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Aaron (Rathuris)


Mystic Girl
Jun 21, 2012
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(Profile goes here.)

The EGG building shone in the warm springtime sun as it awaited yet another in the way of beta-testers. Such a one was a young man, by the name of Aaron, who had recieved his beta invitation in the mail a few days ago. The building beckoned before him, offering him no clues at all as to what lay in store for him inside it. All that was really known about the place was that it made some pretty good immersive games- some of the best, according to a select group. They were very secretive about their selection process- after all, if they let on how they chose their testers, they'd end up fflooded with offers to test by the usual sources- out of work developers, hardcore gamers who sat around playing all day, and most importantly, those out to steal secrets from the company.

But Aaron was none of these- in fact, he'd been what a number of the people in the beta program had been exactly looking for.

As he entered (through sliding glass doors that automatically opened and shut behind him), he would find himself in front of a small reception area. Off to either side was a hallway. People- mostly female, some in lab coats and others in street clothes- walked in and out of the reception area. Some held cups with the company's logo, others looked a bit flushed as if they'd been exercising. All seemed to be in good spirits, though.

A soft cough would sound- the woman standing behind the desk was attempting to get his attention.

"I take it you're a new tester, am I right? Just let me see your invitation, and I can direct you to your lab. Let's see... Aaron, it says here... you'll be in lab three, on the third floor. Take this with you-" she pulled out a clip-on I.D. badge- "...and pin it on your shirt. That will get you into the labs without a problem. Now, go ahead and run along- you don't want to be late, right?"

After that, he'd take the elevator up- it was one of those nice, round glass elevators- and it would deposit him right at the third floor, just like he'd selected. Being that the labs were clearly marked, finding his assigned place wouldn't be a problem- about the only excitement he was able to witness was a quick bing as one of the labs finished testing, and the crew inside went for a break. Everything seemed to be rather calm today- the building itself seemed to be in a good mood, from the weather.

Inside his testing lab, there sat two things- one was a bank of computers with a tech sitting behind it, and the other was a pod- that, oddly enough, looked like an egg, sitting on its side. There was a door set into the side of it, and it looked like there was a seat inside, facing the narrow end of the "egg". Behind the computers sat a young woman, who stood up and walked around to offer her hand.

"Ah, you must be Aaron! It's nice to meet you; my name's Tracy, and I'll be supervising your beta session today. It's fairly self-explanatory- you'll sit in the EGG and play, and I'll be keeping an eye on your progress and your vitals from out here. It's actually really simple- all you really have to do is fill out a few things, and select a level, and the machine does the rest of the set-up. Quite ingenious, really. Now, if you have any questions about any option you see in there, just ask- until the game starts, there's a voice feed from inside the capsule to my station here, so feel free to ask me if you need specifics on any option. Please, don't be worried- I was an alpha-tester, and I like to think I've seen it all."

With that, she would show him to the capsule, holding the door open until he was situated inside, and then closing it. The seat was rather comfortable, but what would draw his attention was a glowing display that was filled with a list of choices. It was obvious that he'd have to fill them out to continue.

Please fill out the following choices, answering Y for yes, or N for no to each. If you answer N, this particular feature will not appear in your game. If you select Y, please follow it up with a number between 1 and 5 as to how frequently you would like to encounter it, using 1 as "not very often", 3 as "normal", and 5 as "very often".

Mythical Beings (Angels, demons, devils and the like)
Monsters (slimes, tentacles, etc.)
Bestiality (animals, monstrous animals, beastmen)
Cybernetic creatures (think robots or other beings made of metal)
Futanari - Would you like to start the game as a futanari? Y/N
Non-Consensual Sex
Sex Change

How rough would you like your encounters to be? Please typw out an answer.

Is there anything not listed above that you would like to experience in the game? There are many features not listed above- simply enter your desires into this window, and the system will do its best to accomodate you.

After that was all done, another screen would pop up- this one with a character viewer, allowing him to personalize his character model for the game. There was an option to enter a name if he didn't want the system to use his own name.

Finally, one last window came up, offering difficulty settings and a level select.

Difficulty Select

Determines how alert NPCs and monsters are, and how hard they hit.

=> Normal
Very Hard
Screwed Silly

Level Select:

Elven Entanglement
The Dark Swamp
Under The Old City
Dystopian Future
Against The Hordes
Re: Aaron (Rathuris)

Aaron couldn't help but look about the reception area with a small bit of wonder. Amazed at the amount of people working or walking about the room. He could only stand in silence as the woman talked to him. Giving her a nod when she said his name. He quickly hurried away from the woman after getting directions. Clipping on the badge to his shirt.

After following the directions he found himself in the lab. His eyes looking over the computers and the strange egg thing. He was able to mumble out a few quiet words before Tracy began her explaination. "Uh... Yes.... Hi...." With a small nod after her explaination, he climbed into the egg and began the procress of filling out anything that was required.

Humans= 5
Male/Female= 5
Female/Female= 5
Anthros= 5
Mythical Beings (Angels, demons, devils and the like)= 4
Monsters (slimes, tentacles, etc.)= 4
Bestiality (animals, monstrous animals, beastmen)= 2
Plants= 4
Cybernetic creatures= 4
Futanari - No, though he is a pretty shemale
Non-Consensual Sex=4
Slavery= 3
Corruption= 5
Sex Change= 5
Pregnancy= 4
Birthing= 3
Oviposition/Seedlaying= 3

Some roughness is alright such as spanking, rough sex and large insertions.

When he created a character he figured he would try a female avatar. He always wondered what being the opposite gender was like, despite all the teasing and bullying he received for being so girly. At the last minute he decided to leave the avatar male where it counted despite the cuvy form of the rest of his avatar.

He frowned as he looked at the difficulty setting and the level. With a small shrug he decided to pick one without asking about, wanting a surprise once in the game. He selected the normal difficulty and selected the Under The Old City level. One selected he pressed enter.
Re: Aaron (Rathuris)

Once he hit that last button, the selection screen faded away, offering up one last message to Aaron as it began to process his requests.

'Thank you for using the EGG. Please wait, your game is loading.'

With that, it went completely dark inside the small pod. No trickle of light crept its way inside, no monitor or flashing light even popped up to show him that the game was loading. For a while, it was almost as if the game had stalled out, or it was having trouble loading. Maybe there was a reason the EGG was still in beta testing-

Suddenly, it was like someone turned on a switch. One moment he was sitting in darkness, the next minute, she was standing just outside of what appeared to be a fairly bustling metropolis. The city looked like it had been there for centuries- maybe even an eon. The number of scars upon its walls stood as an almost impressive resume to its defenders' desire to keep out invading and pillaging armies. Guards sttod atop the wall, impassive faces peering down at the steady stream of travelers streaming to and from the city. These travelers passed around her, some paying her no mind, others simply giving her a once-over and one or two going as far as to bump into her, stumbling just enough to let a hand wander over a curve in an excuse to get back to thier feet.

Over thier heads, she could see that the city, while formidable, was surrounded by a forest. Tracks and roads wound thier way towards the walls, and she would be sure that there was more than one gate to get in on the sides of the wall she couldn't see. But the one thing that everyone seemed to be chattering about was discovery of an old sewer-digger, out to earn himself some quick and easy coin by digging out one last new sewer length. Apparently, he'd dug his way into something that nobody had even known about- and now it seemed like everything was swarming into the city, looking for a cut. There was a hiring frenzy going on in the city, and if one was willing to plumb the depths of the undercity, well, one could end up rich- or something else.

But for now, Aaron would have to make a decision- where would she head to? Obviously, the city was where the action was, but it wasn't the only place she could go...
Re: Aaron (Rathuris)

When the lights went out, Aaron started to panic. He pounded on the side of the Egg, yelling to be let out. He continued to kick and scream, when it became obvoius they didn't plan on releasing him. "Let me ou....." His scream ending abruptly when he found himself standing in the middle of a busy road. Dozens and dozens of people moving towards what looked to be a fortified town.

When he looked about to examine himself, he found his body felt odd. His body jiggling in places. Wait.... Why do I feel strange? Looking down, the strangeness in his, or rather her body was readily apparent. Her hands briefly touched her new rather large bust, before sliding down her slim tummy, small waist and large hips. What is going on here? She began to quickly say as many commands that she could think of for 'End Game'. With a small sigh she realized it was very much like what happened in that one Star Trek episode where they got stuck in the Holo Deck game.

She stood still, deciding on what she should do, and how she might possibly find a way out of this crazy dream. At least I hope it is a crazy dream. She gave her arm a small pinch and yelped a bit. Nope.... Not a dream. What the hell is going on? As she debated on what to do, she felt a few people bump into her, a small blush rising in her cheks as she apologized to each one, and realizing they were only doing it to cup a feel of her new body. She began to walk slowly down the road. Hearing the rumours of some sort of adventure taking place under the town, she gave a hopeful smile.

Maybe if she completed the quest under the city, she might be able to escape. So she quickly found herself entering the town and searching for the place all the talk spoke of, and hoping to get herself hired.
Re: Aaron (Rathuris)

She was able to get into the city without much trouble at all- after all, a city thrives upon trade, and the easier it is to get goods to market, well... the faster the city would grow. At least the inside of the city was more welcoming than the outside- houses and shops lined the streets, selling anything from weapons, to strange concoctions, to a ratty guy in a stall on the corner trying to hock a cream that would add three inches to your length in three days. If she wanted to, Aaron could find anything in the city with a little work- if she had a bit of cash to go with it.

There was a weight in one pocket, and a small window popped up to inform her that she'd recieved one hundred reseta as a starting-out present. It might not get her much, but it was there if she wanted it. But the one feature of the particular block that she was approaching was a massive tavern, one that seemed to be more than a little busy. Makeshift stands were lined up outside it, and there were a number of different beings at each one of them. It seemed teams nd representatives from all over the area had shown up, and were interested in claiming whatever was down there for themselves or thier cause. Each was shouting for passers-by to sign up with them, and some of them often shouted thinly-veiled insults and curses back and forth.

Just on this side, she could see a booth manned by a couple of gnomes, with a steam-powered creation that hissed and clanked around in the back, raising a hand towards the other booths; the hand having been welded soit could only make a rude gesture towards the others.

There was a wolf-man at the second booth, clad in an ill-fitting shirt and loincloth. He was busy sniffing the air, not really enjoying the city.

A third booth held a young woman in a habit. Her table was covered in religious materials, and she had a hopeful smile on her face. It was quite obvious that she was part of the local church, and was hoping to win new converts as well as whatever was down there.

After that was a human in a robe. Magical implements littered the table, and he looked rather harried from where he'd had the joy of setting up. It was obvious he was a mage, but he simply sat there, trying to quietly study a tome. The occasional flash from what seemed to be a magical wall spell kept the objects coming from the next booth from annoying the young nun in the adjoining booth.

That booth was manned by a young man, in a dark outfit with hood, who seemed to leer over at the nun. His table was littered with dark implements, and while he didn't seem to get as much business as the rest of the people, his eyes flicked over Aaron's form and in a second, he was beckoning her over to join him at the table.

Though any of these had the potential to possibly get her home, it was up to her as to who she'd approach first.
Re: Aaron (Rathuris)

Aaron wandered down the street and nearly jumped out of her skin when a very GUI like window popped up in her view. One hundred in-game currency eh? I should probably spend it on something to help in the dungeon. I chose mage so.... She tried to use commands to bring up some sort of skill list, so she could see what sort of magics she had avaible. She also wander among the stalls looking to by a staff and any other magic skills she could get for 100 reseta.

Once she had made her purchases, if any, she would approach the tavern, looking each of the groups over. She was a little alarmed at the way the hooded young man stared at her, and knew she definitely didn't want to go near him. Seeing that the mage was a little busy at the moment she approached the wolf-man. She offered him her hand as introduced herself. "Hello, I am Aaron. Are you hiring members for a party to search the undiscovered part of the city that was recently discovered?" She was a little shocked at how soft and womanly her new voice was. Other then the thing between my legs, I really am a woman. Guess I shouldn't be surprised after finding out this is quite real.
Re: Aaron (Rathuris)

When it came to magic, implements were cheap- a good staff would set her back about twenty-five reseta. The merchant had an overglut of them, thinking he would try to profit when the mages from all over came through town to try their luck in the complexes under the city. However.. a number of them had been waylaid on the way, and as a result, they were running several days behind. When Aaron also inquired about spells, he would seem to weigh the options in his mind, and finally come up with a compromise- a basic staff and one lowest-level spell of the basic elements for a hundred reseta.

Regardless, as she snubbed the man in the dark robe, he would sneer at her, and then turn away- but even as she walked to the beastman sitting at the table, Aaron would have the stragest feeling, like she was being watched. Bt before she could figure out where it was coming from, the beastman had noticed her.

"Well, well... I have to say, you're certainly one of the better looking applicants we've had all day... you wouldn't happen to charge for... extra services, would you?" He all but leered at her, and it was a tense moment- before another joined them, one furry paw catching the wolfman upside the head, causing him to yelp out and offer the newcomer a growl- which trailed off when he saw just who it was.

The newcomer was a woman, somewhat older than the wolf seated at the table already. Where he had the features of a wolf, she had the long ears and face of a rabbit, but her eyes were somewhat softer than the wolf's had ever been.

"You will half to forgive Jenk, miss... he has, apparently, forgotten his manners and chosen to let his instinct guide him instead of his head."

"Oh, it was one of my heads that was guiding me, all right-" Jenk begins, before being knocked sprawling by a smack from the rabbit-woman.

"Go back to the others and wait, Jenk. I will be along shortly, after I have dealt with this applicant."

Jenk, having drawn the attention of most of the people in the immediate area, would gulp sheepishly and then run for the tavern, some laughter following him as he disappeared inside. The rabbit girl muttered something about youth, and finally turned to Aaron.

"I am sorry you had to see that, miss. My name is Uvara- I take it you are here to sign up with us- to help find whatever it is down there? Already, its influence has made some of my people run wild...reverting them back to practically feral forms. Can I count upon your help to find whatever it is that's causing this?"
Re: Aaron (Rathuris)

Aaron happily accepted the deal from the merchant. Taking a staff and a basic fire spell. Giving him all 100 reseta she gave him her thanks and continued on her way.

She was stunned as the wolf man propositioned her, about to say something when a small hand cuffed him. Watching the ensueing scene with a small smile. Giving the bunny woman a smile she offered her hand. "Hello Uvara, I am Aaron. Yes, I am here to see about getting hired. I would happy to help you find what is affecting your people. Will I get a share of any treasure found with in?"

Bra and Panties
Mage Staff
Basic Fire Spell
Reseta 0
Re: Aaron (Rathuris)

"You may help yourself to whatever you wish. The only reason we are here is because of the humans who run this city... they may not tell you, but their beloved sewer drains into our water supplies. Many tribes have been forced far from thier hunting grounds further down the river, because it has become nothing more than a collection of rotting garbage and stench further into the forest. The animals will not drink from it, and the herds have moved onwards.

We cannot give the water to our whelps, for they will get sick. In essence, Miss Aaron, if we are the ones to clean up this mess, then the city will owe us a favor- one that we will use to restore our own lands, regardless of what the city has to say about it. They have treed the wolf, now they must deal with its fangs."

Uvara would look her over, and nod at her staff.

"I see you are at least skilled with magic... may we of the forest count you among our number as one of us? To clarify upon your question... we have no real use for the tools of men. Our tribes have been self-sufficient for generations, out in the forests... all we seek is respect and consideration by those who live near us. The rulers of this city have shown neither, and the time to strike back is now. May we count upon you to help us?"
Re: Aaron (Rathuris)

Aaron listened intently as the woman spoke. She gave her a nod. "I am willing to lend what ever aid I can to your cause." Looking about the road curiously. "I have some skills in magic, and will likely be of great help beneath the city. Who will be joining us and when do we leave?"
Re: Aaron (Rathuris)

Uvara leapt for joy, landing square upon the table in front of her- those ears weren't the only proof she was a rabbitmorph, apparently. Faced with the scowls (well, two scowls and a slight titter from the other tables), she looked around with a sheepish look upon her face, and then jumped down in front of Aaron, a bemused look upon her face,

"Uhhh... sorry about that. I tend to get excited when things go my way... but thank you!"

Before Aaron could really expect it, she pulled her into a hug, and Aaron would find herself somewhat smooshed into her furry chest. They weren't huge- at least a C, maybe even a small D on a good day- but yeah, she definately found out they were there, covered in soft fur, yet they were pressed right up against her face. The hug went on for about a minute, until Uvara suddenly realized, that yes, everyone was staring at her, again.

"Uh... come on, let's go inside, I'll introduce you to the others."

The bar was built in two levels, and there seemed to be a mix of other races in the bar area, all clamoring for a drink from the overworked staff. Uvara, however, didn't even stop to ask Aaron if she wanted a drink- instead, pulling her along through the crowds, towards the stairs that lead to the upper level. Practically bouncing up the stairs, she tried to answer Aaron's questions as best she could.

"When do you go? Tonight or tomorrow morning. There's two entrances into the sewers that the city fathers are allowing us to use- there's one just down the street, in a storeroom of a shop. The family who owns the shop was recently robbed, though, and they might ask for a guarantee or something if you want to use thier passage down. Of course, the other's not much better- it's right downstairs, in the basement. It's free for anyone to use, but it's where everyone's already picked over. There might be a few things still down there, but not much..."

She would finally stop dragging Aaron in front of a room door, listening to the boasts and laughs that came out from behind it. She'd knock once... and then twice... and then three times, getting no response from inside. Somewhat frustrated, she backed up a bit, politely moving Aaron out of the way, and unleashed a kick at the door, attempting to thump it loud enough so that the people inside could hear it-

-which is, of course, when the door opened. Jenk, taking a look outside, was caught by surprise.

"Hey, boss, what kept you- oh, not agai-"

Uvara's large foot caught him square in the gut and launched him through the air, causing him to land in a heap on the other side of the room. The three other occupants of the room paused, suddenly going silent- until they burst out into peals of laughter, mostly at Jenk's expense.

"Jenk, ya shoulda known- after the third knock, ya get what you deserve if ya open the damned door!" This came from a large minotaur, clad in a leather kilt, and not much else. The loudest laughs came from him, and he used one large hand to wipe the tears out of his eyes. The other hand, however, was balancing a massive, massive axe. It stood nearly as tall as Aaron was, and the double-bladed head looked razor sharp. He was currently leaning against the wall, trying not to bust out laughing.

Next to Jenk, a smaller form quietly jogged to his aid.

"Uvara, could you not wait? If you knock three times, be assured, someone will open the door. You did not have to kick Jenk like that... again." A slight fox-morph bent down at the wolf's side, trying to make sure he was all right. She wore a simple halter of leather, not really bothering with bottoms. Her red tail swished behind her, but Aaron could see a host of daggers sheathed at the back of her halter, and what looked to be a few pouches upon a loosely-tightened belt.

The third being in the room, however, stood there, watching the scene with a look of cool disdain upon her face. It was obvious that she was a bee-girl, antannae bobbing and waving as she looked around the room, choosing to keep her own thoughts of what she'd just seen to herself. Her bee abdomen was pushed down as she leaned one shoulder against the wall, wings vibrating occasionally as she tried to maintain a proper body temperature. Her legs looked like they were covered in hard, black carapace, and a covering of bushy yellow and black hair almost obscured her curves. She wore a metal breastplate, but not much else. The long spear she held, however, was proof that she just wasn't along with a sightseeing trip.

Jenk slowly sat up, the fox helping him back to his feet.

"Dammit, boss, when are you going to stop doing that? I'd rather die against one of those demon-ladies the Cabal has down there, at least I'd get laid before I- well, well, well... if it isn't the young lady I was hoping to see!"

He tried to run over to Aaron, but a quick yank on his tail from the fox kept him where he was, and the look she shot Aaron was one of understanding. Apparently, she wasn't the first one that he'd tried this act on.

"Well, now that Jenk seems to have cooled down, I think I can make some introductions. "Band-mates, this is Aaron. She's offered to help us in our cause- stand up, all of you. Yes, even you, Miaya. Get off that wall and stand over here- I don't care if your mother's the hive queen, on this, you answer to me. Aaron, this is Miaya, Plana, Hanthur, and you've already met Jenk." Uvara pointed out the beegirl, the fox, the minotaur, and the wolf, as she said their names in that order.

"Okay, listen up. We've made some good progress, but at the same time, we've got to strike deeper into the sewers. We've found ourselves some nice things, but there was a reason I brought a human into our hunt- not only because she can harness magic, but because while those miscreants in the Cabal and the Guild are busy perverting nature, and those in the Church just don't seem to care, we'll be down there taking possession of whatever we need to to stop the sewer water being dumped into our rivers! Now, I want you all to treat Aaron like she's one of us- because she is. Jenk, if you make one unwelcomed move towards her, I'm going to let her put that magic to some good use- how'd you like to run back home with a block of ice under your tail? But anyways, listen up.

Rumor has it that there's a third way into the sewers, that people have been using. I've seen those mages heading down a manhole just south of the fountain plaza near midnight. It might be worth checking into that. But anyways, I want you to decide where you're going and who you're taking. Aaron, you get to pick first. Who do you want to pair with, if at all?"

A list so far of what you know of the four standing in the room-

Renk, wolf-morph. Abilities and weapons unknown. Apparently has his eye on you. He's somewhat muscular, but that attitude could use a little work.

Miaya - She hasn't really said a word yet, but from the way she acts... yeah, this one's got a bit of an attitude. Still, that spear looks dangerous (Spear Proficency Lv. 1), and there are other perks to having a beegirl along...

Plana - The fox-morph looks to have apast with Jenk, but at the same time, she's rather protective of him. Those daggers look pretty sharp, and she wouldn't have them if she didn't know how to use them (Dagger Proficiency Lv. 1), not to mention whatever could be in those pouches.

Hanthur - the biggest, bulkiest minotaur you've ever seen- maybe the ONLY minotaur you've ever seen. It's obvious that he know how to handle that greataxe with skill (Greataxe Proficiency Lv. 1), but at the same time, he's a minotaur... and has the appetites and everything to match.

Each of your potential partners brings something tothe table, but at the same time, each has a drawback, one that you'll just have to find out on your own. They may be working with you, and Uvara may be trusting them to bring you back alive, but you're still the new girl, and most of them don't really completely trust you as of yet. Interesting things may happen with a partner.

Of course, you could always go it alone- the battles might be a bit harder, but no one else to worry about. The choice is up to you.
Re: Aaron (Rathuris)

"Eek!" Being taken by surprise as the bunny woman pulled her into a hug. Her face blushing as she found herself face first against her soft breasts. Her own larger E-cups pressing against the other woman as she was hugged. When the hug ended, Aaron had a large blush on her face, and a strange feeling in her unfamiliar chest. Though she was unaware it was slight arousal.

"Okay." She meekly followed the bunny woman along and through the tavern. Letting herself get pulled along through the building and up the stairs. When Jenk opened the door and was kicked across the room by the small woman made her giggle just a bit at the sight. Wait.... Did I just giggle? Looking about the room at the other people watching the spectacle.

Once everyone had quieted down and she was introduced to the rest of the party. She gave each a small wave and a "Hello." After hearing the plan she gave a nod and decided to go with an entrance. "I would like to try the entrance the wizards have been using. They may have set up a safe room with magic, down there in case they needed to rest from the things within." Hearing that she had to choose a partner she looked at each of them in turn. Jenk is a no go. He is too lecherous for my tastes. Hm.... She thought a moment, her mind reverting back to her times she played D&D, and what sort of character would complement a mage well. Well I need a meat shield, got to have someone to soak and take the hits for me. With such a requirement in mind, the choice of partner was obvious, at least in her mind.

She approached the large minotaur and looked up at him. She offered him a small dainty hand. "Hello, Hanthur, would you like to be my partner?" Wondering what the large man thought of her choice of partner.
Re: Aaron (Rathuris)

For his credit, the minotaur peered down at her, and quickly eyed her over.

"Well, now... at the least, ya'd make a better eye-catcher than the wolf over there, and damn sight better conversation then her stuck-upness over there. I like you, girl- sure, we can explore together. Get your gear together, we move out tonight. Not going to let those Cabal bastards get ahead of us- but ya'll be testing out whatever we find; your human things are too damned flimsy for me. Any ideas on where we ought to go, girl? Like the boss-lady said, there's three holes- a lot like a lady, but this one will enjoy any you're willing to give him."

The others in the room looked a bit different now. Jenk, having been turned down yet again, looked at Plana and grinned. "Looks like it's you and me again, sweet foxgirl of mine. Try to keep up this time, or I'll just sit back and watch next time you get yourself into trouble." He leered at her, causing Plana to roll her eyes and look back at Aaron, almost as if she was begging the woman to take her. With Aaron firmly with the minotaur, however, she shook her head, and the two soon left together.

Miaya, on the other hand, pushed off the wall and left through the door silently, heading out on her own.

Now that they were all set, Aaron would have to think of where she wanted to enter at...

Three entrances-

1) The shop on the other side of town. Like Uvara said, the family that owns this store is a bit on the, well, weird side- they seem to ask everyone who wants access for favors, and none seem willing to talk about what they want. The hole hasn't had that many visitors, though, so there might still be a good selection- and danger- down that way.

2) The inn's storeroom. This is the main one that everyone seems to use- the beer's watered down, the food sucks, why else would everyone end up staying here when there's better to be had? There won't be that much danger there, but at the same time, there's not much to pick from...

3) Manhole in the Fountain Plaza. This one isn't really approved by the City Fathers, but at the same time, well, you know what the old saying is- you never find great reward without great risk. On the flipside, though, you could get caught... Uvara might not take too kindly to having to bail you out of the local jail, if she has the cash to do it...

Pick one, and choose wisely!
Re: Aaron (Rathuris)

Aaron gave him a surprised look as he mentioned woman having three holes, and momentarily reconsidering. With a shake of her head she stepped back so that looking up wasn't straining her neck so much. "We can either do the entrance in the shop, or the manhole the mages have been using. Which one would you prefer? If it is the wizard manhole, think you can sneak to it?" Looking at the large minotaur curiously.
Re: Aaron (Rathuris)

"Considering the only thing he's ever been able to sneak up on is a roasted ox, I really don't-"

Jenk shut up as Plana yanked on his tail again.

"As much as I'd like to impress my young little friend there, he's got kind of a point. I'm not the most... what's the word I'm looking for... subtle. If you drag me out in the middle of the night, we're going to get found out or I'm going to get stuck, or something's going to go wrong. Better to leave that one to the princess, ya? And leave the shop to these two clowns- er, Plana and the head clown. We'll try our luck downstairs. C'mon, little lady, the hole's not going to come up here..."

He would stand, stretch out his arms and legs, and then go walking off downstairs, towards the storeroom, expecting Aaron to follow him. They would traipse down the atairs, past the bar, and into a back storeroom, where there was a grate with a ladder stuck into the floor. With one yank, Hanthur was able to get the rusty metal out of its holder, and before long, he had his axe in one hand, and was climbing down with the other.

Down in the sewer, well... it kind of smelled. There was stagnant water sitting around in puddles, and the sounds of rushing water, gasps, cries, and most other things could be heard echoing off the walls. The light-providing stones upon the wall offered enough illumination, and the two were able to see well-enough ahead to tell that the tunnel ahead split into two more tunnels. One ran off to the north, and the other took a more diagonal route to the southeast. Rushing water could be heard to the southeast, while there wasn't much of anything to the north.

"Silence don't mean there's nothing there... but you call, new-mate. Up that way, or towards the water?"
Re: Aaron (Rathuris)

Aaron gave a small nod and followed the minotaur down into the sewers. "Well we want to find the source of the corruption effecting your people, and rushing water means it is flowing out of town. So lets head north." Giving him a happy smile as she gestured north. "Please lead the way."
Re: Aaron (Rathuris)

Surprise Rolls:

Aaron (1) vs. ?????? (6) - Aaron is automatically surprised!

Hanthur (19) vs. ??????? (8) - Yeah, he sees it.

Hanthur (13) vs. Tentacle Vine #2 (5) - He slices it for one FP damage.

Tentacle Vine #2 (16) slings a vine around Hanthur's (8) leg! - Hanthur takes 1 damage, and gains a -2 penalty for being grappled.

Tentacle Plant #1 (19) strikes out at Aaron's (19) waist - ties go to the player, so that's a miss.

Aaron: FP 5/5 AP 0/10
Hanthur: FP 4/5, AP 0/10 (Grappled, Lv. 1 - -2 to attack rolls)

Tentacle Vine #1) 4/4
Tentacle Vine #2) 3/4, wrapped around Hanthur's leg

The path that Hanthur lead Aaron up was just as lit as the rest of the sewer- but that didn't stop another problem from cropping up.

They hadn't walked more than perhaps a block and a half, when they were faced with a bit of a problem=- or rather, a large metal grate that had been dropped across the channel. Darkness loomed beyond it, for there were no stones of light set into the walls past it. All that could be seen was the flow of a slight breeze from behind it, and the steady dripping of water from above.

"Ya, there's no going further here, miss Aaron. That much rust... I could get my tribe down here to bang on it, and they wouldn't be able to budge dis thing for a week. It might be a betta idea to head back down to that intersection and find a better-"

Hanthur paused for a second, sniffing the air. His eyes widened, and soon, a pair of writhing masses could be seen beyond the grate.

"Aaron, you have the honor of that one! I can handle this one!"

The tentacles suddenly lunged through the grate- two appendages flying through the air- one at Hanthur, the other at Aaron.

Hanthur managed to get his axe up, and as the length of green came flying at him, he swung the axe as hard as he could, grazing the plant-like length and creating a small splat of green slime upon the wall. However, he'd overswung, and before long, the tentacle had wrapped around his leg, binding tight to him. It went taut after that, trying to drag the minotaur towards the grate.

The tentacle flying at Aaron managed to catch her when she wasn't looking- but it had barely misjudged her distance, the tip of the tentacle passing less than an inch from her waist. Annoyed, the tentacle would flick back at her, hoping for better luck the second time around.
Re: Aaron (Rathuris)

Aaron looked at the grate as he spoke. She turned towards him, a smile on her face. She had an idea on how to deal with the grate. Though she gave a small startled gasp as some tentacle monsters appeared and tried to grab them.

Aaron shuddered in revulsion as the thing tried to grab her. Jumping back and moving backwars closer to the large minotaur. Calling up the basic firespell she had learned earlier, she pointed her staff at the tentacle. Unleashing her magic to fry it.
Re: Aaron (Rathuris)

Aaron (18) sends a blast of fire magic at Tentacle Vine #1 (3)! Tentacle Vine 1 takes 2 FP damage- 1 normal, 1 for failing the defense check by more than 10!

Tentacle Vine 1 (5) strikes out at Aaron (13)! (Miss)

Hanthur (2 - 2 = 0) chops at the tentacle around his leg (19)! (Miss)

Tentacle Vine 2 (12) tries to entwine Hanthur's (9 - 2 = 7) waist! (Hit! Hanthur goes to Bind Lv. 2, taking 1 AP damage per round!)

Aaron: 5/5 FP, 0/10 AP

Hanthur: 4/5 FP, 1/10 AP, Bind Lv. 2- -2 to attacks, +1 AP per round

Tentacle Vine 1: 2/4 FP

Tentacle Vine 2: 3/4 FP, currently with two vines binding Hanthur

Aaron's call of fire magic seemed to be right on the proverbial reseta- obviously, the vine had no idea that the woman was getting ready to unleash a blast of flaming death at it, By the time it realized what was going on, it was too late to stop, the vine was already in the midst of the fire cloud. It tried to pull back, but it only stayed in the cloud for a longer period of time- much to the joy of Aaron. If she was uncertain at all, this might be a sign from something or somewhere that yes, she was cut out for this type of work. The vine didn't even try to put up much of a fight- only striking out half-heartedly at the young spellcaster.

Hanthur, on the other hand, was having more than a little problem with his vine. With one vine already around his leg, a second shot out from beyond the grate and wound its way around his waist, pulling him forward just enough to pull his axe off balance. He grunted as the vines clinched tighter, and there was an ever-so-slight shift under his leather skirt as something nudged at the front of it. It was fairly large, if Aaron cared to look at it, but it was obvious that the mage was actually having better luck than the minotaur at fighting these things...

"Ugh... stupid, stupid vines, stop that! Aaron, stay focused on yours, I still have this one!"

There was a grunt as the vine tugged on Hanthor's body again, but why the vines were dragging him closer... that was the question.
Re: Aaron (Rathuris)

"You sure?" Aaron glancing back to the minotaur briefly to make sure he was alright. Turning back to the tentacle creature in front of her, she swing her staff about to fend off it's tentacle. Aiming the staff at it again she once more attacked it with a fire spell.

Another fire spell. Burn Baby, Burn!