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ADV [Vitis] 人妻を寝取る!~夫の目を盗んで妻とエッチ~ / Stole a Married Woman! (RJ132712)

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Re: [RJ132712|RPG]Stole a Married Woman!

oh i see glad to know. well lets hope a link comes up later on

il be able to buy it until 27 i receive this month paycheck so for me still a long way to go XD
Re: [RJ132712|RPG]Stole a Married Woman!

its not the fact that someone made a fuss over the 200 copies point, but its appropiate as pirate bro's, that we harm as less as possible the developers of these indiesuperlowbudgetgames, since they dont make lots of money. However, pirating from the big companies is ok anyday, since they are expensive basterds.
Re: [RJ132712|RPG]Stole a Married Woman!

Piracy is piracy. The programmers and writers working on those big AAA games for EA are every bit as ordinary as the indie developers. Just because you can put an evil face on a company you're stealing from doesn't make it any less an act of stealing.

P.S. I'm not against piracy at all. I pirate all the time, but this "Some piracy is okay, but other piracy is wrong." is complete and utter bullshit.
Re: [RJ132712|RPG]Stole a Married Woman!

the difference is that, the writers and programmers at the companies you mention get paid monthly regardless of the selling of their games which are big and dont even flinch at piracy. and its completely obvious that piracy in big fishes is better than small people, that is what the whole robin hood plot was, what are you an aristocrat from the XIV century? dont come with righteous hipocresy when most dont get what they truly deserve
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Re: [RJ132712|RPG]Stole a Married Woman!

I don't really have a problem with supporting Indies.

The problem is that dropping 10€ on a game I can't understand and have to play with a translator is a lot for someone like me.

I could get games like FTL for that money.
Re: [RJ132712|RPG]Stole a Married Woman!

its not the fact that someone made a fuss over the 200 copies point, but its appropiate as pirate bro's, that we harm as less as possible the developers of these indiesuperlowbudgetgames, since they dont make lots of money. However, pirating from the big companies is ok anyday, since they are expensive basterds.

The person who came up with it closed a thread of his cause someone posted a link before the 200 sales. Then attacked the person as if the 200 sales was a forum rule when that person created a new thread offering the link. That's called "making a fuss".

There are those who believe that idea to be right and those that believe it to be bullshit. "others agreed that it seems right".

I carefully chose those words so that a pointless argument like the last 4 post would not arise. So end it, now. The facts are that it is not a forum rule, everyone has a different opinion on it, and they are going to believe that opinion is right....so it's, again, pointless to even discuss it. At least in a thread about a game.
Re: [RJ132712|RPG]Stole a Married Woman!

the difference is that, the writers and programmers at the companies you mention get paid monthly regardless of the selling of their games which are big and dont even flinch at piracy. and its completely obvious that piracy in big fishes is better than small people, that is what the whole robin hood plot was, what are you an aristocrat from the XIV century? dont come with righteous hipocresy when most dont get what they truly deserve

lol no

Game studios have an incredibly . Once a studio finishes a game it's not uncommon for them to . And they 'don't even flinch'? Do you pay attention at all to any sort of news involving game development studios? Most have been for years now, having to downsize, with .

And again, you seem to be focusing on those evil, mustache twirling CEOs that publish the games. They aren't the ones getting fucked over when their games don't sell well. It's the day-to-day workers, the programmers and writers who actually make the games, that get fucked over once their game fails to sell.

Now, I don't blame piracy completely for the downfall of gaming development like the publishers do, but it's definitely been a factor, and to say it doesn't affect the bigger companies is, again, complete and utter bullshit.
Re: [RJ132712|RPG]Stole a Married Woman!

I came here in hope finding people talking about my favorite genre and look what I found, people debating over the legitimacy of piracy!!

T-T-This is like expecting for a straight, but only to get a hook in the end :(
Re: [RJ132712|RPG]Stole a Married Woman!

Once someone posts a link to the game I'm sure we'll get back to talking about that and all chatter on piracy in this thread will die out.
Re: [RJ132712|RPG]Stole a Married Woman!

This game is incredibly alarming. Only 27MB of content and low sales. Hopefully im wrong, but this seems like a really short/cheap game to me.
Re: [RJ132712|RPG]Stole a Married Woman!

If it doesn't have voice acting or custom music then that file size wouldn't be all that alarming. The supposed 'CG total' is 30, which isn't too bad if the game reuses CG for different events.

The average hentai RPG Maker game is typically crappy, so I'm not really holding my breath for a quality game. Like most, it'll probably just be a decent distraction for a day.
Re: [RJ132712|RPG]Stole a Married Woman!

Yeah it looks good, hope someone relights the fire.
Re: [RJ132712|RPG]Stole a Married Woman!

just wait for graciel he usually release a link when it solds 200 copies
Re: [RJ132712|RPG]Stole a Married Woman!

The problem with this game having low amount of sales as far as I can tell is that the girl's body is recycled from a program I don't know the name of. I've seen a lot of dlsite works that uses the same type of body.

Take this work for example.
Re: [RJ132712|RPG]Stole a Married Woman!

I think the biggest reason it hasn't sold much is because It's price for size is way to high. 1,400 ish yen for 26 Megabytes....
Re: [RJ132712|RPG]Stole a Married Woman!

Seems to be Netori rather than Netorare. Despite physically being very similar, emotionally they are the the complete opposite. As a hardcore Netorare fan, I hate Netori.
Re: [RJ132712|RPG]Stole a Married Woman!

If anyone have working download link for game plz PM. thank you:)
Please help, I´m trying to find this Game here but I can´t manage to find it anywhere!

Does anyone knows a page where I can download it? = /
Re: [RJ132712|RPG]Stole a Married Woman!

To be more precise that's not ntr (main character has his wife/gf stolen), but netori (main character is the stealer).

It really depends on the perspective of the audience, as the act itself is exactly the same in both cases; they can make you play as the stealer but if the audience sympathizes and identifies more of the the one being stolen from, the effect on the audience would be netorare. This is why I prefer NTR games where the stealer is such a despicable old ugly and/or fat fuck that even real old ugly fat fucks wouldn't identify with him, that way it would be nearly impossible to make it feel netori.
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