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RPG RPG Maker [dardamex] Duality [In Progress]

Re: Duality [In Progress]

Alright, managed to knock out the Residential District and the Administrative District and all their associated maps. Hopefully within a week I should have all of the currently planned Arcanum maps completed, their passage settings fixed, and have them brimming with filler NPCs to give them life.

Soon after that I'll start working on putting together the events that introduce Nori and the player to Arcanum, get her situated in the academy, and advance the story. So, with any luck, I should have an actual content update out by the end of this month or the beginning of the next.
Re: Duality [In Progress]

Gotta say, I love this game. The story really had me going and the writing for the h-scenes did more for me than the cg's themselves(It's not that I find the cg ugly in any way).

Playing the latest version, the only thing I found wrong was that I was able to walk on the hole where you have to use the rope, same as someone else said earlier.

Keep it up, this game is fantastic, and seeing a developer that actually replies to nearly every response in their thread is a wonderful rarity.
Re: Duality [In Progress]

Hey I don't know If you know about the Tfgames site but you could probably get some reviews from there, most of the games there have some thing to do with transformation.
Re: Duality [In Progress]

So....hows it going? :confused: i really love this game
Re: Duality [In Progress]

Sorry for the long period of silence, I hit a slump (depression's a bitch) and hadn't had the motivation to do much with Duality for a while. I'm not anywhere near close to where I wanted to be by this time but today I did finish a ton of maps, with only the Academia ones left to complete. There's currently 38 maps for Arcanum alone and map making, no matter how much enthusiasm you start with, always becomes extremely tedious and tiring after a while, but I should hopefully complete the Academia maps in the very near future.

There's still much to do before I can release a decent content update but once the Arcanum maps are finished, what is probably the biggest hurdle for me will be out of the way and work should hopefully speed up a bit.

Anyway, feel free to ask me any questions concerning the project (or Hell, about anything) and I'll try to answer them.
Re: Duality [In Progress]

Since you asked Here are a few questions.
First will there be any GOR in this, I am curious of this due to the save before the ogre fight.
Second I seem to remember you saying that the city they are going to, can't remember the name, would be the central hub of the story, if that is true will there be any other large areas to explore?
Third, will the pages from the journal be used for anything?
And finally, when do you think that the next update will be?
Re: Duality [In Progress]

First will there be any GOR in this, I am curious of this due to the save before the ogre fight.

There currently isn't any GOR. That save is there because that boss fight can be somewhat difficult and I didn't want people to have to repeat the long series of events that leads up to it if they happen to die during the battle.

Once I complete the game I might go back and add in some player requested events, like GOR, but right now I don't currently have any plans to add any. I already have a ton of content planned for the game and don't want to get unnecessarily bogged down with even more stuff.

Second I seem to remember you saying that the city they are going to, can't remember the name, would be the central hub of the story, if that is true will there be any other large areas to explore?

Not really. There'll be small town you can go to near the end of the game but it won't be anywhere near the size of the main city/hub, Arcanum. Unless I cut down the size of Arcanum and took some of its content out and placed it elsewhere, there's really no need for another large city. Plus, it's been roughly two months and I've still yet to fully complete the Arcanum maps, I can't imagine how long it'd take me to complete yet another large city.

Third, will the pages from the journal be used for anything?

They'll be important for the story.

And finally, when do you think that the next update will be?

I'm not sure. I've been trying to work on Duality a bit every day since I got over my slump but there's still quite a bit to do. The next update will hopefully contain: Nori's introduction to Arcanum, Nori enrolling in the Academia and Hiro training for the City Guard, the first guild job, and finally the first 'free period' in which Nori can do four optional things -- work at a job, hang out with one of the other characters, or a variety of other things -- before moving on to the next story event.
Re: Duality [In Progress]

Crashing in the first "town" after masturbating.
Re: Duality [In Progress]

Are you getting any kind of error message or anything of the such?
Re: Duality [In Progress]

Not at all, just pretty much froze, twice in a row, will try a third, might be cheat engine's 10x speed causing it.
Re: Duality [In Progress]

Oh, that's probably it. There's been a few problematic spots but I've never had issue with that scene before.
Re: Duality [In Progress]

Not at all, just pretty much froze, twice in a row, will try a third, might be cheat engine's 10x speed causing it.

Does does the freeze happen when Hiro is walking to join Nori? If so, I probably managed to fix it.
Re: Duality [In Progress]

Here is what will hopefully be the last update to the introduction/first part of the game. There's no new story content but there has been a ton of gameplay mechanic changes and tweaks, done by MetalDemon. He's developed a new TP system for using spells and special attacks during battle and has completely rebalanced nearly every aspect of gameplay from the encounter rate to enemy stats, and he's done a wonderful job doing so. If you want a taste of what upcoming dungeons and battles will be like or just want to replay the intro then give this version a try.

Re: Duality [In Progress]

A little extra info on the combat update. If any of this was unclear while you were playing or my expectations did not match your playthrough, then let me know.

Skills have both a TP threshold and cost. Once you reach the threshold, you may use the skill, and the cost will be deducted from your TP total. This generally means that you can use more skills as the battle goes on.

A successful basic attack gives more TP than defending.

Getting attacked gives you TP based on the amount of damage you took.

All party members get the same amount of exp regardless of whether they survived the battle or not.

My expectations
I expect you to use Nori as the main damage dealer, and Hiro to protect Nori, as well as deal clean-up damage.

For the Man-Eating Plant boss you are expected to be level 4-6. I expect you to win on your first try.

For the Ogre boss, you are expected to be level 7-9. You are expected to have 1+ Hi-Potions, 3+ Stimulants, and 3+ Potions. I expect you to win in 1 or 2 tries.
Re: Duality [In Progress]

this game is alive?.....or what? i really love it
Re: Duality [In Progress]

interesting game. shame is not continued :(