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RPG RPG Maker [dardamex] Duality [In Progress]

Re: Duality [In Progress]

i would offer my services, but my art is pretty scruffy and when it comes to detailed outfits its a bit difficult...

I'd say i'm at least trustworthy...if not skilled
Re: Duality [In Progress]

Found two bugs. When you get control of Nori, reentering the cave will make you stuck inside it. In the Goblin Cave if you don't stand right in front of the rope and hit action it does nothing. This is doubly annoying as you can walk into the hole right next to the rope and actually on it.
Re: Duality [In Progress]

Found two bugs. When you get control of Nori, reentering the cave will make you stuck inside it. In the Goblin Cave if you don't stand right in front of the rope and hit action it does nothing. This is doubly annoying as you can walk into the hole right next to the rope and actually on it.

First one's already been fixed in the next version but the second problem, with the rope, I'm not sure what to do. The event should trigger as soon as the player touches the square that it's located on, no matter which direction they're facing. So I'm not sure what's causing the problem there.
Re: Duality [In Progress]

I tried the 0.12 demo. I really like the design of the game so far. 3D CGs are nice!!


Here are some comments I have:

1) I dunno about the monster encounter rate in 0.10, but the encounter rate in 0.12 is quite alright to me. The maps that the character goes through are quite large, it is nice to have low encounter rate so as it is not frustrating to go through the maps. Personally I would prefer the encounter rate to be even more lower by a little bit.

Well, I don't want to lower it too much. I think there should be some sense of danger exploring the dungeon-maps. That, and I don't want the player to be too under-leveled when they fight the goblin boss, as it can be a fairly hard encounter at too low a level.

2) Throughout my whole gameplay, I only encounter a bug - In the forest where the two encounter a stranger fighting a tentacle boss, yr main character cannot in the wrong lane (Behind a stone or something?) when yr character approach them. The game will get stuck as your character be unable to walk through the obstacle and continue with the dialogue

Thanks. Fixed this.

3) There are alot of potions everywhere, but I don't really use them since the characters heals after every battle. I only started to use them at the goblin boss since my characters are only at lvl 5 when I reached it. :D Idk, is it really neccessary to have these many potions lying around? Might be nice to add more item variations too.

I agree about the potions. I've already fixed this for the next version; I've replaced some of them with items to revive a fallen character.

4) Sigh.. the main "heroine" is hot!! But through the things that he/she said, it's too masculine for me to fully enjoy the H-scenes. :(

Just my 2 cents..

Ha, I'm actually glad you think this. She shouldn't be too feminine yet, Nori just recently became female. She'll eventually soften up as the game goes on, becoming more accepting of her current state, with the the option to change back ultimately being left up to the player.
Re: Duality [In Progress]

the art remind me of yusa and batle raper.

if it's possible could you try to add bf skills,attacks (maybi for boss fights)
Re: Duality [In Progress]

the art remind me of yusa and batle raper.

It is from Illusion's Yuusha game.

if it's possible could you try to add bf skills,attacks (maybi for boss fights)

It's possible and I've thought of doing it but if I do it would very likely be the last thing I add to the game. I've personally never been a huge fan of BF stuff, so I'm not enthusiastic about spending time to work on the systems needed.

I'm pretty curious how the corruption would go. Like I said, at the moment she's still way too masculine for me, yet she has already gone through so many erotic things. Idk, maybe her corruption process is way too fast?

I don't think she's gone through that many things so far. She's only really done three sexual acts so far -- the first, with Toru the exile, she had to do for information (and only really stood still), the second with the goblins, she basically had to do in exchange for her life, and it's only really the third, with Hiro, that she willingly does, and even then she's fairly hesitant.

That said, I do think she's become slightly corrupt by the end of this section of the game. That is what I wanted, though, so that in the next part, when you're given the choice to do sexual stuff, her saying yes won't seem completely out-of-character.

Well.. yeah. Really, so far it's already quite a well done story overall. Dialogues are alright. Actually, I'm just excited it's in english. We don't see english h-rpgs often, and I never seemed to get AGTH working for me for J-rpgs. Let alone, it has 3D CGs that looks alright. This game is really unique by itself

Well doneee:D

Thanks. Were there any dialogues you didn't like, thought felt awkward or stupid, or anything like that with the writing?
Re: Duality [In Progress]

Version 0.15:

- Fixed a few minor bugs.
- Tried to make the backyard of the castle look less empty.
- Added some more trees, plants, and a few animals into Sylva.
- Changed some of the items you find in chests throughout the dungeon-maps.
Re: Duality [In Progress]

Have a few semi stream-of-consciousness impressions:

You have a solid grasp of the English language. That's rare for an h-game dev.

You are using RPGmaker. You don't have super extreme graphics or animation or anything so I won't enjoy any long cutscenes. Cut the info-dump at the beginning and trim down the growing up cutscene to only the bits that have the most personality. Try to keep your intro under a minute and a half. If you have backstory to tell, give it to me in pieces during the main game.

Oh look, assets I haven't seen a billion times. That's nice. Nitpick: King looks too young though.

Hey, these characters are actually kind of likable. I didn't expect that from how the game started with a lazy info-dump.

CG is above average. But this is pre-rendered stuff, so I expect anti-aliasing.

Nitpick: "I'll go get supplies." Oh, I have control now, let's try going south, oh, I waited for my brother and I'm locked further into the plot. Huh. *reload* Let's try going back to the castle. Okay, can't do that. The lab? Can't go there either. Any hidden items around here? Doesn't look like it. Why did I get control so I could walk 20 tiles into another cutscene?

You're good at making maps. Take advantage of that. I actually want to explore them. Maybe you can even scatter bits of that backstory around as an exploration reward. Again, avoid info-dumps. Your game would probably be best served with skits between party members prompted by bits of the environment. It makes for a fun time getting the info, and gives an opportunity for character building, which you can actually pull off.

Nitpick: Nori is a mage. 90% of the time I want her to cast magic, but I keep accidentally selecting the 'special' tab because it's easier to get to.

I autoheal at the end of combat. Sort of nice, but without any sort of interesting mechanics, BF system, or need to manage resources throughout multiple encounters, combat right now is boring. Easiest fix would be to give the enemies more damage/reduce player health so that it feels riskier, add some telegraphed patterns, and get more synergistic abilities. See: MGQ, but easier because you don't have GOR.

It feels like I have more MP than I will ever need.

Nitpick: Really? You blocked my path with flowers?

I am so sick of dealing with poison as the area 1 status effect.

If you got the values right, you could make every move just use TP. The value of a system like that is that it naturally paces combat well. You'd need to rebalance things to handle it and maybe add some skills that work with it, but you could get some actually good combat out of only stock skills.

Nitpick: Why did I have to wait 5 seconds for Hiro to walk across the screen before regaining control?

Nitpick: Doors are too big for their holes.

Talked to a white dog in the village. My game soft locked.

Some NPCs don't respond to me. At least give me a text box saying that they're ignoring me or have them tell me to fuck off.

Oh hey, a sex scene... and out comes the thesaurus, or at least the canned porno terminology.

The village elder seemed overly eager to help out and gave off big creeper vibes, then he didn't do anything?

Whoa, I was given a quest *and* some funds to accomplish it? Astounding.

Nori got convinced to get her tits out in less time than it took for the maid to pass out dinner. The smart alec vanished without a trace for a pair of tits. Nice tits, mind you, but not attached to the Nori I've come to know in the past ~15 minutes. I'd like to see Nori play along and piss the guy off or something else interesting and mischievous. If you don't want to do that, at least give a more convincing thought process for why she completely crumbles here.

Sex scenes seem to be generally too terse and not up to your usual writing standards. CG is still nice though.

Does poison actually do anything? Okay it does. Just at the end of the round, without telling me. That might be an issue if combat weren't so easy.

Goblin sex scene. Once again Nori folds with only token resistance. Have her tied up if she isn't going to do shit to stop the goblins. Advanced route: give me the option to fight a battle with no equipment, some debuffs, and barely any health or mana. I do like the goblin dialogue.

Thanks for the pre-boss save point. Also, I hit level 8 only a couple of battles before the boss.

I've done a lot of complaining, but I do think that what you have is good and that you're capable of making it better. Keep it up.

I think it's in my signature, but- for the sake of your own sanity- use version control. It's a combination of the ability to roll back your project to before you broke things as well as an offsite backup. I personally use TortoiseHg for a client and Bitbucket as a server.
Re: Duality [In Progress]

I probably can not add much, to what was said before, but I decide to chime in :)

I actually like 3D graphics used. Story is interesting and slow feminization and corruption of main hero is promising idea.

Regarding BF content, maybe you can add some to certain boss fights scripted events, that will use 3D GC to present some H-attack or other event, and then will go back to fight. Just an idea.
Re: Duality [In Progress]

Nitpick: King looks too young though.

Do you mean the sprite or his portrait? If the former, not much I can do about that, as not having the talent for sprite work, I can only use the mostly crappy sprite generator that comes with VX Ace. If the latter, the same thing mostly applies, though there are a few eye options that look older but they also look somewhat psychotic.

CG is above average. But this is pre-rendered stuff, so I expect anti-aliasing.

Using a pre-made poser that comes packaged with another game (Yuusha Kara Wa Nigerarenai), so outside of the poses, I don't really have much control with it. I tried forcing AA onto the program via the nVidia control panel but at the ridiculously low resolution I'm forced to set the game to in order to make the pictures fit RPG Maker, it doesn't really do much.

Nitpick: "I'll go get supplies." Oh, I have control now, let's try going south, oh, I waited for my brother and I'm locked further into the plot. Huh. *reload* Let's try going back to the castle. Okay, can't do that. The lab? Can't go there either. Any hidden items around here? Doesn't look like it. Why did I get control so I could walk 20 tiles into another cutscene?

I've been planning on putting in a section here where you control Hiro and sneak around the castle but I haven't gotten around to looking for a good stealth script to use, let alone actually implementing it.

You're good at making maps. Take advantage of that. I actually want to explore them. Maybe you can even scatter bits of that backstory around as an exploration reward. Again, avoid info-dumps. Your game would probably be best served with skits between party members prompted by bits of the environment. It makes for a fun time getting the info, and gives an opportunity for character building, which you can actually pull off.

I agree about the info dumps. My fears of cutting it from the intro and scattering it in books across the game are:
1) Nobody will bother to read them. This is, first and foremost, a hentai game and people tend to rush to the next scene.
2) My writing style and ability doesn't really lend itself well to wanting to actually find and read them. Out of the hundreds of games I've played throughout my life, there's only been two games where I actually wanted to find and enjoyed reading in-game lore -- Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura and Dishonored.

As for skits, they'd definitely be a better alternative but I can't really think of a reason why Nori and Hiro would be talking about Chaos, Order, and the history of the world.

Nitpick: Nori is a mage. 90% of the time I want her to cast magic, but I keep accidentally selecting the 'special' tab because it's easier to get to.

I plan on removing the 'special' option from Nori entirely.

I autoheal at the end of combat. Sort of nice, but without any sort of interesting mechanics, BF system, or need to manage resources throughout multiple encounters, combat right now is boring. Easiest fix would be to give the enemies more damage/reduce player health so that it feels riskier, add some telegraphed patterns, and get more synergistic abilities. See: MGQ, but easier because you don't have GOR.

Autoheal is kinda a relic from my first pass through of the enemies. Originally all I did was multiple their stats by three, making it so that your party barely survived each encounter. Combined with the originally very high encounter rate made for a lethal combination.

Upping enemy health / lowering party health is doable, but the other suggestions probably not so much. I'm not entirely sure if attack patterns are doable outside of some heavy scripting. Custom abilities are easily done but without scripting, they all only really heal HP and/or ailments or cause damage and/or ailments.

It feels like I have more MP than I will ever need.

You probably do. This is definitely something that needs further tweaking.

Nitpick: Really? You blocked my path with flowers?

Which kind of flowers? If they're the yellow ones, yeah, that was a mistake, and I recently fixed it.

If you got the values right, you could make every move just use TP. The value of a system like that is that it naturally paces combat well. You'd need to rebalance things to handle it and maybe add some skills that work with it, but you could get some actually good combat out of only stock skills.

What do you mean by 'every move'?

Nitpick: Why did I have to wait 5 seconds for Hiro to walk across the screen before regaining control?

Mostly because you'd see him vanish into thin air if you regained control and moved to the right any. I've upped his walking speed so that it doesn't take as long.

Nitpick: Doors are too big for their holes.


Talked to a white dog in the village. My game soft locked.


Some NPCs don't respond to me. At least give me a text box saying that they're ignoring me or have them tell me to fuck off.

Right now I have no idea how to make an NPC both move in a scripted way and be able to talk to you.

The village elder seemed overly eager to help out and gave off big creeper vibes, then he didn't do anything?

I plan on allowing you to come back later for optional scenes, where he'll bring up his generous hospitality.

Sex scenes seem to be generally too terse and not up to your usual writing standards. CG is still nice though.

The scenes are on the short side, I agree. The length of sex scenes in a lot of Japanese hentai games mostly comes from repetition (seriously, a lot of it is 'ohhh' and 'aaahhh' or some variation thereof constantly repeated). I'd like to lengthen them but in an organic way; I don't want them to feel artificially long.

Goblin sex scene. Once again Nori folds with only token resistance. Have her tied up if she isn't going to do shit to stop the goblins. Advanced route: give me the option to fight a battle with no equipment, some debuffs, and barely any health or mana. I do like the goblin dialogue.

Her being tied up wouldn't really work for the scene as it currently is but allowing her to enter an unwinnable battle with them could work.

I've done a lot of complaining, but I do think that what you have is good and that you're capable of making it better. Keep it up.

Thanks. Right now my only real forte is writing, so a lot of stuff with enemies and fighting in general will probably remain fairly shitty throughout, unfortunately.

I think it's in my signature, but- for the sake of your own sanity- use version control. It's a combination of the ability to roll back your project to before you broke things as well as an offsite backup. I personally use TortoiseHg for a client and Bitbucket as a server.

All of the past versions are still on my MEGA account, but thanks. I should probably download all the past versions, just in case something happens to my account.
Re: Duality [In Progress]

Do you mean the sprite or his portrait? If the former, not much I can do about that, as not having the talent for sprite work, I can only use the mostly crappy sprite generator that comes with VX Ace. If the latter, the same thing mostly applies, though there are a few eye options that look older but they also look somewhat psychotic.

I meant the portrait. It's mostly the shape of the face and the beard looking strange when red colored. The alternate king portrait you left in the project files looks a bit better. This is ultimately a small issue, so don't spend too much time trying to fix it.

Using a pre-made poser that comes packaged with another game (Yuusha Kara Wa Nigerarenai), so outside of the poses, I don't really have much control with it. I tried forcing AA onto the program via the nVidia control panel but at the ridiculously low resolution I'm forced to set the game to in order to make the pictures fit RPG Maker, it doesn't really do much.

Have you tried taking them in a higher resolution, with the correct aspect ratio, and then shrinking them down? Just make sure to use a decent image editor to shrink them. GIMP or Paint.net are good free options.

As for skits, they'd definitely be a better alternative but I can't really think of a reason why Nori and Hiro would be talking about Chaos, Order, and the history of the world.

Ideas off the top of my head:
-Have another character that does like to talk about Chaos, Order, and the history of the world leaving journals that look at the stuff through a colorful lense.

-Add a library/readable books where Nori will make snarky comments about the world's history if you interact with them.

-More classically: have Hiro be clueless when something involving your backstory comes up. Then everyone facepalms and explains things to him.

-Nori comes across an annoying member of the world's faith. Nori mocks him, revealing info on the religion.

Which kind of flowers? If they're the yellow ones, yeah, that was a mistake, and I recently fixed it.

Yes. They were the yellow ones.

What do you mean by 'every move'?

Well, your basic attack and defending would still be free, but Nori would be able to cast spells using TP and Hiro would be able to do his special warrior moves using TP as well. What you would try to accomplish with this is to make battles naturally come to a climactic finish with players fighting to stay alive between building up TP for big moves, and ultimately screen wiping with a super move. To do this best, I would personally have both a threshold and a cost for TP moves, ex: Nori needs 30 TP to cast ignis, but only spends 5 TP when she does. That way battles more strongly trend upwards in damage output, but then you can use your 100TP super move that costs 100TP and if it doesn't finish the enemy you go back to building up TP.

I'm not really sure I explained that well, but basically you want the intensity of battles (and gameplay in general) to build to a climax and then drop back down so that you can build up to that peak again.

The scenes are on the short side, I agree. The length of sex scenes in a lot of Japanese hentai games mostly comes from repetition (seriously, a lot of it is 'ohhh' and 'aaahhh' or some variation thereof constantly repeated). I'd like to lengthen them but in an organic way; I don't want them to feel artificially long.

Have you tried adding a few oohs and aaahhs? I agree that lots of h-games go over the top, but having a few in there isn't a bad thing. When there are tits on the screen you have more leeway to say nothing in particular, so long as that nothing in particular builds/reinforces the mood. You should also be more descriptive of the action, throw in a few touches of Nori's perspective on what's happening. "I ran away from home expecting a few problems, but an old man jerking off onto me was not one of them." That sort of thing. Also, just work on the h-scenes more in general. You can make them better if you spend the time and effort. I believe in you.

All of the past versions are still on my MEGA account, but thanks. I should probably download all the past versions, just in case something happens to my account.

This is so important that you're going to get an image macro:

Uploading an occasional build to an offsite server is an okay start. But unless you're making MEGA backups religiously and making sure to include all of your project files, this isn't going to cut it in a hard drive failure or other catastrophic computer incident. You want something like this:

I can't emphasize enough how useful this is for a project. You get a nice log of every change you've ever made and why and what exactly in the project you've changed.


You get to backup to an offsite server in two clicks (commit, and push) and it takes barely any time because it only uploads your changes. If you fuck up the project in any way, then you can rollback to any previous version and continue working so that you lose minutes or hours of work, rather than days or weeks. Plus, in the case of computer problems, only one copy of your repository has to survive for you to recover your entire project history. (For Mercurial and Git, not SVN.)

There are too many cases of promising amateur projects dying because of computer failures. Please. Please. Please. Use source control.

(screencaps are not from any of my projects, but from )
Re: Duality [In Progress]

Have you tried taking them in a higher resolution, with the correct aspect ratio, and then shrinking them down? Just make sure to use a decent image editor to shrink them. GIMP or Paint.net are good free options.

Yeah, I've tried that, they come out looking exactly the same, sometimes a bit worse.

Ideas off the top of my head:
-Have another character that does like to talk about Chaos, Order, and the history of the world leaving journals that look at the stuff through a colorful lense.

-Add a library/readable books where Nori will make snarky comments about the world's history if you interact with them.

I could probably combine these two to good effect.

-Nori comes across an annoying member of the world's faith. Nori mocks him, revealing info on the religion.

I could probably make this work too, later on once you get to the main city.

Well, your basic attack and defending would still be free, but Nori would be able to cast spells using TP and Hiro would be able to do his special warrior moves using TP as well. What you would try to accomplish with this is to make battles naturally come to a climactic finish with players fighting to stay alive between building up TP for big moves, and ultimately screen wiping with a super move. To do this best, I would personally have both a threshold and a cost for TP moves, ex: Nori needs 30 TP to cast ignis, but only spends 5 TP when she does. That way battles more strongly trend upwards in damage output, but then you can use your 100TP super move that costs 100TP and if it doesn't finish the enemy you go back to building up TP.

I'm not really sure I explained that well, but basically you want the intensity of battles (and gameplay in general) to build to a climax and then drop back down so that you can build up to that peak again.

This does sound a lot better than what I currently have, but some stuff, like needing X to cast something but it only using Y, would again involve a good knowledge of program scripting. It also sounds like something that would need meticulous balancing to pull off well, which I'm not sure I'd be able to do, mainly due to my horrid skills with math.

If you really wanna help with giving suggestions for a better combat system, I'd suggest maybe pirating RPG Maker VX Ace and giving it a look, to see what its limits are. There's a reason why a lot of RPG Maker games come out looking, playing, and sounding the same -- it's a fairly limited and simple program meant to make basic JRPGs unless you know how to create your own custom scripts. It's really based around usability rather than flexibility.

Have you tried adding a few oohs and aaahhs? I agree that lots of h-games go over the top, but having a few in there isn't a bad thing. When there are tits on the screen you have more leeway to say nothing in particular, so long as that nothing in particular builds/reinforces the mood. You should also be more descriptive of the action, throw in a few touches of Nori's perspective on what's happening. "I ran away from home expecting a few problems, but an old man jerking off onto me was not one of them." That sort of thing. Also, just work on the h-scenes more in general. You can make them better if you spend the time and effort. I believe in you.

Well, I plan on having a ton of hentai scenes throughout, so hopefully my skill in writing them will improve. I plan on giving the game another pass over once it's content complete and re-doing whatever I think needs it, so by then I should be able to re-write the initial sex scenes and make them better.

There are too many cases of promising amateur projects dying because of computer failures. Please. Please. Please. Use source control.

I'll try one of the programs out.
Re: Duality [In Progress]

Not sure if it's been said yet but all downward-facing treeline border tiles are not set for collision.

Re: Duality [In Progress]

If you really wanna help with giving suggestions for a better combat system, I'd suggest maybe pirating RPG Maker VX Ace and giving it a look, to see what its limits are. There's a reason why a lot of RPG Maker games come out looking, playing, and sounding the same -- it's a fairly limited and simple program meant to make basic JRPGs unless you know how to create your own custom scripts. It's really based around usability rather than flexibility.

I'll try that out. Would you mind if I messed with your project files?
Re: Duality [In Progress]

Not sure if it's been said yet but all downward-facing treeline border tiles are not set for collision.


That's... odd. I don't know why that's happening. Those tiles are set for no passage, so I'm not sure why you're able to move into them. Regardless, I put tree trunks there like there should be, so hopefully that'll remedy the problem.

I'll try that out. Would you mind if I messed with your project files?

Sure, go ahead.



- Fixed a few more minor bugs.
- Removed the 'special' option from Nori's in-battle menu.
- Figured out how to get NPCs to move in a scripted way while still allowing the player to talk to them. Please report if there's any problems with the guy in Sylva messing with the wood and the woman doing laundry.
Re: Duality [In Progress]

Okay, I tried messing around with the version 0.18 and threw together a simple script that will accomplish what I was talking about with TP. I also rebalanced combat to deal with the changes and tested it up to the event with the man eating plant. Let me know what you think.

EDIT: Okay, took the time to tune the combat past the man eating plant. Good thing I did because I completely killed the balance earlier. I also messed with the end of Nori Sly Night because it was soft locking.

I also found a bug where you can hold ctrl to ignore collision. Might be something to do with text skip. How? I don't know.
Last edited:
Re: Duality [In Progress]

Okay, I tried messing around with the version 0.18 and threw together a simple script that will accomplish what I was talking about with TP. I also rebalanced combat to deal with the changes and tested it up to the event with the man eating plant. Let me know what you think.

I like it. It's definitely more interesting and well balanced than what I had. My only suggestion right now would be to tweak Nori somehow. Right now it takes her a bit too long to reach 30 TP to cast Ignis, with early battles making it so that most of the times she doesn't reach 30 before the fight is over. I'd say either make it so that she gains TP a bit faster or lower her costs.

Hiro, though, is good. Being an attacker, he doesn't really need access to his special abilities often and given that most of his specials are just better versions of his normal attack, him not being able to use them quickly and consistently works out really well.

Regardless, it's pretty impressive work. I wouldn't have been able to whip up a script like that, especially within a day.

I also messed with the end of Nori Sly Night because it was soft locking.

What was wrong there and how'd you fix it?

I also found a bug where you can hold ctrl to ignore collision. Might be something to do with text skip. How? I don't know.

I should probably get rid of that altogether. I originally got it thinking it'd be similar to a fast-forward button for text but it really isn't. You can get through the text much quicker by just hitting the action button quickly.
Re: Duality [In Progress]

In order to fix Nori's early TP problem, just make the mage class get TP Charge at level 3 rather than level 5. I wouldn't give it to players at level 1 because I want Ignis to have more impact in early battles and so that players will be grateful to learn the skill.

Hiro would get sometimes stuck on something invisible while walking to Nori to end the event. So I enabled both No Clip and Skip if Blocked, and then made it so Nori and Hiro never walked past the spot Hiro was getting stuck. I don't know which of those things fixed it, but I got tired of watching the maid pass out dinner so I called it good when it wasn't completely broken any more.

The strange thing is that it would only happen randomly and I never got it in your v0.18. Maybe I accidentally added collision data to that map, and the times it worked I was holding ctrl in order to skip through scenes faster?
Re: Duality [In Progress]

I'll try that out with the TP Charge and see how it works.

I probably won't be doing much work on this game on the weekend. I want to take a break and pace myself; one of my problems with my projects before was that I'd work fairly frantically on them for some time straight and then get bored.

I should also probably update this topic's first post. It's very ramble-y, somewhat incoherent, and doesn't actually give a lot of information about the game.
Re: Duality [In Progress]

So my thoughts on the game. I like the premise. I'm assuming no GOR is intentional, though I really expected it in the ogre fight. I am left wondering if all of the sex scenes are just going to happen or if there's going to be any player agency involved.