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RPG NTR [Makura cover soft] 魔剣士リーネ2/ Leane of Legitimate Crown (RJ194521)

Re: [Makura cover soft|SLG]Leane of Legitimate Crown

Xcaliberium said:
you don't see him having sex with them it just happens, they first arrive in their normal clothing, then get switched to a slave costume, then after he has his way then they get a more revealing slave costume. the 2nd last option in the king menu shows all the girls on the bottom under reserve, when they get pregnant they get a red number showing you how many months they are, and it shows them standing / sitting around the bed with fat belly that gets bigger the closer it gets to the 9 months.

Thats interesting, in neither of my gameplays the heroines never became pregnant no matter how long I left them in the harem.
Re: [Makura cover soft|SLG]Leane of Legitimate Crown

i guess he should be more clear. he could mean the demo or he could be referring to these images from the creators website. you can the the bellow difference from 3 months to 7 months. the girl farthest to the left.


Re: [Makura cover soft|SLG]Leane of Legitimate Crown

dartred said:
i guess he should be more clear. he could mean the demo or he could be referring to these images from the creators website.

Yeah, I assume he was just referring to the web images considering on my first playthrough I left one of the heroines in the harem throughout the entire game she never became pregnant. Even looking through the readmes provided with the updates I see no mention of fixing or including pregnancy in the game.
Re: [Makura cover soft|SLG]Leane of Legitimate Crown

so i just found out he can get the decoy girls pregnant. they are the generic women you make to stall for time and can't be used for combat.you can definitely see the stomach rounding. to bad non of the main girls can get pregnant yet. no scene for the generic girls.

so i'm sure there IS a scene where the baby making happens, just not in the demo.



interesting, during the 8th and 9th month of pregnancy that girl is removed and after she gives birth (i assume) she is placed back into the harem with no big belly and no timer again.
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Re: [Makura cover soft|SLG]Leane of Legitimate Crown

Anyway to get blue haired girl in orange territory in the demo?
Re: [Makura cover soft|SLG]Leane of Legitimate Crown

Nope, nor purple hair girl in northern territory.
Re: [Makura cover soft|SLG]Leane of Legitimate Crown

so i just found out he can get the decoy girls pregnant. they are the generic women you make to stall for time and can't be used for combat.you can definitely see the stomach rounding. to bad non of the main girls can get pregnant yet. no scene for the generic girls.

so i'm sure there IS a scene where the baby making happens, just not in the demo.



interesting, during the 8th and 9th month of pregnancy that girl is removed and after she gives birth (i assume) she is placed back into the harem with no big belly and no timer again.

Since the harem capacity is 9, does that means you can potentially just shove a bunch of decoys in there and keep the king busy that way?

Or is there limit to how many girls you can have?
Re: [Makura cover soft|SLG]Leane of Legitimate Crown

i don't think so. i think it just stall for time and that's it. even while he was full like that he STILL traveled to capture my last girl i had. i think if i let him catch her, he would have replaced one of the generic girls with her. so beware.
Re: [Makura cover soft|SLG]Leane of Legitimate Crown

Was really looking forward to this release, but playing through the demo my enthusiasm for it is dead solely due to this mechanic. Wipe out green, build up a stack to attack pink, attacks go back and forth slowly making progress...king shows up and steals all my generals. I could win the demo with just the male units at that point, but interest in continuing the game is more or less dead once the king catches up to you. There's no way to evade him in the starting area until you take over both green and pink, and even then you're stuck dealing with an 'ally' that does more damage to you than the enemy kingdoms for the entire game.

I'm at a loss why anyone though this was a good addition to the gameplay. You're essentially encouraged to either give up on the female units entirely, or blitz through the game as fast as possible. Unlike the capture/corruption system, the king stealing people doesn't even net you any CG or the stripping images from the corruption. Might as well just suicide your female units into the enemy.

Only chance for it at this point is a difficulty option that disables the king, or maybe someone will find out how to mod it so the king can't move from his start location.
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Re: [Makura cover soft|SLG]Leane of Legitimate Crown

we don't know if there is any cg with the king yet. this is just the demo, the scenes are given at all or by that logic the corruption gives no cg either since the demo doesn't have it.
Re: [Makura cover soft|SLG]Leane of Legitimate Crown

Was really looking forward to this release, but playing through the demo my enthusiasm for it is dead solely due to this mechanic. Wipe out green, build up a stack to attack pink, attacks go back and forth slowly making progress...king shows up and steals all my generals. I could win the demo with just the male units at that point, but interest in continuing the game is more or less dead once the king catches up to you. There's no way to evade him in the starting area until you take over both green and pink, and even then you're stuck dealing with an 'ally' that does more damage to you than the enemy kingdoms for the entire game.

I'm at a loss why anyone though this was a good addition to the gameplay. You're essentially encouraged to either give up on the female units entirely, or blitz through the game as fast as possible. Unlike the capture/corruption system, the king stealing people doesn't even net you any CG or the stripping images from the corruption. Might as well just suicide your female units into the enemy.

Only chance for it at this point is a difficulty option that disables the king, or maybe someone will find out how to mod it so the king can't move from his start location.

This game is clearly devoted to hardcore masochist NTR lovers. You don't like seeing 'your girls' being taken by some useless douche while you could do nothing about it? Go download CG saves.

Or you may try to beat the game without letting any of the above happen. For example, I cleared the first game without losing my (male MC's) virginity. I felt better than seeing H scenes by playing that way.
Re: [Makura cover soft|SLG]Leane of Legitimate Crown

So I just started playing the first game and Leane is the brunette calvary knight girl? I had thought she would be the white haired girl or the orange haired girl since the game seemed to give them more prominence. So does Leane actually have an special role in the game at all or is the title just completely meaningless?
Re: [Makura cover soft|SLG]Leane of Legitimate Crown

Does anyone know how to get long brown haired girl and the evil guy has sex with four of the heriones in the first game?
Re: [Makura cover soft|SLG]Leane of Legitimate Crown

Looks like the demo got updated in the dev blog. From what google translate tells me, it looks like you can now increase how much money the useless king spends to lower his dissatisfaction. I guess you can keep him at bay for longer with that + concubines, but eventually he'll still go for your girls.
Re: [Makura cover soft|SLG]Leane of Legitimate Crown

'_ ' a fairly...interesting thing happened to me
Because I was bored, I ends up sending 3 girls into enemy's captive (also just to check that lv 2 jail will prevent captives from escaping)

And since I have not really expand my area, there's only 2 girls left in my area, Leane and the little sister.

The king doesn't seem to go after the sister in this version (neither does she have captive image) so I know that one is safe.

Eventually the King does shows up for Leane.
Then I tried asking for her back immediately.

He said yes.

Then move her out of that town, change my mind and send her back.

The King immediately takes her in again
Interestingly, this also forces her into the next phase of harem cloth (I repeat it a few times until she's naked in that short time)

Then the weird thing happened.

The King simply stops there.

Leane can still be used to build things but despite being in the same town she's not taken into harem again.

So I tried leaving it at that state for some time.

A year passed in game and the situation remains o_O

It might only applies if there's only one heroine left (if there's multiple left the king might go after someone else and reset the situation) but I still find it amusing that in this situation he's pretty much

Well, I'm too lazy to experiment more on this so I'll leave it at this :v
Re: [Makura cover soft|SLG]Leane of Legitimate Crown

So, this has been bugging me for awhile now. Does anyone else notice what they did to the girl named セリア(Seria)? Here, look at her first image


If you look at every image on the game's page posted of her thereafter, she became more and more lightly-skinned instead of her original brown-ish skin tone. Now she's fully pale.
Re: [Makura cover soft|SLG]Leane of Legitimate Crown

Yeah she become more pale as time went by, as dungeon life you don't get any sun. some day someone will free her and let her out into the sun once more. :D
Re: [Makura cover soft|SLG]Leane of Legitimate Crown

That's really not how brown skin works. It clearly isn't a tan, either. They changed her design artificially.
Re: [Makura cover soft|SLG]Leane of Legitimate Crown

This game is clearly devoted to hardcore masochist NTR lovers. You don't like seeing 'your girls' being taken by some useless douche while you could do nothing about it? Go download CG saves.

Or you may try to beat the game without letting any of the above happen. For example, I cleared the first game without losing my (male MC's) virginity. I felt better than seeing H scenes by playing that way.

The difference between the first game and this demo of the 2nd is that losing the girls in the first was entirely your fault. In the first you could easily keep your generals safe by not making stupid attacks with them, you could easily rescue them from the enemy, you could save the sub-enemy general in the upper-right by taking them over before red, you could avoid the 'surprise' rape scenes that triggered under certain conditions (ie leaving the bandit lord and the princess alone) once you knew about them, etc. The NTR elements didn't get in the way of the gameplay at all. It didn't even really feel like NTR as it was really no surprise what losing them to the 'evil dude that made a pact with demons and monsters' was going to result in. It was still a decent strategy game limited only by the fact that it played out the same every time.

The king in the 2nd is a different matter. You can do nothing wrong and be on track to winning against pink, not losing any of your units...and still lose nearly all your generals to the king. You don't just lose the general though, you lose the entire unit attached to that general. Even if you bargain for them back, they start back with 0 soldiers. Meaning you have to have them sit there and rebuild. Meaning the king will just hound them and take them again before you have a chance to get them battle-worthy again. Once the king is at your 'front line', he's just going to camp there and prevent you from using your female units ever again. Compounding all this further is that your generals gain XP and skills (the demo starts with everything unlocked for testing obviously). Lose that champion general that had the lion's share of XP? You lose I guess.

It's a terrible mechanic the interferes with the gameplay of an otherwise reasonable strategy game. You want a douchebag king 'ally' stealing all the women, make an AVG or just write a manga. While it's just the demo and the map and units available will change, I predict most players will just end up abandoning the female generals and focus on levelling units that are 'immune' to the king (your sister and the generic female units seem to be safe). Why bother building up those main female generals, spending time and money on the brothels to stall the king, and lose them anyways because the king can't be stopped? It doesn't make any strategic sense to invest in units that can essentially be one-shot by an invulnerable 'enemy'. Strategy games that artifically limit strategies are bad design.

That's why I complain about it, regardless of how much a hard-on the devs have for NTR. I didn't mind at all about it in the first game, because it didn't interfere with the gameplay and actually complimented it.
Re: [Makura cover soft|SLG]Leane of Legitimate Crown

well there is a building you can build several times, and each time you make it , it cuts the time to get max troops up by like half each time, like normally it's 32 days to go from 0 to 3000 troops, but after you get the building it can take 3 to 5 days to max em out. plus you can send gold to the king as well and it pays him off to buy random girls to use I think.