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Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

When Sophia had picked out her armor that she wanted, Agnes paid for it for her and helped her into it. "I stopped by the market to gather us some food supplies that I didn't bring from home while you were getting your stuff since I live closer to the market, and I've got my younger sister staying there for me while she's doing her magic studies for joining the angels mage corp," Agnes said to Sophia, patting her backpack which was a bit larger than Sophia's.

Once that was done, Agnes split their food up some so that they were both carrying half of it just in case one of their packs was lost somehow, and her's had their tent that they would share when camping out away from cities, towns, and settlements of any sort. After getting that sorted, they made their way to the portal where Maetiel was awaiting them with Clara, both of whom were there to wish them luck on their journey/hunt.

"Be careful you two, I know you both know how to fight well, but all the same you never can tell what might be waiting for you to arrive. So just be on guard," Maetiel said to them, patting Sophia on the shoulder as he wished them luck. "We'll be sending you down using the special way through the portal, that way none of the fixed locations that might be watched by our enemies will see you two enter the mortal world," he added.

"Aye, and remember what we spoke of Sophia," Clara said to Sophia, moving over and hugging her, using that opportunity to lean in close to Sophia's ear. "Follow your heart on that matter Sophia, if it feels right to you in your heart then it wouldn't be wrong or tainted feelings," Clara whispered in her ear before kissing her on either cheek and moving over to repeat the process with Agnes, who returned the hug and kisses.

With that, one of the magic wielding female angels pressed a button on the magical device that worked the portal and it opened with an ocean blue color, the she waved a hand and motioned for them to go on through, while Maetiel handed Agnes a flask with some sort of drink inside. Agnes nodded to everyone and waved before stepping through, gesturing for Sophia to follow her on through as well. Once through the portal, which was a slight bit disorienting, the pair found themselves standing in the middle of a clearing in some woods.

"Whoa, that always makes me dizzy. Need to sit down for a minute," Agnes said, pulling the flask Maetiel handed her out and taking a drink of it before handing it to Sophia, who was also experiencing some dizziness, though not a whole lot. "Here, it'll help if you're dizzy from the portal travel, it's wine," she added as she offered the flask to Sophia, the sweet red wine quite delicious to say the least, and it would force the slight bit of dizziness away within a few shorts seconds after a drink of it.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Sophia blushed as Maetiel touched her and simple nodded as he contuned to speak. Thankfully Clara embraced her and spoke some last advice. Returning the hug a bit gingerly at first Sophia finally let go with a simple. "Thank you." Readying her self Sophia went threw the portal which was always made her slightly dizzy. Still she seemed to handle it better than Agnes.

Nodding and going down on one knee Sophia looked about where they where while she drank some wine to ease the dizzyness. Capping it she handed it back to Agnes before gaining her feet and offer a hand up to her friend. "Im not familar with this place. We'll have to find a road."
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Taking the flask from Sophia, Agnes took another drink and put it away for now before she took Sophia's hand to get back up and looked around with Sophia, obviously wondering where they were at as well. "I... don't know where we are either. That's the only problem with fixing the portal to go to a random spot, you can't dictate where exactly it sends you. Gods we could be on the other side of the world from where we probably need to go in order to find this Azalea," Agnes said, looking around them until she spotted a small path which she tapped Sophia's arm and pointed at. "There's a path it looks like, maybe it'll lead us to a road of some sort that we can take and find a city to get our bearings of where we're at," she added, starting towards the path she'd mentioned if Sophia agreed to head that way.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Sophia giggled "Well at lest its always a safe place. Can you imagin showing up over open water or heaven forbid a volcano." Looking to where Agnes pointed out a path Sophia moved to check it.

Looking it over Sophia tried to determin if this was a animal path or human. Failing to determine either Sophia sighed and readied her weapon before stepping on the trail. In all honesty she would have rather flown up to find the nearest road but that might have drawn to much attention to her and agnes.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Aye, it would never send us directly to a place like that... at least I don't think it would ever do so anyway. It never has in the past as far as I know. It has sometimes sent people to the beaches of the mortal world. I know on one occasion that it sent a couple of angels right into the middle of a temple during temple services. Those poor humans probably thought that the end of the world was coming when those two stumbled through and right into their temple," Agnes said, giggling a bit as well when telling of one instance where it sent some angels in the past.

When they prepared to set out and looked at the path to see if it was animal or human made, they determined that it was mostly man made, as it was too wide to have been made by anything else. "This may very well be a camping site then if there's a path this big here. And if that's the case, then there should be a road at the end of it," Agnes said confidently, leading the way down the path, where after about 5 minutes or so of walking they did indeed come upon a road. "Well that was convenient that we came down in that clearing like we did. I wonder how far we are from civilization. Which way you think? Left or right? Though I suppose it might be a good idea to fly up to the top of the trees and take a peek around if you don't mind risking it," she went on to say when they came upon the road a ways down the path.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Hummm... Im not sure." Sophia looked about for a road sign of sorts. After all if this was a well known campsite then it should be marked. Still it was also a well known campsite and could be watched by bandits. "Ill fly up and take a look Agnes if their are any bandits about they will see that we are armed and more likely to fight back. After all bandits are out for easy scores. I doubt they'll risk a fight they could lose." Spreading her wings Sophia launched into the air the force of her take off kicking up some dust from the road.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"I doubt that bandits would try to give angels much trouble surely," Agnes said before Sophia flew up to the top of the trees.

Making her way up to the top of the trees, Sophia looked around and saw in the far distance to the north that the trees began thinning out after a ways up there and she could swear that she saw smoke rising from the chimney, while to the east and west the forest stretched on for miles out of sight, and to the south it stretched out of sight too for the most part, but she could tell that the road ran that way, which meant that surely a settlement of some sort was down that way. To the west it looked like some rainclouds were moving towards them, though it would be at least 3 or 4 hours before they reached them.

"Well what do you see?" Agnes called up and asked Sophia, who had just finished her survey of the area.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Sophia landed and tucked her wingsback to a resting position. "We got a storm moving in from the west but we will get a few hours of travel in before it hits us. To the east and west is trackless forest. To the north their may be a settlement and to the south I only saw the road strech on." Checking the sun Sophia sighed. "Looks like north is the best bet but we will undoubtly get hit by the storm. So the question is do we fly or go by foot?" Depending on the answer Sophia would get a rain cloak out or ready her gear for some serious flying.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Hmm, I say we risk flight to get as close as we can so we're not caught out in a storm. I don't want to have to try and tuck my wings down only to have them get drenched through and then have the wind blow me around because it's too strong to keep them pulled in," Agnes said after a few moments of thought, where she outstretched her wings. "We'll stay low in the trees, but high enough up in the branches and leaves as much as possible to keep us hidden better from any prying eyes," her friend added, flapping her wings and flying up to a tree limb that was about 10 or 11 feet up, then she waved to Sophia to follow her.

Hopping and gliding from tree to tree, they made very good time, making it at least a good league or so within the first half hour. Moving along over the next half hour or so, the pair of angels managed to make their way another league as they made it around to the edge of where Sophia could see when she first looked around to the north, and now with a stop, they could see the settlement that they had figured was this way which was only a small town to say the least that was near the forest, and they could see a small river running through the town with a stone bridge connecting both sides of the town.

"Well, looks like you were right about about there being a settlement up this way. Now we might be able to find out where we are exactly. We should probably tuck our wings in and pull up our cloaks over them good so we don't startle anyone, or give ourselves away too quickly just in case there are devils or demons in there," Agnes said, patting Sophia on the arm with a smile as she complimented her friend on the good choice of direction.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Nodding Sophia followed Agnes's lead and followed her till they where at a safe distance to land without being seen. Tucking her wings in and drapping a cloak about her Sophia looked over Agnes to make sure all was hidden and asked her to do the same for her. "Its to bad the magic corps have yet to invent a ring to keep our angelic nature hidden so we wouldn't have to go to such lengths." Smileing Sophia nodded and headed into to town a little wary.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Well most of the mages know a spell or two that'll pull them in and make them little vestigial wings, making them look like a human until they undress, but I'm not good with magic and neither are you last I checked," Agnes said to Sophia as they pulled their wings up and flipped their cloaks over them to keep them out of sight as best they could. "Now I mean it's not unheard of for one of our kind to frequent the mortal world like this, but we probably ought to keep them hidden as best we can until we can determine that none of our enemies are in this place here I think," she added as they headed for the town.

With their cloaks pulled up over their wings and their hoods over their heads, the pair went to the town, where the rainclouds were about an hour or so away they saw by the time they arrived there. They got a few looks from the people there, though not suspicious looks, merely looks of curiosity, as they were a pair of unknown travelers after all and the people likely wondered just who they were. "Might as well go for the nearest inn I guess, we'll need a place to stay for the evening anyway while we figure out where we are exactly and to get any rumors of demons and devils about," Agnes said as they walked through town, with Agnes lowering her hood for the time being and letting her beautiful red hair hang down. "Do you remember anything about the place she defeated you at by chance? Would give us something to ask around about to give us a general direction of where we'll need to go maybe," she added.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"I know I know it would just be nice to be able to hide them when it was required. These stupid cloaks always make my wings sore." Heading into the town Sophia mosty kept to herself trying to look like a tired mercenary. Heading for a nearby inn Sophia had a chance to reflect on the start of the quest.

Her mission had been an easy one. She was to patrol and check on holy sites and road side shrines to make sure that they where being properly maintained and that no evil doers had using them to take advantage of the faithful. For the most part it was cut and dry and after a week of travel had nearly finished all her route. Her last stop and probably the most fateful one of her young life was at an old ruin of a church that had been destroyed years ago in a border war. Still the locals made trips there and left offerings for contiuned peace. She had just finished the inspection when she felt a buzz of taint nearby. Heading off she soon found a succubus in mid meal as it where. A travaler of unknown faith but beset by a demon was certainly a call to battle that any angel couldn't ignore.

Sophia looked up once more as Agnes approached the door to the inn her thougths leaving her. "Yes but lets discuss it in private just in case." Once in the inn and accomidations where made she would share the mission details with Agnes.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Aye, I agree with you, mine get sore too, but hopefully they won't get too sore on us. We'll just have to make the best of it though," Agnes said as they went on through the town towards the inn, which they could see was actually quite large as they got closer to it, having 3 floors in total.

Going up to the door of the inn Agnes looked back as Sophia replied to her question of if she could remember where she'd been defeated at. "Very well Sophia, we'll talk shortly then," Agnes said, opening the door and holding it for her.

Stepping inside the inn, they saw the innkeeper man sitting in a chair behind a counter. Looking up at the pair from the book he was reading, he waved them over with a smile. He had back hair that hung down to his shoulders and looked in his very early 20's or possibly younger, he had green eyes and when he stood up to greet them they saw he was about 6 feet tall even or so, and had a bit of stubble on his chin... all in all Sophia would see he was actually quite handsome for a human. "My goodness, such beauty entering my fair inn. Please come on in," the man said as he looked over at them, as Agnes had her hood down and her beautiful long red hair was flowing down her back.

"Thank you sir, we need a paired room for the two of us. And... might you be able to tell us where we are exactly? The name of this fair town and the country it is in I mean," Agnes said to the man, smiling at his compliment and telling what they were there for.

"Well the town you're in is Ashbrook, and the country we're in is Dorrach. And there's a few rooms available. Would you like one upstairs or down here?" he replied with a gulp, looking at Agnes as if mesmerized by her beauty.

"Yes please, one up at the top with a good view from the window would be nice, and one away from any other occupied rooms as well would be preferable, and we'll be staying for a day or two at most while we get our bearings and make a decision on which way to go from here," Agnes said, stating their preference in their choice of room.

"O-Okay miss, I'm Michael by the way. And dinner is going to be ready soon also if you wanted anything to eat. Auntie is making some stew, but can make something else if you'd prefer anything different," the man said, introducing himself in the meantime as Agnes pulled out a handful of coins to pay him for the room with, handing over a few gold and silver ones where he then led the pair of them upstairs to the third floor, where he showed them to a room at the far end of the hallway. "Here you go ladies, this room has no adjacent rooms that are occupied. Also please don't hesitate to call if you need me for anything," he said once they got upstairs to their room, looking almost hopeful that they'd call on him for help for something.

Opening the door as Michael left the pair to their own devices, Agnes unlocked the door and led them on inside, where they saw it was a medium sized room with 2 beds and a small bathroom attached to it, as well as a window view overlooking the forest they'd just come from. "He was nice wasn't he? He wouldn't stop staring at me though. I wonder if I had something in my hair," Agnes asked once they'd gotten in and set their bags down on their beds.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Sophia followed Agnes and Michael to their room. It was quaint and nearly perfect for their purpose, though Sophia wished the windows where bigger. Still while they wouldn't allow a fast escape if called upon they would make a good observation point. Nodding to the young man Sophia let him out and locked the door.

"Yes he was and I think he was attracted to you Agnes. Or at lest stunned by your beauty." She thought it would be best to let her thoughts on the matter out rather than let them build up. Besides Michael wasn't the only one to give apperciative glances at Agnes. Blushing as she turned away to set her cloak on a peg Sophia let her wings strech. Pausing a moment to listen for any one lurking and to let her face calm from its flush Sophia spoke once more. "I was on a shrine run. Im not sure what country but I think I saw a sign that said Gathurn." Sohpia shrugged she had been guided with a small map but had to admit she only studied the part she needed to finish her patrol.

Thinking back to the inccident she tried to pull up any other useful facts but only managed to bring up the lucious form of her demon rapiest. Shuddering a little from the horror and her own surprising arousal at the memories Sophia moved to a bed and began to clean and maintain her armor and weapon.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"A-Attracted to me? L-Like how?" Agnes asked, blushing a bit at Sophia's words and sounding as if she should be on guard. "And Gathurn... on a shrine run... sounds almost draconic or dwarven or something like that honestly Sophia. Perhaps... one of the dragonkin countries here in the mortal realm or maybe somewhere nearby them. I'd have to see a map to find out how far away they are, as it's been some times since I've been to them, and I only went there on one of my first missions a long time ago," Agnes went on to say when Sophia mentioned the sign she'd seen.

Agnes hadn't noticed Sophia's blushing either, having been blushing a little bit herself from what she'd said about Michael before. As Sophia continued searching her mind for more clues though the image of the succubus kept popping into her mind, clouding her thoughts too much for her to focus. Even after moving over to the bed to focus on cleaning her armor and weaponry she couldn't completely shake that image though, with the mental image changing to one of her sitting in a chair not tied like the last time as the succubus gave her one of the best lap dances ever done, ending it by sitting in Sophia's lap and kissing her.

Agnes meanwhile had taken her cloak off and was looking about the room to see what all they had in there and was also looking out the window at their surroundings. "Well... I'm going to change into something a little more comfortable for now, but I'll put my armor on back over it until dinnertime," Agnes said after a couple of minutes of looking out the window, where she stood up from the chair next to said window and took her armor off. Once her leather armor was off, Agnes untied her robes she had on underneath and let them fall to the floor before picking them up, having a white bra and white pair of panties that were a little sexy but not too much, but enough that they would affect Sophia a little bit. Both her bra and panties were made of lace and she soon stripped out of those too, having no shame in showing her nude form to her friend, and also having no idea that Sophia was more conscious of this sort of thing than she was.

"Hmm... you know, it's going to be tough to take a bath here without people finding out about us now that I think about it Sophia. I mean I'd say that we could ask Michael to put a sign up for us in their bathhouse that it's in private use, but I don't know if they would allow us to do that. Then again we could wait until late at night to take our baths," Agnes said, looking troubled that they would be seen before the night was out, and still naked as the day she was born.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"I don't think its anything to worry about Agnes. Your probably the prettiest woman hes ever scene." Sophia felt better for saying it as her own thoughts pretty much mirrored the young mans. Sitting down Sophia examined her blade but her focus wandered. Soft dark lips grazed her own and the scent of purfume wafted to her. Blinking and shaking her head to clear it Sophia instead caught a glimpse of the nude Agnes changing. This did little to clear her head though only adding fuel to the fire.

She was dancing in a skin tight black leather bra and panties. Gripping a pole behind her she spun around wiggling her ass and causing her breasts to jiggle. An appreciative moan came just out of view. Looking to the person lost in the haze Sophia got down and crawled to the edge of the srage and leaned out to kiss the feminie figure. Dark crimson lips touched her own as a pale hand traced a line down her check her black painted fingers seeming to set her skin on fire. Pulling away from the figure Sophia looked back as the hands pulled her top down and the woman no the succubus Azalea leaned in.

Sophia jolted out of the daydream silently curseing her self for getting lost in such dark desires. It had all seemed to real and she had almost missed what Agnes has said. "Y-yeah... we could stand watch for one another. That way we can be sure our cover isn't blown. In fact Im going to go check on the bathing facilties right now." Getting up she donned her cloak and covered her wings. Doing anything right now was better than daydreaming about that demon bitch. "Ill be back shortly." Heading out Sophia breathed a sigh of frustration. This was going to be harder than she thought. Meanwhile far off a pair of crimson lips smiled...
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Oh please Sophia, I'm not all that pretty really. You're just as pretty if not more so," Agnes said bashfully, blushing a bit at Sophia's compliment on her looks.

Agnes didn't catch Sophia's glancing at her nude body as her thoughts trailed off, and to make matters worse on Sophia, as she was about to get up Agnes bent over right in front of her, showing off her perfectly heart shaped ass to her companion, and Sophia could also see Agnes' tight luscious virgin folds as well as she bent over. The sight of this likely brought a blush to Sophia's cheeks again, but Agnes didn't seem to notice it if Sophia's cheeks did flush some.

"Alright Sophia, be careful alright and scream if you need me," Agnes told Sophia before she went off to the bathing area.

With that, Agnes continued getting her clothing together for her bath shortly, deciding on what to change into from the looks of it, leaving Sophia to check things out. When she got back downstairs, Sophia would see Michael sitting back at his position at the front desk reading his book once more, though he noticed her when she came through and set it back down. "Oh um... miss... sorry I never caught your name, or your friend's. Do you need anything?" Michael said to her, asking if she needed anything and looking almost hopeful that she'd tell him that they both needed him for something.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Sophia gripped her galive tighter as she saw the virgian folds with both desire and jealously. Looking to the man after gazing around the lower floor. "Oh yes sorry Im Sophia and my friend is named Agnes." Pulling back her hood so that Michael could see her face, after all she didn't want to be rude. "I was wondering if you could show me the bathing facilities? We are both rather tired and dirty from the road."
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Um... pleasure to make your acquaintance miss Sophia, and Agnes too of course. And yes we do have a bathing area, it's right this way. We have a bathhouse out back with a breezeway leading over to it. It is a... mixed bath just so you know, or partially mixed anyway, the guys have one bath and the girls another, but they are in the same room," Michael replied, shaking Sophia's hand before leading her out through a door that went to the backyard area where as he said there was a breezeway that led about 25 feet or so away to a bathhouse behind the inn itself. "You're free to use it at anytime, we just ask if you use it after midnight to please put everything back where you got it and to put all of the towels into the proper baskets, there's one for the larger towels and one for the smaller washcloths," he added, opening the door to the bathhouse, which had a small lobby of sorts inside and a small room off to the left side where people could put their clothes on shelves to keep them from getting wet.

"We do have a few smaller private baths too, but we do charge for them since we add bath salts and the like to make them better than the main bath, but if you like I can have my sister prepare one of them for you and your companion Agnes whenever you like," Michael said, gesturing to the right side of the little lobby which had coat racks for people to hang their coats and cloaks. Through the door to the right side it led over to a hallway and down that corridor were half a dozen smaller private bathrooms which she and Agnes could get for more privacy if they wished. "We charge 2 gold pieces per person per hour. If you want a private bath that is. The regular bath is just one silver piece and that's more just for us to be able to buy more soap and whatnot to go in there," he added, which would conclude her little tour of the bathhouse of the inn.

It was up to Sophia on what to do now, she'd remember that Agnes had brought a good pouch full of gold and silver from their home with which to pay for these sorts of things. However they didn't have an infinite amount either of course. If she went back upstairs to tell Agnes what she'd found, she'd find her friend laying back on her bed under the blanket, looking like she was taking a nap, which Sophia could see she was still naked underneath the blanket just from the way it laid over her form.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Sophia felt a slight pang of jealously as Michael seemed to be uneffected by her own appearance but quickly squashed it down. Such thoughts where trouble and Sophia decided that extra prayer tonight would be called to help purge them.

Following the young man Sophia listened as he explained the baths and the fees. The open bath sounded the lest secure but sense it was open all night it wouldn't be to bad for one to stand watch for the other. After the tour she thanked Michael and headed back up to the room where she was treated to a very... very... tempting sight. Blushing Sophia set her weapon aside and locked the door. Baths could wait she decided and got undressed taking off her armor and undercloths. A vanity mirror let her catch a glimpse of herself and she immidiatly coverd up her sex and breasts which only seemed to make her blush more. 'Damn I was never so concious about this before.... stupid succubus.' Calming herself Sophia knelt next to her bed and began to pray asking for forgivness and strength to see her mission threw. Though several images of her naked body did cause her to start and stop several times she foreced herself threw and quickly went to bed trying to focus only on her missioni and not the burning desires in her.