the hands of the demon. That memory alone made Sophia feel a void in her sex a void she wished filled. If only Agnes had something to fill her with. Sophia closed her eyes brifely imagining the cock that had plundered her virginal depths as Agnes reached her peak her fem juices coating her hands as she made her sweet cries. Feeling a slight spark between them as Agnes began to buck against her fingers Sophia pulled them out with a wet shick. She wanted to mount a cock so bad right now. Her eyes flat and with a distant look Sophia ground away at Agnes's leg when something caught her eye. A cock slowly grew right above Agne's sex. Amazed Sophia stopped her efforts and watched the male organ form. Licking her lips and ignoring the protests of Agnes who was clearly shocked Sophia took the tool in hand and strocked it a few times using Agne's fem juices to lube the cock up. After a moment she placed her mouth over the large tool and began to tease the tip of it as her hand strocked it.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"H-Hah... it's hard to... n-not enjoy it Sophia. It feels so... g-good," Agnes panted, her body shuddering and tensing as she arched her back, her wings spreading out fully behind her as she let out a soft squeal of ecstasy as Sophia's fingers did their work.

Agnes lay back and panted heavily as Sophia pulled her fingers out of her, a look of pure bliss on her face as she experienced her very first orgasm ever. Then after Sophia closed her eyes, she wouldn't see this but as she visualized the mental image of a cock as her own body was riled up so much and whatnot, her magics which were always chaotic at best since she wasn't very good with them were flowing out of her, and as such Sophia had conjured a penis upon Agnes' body just above her soft moist virgin flower. Agnes at first didn't even notice the dick forming upon her body, merely laying there recovering from her orgasm.

When she finally did notice though, Sophia saw Agnes raise up a bit to look at her before Agnes gasped softly before looking at her new acquisition that Sophia had given her. "O-Oh my goodness... S-Sophia what's happened to me? I-Is this my punishment for... for doing this sort of lewd thing before marriage? Oh gods I've been so bad haven't I Sophia?" Agnes said after noticing her new penis. She let out a moan as Sophia grasped it and began lubing it up with Agnes' virginal juices. "Ngh... t-that feels so good though Sophia... p-please don't stop," she then moaned softly as soon as Sophia's lips touched her new member.

Agnes laid her right hand on Sophia's head and ran her fingers through her hair as she lay back and enjoyed Sophia's ministrations on her new tool, which was quite impressive indeed at a hefty 10 and a half inches in length and about an inch and a quarter thick, which was more than big enough to satisfy Sophia if she wished to mount the large thing. It seemed as if Agnes had no true objections despite her words, as she made no efforts to stop her, and even seemed to be enjoying herself quite a bit in fact.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Sophia continued to strock the organ till it reached its firmest point. "Agnes.. your not bad your a good girl.." Moving up Sophia spread her legs revealing her damp slit. Biting her lower lip she slowly slide home letting the large tool split her slowly enjoying the feeling. "Ohhhh! Agnes I love you....." Slowly Sophia began to bounce on the cock enjoying the feeling as her lover split her pole. Each thrust brough an I love you from Sophia's lips as she rode Agnes to her own climax and hopefully Agne's secound one. What happened after that Sophia didn't know as she passed out the drain of the unstable magic and her physical efforts of the day doing her in.