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ACT RPG Maker [azurezero] Yuko [stealth/puzzle game] PAY WHAT YOU WANT

Re: Yuko [stealth/puzzle game]

Well, it worked for me. And I can now say, I hate puzzles. I suck at them so much. xD
Re: Yuko [stealth/puzzle game]

Let's see...

+ Cute art overall
+ The skill is nice for some occasions but not overly powerful.
+ Some of the challenges were of decent difficulty.

- The enemy AI (more on this later).
- The puzzles are actually kind of easy as a whole - quite possibly TOO easy.
- (This will always be a con, there is no stopping this one.)
- A few minor bugs, all pertaining to the AI.
- *cough* There's a succubi on the floor and I can't do anything to her... :C

1. It freaks out, a lot. One minute it's dumber than a sack of hammers, the next it's spotting you around three corners while you're standing still because you exist. It does normally have a nice balanced "I'm just gonna walk in a circle like a tard unless something walks out in front of me", but the rest of the times... Eugh...

2. Sometimes it freaks out extra hardcore. I once got gnabbed without anything touching me, I was just standing there, minding my own business, watching the only nearby enemy I hadn't conked out and... Succubi Game Over!? WHAT THE!!??

3. There's an upside and a downside to "sneaking up" on enemies. It usually backfires, badly, when you're actually trying. You'll get up to them while there back is turned, hit Z, and just before they knock out they turn around and flag that you've been spotted to everything else which dicks up the whole point. On the other side (please don't fix this next thing until you can or do fix the other AI quirks) you can camp them by sitting around a corner and bashing the living hell out of the Z key so that as they're walking on to the square they'll be knocked out and "slide" into the tile unconscious. When I use that trick, I don't get flagged and can more easily complete otherwise overly touchy rooms.

4. Persistent buggery. Sometimes the AI, if it catches you, maintains the "I'M GONNA GET YOU" motif and will either aggressively or passively aggressively head towards you. F12 and reloading usually helps, but not always. Additionally, I find knocking one out and having them all see her whipped ass usually tames some of them (granted this has a small chance of making it worse, too.).

Also, in case you weren't aware as to what I expect most from your game...
and when you've added that, you can always add...
and just in case you run out of ideas...

P.S. You're probably already aware of some of it, but there it is anyways. YAY, I'M HELPING!! 8D
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Re: Yuko [stealth/puzzle game]

the ones that get tamed do so cause they investigate the sound, so they go back to the original movement pattern (which is sometimes random) when theyve checked
Re: Yuko [stealth/puzzle game]

Okay! I'm just need to touch up the only cg I was in charge of

so i can finish the last ending...

that and make the image for the title screen :)

expect it will be released on my blog next week because i need to help fix the attic stairs over the weekend
Re: Yuko [stealth/puzzle game]

Re: Yuko [stealth/puzzle game]

*YOINK* :3 I'll get back to you with some feedback later on when I get the time.
Re: Yuko [stealth/puzzle game] OUT NOW

Cute girl, I think a few more CGs and endings would help its portfolio
Re: Yuko [stealth/puzzle game] OUT NOW

Cute girl, I think a few more CGs and endings would help its portfolio

I dropped enough money paying for the artist as it was ^^;
the guy who commissioned this game lost his job so i'm currently at -£190 on this game
Re: Yuko [stealth/puzzle game] OUT NOW

20 sales in the first day is pretty nice, and i'm getting more feedback than usual on my blog, let me know if you have any problems i just did a slight update because i somehow forgot to put the wolf scene into the game.
Re: Yuko [stealth/puzzle game] OUT NOW

Im really liking this game. only one problem of getting enemies back onto thier patrol routes instead of meandering around the path forward and getting stuck :/
Re: Yuko [stealth/puzzle game] OUT NOW

Im really liking this game. only one problem of getting enemies back onto thier patrol routes instead of meandering around the path forward and getting stuck :/

i couldnt get any of the free pathfinding scripts to work, so most enemies are set to random movement in the first place
Re: Yuko [stealth/puzzle game] OUT NOW

i couldnt get any of the free pathfinding scripts to work, so most enemies are set to random movement in the first place

Well looks like ive gotta start a new save :/ fire sprites are blocking the path out and wont deviate from it.
Re: Yuko [stealth/puzzle game] OUT NOW

Well looks like ive gotta start a new save :/ fire sprites are blocking the path out and wont deviate from it.

wut? you cant leave a room? i accidentally locked myself in the room with the moving crates lol
Re: Yuko [stealth/puzzle game] OUT NOW

wut? you cant leave a room? i accidentally locked myself in the room with the moving crates lol

In the room before the alchemical equipment one of the fire sprites is blocking the path to the left, because she keeps moving back and forth in front of it I cannot go further in the game.
Re: Yuko [stealth/puzzle game] OUT NOW

In the room before the alchemical equipment one of the fire sprites is blocking the path to the left, because she keeps moving back and forth in front of it I cannot go further in the game.

you might be able to luure them by running, and if not try leaving the room and coming back...their positions are supposed to reset
also have you stepped into the fire yet? you can temporarily disguise yourself as a sprite that way but once you get the item on the left it turns back
though if none of that works, sorry
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Re: Yuko [stealth/puzzle game] OUT NOW

Their positions reset but they dont go back to thier patrols, they just move randomly.
Re: Yuko [stealth/puzzle game] OUT NOW

Their positions reset but they dont go back to thier patrols, they just move randomly.
youll need to give them somthing to chase, also...when disguised as a fire sprite, if you make a noise, you can knock them out if you hit them before they reach the spot originated from (so run, then walk towards them and punch)
Re: Yuko [stealth/puzzle game] OUT NOW

That actually worked! Cheers for that, now to find a way out of the 30 second death room.
Re: Yuko [stealth/puzzle game] OUT NOW

That actually worked! Cheers for that, now to find a way out of the 30 second death room.

you need to think outside the box for that
Re: Yuko [stealth/puzzle game] OUT NOW

seriously let me know if you get stuck with it... no ones ever done a puzzle like it in an rpgmaker game