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The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

Zieg muttered quietly under his breath as he looked around the place as they neared the habstacks, an eyebrow giving a nervous twitch. This place definitely didn't seem right, and close scrutiny of the nearby area must be required, if he can convince his team to do so of course.

Upon reaching the habstack in question, the woman's cry left Zieg visibly smacking his head in annoyance. Damn nobles, letting them know they were here! "Great, now they do know that someone's here," he growled under his breath. Taking point, he slings out his shotgun, just enough to keep it under his coat but ready to release the safety and bring it to bear as needed, quickly prepping for a rush entry as he looks to Mordeci. "Breach the place? No way we're gonna get the drop now..."
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

"These people barely have the thrones to keep themselves fed, what do I have to fear?" Thiopia shot back to Mordeci as she gave the other two a glance, and then she knocked again.

"I must insist we speak with you, Arbest. Either you come to this door and let us in now, or we will let ourselves in, and I would prefer our discussion not be begin as such."
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

"Who... who ARE you?!"

A woman's voice, struggling to maintain some vestige of composure in the wake of what sounds like terror, answers Thiopia's demand.

"Where is Saul!? What have you done with my brother?!"
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

"We would prefer to not talk about it in the hall, Miss Lili. Please, open the door."
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

Zieg quickly lowered the shotgun as he heard the woman's voice. "Our apologies, Ma'am..." he mutters quickly as the safety once again clicks into place. "From the state of the door, we had assumed that there may have been some form of looter... Is it safe for us to come in? I am unsure if what we're about to say should be left open to any ears not at mass..." In his mind, Zieg tries to think of the best way to drop the bomb and why they are here. They need her stable enough to ask things about, though...
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

Mordeci reaches his left hand up and tilts his hat back, holstering his pistol and stepping to the side of the door, preferring to keep himself out of the way and off to the side as he enjoys his Lho-stick.
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

There is a long moment of deliberation, and then Lili Arbest's voice calls out again, weaker than before, with a hint of resignation.

"The door's open. Nothing stopping you from coming through."

If the party was inclined to stick their head through, they would see that the rest of the apartment looked as looted as the doorway. Barricaded by an upturned bed, a young woman fitting the dossier of the deceased's next of kin was crouching low, looking haggard, with her jaw set. She can't help but notice as the four acolytes enter that they are more or less well armed. She does not appear to be, at first glance, though some parts of her are obscured by the bed.

Lili is wearing a hiver overcoat far too large for her, and she holds a rucksack against her chest. She has shoulder length brown hair, dark eyes, and a pretty face, marred by her air of confusion, stress, and fear.

"You... you don't look like gangers. Thank the Throne. I'd thought I'd been followed here by some of those narco thugs that hole up in the Worker's Union... Some of them were looking at me when I was there earlier... looking at me in ways that make my skin crawl."

She shudders visibly, then she gives a sudden twitch and looks at the four acolytes imploringly.

"So who are you? If you're here to rob me, then you're out of luck. I don't have anything on me and my brother's obviously been cleaned out..."
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

After moving his way in, Zieg took a glance towards the door and ensured it swung shut after them, at the very least muffling sound if someone tried to listen in. "We're... private contractors," he muttered, turning to the girl now, weapons still safely kept out of his reach. "We're here looking for some leads of our own concerning your brother. Is there anything you can tell us about his actions in the last few weeks? Any oddities in his behavior or anything?"

Naturally he was avoiding the mention they knew what had happened to him already, but at the very least if it came up he'd try to break it gently.
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

At the words 'private contractors,' Lili's eyes narrow visibly and she clutches the rucksack in her arms closer to her chest.

"Why are you looking for my brother? No one here will say where he's gone. No one will tell me where to find him. Why are four 'private contractors' looking for him? Saul's a good person. Not very bright, but a good person down on his luck. Whatever it is you think he's involved with, he's not, okay?"

If any acolyte wants, they can make a charm/deceive test to try and bring her around. It would be based on Fellowship.
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

"Miss Arbest, we aren't interested in punishing your brother. However, given that he is down on his luck, as you say, we believe he may be a victim of an unsavory element that may be using the unemployment here in Coscarla to acquire workers for unsanctioned and highly dangerous activity."

Thiopia let that sink in for a brief moment, before speaking up once again. "Our contract is to put an end to any such activities. We understand he may be forced into such activity's employ by need for gelt or force - we are not concerned with punishing him. Can you recall your brother speaking with anyone unusual, or having received anything from anyone odd? Anything you could tell us - anything - would be appreciated."
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

"Acquire workers?" Lili thinks about this for a moment, letting it sink in. When it does, it looks like she suddenly has new life in her, and she whispers to herself, "So he might be okay? Still alive."

She steps out from behind the bed and approaches Thiopia.

"There isn't any work in Corscala. If there was, no one would need to be press ganged into it unless it was a death sentence. People here are desperate. There's no future. Everyone who had the means to get out of here has already left. I was lucky, before they died in the fires, my parents taught me to read and write, and recently I had a contract as a scrivener a few stations uphive. I was staying there for the past couple of months, only keeping in contact with Saul by vox calls - and to my shame, I got so worn out that I didn't call him very often toward the end. I only found out he'd disappeared days after it had happened. I came back to Corscala only a few days ago to find my brother's apartment torn apart, just like this. I started to ask around town, but people, even those I've known since I was a child, they won't look me in the eyes. They won't say anything, as if in doing so, they'd bring the same fate onto themselves!"

She hugs herself tightly and shudders. "The way they refused to talk and the looks in their eyes, it was like they were certain that Saul was dead and gone. I slept here the last few nights, scared out of my mind. The people here in the habstack whisper about others who are missing. Others like Saul. Every night, handfuls of people are vanishing. There are so many theories going about, but I don't know what to believe. You aren't the first to suggest press gangs. There's some that blame Luntz and his underhive gangers over at the Union, but... I don't know about that. The gangers here have that same look of uncertainty in their eyes..."

Lili trails off for a moment, placing her hand on the edge of the upturned bed, grasping a metal rung tightly while her other hand lets the lightly filled rucksack drop to her feet.

"It was odd. When I first got here, no one had reported Saul missing, even though no one had seen him. I was afraid to file a report at first myself, but I was in the Square and saw Warden Locan on his own looking... lost. When I told him that Saul was missing he got angry at first, but then he suddenly got really quiet, and looked as though he might even break down in tears right on the spot. He made me swear by the God Emperor and by Saint Drusus to never mention Saul's disappearance again, especially not to the other enforcers. It was strange, he seemed more frightened than I was. I guess he must have reported Saul missing if there are outside contractors investigating."

Lili shifts the rucksack around a bit. "I'd actually just been making up my mind to leave Corscala. I came here to pick up the few things of any value that I could carry and leave on the last train out of the station this evening. I stayed here one last night, hoping in vain that he'd turn up, but it's clear that something bad has happened to him, and I don't have the power to save him. Unless I get out of here, I might not even be able to save myself. There's more vanishings every night. More people not turning up. If they've fallen into the clutches of this unsavory element you mention, then I wish you luck in exposing them, and freeing my brother if he's still alive. That's all I know. It's not much, but I really have no clue where my brother's gone or who he might have been talking to this past month while I was away. There's nothing for me here in Corscala now except evil."

She hefts her sack and pulls it over her shoulder.

"I should probably be getting going if I'm going to make that last train."
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

Thiopia held her chin in her hand, thinking a moment. "Just a few more questions, if you would. Would you know if Saul had gone to a gelt lender or something? Perhaps spoken of finding employment, anything like that?" She asked. She doubted it - she'd not mentioned such, after all - but she might as well ask. "How about friends of his? We might wish to speak to them, next. Names, mayhap addresses if you'd know them?"

A thought hit her - Sand had said Lili was the one who'd reported this Saul missing, correct? Thirty-two days ago?

"So, to whom did you say you reported Saul's disappearance? Do you have any idea how long he'd been missing when you'd reported him? When did you report his disappearance?"

"And where would you departing for, on the train? In case we manage to find any news for you, of course."
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Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

Lili shook her head. "I really haven't spoken to Saul in so long. I kept letting it slide and slide because I was looking to earn my keep with my scrivener job. He might have gone to a lender, but the only person in Corscala with gelt to lend would be Luntz and... I really hope Saul didn't get involved with him. Everyone knows that Luntz is a representative of a larger underhive syndicate. They're in the obscura drug trade."

Lili starts to go quieter as Thiopia presses on about possible friends. "I don't know who he was hanging around with for the past couple of months, I only know who he used to drink with when he was still working for the Combine. Evard Zed. I'm not sure exactly how much use he'll be to you. He's been avoiding me lately. You might find him in the Union drowning his sorrows or in the Templum, looking for the God Emperor to give him a miracle.

"When I didn't get any returned calls from Saul, it worried me at first, but I couldn't leave my job until my contract was up. I called Evard, asking him to check up on Saul, but when Evard never responded, I put a call through to the Warden Locan. I thought that Locan had brushed me off because I was just being paranoid, but a month later, when my contract was up and I came here to find Saul missing, his place torn up... I freaked out. I found Locan again, like I told you, and he warned me not to say anything about it. So... that's it. Twice I've mentioned Saul missing to the authorities and twice I've been told not to press the issue. I don't know what Locan and his enforcers are doing about things, but I'm fed up with all of it. No one is being of any help, even though people are disappearing..."

Lili buries her face in her hands and stifles a sudden sob, when she draws her hands away, her face is scrunched up in sadness with blurred, puffy eyes, stained with tears.

"I'm going uphive to stay with a friend. I'll leave on the last train from the station tonight, when the workshift ends in a half hour. I'll try getting an extension on my contract and work on getting a place of my own. It's not ideal, but I can't stay here anymore. I'll just end up vanishing like Saul and the others..."
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

Zieg let the noble and the girl talk to each other- after all, he wasn't the best when it came to people skills. Still, there was one thing he had to say before too much else happened.

"Well, whenever you head out of town, I'll gladly ensure you get there safely, if you wish of course. I'm sure the other three can work without me for a little bit," he adds simply, shifting on his feet again. "I'm not saying that there may be trouble headed your way, but the way things look? I'm not counting anything out of the picture."
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

Lili nodded to Zieg when he spoke up, offering a sad smile.

"Thanks. It's not often a complete stranger offers to escort someone this close to the underhive but... you're the first people I've heard from who are actually interested in finding out what happened to my brother. That means a lot. I know he wasn't anyone important, but he's the only family I have. He's important to me."

She picks up her rucksack. "I'll go with you then. The trains don't operate during the night cycle, and you don't want to be out of the habstacks at night. If you get me safely to the train, I promise I'll give you something to say to Evard Zed to make him trust you, or at least let him know that I trust you. I'm pretty sure it will help if he has anything important to say to you about Saul. Maybe there's something he just couldn't tell me, but he might be willing to tell you."

Gallus leans his red-hooded head into the room and in a soft voice addresses Zieg.

"Are you certain that we should be splitting up? Maybe we should all go?"
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

In regard to Gallus's question, Zieg gave a shrug. "That may be true, but we need to get started on the investigation. I've spent more than enough time under the gun before, should we get into trouble. Hopefully there won't be a problem though... And this way, hopefully you guys can find a lead here while I help the little miss return to somewhere safer than here. Makes sense?"
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

"Where exactly would you recommend we start looking? Just asking every passerby if they've seen something suspicious?" Gallus muses in his quiet tones. "Miss Arbest, is there anyone else around here who might have seen a lot of what's going on at street level? Someone who might know more about the... less than lawful goings on?"

Lili thinks for a moment, then answers slowly. "I guess, maybe, Sikes? He's an old reclaimator, not really from the district originally. Sells some stuff on the extreme north side of the market. Rumor is that if you want to get a weapon, he's the one to talk to. He's a real merchant though - and by that I mean that he won't give anything away for free. When I told him I didn't have money to pay him for information on Saul, he said that the only thing for me to do then was get out of Corscala and count my losses."

To this, Gallus shrugs and eyes the others, including Mordeci, who stands guard at the door beside him.

"What do you say?"
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

Mordeci finishes his Lho-stick, dropping it at his feet and snuffing it out. "I say we let the lawman do what he wants and we go and have words with the local scum." he says, adjusting the strap his lasgun hangs from and looking at the rest of the group.
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

"I was thinking to question the neighbors, but I'm sure we'll find satisfactory answers elsewhere," Thiopia mused. "I don't see pressing reason not to take Miss Arbest to the station."
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

Gallus considers what both Mordeci and Thiopia have to say on the matter as his cyber-mastiff pricks its ears up and turns to watch the empty hallway, paying particular attention to the ceiling. Ventilation fans cycle air within the hab complex, though there seems to be some need of repair due to a non-synchronous clattering and clicking coming from the rotator device.

"Perhaps we could question the neighbors while you and Zieg escort Miss Arbest?" he offers.

Lili pipes up at this. "You won't get much out of my brother's immediate neighbors. I already asked them about the night Saul went missing, and they all swear they saw nothing, never saw him coming or going after the workshift ended. They all assumed he was down at the Worker's Union, drinking amasec as usual... That's why I went to the Worker's Union initially, to try and find out if anyone there had seen anything, but... those gangers run the show down there, and they're hard types. It was foolish of me to go there alone - you can get killed easily for saying the wrong thing or just appearing like a good target when you're around them."

Gallus moves over to his cyber-mastiff, following its glowing red eyes up to the ventilation shaft, looking at the fan oddly. "Maybe it's best we get back into the open. Make our inquiries along the way. Best for Miss Arbest's safety."