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The Great Price (Game Thread)

Re: The Great Price (Game Thread)

"If the grievances of the rioters have been laid at the feet of the Ecclesiarchy, then it would make sense for them to target such holdings," Mallia said to Markus. The Arbitrator seemed like the investigative sort, and that was a comfort. She didn't just want a walking, talking meat shield by her side. She may have intelligence and a keen sense of perception, but she was not trained in investigation protocol. She would perhaps have to rely on his assessments.

"I do agree that it is likely the riots are connected, but we must not assume things at face value. The enemies of the Imperium are insideous. They attack your mind and your soul before they ever lay a finger on your body. Disorientation, uncertainty, confusion - fear. They wield these tools like a churgeon's scalpel. We must have clear heads if we are to pierce the veil of their lies."
Re: The Great Price (Game Thread)

I've had to admit, the psyker knew how to make a point. Her mind was sharp, and she was a quick thinker. "True, the rioters could be targeting the Ecclesiarchy by their own choice. Though that makes me wonder what caused them to act like that." This was mostly my curiosity speaking, though. My primary mission, for now, was to find and retrieve the missing priest. "Still, learning that is hardly a priority now." Investigating the riots themselves would have to wait, and I had a feeling that we'd learn the reasons behind them once we found our target. As for the rioters themselves... Well, attacks on Ecclesiarchy were heresy and crimes against the laws of the Imperium. There was only one punishment suitable. "The Emperor guides those whose faith is firm. If our convictions are strong and pure, then we shall find the truth... And deliver His justice to those who are found wanting."
Re: The Great Price (Game Thread)

There was a shift as the lander took off, and with that shift brought a sliding noise that likely drew the occupant's attention to a data-slate sitting on top of a small locker.

As the Inquisitor had said, the data-slate contained a description of the priest in question, including a list of certain features for ease of identification. The combination of those features were unusual enough to provide an excellent means of identification.

Also listed were details on the cell and its escort, as well as a map of the area around the point of vanishing, spaceport included. The cell consisted of two Arbitrators, a Versipex Adept, and an additional Ecclesiarchial Cleric. The cell was transporting the missing priest to the hive's spaceport in order to take him to the cruiser, using a Chimera Transport to do so. The Sororitas escort was listed as consisting of three Battle Sisters from the Order of the Bloody Rose, with a Sister Hospitaller.

The data-slate further listed the contents of the locker it was found on. Four micro-beads, a vox-caster for communication to the cruiser, as well as a few stasis-cases for storage of anything deemed to be of note... Or anything that needed to be recovered.
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Re: The Great Price (Game Thread)

"The reasoning for targeting the Ecclesiarchy would be simple- mismanagement of assets to the colony and the populace, or at least being brought to belief of such mismanagement," Seraph added. "Wouldn't be the first time a planetary lord would screw up in his post and gain the ire of the population, and then later the Inquisition. Still, the matter of the missing priest is by far the more important part to worry about."

As the sound of a dataslate skidded around, Seraph would turn to the crate and quietly take the pad, giving it a look over after the ship was stable again. "Geebus, the other team was in a Chimera when contact was lost? Whoever we are against is going to have either heavy firepower or anti-vehicle traps to stop something like that..."
Re: The Great Price (Game Thread)

Geebus? Mallia wondered what sort of word that was that Seraph had uttered. She didn't recall it in the book of saints. Must be an exclamatory in a different dialect.

"You must be used to the Shrine Worlds, Seraph. The planetary governance is run through the Ministorum. The Ecclesiarchy tend to the spiritual needs of the populace. We won't know what the reasons for the attacks are, and we may never know. It's not our priority at the moment, unless that knowledge helps us locate Uriah."
Re: The Great Price (Game Thread)

Quietly, Seraph shook her head a little as she sat back down next to the equipment crate, her weapon leaning against one leg as she keeps scrutinizing the pad at the man's description, committing it to memory. "My mistake. Mixed up the terms was all, though with that said, it could lead to another theory on why the attacks are targeting Ecclesiarchy holdings, and brings more concern that the populace is being lead by those not of strong faith."

At the remarks relating to her homeworld, she gave a shrug. "Not entirely purely from the shrines. My place of origin was towards the edges of the eastern fringe, and when I was younger we were taught a lot about self-sufficiency as well as the usual Imperial Creed. While I admit my time spent in the care of the Pandemic Rose was brief, I learned more then enough about what the Sisterhood does and what is required of them. With me starting from that far out though, I am worried that my credentials may not have caught up with me..."
Re: The Great Price (Game Thread)

"Most likely the former." I've ignored the Sister's choice of... Expletives. Something she picked up on an assignment, perhaps? Definitely didn't sound like something one would learn in a Schola. "It would be much easier to immobilize an armored transport rather than destroy it, and acquiring weapons potent enough to breach a Chimera's hull is quite difficult. Still, we should be on guard. We have no idea what kind of resources our enemy has at his disposal." This was pretty damn bad, I had to admit. Someone who had both guts and means to wipe out a cell with a Sister escort and a freaking armored transport vehicle couldn't be trifled with. A direct attack would be suicidal. At the same time... "What worries me most is that it's very likely that the individuals who took out the previous cell have captured the priest." I've opened the locker and picked up one of the micro beads, mostly to familiarize myself with the device.
Re: The Great Price (Game Thread)

Once the aquila lander had actually begun to take off, Mallia would grab her own microbead and make certain that her requisitioned flak vest was secured beneath her robes and that her weapon belt was securely fastened around her waist. This was to be her first official mission for the Inquisition, and even a psyker can get nervous in anticipation of such an undertaking. Unless directly questioned about anything else, she would try to meditate the rest of the way to the hive city's space port.
Re: The Great Price (Game Thread)

Once the lander reached the destination, the group would discover something of a bustle of activity. A contingent of Arbites were busy either setting up or repairing barricades, mostly on the side opposite from where the new cell would have to go. A handful stopped their work long enough to see who the new arrivals were, but quickly returned to their work as if they'd been told ahead of time who to expect. It would be clear that whatever had happened, or seemed about to happen, it'd be best to leave it to the assembled force.
Re: The Great Price (Game Thread)

Seraph takes from the crate, as well as the Data-Slate, a micro-bead and a stasis case. Profile to update after this post.

As the lander once again settles from the landing, Seraph took a second to take a few of the items from the crate, quickly finding places to stow them in her equipment spots. She hoped they wouldn't have to use any of them, but until that point it was still recon.

Moving to the bottom of the lander's ramp, she'd nod slightly to the soldiers that looked to them, but quietly returned to examining the data-slate, quickly searching it for some good ways to get to the combat area.

"Whoever we're fighting, we're more then equipped to tackle it. In theory..." she manages to add to the conversation, shifting a bit as she hopes her words are truthful and her concerns are meaningless.
Re: The Great Price (Game Thread)

"Combat shouldn't be our first priority, though." I've replied, leaving the lander. I've picked up the vox-caster and a stasis case on my way out, pocketing them for later use. "We should focus on finding out what happened to the other squad. I imagine the crime scene might still contain some useful leads. If that doesn't work, we'll have to start looking for people who know something. We should probably keep fighting to the minimum for the time being, to avoid drawing attention." I've glanced at the Arbites gathered near our landing zone, observing their preparations. "Besides, I think other forces of the Inquisition got that covered. Now, can you find a way to the last know location of that other cell? We should start our investigation there."
Re: The Great Price (Game Thread)

After disembarking, Mallia looked to Seraph, who was holding the data slate.

"Our Arbitrator is right, lead us to the last known location of the priest. If there is a trail to follow, it will start there," she intoned as she brushed her lengthy hair back behind her. She was eager to start the search. Haste was necessary to track their quarry.
Re: The Great Price (Game Thread)

Drake waits until the lander has stopped moving and everyone has exited to claim his own micro-bead from the locker, examining it as he followed the group down the ramp, only partially aware of the fact anything but the bead existed, as his eyes focus intently on it, his brain working out its inner workings as his vox speaker pipes up. "Yes, yes, what the warped one suggested." is all that plays out, before the speaker falls silent and he turns the bead around to look at the opposite side of it, his mind abuzz.

Tech Use to determine if the micro bead is compatible with Drake's in-built communication system, to be posted in the OOC thread.
Re: The Great Price (Game Thread)

Seraph tapped the map lightly, nodding a little. "Certainly. After me then," she said quietly, following the map as she looks down the slate as she walks. "Should be this way to the last located position..."
Re: The Great Price (Game Thread)

After a while of navigating oddly vacant streets, the cell managed to find the missing Chimera... Which was pointed in the opposite direction it was supposed to be travelling in.

And all of its doors were sitting wide open.

As for those supposed to with the vehicle, they were mostly accounted for.

The three Battle Sisters were clearly dead, by some manner of weapons fire. The Sister Hospitaller had a gaping wound in her stomach, and appeared to have been strangled by her own intestines. Of the Cleric and Adept who were assigned as escort, they were similarly dead as the Hospitaller, save that they appeared to have used their own intestines to strangle each other. Perhaps the most bizarre of the dead were the two Arbitraitors... Each seemed to have been melted in a way that left their Carapace armor untouched.

Of Uriah Praetus, the Cleric they were sent to locate... There was no ready sign. Perhaps even more eerie... Aside from the obvious injuries, there's no sign of battle. No evidence of spent weapons, and no evidence of damage on the streets, nearby buildings, or the Chimera itself.
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Re: The Great Price (Game Thread)

As she and her companions reeled from the hellish scene, Mallia instinctively fell back upon the words of the Imperial Creed, and of the litany of Saints, particularly Saint Drusus, who had faced immeasurable horrors in the triumphant claiming of the Calixis Sector, from which the psyker originally hailed. Making the sign of the Aquila, she chanted a prayer for the dead, that their souls may somehow have found escape from the rending fate that had awaited their corporeal forms, and that they now rested within the protection of the Emperor.

"Emperor protect us," she murmured, gripping her staff tightly until the dull ache of the scar tissue on her right, bandaged hand became an acute swell of white-knuckled suffering. The pain was gratifying, because the pain could be overcome, and it reminded her that when pain is overcome, so too is the fear of pain. So too the fear of death.

And yet such a death...

"I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little death that leads to total obliteration." She muttered the litany in a quiet cant over and over to herself as she stood there, staring at the scene.

Why should she not expect this? Had not the voice that had once tried to invade her mind and soul told her of such things? Had the daemon not promised her that she would see horror unending, whether the beast stayed or went? Still she had pushed it aside. She would not become a willing participant in the chaos and the insanity.

Struggling, the psyker found her center. Yes, this was bad. Yes, she recoiled from the sight of such dead men and women. But she would not let this affect her permanently. She would fear this fate, but she would rise above it.

Still shaking, she betook herself to the task of trying to find any such sign or clue that could point to the whereabouts of the priest. If the priest's body was no longer here, then had it walked (or ran) away? Had someone or something carried him?
Re: The Great Price (Game Thread)

Finding the chimera turned out to be an easy task. Same with finding the missing cell. And as I stood there, taking the scene in, I wished it hadn't been that easy. Whatever caused those poor bastards to die in such gruesome ways could not be human. It had to be the work of a witch or a daemon. As I watched the scene, I've realized that I've started to quietly mutter prayers to the Emperor, asking for protection. Must have followed suit after our psyker. For a while, I could only stare at the sight before me. Eventually, however, I was able to muster some strenght of will to push my fear and disgust aside. I was one of the Arbites. The Imperium tasked me with rooting out those who went against it's laws, and no matter how much I might loathe the thought, it was my duty to follow this gruesome trail and punish those who were responsible.

I've tried to search for some answers among the corpses, taking out my gun as I've approached. There were so many questions in my head. Why was the chimera directed away from the landing zone? Why was it open? What exactly happened to the non-combatants? Or to the two Arbites? Who assaulted the convoy? And where, oh where was that thrice-damned priest? I couldn't quite focus with all the turmoil in my head, my search turning far less accurate than I'd have liked. Under any other circumstances, I'd have called it sloppy. Now, I didn't care as much. Whether it was the work of heretics or xeno, I didn't want to spend any more time in this place than I absolutely had to.
Re: The Great Price (Game Thread)

"And we should be just about... here... Oh, shit."

Gore was nothing new to Seraph- she was a Sorita after all, and frontline battles getting this covered in body parts was a average Tuesday. Considering this was supposed to be a non-combat zone... this was something different. Add in the creative use of body parts, the orientation of the Chimera, and the gruesome scene in general, and even she had to suppress her lunch.

"Well, on the bright side, we just have to worry about the priest now..." she deadpans, her voice quavering under her bitter thoughts. Whoever was responsible, she'd make them pay...

Moving through the debris, the Sister too would examine the scene, although only superficially. "I'm unaware on how hiver gangs usually do executions. Is this something on par with what they do usually?" she asked the group in general, though more pointed to the Arbite. "And why were they moving away from the spaceport? Even the vehicle's doors are propped open, no mechanic destruction..."
Re: The Great Price (Game Thread)

"No." I've replied to the Sister. She didn't mention my name, but judging from what she was asking about, those questions were most likely aimed at me. I was the one with experience, after all. "They generally don't have the means to do... That to people." I've pointed at the two melted Arbites. "This is the first time I've seen something like this happen. As for the rest... This is highly irregular as well. When it comes to killing, those scum will just shoot you, stab you, bludgeon you and so on. They don't go with elaborate executions, just kill and move on before law enforcement gets to the place. Granted, sometimes you get a killer that likes to do disturbing things, but a typical gang is just a bunch of crude thugs - they'll cave your skull in and move on, because it's faster that way." I shook my head. "Whoever did that had a reason to do so or is completely twisted, and has access to things you don't find in the hands of a regular hive gang. I suspect influence of something inhuman. As for the chimera... I have no idea. I'm afraid only those who were here know. Though..." An idea came to my head. "Perhaps they've come here to meet with someone, and were ambushed after leaving the chimera."
Re: The Great Price (Game Thread)

Drake seems to be the least affected, his fascination with the micro-bead having vanished upon arriving at the scene. "Fascinating...." he says, closing on the vehicle and examining it, rather intrigued in how the Arbites seem to have died, his fascination apparent. "My my, this is quite the development. No ordinary human could have done such a thing, and the condition the Arbites are in......Hmm....." The Mechanicus squats down, his eyes scanning over the bodies to try and determine if this was done by anything mechanical he might be familiar with.