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Elisa (plmnko)

Re: Elisa (plmnko)

"Mmmm... I'll tell you what- you go take your shower, and I'll go see what I can dig up. You just go take your shower, and I'll take care of the rest- huh? Hey, you aren't supposed to have access to my room!"

There was some rustling, and what sounded like shouting. It was another female voice, about the same age as Oria, she would imagine, but this one was a bit more insistent and clearer, too. If anything, she was completely fed up with Oria's behavior.

Are you quite done, Oria? It's a wonder she hasn't done a triple-flip with a twist out the magcon field yet, what with you yammering away at her! Good grief, the only reason you're active is because we're short-staffed! Come on, just go back to bed, and maybe I'll have Lemmy bring you some juice or something. Just... go!"

With a little pressure, Oria's hologram suddenly vanished, and the sound of a door opening and closing were faintly heard, followed by two drawn out sighs- well, one sigh and one long session of gurgling.

"Ugh, tell me about it... sorry to have to put her on your back, Lemmy. Keep her out of trouble, I'll bring the new girl her stuff. And yes, that means I owe you two. I haven't forgotten- two apple, and I'll throw in a blue raspberry and Oria's remote if you keep her out of my hair, okay? Great! Uh... this thing still on? Uh, Elisa, sorry about that- my name is Katya, I'm the agent that will run your mission since Oria's a bit... incapacitated... yeah, that's it- incapacitated. I'll give you... forty-five minutes for a shower, and then I'll swing on by with some breakfast- there ought to be something we can rustle up to eat. Just enjoy your shower and I'll come by with some answers, okay?"

The hologram finally beeped off, and Elisa was free to go clean up, and experience the joys of a multi-head shower stall- if the Bureau was skimping on cash, it sure wasn't on the quarters. There was soap and shampoo provided, both smelling somewhat good, even if they were flowery scents that she didn't recognize- but they did a fine job extracting the sap and honey from her hair. She might even get some some satisfaction by watching the amber slime flush down the drain.

By the time she was done- and wrapped up in one of the big, fluffy towels that had been provided, someone was hammering at her bedroom door.

"Heeeeey! Elisa, are you decent yet?"
Re: Elisa (plmnko)

Hmm sure... Elisa answer dont really liking how Oria said her to go to take her shower as she handle the rest, maybe the strange woman would try something more than just spy as the new recluit take a bath. What is happening there? Are you fine Oria? Asked the orange hair girl after heard the sudden shoutings, almost thinking than the poor woman at the holocam was in danger, but soon she noticed than it was a new woman on the room what bring a lot of questions to do, but it was better now just heard.

Elisa remain just standing there, it was imposible ignore all what she was hearing, she almost feel than someone cheated her to fight at this room, maybe she even will not get all the arrows than she earned risking herself and her virginity. Uhm hi Katya, yes im still here... so how much incapacitate is Oria? I hope than she can recover soon. Elisa said before accept o go an prepare herself before the breakfast, at least this girl sound to be sane and out of all that creepy bunch of aphrodisiac juices.

Once the little meeting ended Elisa quickly leave that room to avoid more roblems and then she tried to remember where was her room where soon she prepare all to take a well deserved bath. Still not completely used to her new room, Elisa takes her time to wash herself, placing her maple filled clothes in a suitable place so she could take them later to wash, then after sigh a little started to wash herself mostly worried than this could take a while, but the unusual shampoo really made a great job so soon the sap and honey were removed, making her feel completely refleshed.

Elisa then gets out the bathroom with a towel, she dry herself almost covering completely each moment as she prepare herself to wear her clothes, she just ended to wear a clean set of white cotton underwear when she heard that new girl knocking the door. Please wait, give me just a second. She shout before wear the towel, as she was not sure what to wear now. Ok, i guess than this is fine, you can come inside now, Katya. Elisa said in part wondering what she will get now as breakfast as also items for her mission.
Re: Elisa (plmnko)

There was a bit of a sound from the other side of the door, and then there was a quick thump as something hit the door to get it to open. It happened again, and again- and Elisa thought she could hear a voice through her door as Katya tried to get it open.

"Come on, blast you! OPEN!"

All it took was one more good thump and the door opened, admitting a , with an easy smile on her face- though she came in hip first, carrying about five different uniforms in different styles. Those were quickly laid aside, and she would run back outside, quickly gliding in a cart that Elisa would only describe as having the most heavenly of scents coming from it. The combination of smells spoke many things to her, but they all culminated in one word- food. Actual, edible- possibly delicious- food.

Sitting on top of the cart, however, was something that was not edible, and something that would make Elisa even happier- a small, half-filled quiver, holding six arrows for her bow. Apparently Katya was willing to cover for Oria.

"You must be Elisa!" she said, flashing her a warm smile- one, unlike Oria, that didn't show any hint of ulterior motives. "I'm Katya. First off, I want to... apologize for Oria. She's usually a good agent, and she is senior to me... but the loss of our agents has really gotten to her. She doesn't usually hit the syrup as hard as this, but... it might be her way of coping. I hope you can understand why I'm asking you to not hold it against her- I'd like you to meet her when she's not completely under the influence. She'll be a completely different person, and you might like her. But anyways... you sounded hungry. I figured it was about breakfast time where you came from- we don't usually go by breakfast, lunch, or dinner, it's more 'what am I hungry for, and how much?' Mealtimes aren't set, but usually you find a few agents running on the same schedule as you. But yeah, you sounded hungry. I got a little bit of everything- I hope the selection is to your liking, but you're not the first agent we've ever had from your part of the universe."

Katya took hold of the arrows and carefully handed them to her.

"These are to cover what you did in the Encounter Room. From what I hear, you're a pretty good shot. I think you'll go far- and that the boys are already making more things you can shoot out of that thing. But enough talk about that- how about something to eat?"

Reaching over, Katya would pull the cover off the cart, and a rush of steam would come billowing out from under it. The top was covered with platters- holding all sorts of things- pancakes, waffles, eggs both scrambled and sunny-side, sausage, ham, bacon- even a pair of small steaks. A tall container on one end of the cart would waft a bitter, familiar aroma of coffee.

"Nice, huh? They don't want anyone knowing we're out here, but they feed us like a banquet. Let's see... fruit and cold stuff is over here... means bread and cereal must be over here. Ah, I must be psychic!"

She opened the side of the cart, and below the heating elements were two more compartments, One was cold, and had things like milk, a few different kinds of juice- Elisa would be able to see orange, apple, grapefruit and grape- and a bowl of mixed fruit, with a few containers of yogurt and cream cheese. The other one held bread- white, wheat and oatmeal, and a few containers of cereal- mostly just plain ones, like corn flakes, raisin bran, and granola. There was also what appeared to be a container of peanut butter, several kinds of fruit spread, and bagels. A stack of dishes and bowls, along with bottles of syrup, honey, ketchup and steak sauce, were on the bottom level of the cart. Several wrapped sets of silverware and glasses finished it up.

"You're the guest, so go ahead, take first pick. A little advice, though- eat hearty, you're going to need it. I remember my first mission- I almost ended up in a bad way because my stomach grumbled. I know, it's not normally a pleasant thought, but if you end up in something's hands, do it because you want to, not because you ate like a bird. Oh, and... the syrup and honey are fresh- I checked them, Oria didn't get to these. I tell you, that woman... I care for her, but sometimes I want to strangle her for things like that. But anyways..." She helped herself to some of the food after Elisa had taken a plate.

"I know it's scary- first missions usually are. But you'll be fine- as long as you don't do anything too stupid. Use your head, and find another way if things get too tough to charge right through. We're not built like tanks, and large explosions usually draw attention- unless they're needed. But enough serious talk- it's nice to have a somewhat more sane person on the ship. I'm from Paurin, second planet of the Nolarch system. You might know it better as, what was it...? Oh, yeah, Alpha Centauri! We're practically neighbors, you know? I hope... we can at least be friends."

She smiled- a genuine grin.

"I also raided up some clothes for you- a damn sight more covering than what you would have been offered by her, that's for sure. Let's see here..."

She set aside her plate and stood up, picking up the first outfit off the pile. It was a , in pink and purple. The material looked rather clingy, and on Elisa, it would be almost skintight.

"I know what you're thinking- it's tight... and you'd be right. It can take a heck of a lot of damage, but it's too tight to wear anything under it. If it stretches over something, a probing digit or tentacle might be able to pull or push through the material if it has enough effort. Yeah, they'll be able to see anything pointy and every curve, but you may as well pop them while they stare, you know? Not to mention that it's not really that stealthy, with the color scheme. Next one..."

This one was more of a pilot's suit than the first one, but it was also more reinforced. The chest and crotch of this were covered in metal additions, offering her protections over some of her more... sensitive areas.

"This one is out of another agent's closet- she's about the same size as you are. It's not as strong as the previous one, but it might offer you more in the way of coverage. It won't put your stuff on display, but that might be a bit of a bad thing if you need it for an advantage. What can I say? Some races appreciate the female form more than others."

That one was set aside, and the next one she picked up... looked a bit skimpier than the last one. The top looked the same, but the bottom was replaced with a rather short . A set of knee-high boots finished off the look. Even without putting it on, Elisa would know she'd be showing plenty of leg from where the skirt fell on Katya. It was also bright pink.

"This is the one that was foisted off on me for my first mission. I can't tell you how many swats on the rump I got... and how many things found their way up my skirt... it was kind of fun, if you like that sort of thing. You might want to just find something you enjoy- and no, I don't mean like Oria does. Find something you enjoy happening to you, and use it for stress relief. It beats almost getting killed, and it even beats getting addicted to tentacle sap, too. Mind me asking what you're into- not because I want to make you experience it in the Encounter Room, but because I might be able to point you in the direction of a few missions where you can find some relief. You never know, you might even find others who could join you in the same things, right? Tell you what- you tell me a few of yours- no matter how out there- and I'll tell you a few of mine. I promise not to tell Oria, either... oh, there's one last uniform!"

Unlike the first three, this uniform came in two parts. The skirt laced up the sides, and the top was held shut with a leather belt. It actually looked comfortable, being made of cloth with a pattern. It also looked rather on the skimpy side, but it wouldn't impede her movement. The coloration also might help her hide in wilderness, but not so much in urban areas.

"This... is one of mine. It's two pieces that act as one- I had it adapted from a full suit because it was constantly catching and ripping- and a large hunk of dangling cloth can be easily grabbed... but the best part? The color changes. As long as it's mostly undamaged, it will gradually shift to whatever the dominant colors of the area are. I even have a bit of nanoactive body camo paint you can use for your torso and legs that will trigger off the same signal. You'd look good in it, too- and it would fit your archery, too."

She sat the outfit down and refilled her plate, looking over at Elisa.

"Look... I know this is a lot to take in, but... with Oria out of it, we're the only ones standing between them and the Gate. Would you go on the mission in four hours if I ran support from here for you?"
Re: Elisa (plmnko)

Elisa wanted to aid the young girl to open the door, but she was mostly focused on place correctly the towel and get closer without fall by her still wet feet, then after a brief moment Katya opened the door after a unneded struggle. Hi, do you need some help? Elisa ask as she get closer to help at least move anything than could be on place of what the young girl wanted to bring and also giving a peek to the uniforms than werent so bad as she has expected.

Yes im, nice to meet you Katya. Hm well i really dont have anything against her even when i was starting to get a little nervious about what could meet at that encounter room. All these agents missing arent her fault and i really want to aid her to feel better. For what i has heard from her that planet is really hostile but they must be still alive, if we get the chance we could save them. Elisa said showing her needs to help at this almost impossible situation, but soon her stomash started to react to the smell coming from the dinner car.

Well, i dunno how much time i had passed on that cryo machine and after get scared a lot of times you should know how these could help you to wish to eat something. Well i cant eat all this alone, would you accept to take some of it, its not fair than you cant eat some after push this car all the way. Said smiling as she see all that delicious food and then decided what to take for her before she noticed the arrows.

Of course than im as good as i can be, not much but i do the fight to do my best. Im sure than you and Oria are even better after be all this time training with these things, you know creatures or monsters, maybe i get used later.

Wow an international buffet at any hour, well at least this could cheer up anyone. The truth is than im not a good eater, when i was a kid there were just a few things than i loved to eat, you could said than i was really a touchy little girl annnd that is why i looks like this even after solve that problem. Elisa blushed a little mostly a little ashamed to said this to this girl, maybe was a little personal, but nothing at side of these sex creatures... maybe that and how friendly Katya has been made her decide to just go with the flow.

Ussually the small girl would had choiced a cereal to start her breakfast but she really was so hungry than went direct to the meat. Taking a steak and after add some pineaple as also maple made a dish than she loved to eat at midday, she then take a cup of coffee and add it a few quantity of cream, milk and sugar... but finally add also some honey after notice than it was not too much of her taste.

Finally she decide to take just some fruit with granola and yogurt. Uhm, i dunno how much time will take me to eat this, maybe i could bring some pankakes to the ship... if is possible. She ask to Katya before start eating at her regular speed. To say the truth, that sap and honey tasted really good, if there were a way to remove the strange effects of them we could sell it, im not saying than they take my heart, mostly i supposed than it could turn into a good product as Oria said... Elisa said trying to defend the poor woman than was not so bad at her eyes at least.

After take some of her breakfast, Elisa continue hearing what Katya needed to say and soon nodded happily. I would love to be your friend too, i had heard of your planet a little, but i havent yet the chance to visit it. Mostly im really scared to go there... I havent fighted to protect my life in a real battlefield.

The fashion show was close to start and soon Katya give a brief description of every of the clothes than she has bring.

...yeah is so tigh and revealing... maybe i should pass this. Elisa said about the first dress not loving to have her curvy body exposed so much with this.

Well, its not so bad, i can see myself wearing it, but i want to see the remaining ones. Added, more likely wondering who would to reveal a lot of their body.

Ehm... pass really it is so pink and that skirt...weell is not my taste even when it is cute. Elisa said mostly hating this for how exposed her back could be, something easily could notice her from far away and then take her from behind as she aims other target, maybe she could wear it inside the ship but not a tthe planet. Hmm? do you mean what kind of this i like? Well im a little new to these things, not like im without experience. Elisa said slowly starting to sweat at her forehead as she blush cutely. Well tentacles looks to be a like of everyone here and i could beat them easily... I dunno... be loved having babies with your partner sound good i guess, you know when you find someone than you love and he love you too then turn into a suitable mother... i dunno what more to said. Elisa said first talking about tentacles and then to have a normal family once she find a suitable guy but most likely Katya could mix all to have a tentacle creature than fuck and fill her with babies and change her body to suit this... The new cadet was clueless about this possible misundertaning and just daydram with her blue prince.

Once ended this unexpected talk Katya show the next outfit and Elisa eyes shined. Wow that one, its so cute and useful. the girl wanted so baddly to wear it and see it change of color, but then Katya said he r a last truth than make her shiver.

Please come with me Katya, i dont want to go there alone. Elisa said almost close to let frow some teardrops. Once eat all what she could and dressed she would love the idea to go with her new friend to that strange planet.
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Re: Elisa (plmnko)

"Hey, I'd go with you in a heartbeat if I could- trust me, I'm not happy about you going down on your own either- but that would mean leaving Oria up here on her lonesome... and letting her get into all sorts of mischief isn't what I had in mind. You don't want to come back from the mission, go look to shower, and then end up surprised by one of her little friends in the bathroom, do you? Besides, if I end up incapacitated, that means she really will be in charge of you... but I have faith that you can pull this off. Tell you what- if you think you're in danger at any time, and I don't mean the 'oh, I can't do this, I'm not good enough' type of danger, I'll come on down and get you out, okay? We've all been there, but no matter how our first mission goes, we come back. Look... my first didn't go exactly as planned, either."

Katya stuck another hunk of meat on her plate, cut off a bite, and ate it.

"Mine was on a water world- Novosal Minor. I was tasked with getting a couple of samples off some new kinds of Daimon, that had changed several kinds of marine life... and things, well... they didn't go as I'd hoped. I had this idea that I'd stun a hold full of these things and come back a conquering hero, you know? You know how you're good with a bow? Hand to hand fighting is kind of my specialty. It didn't do me that good underwater, so I took some training with something a lot like your bow, but optimized for underwater use. I was scared witless, but I still thought that I'd be untouchable."

Katya snorted.

"Boy, did my ideas crash and burn. First it was the seaweed- got all wrapped up in it and soon, I was getting my fair share of chlorophyll. Then it was the jellyfish, and I got treated to a tour of the sea bed while getting my holes pumped and my breasts drained and stuffed full of little jellyfish. After that, it was the anemone... You ever think about what it would be like to have your insides thoroughly explored while a pair of sea cucumber Daimon suck on your breasts- and I mean every inch, I was still popping out anemones for a week after I got back... but anyways, I learned two things: I like to be restrained- hey, don't knock it till you try it- and that no matter what, after your first mission, things will only get better.

How many times did you get subdued in the Encounter Room? I don't care if you faced only two- you killed both of them, and what, got a little honey in you, and that's all? You'll be fine, trust me. In fact... well, don't tell anyone I'm doing this for you... but wait right here."

Katya would take off, and it would be about ten minutes before she returned. In her hands, resting in a bundle, was a - but Elisa would recognize the material.

"It's the same stuff as the two-piece... and it kind of cost me a video of jellyfish drinking my milk and force-feeding it back to me, so... if this gets ruined, you'll be joining me. You might have to do something for one like it, but this is about all I can do for you. I can't go on the mission, but I'll be on navigation and recovery if you need it. It will be like I'm right there with you... and yes, you can take something with you. You can get what you want, pretty much whenever- they may let the boys keep a lot of things from us, but every time the guys upstairs want to cut the food budget, they're on our side- we've made it clear that if we lose our food, they lose their energy stim drinks, so... but listen to me, Elisa. You'll be fine, trust me. You may like or not like some of the stuff that happens down there, but you'll come back to me, okay?"
Re: Elisa (plmnko)

Expecting a yes, Katya revelations about what could happen made her stop in a blink her idea of have a partner in her first mission. The poor recluit remain with her fully opened eyes as all sound so reliable, almost as the young girl were looking at the future of what Oria could do. She shaked her head showing her opinion about a monster at the bathroom

E...ehm i doubt than Oria could cause too much problems ... well she could do that but you are completely right Katya, you have a lot of reasons to remain at the ship. Elisa said almost speecheless as she feels a little stupid for dont had think on all this.

The girl nooded and give some thanks for the possible support than Katya will give if all goes wrong and then let her say her experience at her first mission. Even when Katya was trying to calm her down, heard all what happened to her superior really was so creepy for the poor new one, she could see herself being afflicted by all these beings and restrained until they have enough of her.

Before she could say something Katya leav and returned with an awesome suit for what it looks better than the two piece suit from before, Elisa get up and take it amazed by how it look before finaly give her opinion.

I got the point, there is not reason to be so scared and i have all of you as support... so i guess than the best will be go alone to that planet. Heh i admit than im still worried for what could happen and just hope to return with this uniform intact, because i dont want to have a video with a monster specially a jellyfish, it sound painful. Said Elisa as take all to dress herself at the bathroom, with the door closed.

She decided to wear just a plain white underwear as maybe there still could have chances than she get asaulted by these things and loss one of her fav underwears will make all worse. once dressed with that new uniform suit she return to where Katya is waiting her and turn around to let her see how the uniform fit at her. Do this looks good on me? said smiling to her friedn before take also the quiver. Thanks for all this Katya,it help me to calm myself and know than at least i have a friend here far away of my planet.

Well, let me take something to store some food, maybe a pair of fruits and some waffles will be enough. Elisa said nearly to herself as she tried to store the food and get all ready for her first adventure. So what i should do on this mission? It was eliminate something?

Can i help you to return all this to their place?, the ship could wait a little more, i suppose Elisa after ask will move to where is the ship, certainly guided by Katya. If was possible she will push the car with the food to where the other girl point so her new friend dont had to take all again, but if Katya insist to push it then Elisa will help carring the others dresses or store all at the car so her friend dont have too much problems.
Re: Elisa (plmnko)

"You look pretty good in it! The camo really makes you look the part- I don't think you'll have anything to worry about. If you want to take some food, make a plate and we'll talk as we walk."

Katya would wait for Elisa to prepare some food, and then walked with her down the hall towards the place where Elisa's ship was docked.

"About three months ago, we lost an agent down on Koris- she disappeared while investigating a new Daimon outbreak. Maia was her name; she's Gatonian- think of a human with feline characteristics. She was sent down with Oria as support, and was in the middle of a two-day mission when she was suddenly swarmed by the things. When she finally got on-site, Oria told us that the only thing she'd found was her spear and a few scraps of clothing. We thought she might have gone to ground to hide away from Daimon... but then we started getting some... somewhat disturbing reports on some new breed of bees with cat-like eyes... and flowers with Maia's color-pattern. There may be an entire cluster of Daimon using her- and maybe more agents than that. What your job is, in all this, is to go in and get her out, along with samples of as many different Daimon as you can find. If there are more agents, every one you can bring back will make a difference- and maybe... well, maybe having Maia back will help put Oria back in the land of the not-constantly-needing-it, you know?

Anything will suffice as a sample- a chunk of flesh, a wing, a vine, a sample of fluids... or a smaller one inside you, should it come to that. Just be careful, and don't worry- you'll take them down, and I know you'll find Maia. Just tell the ship to take you down there, and it should land you at a clearing nearby to where we've been seeing a number of Daimon with her colorations and things. Proceed on foot until you find her, and every single sample you can find. That's all- do you need any more information, or should I leave and let you get ready?"

Katya would offer her a smile, indicating that if Elisa had any concerns, now was the time to ask them- otherwise it was time to head on out and see just what she could do.
Re: Elisa (plmnko)

Elisa smirked after the kind words than Katie has given. It will be awesome walk around without get noticied, until i shoot one of these special arrows. They wouldnt see it coming. Once said this she nodded smiling more calm than before after know than she needed to be strong for the whole crew. She wanted than Katya dont get so pressed by her previous tears or her fears. Well, i guess than i should bring something than dont get spoiled so soon or smell too much, fruits and grains should be the best, but i also placed the eyes on these desserts. Elisa take what she said before be guided by Katya to her ship.

Her mission made sense and she was a little worried by the poor girl too, three months alone at that planet sound as a nightmare. That is terrible, i need to try to find her, yet i wonder what to do if she is completely surrounded by these creatures... Well, i will try to find a way or ask for help in that case. Elisa answer back to Katya but mostly to herself too.

Hmm... I dunno where to put all that nasty monster's stuff yet and if the monsters close her have her hair color, know her hair... if not fur would be helpfull too. I guess than i dont have a clue of what more info ask, so i should prepare all for the trip. Elisa said scratching her hair with a ponder face until her eyes wide open and notice than she havent ended to brush it. I...i will return soon... She said before a soft whimper, she get a little blushed and quickly run to her room and tried to comb it before it get dry completely.

Once ended she will run to Katya side and then they could go toward the ship where she will try to get some few tips to control it. But once all done she will get ready for her scary first mission.
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Re: Elisa (plmnko)

"Hmmm... I have this of Maia that you can use... here. You ought to have a... let me guess, Oria never mentioned the scanner, did she...? It should be resting in your ship... it'll look something like this..."

Katya held up her left arm and showed Elisa something that looked like a bracelet, but would quickly shimmer into an interface floating above her wrist. She used her other hand to slide a few things around, and it blinked a couple times before clicking off and returning dormant.

"Wonderful thing- not only can you keep a log if you want, but you can use it for pretty much anything. Not to mention the reason we call it a scanner- all you have to do it point it at samples and it'll just scan them- they work together with the databanks we have up here, and if it detects an agent's genetic material in a Daimon, or Daimon that we haven't seen before on this planet, it whisks it away up to the labs, and they route it where it needs to go- live young get routed to the nursery of that agent, samples get left in the lab for them to analyze. All you really need to do is tap this link, next to the latch- see how there's a raised section? It's really simple. You're already in there, so no worries on that."

She would pause, waiting by the hangar doors until Elisa came back after brushing her hair, and then walked inside with her.

"You don't even have to steer this thing- the destination's been preprogrammed. They think they found Maia's transport pod, so I imagine that's where they want to send you to start your investigation. Give me about five minutes, and I'll be talking to you from Support. Good luck, Elisa."

The ship hatch opened, and it was quite comfortable inside- it was only meant for two or three people, but there was still room enough to where they wouldn't be climbing all over them. The cockpit was simple- just enough in the way of controls to give her some control over where the ship went, but there wasn't a bunch of instruments- just a few screens and a navigation panel, which was already set to Koris.

After a few minutes, when Elisa had gotten settled, the ship got underway with a quiet roar of engines. It lifted out of the port, and began to move, speeding up until in a flash, she was somewhere else. Below her was a world, not that unlike Earth, but with more green than anything else.

A light blinked on another panel, and suddenly Katya's face was on one of the monitors.

"Elisa! Looks like the trip went well- you still in one piece, I take it? Anyways, the computers have picked out three possible landing spots for you. There's plenty of room by Maia's own ship, but it might be being watched... there's a nice, clear field... and there's what looks like a pretty big tree with evidence of occupation by something, though it's long gone. You have any preferences, or should I just put you down by Maia's ship?"
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Re: Elisa (plmnko)

After give her few needed question to get some information than could be helpful for her trip, Katya shown to the new one girl a Maia's picture. She take it without think twice and frowned softly after see the image for a brief time. So this is a Gatonian, she is really cute... Wow Well i never asked Oria for this kind of info and she must have a lot of things at her mind at the moment.

Eliza look at the really high tech scanner as Katya show the aplications before her needs to talk come. Its really fantastic, so where is the button for the entertainment apps? Heh just kiding, yet a little of music would be awesome or a game... you know, for when im not at a mission, of course. A relaxing song would made wonders to calm yourself after return to this ship. The young smiled a little nervious wishing than her new friend take this little moment to calm each other, as this Daimon talk about the Nursery made her remember than more than her virginity was in risk, a small time later the girl noticed how her hair was not at the correct place in some points, so soon she went to get her hair ready.

Once she returned she needed some seconds to recover her breath and ask about how move this thing, fortunately all looks to be automated. Sure, dont worry... let me get all ready at the ship. Elisa said as she wave and find her way to get inside the transport to that strange dangerous planet. Once inside the first thing than she made was look the whole thing, pressing the seats with the hand and trying to find the seatbelts. Where should be my scanner?, Katya said than it must be inside the ship... I hope than Oria havent played with it... or the ship... oh great i let my room opened...sigh... Elisa mutters to herself as she slowly feel that terriple angush feeling when something is close to happen, if she get her scanner she will try to get used to it, trying to remember the buttons than she will use as also place in a safe place her weapon, food reserves and ammunitions.

The ship with the time automaticaly started to move and the orange hair girl enjoy the trip, than she know would be short, after all at these times travel trhough the space is just so ussual, not like she have do it before but she has heard of the safety, she then noticed the planet and her control started to fade as she sees the big green planet in front of her, all that damn world filled with things than would hunt her and if they have the chance rape her without mercy All will be fine... J-just remember the training and what Katya said...kya! Just then the named Katya appeared at the monitor making the poor novice get an unexpected scare moment. Of course than im fine, isnt that usual? I mean driving a flying card is more dangerous... not like i have my licence...sigh. Elisa wanted to just rest on the seat until her body get recovered of the little scary moment... Thanks to Katya she remember than she still needed to reach land and for what it looks she needed to choice now. Well... I think than the safest place to land is the clear zone, yet maybe we should explore at a next time the tree, just by curiousity of what could had lived there. Elisa said scratching softly her head as she looks to the monitor a little undecided at her choice
Re: Elisa (plmnko)

The ship would set down near Maia's ship, and Eliza would be able to tell, from a glance, that it was more than likely the same kind of ship as hers, but it hadn't moved for a while. The thrusters from her own ship would be enough to blow leaves, sticks and other detritus off Maia's ship as it settled in.

The engines would turn off, and the ship came to a full rest- all in all, it had been a comfortable ride from the headquarters- apparently they treated their ships like their food; well-maintained and everything. But now that she was down, she was ready to get underway.

As she moved towards the exit, a small container would catch her eye- the clear top would reveal its contents to be her scanner. It was in the same style as Katya's- fitting around her wrist easily, and apparently already synced with the ship, because the comm would crackle to life.

"Eliza, I think you just activated your scanner, didn't you? This is how operatives are tracked, and once they're on, well... good luck getting them off if you're planetside. On the bright side, they make it hard for the Daimon to remove, if not impossible. But, anyways, welcome to Koris, world of woodlands. The official story is that the natural resources here could supply either side with the materials they need for who or whatever, but honestly, they want to turn the place into one of those unspoiled vacation worlds or something- something for those who can afford it to come out and 'rough it' in a place that only has two or three less amenities then home, while keeping enough industry to justify our presence here. But anyways, enough of my chittering. Maia's ship is locked up, but I might be able to get it open. I'm reading a weak signal a few miles to the north, but it's not exactly clear exactly. If you want to stick around, I'll get it open and you might be able to get an idea... or you could just head out and hope for the best."

Outside, she could see a number of worn trails leading off in the same direction- large enough to be what hunters back home would call game trails. It all lead off towards a number of different possibilities.

A large hill rose in the distance, along with a rather large tree. A glint off an overgrown structure in the distance also seemed to be a possibility. Each of them were at least a mile apart, so while it might be a good idea to hold off on leaving, there was a risk that she could end up facing more if she chose to stick around. Two game trails lead off towards the destinations, but she didn't have to stick to them- hiking through the forest would be harder, but perhaps it would allow her to make a stealthier way towards the area she chose to investigate.
Re: Elisa (plmnko)

In a blink the ship made all the preparations to finally land on the strange planet, holding herself of the seat the recluit could only wish than all end as planned, as her ship pass through the atmosphere leaving a white trail behind it. Once she easy land the pilot was close to leave when suddenly a small container get opened to finally reveal her scanner than soon she tried to find out how to wear it and once done Katya was able to talk again with her.

I guess than is activated, it must be easy to handle this even without an instruction book. Well this place is full of life, so i understand why someone could be interested to come here, but after heard what these things can do... it will be more than a miracle have all under control. The young girl said back before ponder what to do now, she could see a lot of tracks so she was not safe here, specially after the mess than landing produced.

After look around to know than it was safe, she continue the conversation. Well Katya, there are a lot of possibilities and mostly i will only lost the whole day just looking around. There should be a clue inside the ship to find out where to look, but if its not helpful then i suppose than i will look to find out that weak signal.

Elisa will wait for Maia's ship to be open and then she will look inside, maybe there was a video showing what caught Maia or where she has go, the smallest info than this could give her will be a treasure than could save both lifes. However if she cant find anything useful she will go North to the signal using the forest to avoid been seen by the habitants of this planet, with her laser bow ready to fry what could get in her way.