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Violet (plmnko)


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Violet (plmnko)

The vile trap working on them for the moment manage to dont let them escape of its grapple.

The spirit user was starting to release herself when suddenly Sammantha is perfectly pleasured in her weak spots, the distraction was well placed to make Violet lost her chance to escape, but she endure the arousal earned by her both sex orgasm, having still some will to try to escape, what she will try as she has failed to her ally before.

With her wet green body struggling again, Violet groan in need to free herself and Sammantha before her needs to feel such orgasm like the swordwoman come at her

1 .- try to escape until orgasm at least


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Violet (plmnko)

Escape Trap Attempts:

Violet: 24 vs. Trap: 21

Samantha: 19 vs. Trap: 5

Both women manage to break free from the traps! Fortunately, it seems nothing has found them for now.


1: Move onward.

2: Rest (chance to be caught, specify how long)


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Violet (plmnko)

The rape in every side of her body would soon bring a crimax on the spirit user, but she couldnt let this go on, her sanity and the one of Sammantha are in risk, giving her all the will needed to continue struggling until she finally manage to do it.

Trying to recover herself of such strange event, her eyes turn to where the other plant woman is after release herself too almost in the same time. My appologize for fall on that trap, but i dont wanted to skip that map, we would had lament it later if it were real. Violet said to her ally, sure than it was not a good excuse, but their freedom of this place would soon or later make them need to risk themselves again.

Her hands tried to help Sammantha to rise up and move, this was not a safe place, both know it and for sure where they will go now would also be a dangerous place. Lets continue, im sure than all that noise than we made would bring more of these monsters to this place.

1: Move onward.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Violet (plmnko)

Moving onward, the two women soon came across another shrine. Cassidy briefly appeared to inform them they had found a shrine of power, and that it would grant a permanent boost to all their stats, as well as they would have to fight Weeping Kelaino and a Venus Suck Trap. Of course they could let it be and leave if they chose, but before Cassidy could say anything further, she vanished, literally being cut off in mid sentence!

Raising her eye slightly, Samantha shrugged.

"That was odd. Anyway, shall we take this or no?"


1: Take the Shrine!

2: Walk away and move on.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Violet (plmnko)

After some walk the duo was again in front of a shrine, find them was starting to be usual for the spirit user and the last one has give them a good up hand in a fight, she was ready to decide to take it when suddenly as ussual Cassidy appear in front of them and as she appear she also vanish with a possibility than part of the message was not given.

From the start i supposed than these are old messages placed by a servant of who caught us or a survivor... in any case this woman could be already dead or corrupted. Violet said after sigh, her worries for Cassidy were close to be null. Lets take the shrine, a permanent increment is always useful. She continue later, having her weapon ready for the next battle.

1: Take the Shrine!


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Violet (plmnko)

Grapple Attempt:

Kelaino: 1 vs. Samantha: 25.

Kelaino misses as she appears and instantly races at Samantha, who cooly steps aside!

Attack Roll:

Samantha: 27 vs. Venus: 1.

Samantha smashes the plant with her Weakening Blow, killing it instantly!


1: Attack Kelaino!

2: Other?

Current Stats:

Character Name: Violet (plmnko) +15 dmg

Character Race: Halfling (Norn/Sylvari) (Tower Level 1)

Character Class: Spiritmaster

Starting Stats:

Starting HP: 75
Starting MP: 195/195
Starting Sexual Stamina: 72/155

KP: 116/50,000. 0/10,000 KL: 0

2,300/4,500 XP Level 4.

3 HP Potion. 1 KL Lowering Potion, 3 MP Potions.

Ele Spirit: 370/370 (not summoned yet)

Weak vs. Succubus Pussy Rides (+5 Pleasure), Weak vs. Full out restraint/unable to fight the attack/resist. (See Ritualists Examples). Weak vs. Tentacle 'equipped' Creatures (Male and Female). Strength: Half KP gain. Strength: Half

Pleasure Gain.

Barrier Spirit: 250/300. 2/10 Turns active.

Name: Samantha Vibra +10 dmg.

Race: Sylvari

Class: Warrior


Starting HP: 245
Starting Mana: 60/60
Starting Sexual Stamina: 240/255

3/8 Adrenaline

KP: 8,232/50,000 0/10,000

2,300/4,000 XP Level 4.

3 HP Potion, 1 KL Lowering Potion, 3 MP Potions.

Weak vs. Being Double Teamed (+5 pleasure), Weak vs. Tentacle 'equipped' Creatures (Male and Female) (+5 pleasure). Strength: Half KP gain.

8/20 Turns double magic/caster skills dmg.

Violet's Skills:

Summon Elemental Spirit - The Spiritmaster summons a Fire, Cold or Lightning damage dealing spirit, whichever one she chooses upon the casting of this spell. The Spirit can attack in one of two ways. If the Spiritmaster connects with an attack of any kind, the spirit instantly hits the enemy for the SAME amount of damage in it's element. If the enemy was cursed with lower resist, the elemental damage is doubled. If the Spiritmaster does not connect with an attack, this spirit deals 50 Elemental Damage by itself. Spirit attacks can't be avoided and will always connect, and will always attack the enemy the Spiritmaster is. This spirit lasts until it's HP is depleted by her special skill, or all enemies are slain, regardless of if the Spiritmaster is raped or not. However, if she is raped, the Spirit will randomly target the enemy with the lowest HP that isn't raping a player. Mana Cost - 0. This does not consume your turn unless you casted another spirit already this turn.

Summon Barrier Spirit - The Spiritmaster summons a spirit which forms a protective barrier around her, or an ally of her choosing. This barrier prevents an enemy from harming or raping the protected ally at a price. Each time the spirit protects it's target, it loses 50 HP. This spirit has 300 HP, so it can protect up to six times before it is slain. It will last either until it's HP is depleted, or it has been on the field for 10 turns. Mana Cost - 75. Once this spirit dies, it can't be summoned for fifteen turns. Does not consume your turn unless you casted another spirit already this turn.

Spirit Thrash - The Spiritmaster attacks with a shadow damage dealing attack which hits for 300 HP instantly. This type of damage can't be avoided, and there is no immunity to it. Mana Cost - 0. Magical Attack.

Spiritual Sap - This spell saps the energy out of a target enemy, causing them to be paralyzed for 5 turns, or until they are struck with an attack. While highly useful, this skill has a 10 turn cooldown, and can't be casted more than six times in a single fight, so use it wisely. It also can only be cast on an enemy who is not currently grappling or raping a woman. Mana Cost - 150. Magical Attack.

Class Specific Skills:

Spirit Substitution - This skill allows the Spiritmaster to deflect 50% of the sexual pleasure she suffers when she is raped to be absorbed by her elemental spirit's HP. If for some reason she did not have an elemental spirit out then she will suffer the full brunt of the sexual pleasure crashing over her vulnerable body. If she had a barrier spirit active on someone else, then this skill will only reduce 25% of her sexual pleasure. Her elemental spirit starts with 700 HP, and gains 40 per level she gains. Once the spirit is killed, the Spiritmaster will have to cast it again before she can use this passive skill again. She must wait two turns after it dies and she is free to be able to cast a spirit again.

Kamikaze Spirit - The Spiritmaster may choose to send her Spirits on a suicide run, detonating them on any enemy not currently raping someone. Each Spirit will detonate their entire life force, so this skills damage is only limited by the remaining HP of ALL her spirits. The drawback to this skill is that she won't be able to summon any spirits for fifteen turns after using this skill. This skill is not affected by Mastery skills.

Samantha's Skills:

Cleave Chain: This series of attacks hits for 75 Damage, up to 3 times for a maximum of 225 Total Damage. Each hit MUST connect to continue the chain. Melee skill.

Ferocious Strike Chain: This series of attacks hits for 70 damage, up to 4 times for a maximum of 280 Total Damage. Each hit MUST connect to continue the chain. Melee skill.

Shattering Wave Chain: This series of attacks hits for 55 damage, up to 3 times for a maximum of 165 Total Damage, and hits ALL enemies in the field of play. Each hit MUST connect to continue the chain. Mana Cost: 5. Melee skill.

Weakening Blow: This attack hits for 600 shadow damage AND causes the target to take double damage from ALL attacks it isn't immune to for 3 turns. This can't be stacked with the Necromancer ability Amplify. Melee skill despite it's damage type. This won't cause Shadow Damage dealing skills to do more damage.

Shove: This skill knocks your opponent down, dealing 25 damage. Once they are down, there is a follow-up to this called Crippling Cut that will attempt to execute automatically. If this hits, you deal 225 damage. Mana Cost: 5 Melee skills. Cool Down 3 turns.

Class Specific Skills:

Enmity Boost - This passive skill causes all enemies to initially target ONLY the warrior until such time she has been grappled, or is actively being raped. This skill becomes useless however when your companion reaches KL 4 or higher, or when an enemy that has a specific favorite target class to attack is present. The latter applying to just the one enemy, with the former being in general.

Sexual Rush - A Warrior can allow herself to get raped in order to 'absorb' sexual energy from the 'passion of the moment.' This power will continue to build as she's raped, and for every 10 points of sexual pleasure she takes, she'll add +2 damage. This skill does a baseline damage of 600. Upon her orgasm, the Warrior will release all of her pent up sexual energy in an all encompassing ball of fury, lashing out with shadow damage. This damage can't be reduced in any way, and it can't be 'blocked' or 'resisted', and hits all enemies on the field of play regardless of if they are raping a companion or not. This skill can only be activated once per enemy per encounter. Certain special abilities can negate this.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Violet (plmnko)

The fight start suddenly and soon Sammantha was aimed by the first foe, to only easily dodge the attempt and put an end to the creature. Indeed, this was a good start and Violet just focus on their last foe.

Her staff ready and her powers increased from the last Shrine would help her to end this. Fist she sense than she could cast a new spell than she havent tried before, but for some reason the magic placed on her by her foes looks to had teach her. Somehow, this new power would help her to place an end to this fight if she manage to do it, so she risk it all.

Without lost time she summon her fire elemental spirit and then focus at her max to try to put down her foe with a single blow.

1.- Summon Elemental Spirit then use Spiritual Sap on Kelaino


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Violet (plmnko)

Violet Summons her Fire Spirit, and launches her attack!

Attack Roll:

Violet: 12 vs. Kelaino: 25.

Violet misses, but her spirit still deals 50 damage, leaving their foe with 4,950 HP.

Grapple Attempt:

Kelaino: 20 vs. Samantha: 4.

Samantha gets taken down to the ground!

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Samantha: 5 vs. Kelaino: 23.

Samantha tries to get free, but the winged woman is stronger than she seems and easily keeps the Sylvari Warrior pinned!


1: Help her!

2: Watch what happens.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Violet (plmnko)

Dammit! There was not much to say, the curse given by Violet reflect her huge miss and how long could turn this fight with this freak woman maybe making then need to expand the time needed to end this battle.

Anyway, there was just a choice, a correct one out the useless one of enjoy the rape again of her ally. There was not a way than the spirit user would betray her friend, so she went to her aid and push the crazy woman out of her race sister.

1: Help her!


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Violet (plmnko)

Free Samantha Attempt:

Violet: 19 vs. Kelaino: 13.

Violet frees Samantha!

Kelaino tries to attack Samantha again, but this time the woman counters her for 400 damage! Kelaino has 4,550 HP left.

Attack Roll:

Samantha: 26 vs. Kelaino: 10

Samantha lands her weakening Blow for 600 damage and places Kelaino in the Weakened State. Kelaino has 3,950 HP left.


1: Pour it on!

2: Other?


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Violet (plmnko)

It was not still clear what could be the cause for Sammantha be continuously choiced to be raped by these almost mindless beings, but it was nothing than really Violet want to share or know now.

Certainly you arent a sentient creature, so i dont need to apologize for this. Violet said before use her staff to hit the Kelaino, the hit of course work and it was not a surprise than their foe attempt aggain to hold the warrior.

Just than this time Sammantha was able to counter such attanp and hit her with one of her skills, so Violet tried the same, in team with her elemental spirit she shoot her powers by channeling her staff in her attack, no doubt than this fight was just starting.

1: Pour it on! use Spiritual Sap on Kelaino


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Violet (plmnko)

((Just so you know, Spirit Sap ends the second the target takes any damage, so you wouldn't get the full paralyze out of it. Also, Kelaino is angry now lol.))

Attack Roll:

Violet: 7 vs. Kelaino: 19.

Kelaino deftly dodges Violet, but her spirit deals 50 damage, leaving Kelaino with 3,900 HP. Glaring at Violet for a moment, the fight would continue.

Grapple Attempt:

Kelaino: 26 vs. Violet: 19.

Without warning, Kelaino suddenly changed her target in mid approach, and rammed right into Violet, taking her down instead!

Free Violet Attempt:

Samantha: 1 vs. Kelaino: 19.

Kelaino uses her wings to fly into the air, easily avoiding Samantha's attempt to free Violet. Shaking her head, the avian woman spoke, "no. This one must be taught a lesson." As she said that, she glared back down at Violet, as she touched them back down to the ground.


1: Try to get free!

2: Apologize and try to get free!

3: Other?


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Violet (plmnko)

Violet was not expecting be taken as the next target and neither heard this woman talk of something else than sex. Are you talking about me, creature? Who do you think than you are to see me in such way? Violet answer back returning the gaze to her foe as she start to try to get free of her grapple.

She was not interested yet in the feelings than this thing could have or what she was trying. She only hope to get free soon, so her powers could end this corrupted being.

1: Try to get free!


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Violet (plmnko)

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Violet: 20 vs. Kelaino: 29.

Kelaino keeps Violet held down, shaking her head.

"Yes I am speaking to you mortal. Who I am is of little concern at the moment, you will know in due time. For now, you will learn not to make hasty assumptions."

Penetration Attempt:

Kelaino: 24 vs. Violet: 5.

With one swift motion, Kelaino makes Violet a futa, and deftly mounts her, sheathing Violet deep inside her stunningly TIGHT pussy, then begins to ride her! Violet suffers 15 pleasure after her spirit negates 30, and her Norn side kicks in. She gains 40 KP as well and has 57 stamina left.

Free Violet Attempt:

Samantha: 1 vs. Kelaino: 24.

Once more Samantha is stopped from helping her friend, this time swatted away!


1: Not interested bitch!

2: Fuck me baby!


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Violet (plmnko)

Maybe the words from the weeping kelaino affect the struggle on the plant woman, but when this cast a spell to make a penis appear, Violet couldnt stop herself to frown gazing at her foe.

Is this the lesson than so dessesperated you wanted to show me? ... Because this is exactly what i expected from an inferior being than just seek for sex... Just get off me, so i can end your embarrassing eternal condemn. The purple haired green woman manage to said as she tried her best to endure the awkward feelings caused by the narrow cunt using her temporal magical dick. Soon, her attempts to escape from this hold restarted and so she tried to push the strange woman to the floor so she could hit to death the depraved being as this deserve.

1: Not interested bitch!


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Violet (plmnko)

"I'm not interested in just sex with you or your friend little girl. I'm interested in consuming your souls. You of all types should understand the energy, the ... possibilities that are tied into the fabric of a soul. What one can accomplish with that energy. One day you will understand mortal."

Escape Rape Attempt:

Violet: 7 vs. Kelaino: 30

Violet is easily held down!

Pleasure Roll:

Kelaino: 17 vs. Violet: 10.

Kelaino continues to ride Violet's cock, and Violet suffers 15 pleasure and gains 30 KP. She has 42 stamina left!

Free Violet Attempt:

Samantha: 15 vs. Kelaino: 7

Samantha manages to time her approach right, and shoves Kelaino off of Violet, freeing her!


1: Smack the Bitch around!

2: Other?


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Violet (plmnko)

Dont expect than i will give time to an inferior being to drain my soul! Violet shout to her foe, struggling to release herself as she endure the pleasure placed by the thigh pussy using the temporal meat member. It result to be futile this time again, but fortunately Samantha managed to do the work and so in a moment Violet get free to fight back before the sluty creature take the chance to rape someone.

nce the spirit user find if she have the enough energy she will cast once again her powers in order to get some control in this fight.

1.- Summon Spirit Guardian to defend herself if she have enough mp and then use Spiritual Thrash at Kelaino


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Violet (plmnko)

Violet casts her Barrier Spirit, and has 120 MP left.

Attack Roll:

Violet: 19 vs. Kelaino: 30 (auto counter)

Kelaino baits Violet, and tries to counter her, but the Barrier prevents her from doing so! The Spirit has 250 HP left.

Her Spirit deals 50 Damage, leaving Kelaino with 3,900 HP.

Attack Roll:

Samantha: 29 vs. Kelaino: 5

Samantha lands her weakening Blow, putting Kelaino back into the Weakened State, and doing 600 damage. Kelaino has 3,300 HP left.

Kelaino used her turn trying to Counter Violet.


1: Die Bitch, Die!

2: Other?


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Violet (plmnko)

Just in time, the barrier was created around Violet, leaving a sudden smirk in the plant woman and a free opening for Samantha to hit their foe with her swordskill.

All was placed again in the hands of the duo and Violet know than the same trick would not work again. Do you were waiting for something just a moment ago, bitch? Violet said to the pittyful lonely creature, pretty much in knowledge of the failed counter attack.

But there was not time to waste with the possibility of this foe try anything more, so she focus her power on her staff again and hit the crazy slut as hard as possible.

1: Die Bitch, Die!


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Violet (plmnko)

Attack Roll:

Violet: 26 vs. Kelaino: 2

Violet lands her hit for 600 damage, and her spirit deals 600 more for a total of 1,200. Kelaino has 2,750 HP left.

Grapple Attempt:

Kelaino: 18 vs. Samantha: 9

Kelaino never says a word, she just simply changes tactics, and rams right into an unsuspecting Samantha, taking her to the ground with aggressive force!

Escape Grapple:

Samantha: 15 vs. Kelaino: 23

Samantha can't break free, struggling and snapping out a "get the fuck off me you ..."

Her words are cut off as Kelaino just whispers, "Quiet little girl", and plants a passionate kiss onto Samantha's lips, silencing her as she forcefully pushes her tongue into the other woman's mouth!


1: Help her!

2: Other?