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Ark City OOC thread.

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Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
Former Moderator
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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This'll be for the peanut gallery-style comments, or other Out-of-Character posts.
Re: Ark City OOC thread.

I believe the GM has my character sheet and knows much more about the stats than I do. Most of my backstory has been roughly talked about in the sign up thread as well.

Do you want us to post our backstory on the other thread?
Re: Ark City OOC thread.

Yeah, that will probably be the best course.
Re: Ark City OOC thread.

I've been talking with Wolf a bit through PMs about joining and developing character concepts.

Going to have a healer/buffer/debuffer sort of character. Sounds like the healing is currently lacking.
Re: Ark City OOC thread.

Recommended Listening List for anyone intending to have their character spend a fair amount of time at the Broken Shillelagh:


More to come as I figure out some of the other "old standbys" for the pub. These are recommended mostly so people will know what's being mentioned.
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Re: Ark City OOC thread.

Re: Ark City OOC thread.

Re: Ark City OOC thread.

Rathuris, I'll have to think about your links a bit.

I'd asked Hardware to send me any suggestions, since he'd helped me work out the ideas for the pub. Didn't expect/intend for him to post the link himself.
Re: Ark City OOC thread.

Oh. Thought you were looking for suggestions too.
Re: Ark City OOC thread.

No problem, wasn't clear on that, so...
Re: Ark City OOC thread.

Okay, so... I'll need to know where in the city players will be wanting their characters to start. ((Use the Setting Info thread in the Blank Page for ideas.))

How I'm going to handle this at the moment is that I'll create area threads as needed, with the initial post describing the location, and players can hop their characters between threads as needed.

Also, I've decided that the city has a mass public transit system that's free to use, so if you don't have a personal vehicle, it shouldn't be an issue to get from place to place... At least under normal conditions.

Planned in-game start time is going to be about September 13, at about 1000h, local.
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Re: Ark City OOC thread.

Well, Cap is mostly patrolling at night, so at 10 a.m. he's probably out cold on a couch somewhere in a seedier part of town and will be appropriately grumpy when somebody wakes him.
Re: Ark City OOC thread.

If that day is a weekday, Eliza would be at Avalon Corp, working. If it's a weekend, she'd likely be in her office at Avalon, working on her DAMOCLES, or her apartment, doing the same.

Also, I can see a hero in full costume getting onto a subway to get to a bank robbery.
Re: Ark City OOC thread.

Mozzie would likely be on the street somewhere performing, as he doesn't have classes until the evening.
Re: Ark City OOC thread.

Freya will be at the Ark City University's biology labs.
Re: Ark City OOC thread.

At this point, planning on trying to start once I get done checking some stuff with MBS on his character.

Also, I'm considering shift the in-game start time to later, maybe around 1800h local or so. That's evening for those not familiar with 24-hour clock times.
Re: Ark City OOC thread.

Then around 6pm, Eliza will be just leaving work. Or still at home, depending on if it's weekday or weekend, respectively.
Re: Ark City OOC thread.

Chances are Mozzie will be in class, or at least on the campus.
Re: Ark City OOC thread.

Added some pictures of my alien hero. :D
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