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[RPG Maker VX Ace] My Own Kingdom


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Aug 23, 2012
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Holy crap! I didn't know this forum existed until I saw a post of azurezero on the Hentai Games about his...her? (sorry, don't know =P) new game, Yuko.
I guess I should post this here too.

It's a game I'm making for RPG Maker VX Ace, I'm kind of starting on digital illustration "career"...or let's call it a "learning path" and since practice it's kind of the main way to get good at it I told myself "Well...what better practice than making H Games!"

Also I've been fiddling with RPG Maker since...2000? Yeah, that one...I don't remember if I ever touched 98...I did try 95 just out of curiosity...damn, I'm getting old...anyway! And I thought it was about time I did a full game.

I'm interested in doing platform games on Game Maker Studio (and I have some ideas for a hybrid "platform/turn-based strategy/tower defense", not hentai though) but I'm kind of new to GM so I'm not yet at the "skill level" to make decent games with it.

I already sat down to write ideas, and got a lot of them I think I could use even for other games. This one seemed to be the simpler one so I'm starting with this one.

Here is the link for the OLD demo...just in case.
New version link

The demo might have some typos, I did try to correct most of them, but sometimes I just forget until I see it over and over...and I did play it quite a few times, but still I might have forgotten some. I don't think there are bugs, but if there are, please tell me so I can fix it. Below I will write what is supposed to work and what not.

Here's the "hero" of the game (I kind of got lazy with the details, probably going to polish it a bit when the game is mostly done):

And some screenshots:



You are the Demon King, Mao, who gets whacked. Barely escaping with your life you decide to start anew your conquest from Pezonia Kingdom, which is ruled by a Queen (Queendom? xD). For that you have to find your way through without fighting as you are weak from your last one. Luckily, you are able to make most women do whatever you want by fucking them, and there are a lot of women in Pezonia Kingdom. The hard part will be doing so without getting a lot of attention. Oh, and doing so in 30 days before he loses the last of his magic and is returned to the Demon World.

Right now the game only has one girl, and not one of the "main" ones. It will have 4 main girls, and 3 secondary ones. The main girls will have 3 scenes each with some variations depending on your dick power (I'll explain that below). The secondary ones will have 1 scene with variations too depending on you dick power but I'll try to flesh their scenes out a little bit more so they don't feel like they are just filling holes.

Also I think I should mention that the main focus of the H-scenes are big dick and belly expansion. I considered adding tentacles, but I'm trying to keep focused and actually finishing the game. Some other time :rolleyes:

The "TutoBook" mentioned in the intro is not there, so I'll explain the basics mechanics of the game here:

(3) PP (Penis Power). How big and powerful is, well, Mao's penis. The stronger it is, the stronger his control power. Mao needs to fuck a girl three times to fully control her, but each time he can make her do something, and each time it might be harder (need more PP). Not every girl can be controlled because they simply won't want to do it with you again. Max PP will be 3.

(3) CP (Cum Power). The stronger your PP, the stronger your CP. It depletes after having sex and the stronger it is your PP, the longer you need to wait to fully recharge it. Ex: even if you have PP 3, if you have CP 2, your will perform as having PP 2.

Charisma and Social. These stats determine the reaction you get from people in general, and that means from hearing a gossip from a common folk around town, or being able to get in some girl's skirt. There will be various ways to increase them, but the main one will be working.


(1) Wanted Level. Of course, you can commit crimes. Mostly stealing. Each time you get caught committing a crime you get a star (max 5). Each star brings out more guards patrolling and makes them more active in their look for you. There are various ways to decrease your Wanted Level, but in the demo you don't need to worry, you simply can't get more than one star and the only guard around when you have one, does nothing yet. Normally, if you get caught the more wanted you are, the worse the fine and prison time.

(2) Wariness Level. Basically, it's how much you are suspected to be a demon. It increases by 1 each time you have sex, 2 if you forced the sex, and when you fully control a girl it returns to 0. If you get 5, it's game over. You won't be able to force your way through and see every scene. (Taking in account you need to have sex 3 times with a girl to fully control her, you can really only force your way 1 time before controlling 1)

Stealing. Around town there will be spots where you can steal daily and if successful you'll get a random item depending on where you stole it. Your chances are 50/50 normally, some will probably be special spots and thus, much harder. There will be a way to increase them though...

Fatigue. If you are awake for more than 2 days straight, you will get fatigued, meaning you won't recharge CP, though there is an item to remove Fatigue. Speaking of which...

Time of the day. Day, Afternoon and Night. Time only advances when you do something like working or sleeping. Usually by 1 period of time.

(4) These are the guards that will show up as your wanted level goes up.

I think that's about it.

About the demo: (mostly things to avoid you losing time over nothing =P )
-Most common people don't have dialogues yet.
-Don' bother on buying the "Blue Pill" item unless you just want to see the icon when you are PP 3. The scenes with the only girl in the demo while PP 2 or 3 are not there yet.
-Luciana is not yet in the demo. As I said there is only one girl. So don't try to get her to appear. (And when I add her, she won't have a scene in the demo anyway =P )
-You also can't get fatigued in the demo because there is nothing to do at night except sleep...
-The 30 day limit is not there yet. Also, I'm not really sure it will be 30 days, it may change when the game is done and properly tested.
-Yes, I'm already aware that the PP/CP icon being a huge penis (with more PP it actually gets bigger...:rolleyes:) on the screen is not exactly...liked. I already changed it for a more friendlier mushroom, which I had to anyway because I plan on publishing this at DLSite and a blurry penis on the screen should look even worse I guess. But I have not uploaded a demo with this change because I want to make some other minor adjustments and get the final version of the demo done.

And I think that's about it. I hope.
Thanks for trying it out :D
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Re: [RPG Maker VX Ace] My Own Kingdom

i am confused :), edit- oh i get it... well i usually wait til im almost done with A game to post in the main games thread (cause it helps build an audience before release)
Re: [RPG Maker VX Ace] My Own Kingdom

I'm sorry! I really don't know, and even though girls making H-Games is probably rare, it does happen. :D

Oh, I'm going to go ahead and list the things I want to add for next demo update:

- Change annoying constant-dick-on-player's-face for friendly mushroom. (check)
- Change the stealing. It's not really a crime to pick something and put it back, so you should get to keep whatever you steal. Most likely going to change the stealing spot in the demo, I don't see why the merchant dude would give you a job if he caught you stealing from him... (getting a wanted star should be punishment enough) (check)
- Make the guards actually do their job, so I need to map a little prison for the event of getting caught (though getting caught by the dumb one star guard in the demo should be REALLY hard) (check)

Future updates:

- Add Luciana (no event though) (She's in, need to create the Work at Diner Event)
- Add Id girl events with PP 2 and 3. (Priority on PP3, kind of impossible to get PP 2 in the demo...).
- Draw and change the start screen.

Systems I'm considering adding:

- A little bit of alchemy. I like the idea, should give stealing a bit of boost to it's reason to exist, but like I said, I'm trying to focus on actually finishing the game.

And finally, here's the full drawing of the ID Girl (didn't really see a need to name her =P). And yes, I got lazy again, on the boots. I just figured her feet weren't going to show in-game, so I moved on.

Again, azurezero, I'm sorry! I haven't been around here thaat long and it really isn't that clear :rolleyes:

edit: Oh, I thought you said that because I didn't know your sex xD. Yeah, if I knew about this forum I wouldn't have posted there about this yet =P
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Re: [RPG Maker VX Ace] My Own Kingdom

Uploaded new version of the demo.

- No more dick-in-your face
- When you steal you keep what you steal even if caught. Still, if you are caught later by a guard you have to pay a fine, so if you stole money you'll probably lose more than you stole. You won't lose stolen items.
- Changed the stealing place, it's now in one of the "generic" houses.
- Now the guard does catch you if he touches you. Which should be incredible hard in the demo, so let's say you can now see what happens if you are caught by a guard by your own free will =P

Working now on Luciana. :D
Re: [RPG Maker VX Ace] My Own Kingdom

Luciana :D:
(shadows and highlights pending)

Shadows and highlights done :D:


I'll admit I'm not getting too much into shadows and highlights, because I actually want to get into animation, and too detailed shadows and stuff like that is not really "effective" when animating
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Re: [RPG Maker VX Ace] My Own Kingdom

So, I made the event where Luciana appears in the game, now I just need to make the work in the diner event, finish the scenes with ID Girl with PP 2 and 3 and the final demo will be mostly done. The start screen is not really that important and the TutoBook I'll leave it for later because I plan to use in-game screenshots to explain things and I rather do it when I'm sure things are going to stay the way they are.

Anyway, the thing is, I was looking into finishing ID Girl scenes and IT happened. IT being me don't liking stuff and wanting to change them. (I partly blame that for not being able to finish one game :rolleyes:). Although this time I'm actually letting things go, promising to do better next time, this particular thing I do want to change now. And it's the way I painted the cum. I just thought "hey, let's just throw some bevel and emboss there, it's not perfect but it does the job good enough and quick". Looking at it again, it does not. It feels waaaaay out of place and just plain bad. So now I thought, "hey, let's learn to draw it better now that I have only two scenes in, not that much to change".

And it's what I plan on doing. Luckily, you can find almost anything online..."cum tutorial"...got 3 fairly quickly xD

So, yes, I guess it's going to be like a "mini pause" on advancing with the game, nothing really dramatic, but hopefully it will improve this and future games.

PD: I will open a blog somewhere too, doesn't feel right to keep bumping the thread for every little thing =P
Re: [RPG Maker VX Ace] My Own Kingdom

Hi, just wanted to let you know I just created a blog, there I will post pretty much about anything I feel like sharing, from major updates to minor things like stuff I come up with while working on the games. Here's the link:

I will still update this thread but mostly for "real" progress on the game :D

See ya!
Re: [RPG Maker VX Ace] My Own Kingdom

I have been at it these days, trying to get better at drawing the cumshots.
I think I've got down the basics, and the "dynamic" looks better though I probably overdid it a little and I've to work on the shading.

The old way I used is in the top image.



I was looking at butakoma300g art, which I like a lot, and noticed he uses line art. I originally didn't plan on using line art because there is none on the art in the BISHOP and some Black Lilith games style that I like a lot too.
So I gave it a try, put on some rough lines on the same image and:

I liked it a lot more. I know some people say it's better without lines because it's more convincing, but I'm not exactly going for realism here...
What do you think? :confused:
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Re: [RPG Maker VX Ace] My Own Kingdom

The first one looks pretty neat but I like the simple one without the outlines,I don't see too many use outlines for liquids but if you like it go ahead and use it.
I just brush white spears , erase some parts and smudge to thin areas without any sense of direction I'm probably going to need to practice this stuff too when I get into cgs i did a quick womb shot drawing but it looked a little weird
Re: [RPG Maker VX Ace] My Own Kingdom

Nice! I thought of doing womb shots too, but I don't think I'll do it, at least not in this game. Trying to keep it simple.

I like it, but it kind of looks like a geyser shooting. You could probably use more opacity at the moment of the shot so it looks thicker and less opacity in running or dripping globs after the shot, though in a womb shot there wouldn't be much running or dripping ;)

Here's a CG from Butakoma300g:

He uses a mix of with and without line there, I don't know, I think it looks like it has a lot more "energy" behind it, would be the way I say it.

The artist (not entirely sure if he's the same from Akagi, etc) in this Black Lilith game, one of my favorites (the artist and the game), uses lines too, just no black or too dark (also, great womb shots if you are interested):


Thanks for the input, I'll work some more in it, see what I get :D
Re: [RPG Maker VX Ace] My Own Kingdom


To anyone interested in the game, just wanted to let you know I won't be working on it these days. How much time, I don't know. Let's just say things are kind of tense in my country would be an understatement. I don't expect the project dying, unless I get killed (highly unlikely) or this gets worse and I don't manage to escape or something (more likely).
Re: [RPG Maker VX Ace] My Own Kingdom

I hope things work out down in Venezuela. We have unfortuantely not heard much about what's going on there.
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Re: [RPG Maker VX Ace] My Own Kingdom

Well, sometimes things look really grim, sometimes there's hope. I really don't know what to think anymore, the information here it's not much better. Or a better way to say it, there is a lot of disinformation, so it's hard to know what is actually true. I spend at least half a day looking through twitter and facebook for information and filtering it. And that's the only way to know what's happening, every news channel in my country is controlled by the government directly or indirectly, there's a video on youtube about a guy who filmed what was going on the TV while there was a heavy manifestation just below his building, on the TV nothing was going on. Oh, and I can use twitter without a VPN because I don't use the government ISP...which most people do (because almost every basic service here is from the government)...they blocked twitter. I still have to use a VPN to look at some pages the government blocked though.

I doubt I'll get hurt or anything like that because I can't go to protests and manifestations, I had discal hernia surgery years ago so I can't really run and monkey around in case of heavy repression, which is very common, just the other day there was one at the main university here, I was told they shot around 800 teargas canisters, from afar it looked like something was burning there and hours later you could still smell it in the zone. Mind you, on the constitution is prohibited to use firearms or chemical weapons of any kind on unarmed manifestations. And unarmed we are, here is illegal to carry a gun in any way (you can't get a permit unless you are police or military). Yes, there have been violence from both sides, but most of the time it starts when the repression begins. I've been told that on the states where things are really bad, the opposition is using "shit molotovs" or how they call it "mierdatovs". Basically, shit and rotten meat in a jar left in the sun closed for hours. That's the kind of "weapon" we can count on, while they get shot, not only with birdshots, they use even normal hand guns. Most of the deaths have been headshots...

There's been torture (ass fucking with a rifle, testicles electrocution, heavy beatings, etc), they mix battery acid with the water used for the water cannons on the riot vehicles, they shoot teargas canisters at people at close range (birdshots too), lots of missing people (assumed to be detained)...

All the while, neighbor countries do nothing and some even support Maduro because they like (of course...) all the oil he gives them...

Aaaanyway...that's enough politics...

I haven't drawn anything, but I have made maps and coded events. That's the kind of things I can do in short periods of time, but drawing for me takes a lot of time of the day and honestly, I lack inspiration right now...

Sorry about the politics rant :(
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Re: [RPG Maker VX Ace] My Own Kingdom

Sory about the politics rant :(

Uh, well... To be fair, human rights violations, civil unrest, and widespread violence are pretty freaking acceptable to rant about in my opinion!
Re: [RPG Maker VX Ace] My Own Kingdom

I'm with you on that, but some may think there's a place for that kind of thing (not here), and I would also understand that, that's why I apologize in case someone finds me doing that here annoying, instead of writing about cool new stuff I added to the game.

PD: I pretty much finished mapping the "main" town, and made some events. It's not final, I may change it if needed but it's something. Also, in the future I will really limit the games I make with male main characters. It's more time consuming drawing scenes with different characters than just one, maybe some extras with one or two other characters. =P
Re: [RPG Maker VX Ace] My Own Kingdom

Well, I started drawing again, I felt way too idle and I do want to finish this game :)

I just thought I would leave this pic here to give a better idea of what this game's about, you really can't appreciate it with the content so far:


And that's still mild. It's not entirely in and it's just "Penis Power 2". I don't think I will make EXTREME inflation like the girl could roll around the floor with her belly and no tearing and/or blood (just virgins the first time) but yeah, not quite realistic =P

Think something around Gura Nyuuto level (but not as well drawn...) :D
Re: [RPG Maker VX Ace] My Own Kingdom

nice, i've been waiting for it, the game is actually nice, i liked
Re: [RPG Maker VX Ace] My Own Kingdom

Thanks, I'm working on it :D

I just added a script that has a message skip function (I think this is a must on h-games with lots of text and repetitive events) but it doesn't skip pauses I make on the messages so I'm considering removing them as the game is meant to be played several times, making the playthroughs faster.

I decided also to add a little alchemy system. You need to pay to get an alchemy lab in you basement and there you can make items needed for different stuff, among them, getting some of the girls :)

About censorship, as far as I know, to sell it on DLSite there can't be a way in game to switch to an uncensored mode, so I guess I'll have to upload somewhere a folder with the uncensored pics for those who want to crack the game and paste that folder on top of it. Maybe won't even encrypt the game, I mean...now that I think about it, I don't see the point in doing that. Still, it's not like I will be putting too much effort on drawing the genitals, it's a time sink for something that's supposed to be covered anyways =P
Re: [RPG Maker VX Ace] My Own Kingdom

And yet another "the project ain't dead!" post :rolleyes:

I have worked less time on it for different reasons I won't complain about, but also I haven't really posted anything because I haven't advanced much in terms of drawing and the game itself. Most of what I have done is tweaking things like menus and well, I'm not that good with scripting and a lot of time goes to research, trial and error, that sort of stuff. I want to get that basic stuff done first because I really want that the next version of the demo be the last one and be able to just focus on stuff post demo.

Hopefully by the end of this week I will have that demo :)


Finally got a main menu I'm happy with! I just thought there was too many things that weren't needed, like having an option for "Status", it's just one character so there's no need to do so many steps just to look at his stats.
Also, don't remember if I mentioned it on another post, I put the option to hide and show the "hud". I put it some time ago but it wasn't working that well. Just fixed it. With one key push you can hide and show them now :D

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Re: [RPG Maker VX Ace] My Own Kingdom

Ugh...even more delays...
For the past two weeks electricity haven't been very stable where I live, in fact, I barely have turned my PC on for fear of sudden power shortages screwing it (I'm posting this from my phone...). I really want to work on the friggin' game because I've another one on the line with someone else making the art and the plan was to start around these days. Still, my plan is to finish this one first. As soon as the electricity service around here it's stable I'll continue as hard as I can with the game.

...I really want to move out of this country as fast as I can...:(