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Lorelai (Zilrax)



RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

1/5 Lorelai Parasite Condition. 16/20 Melissa is a futa. 7/10 Turns for Barrier Spirit existence (250 HP).

Melissa nodded.

"I'll try to without hurting you."

Melissa: 175+776=951 vs. Parasite: 150+570=720 (REMOVED!)

With a tug, Melissa removes the parasite, only a slight sting of pain for Lorelai telling her it was gone. Fortunately it didn't keep her as a futa like it had with Melissa.

4 Turns later:

12/20 Melissa is a futa. 3/10 Turns for Barrier Spirit existence (250 HP).

Moving onward, Cassidy led them to the battle ground, vanishing.

Enemy Encounter:

Ape 1: Accuracy: 165. Evasion: 155. Capture: 185. Sexual Attack: 185. Magical Defense: 125. Speed: 155. Stamina: 175. Pleasure: 35. HP: 700. Damage: 10.

Ape 2: Accuracy: 165. Evasion: 155. Capture: 185. Sexual Attack: 185. Magical Defense: 125. Speed: 155. Stamina: 175. Pleasure: 35. HP: 700. Damage: 10.

Ape 3: Accuracy: 165. Evasion: 155. Capture: 185. Sexual Attack: 185. Magical Defense: 125. Speed: 155. Stamina: 175. Pleasure: 35. HP: 700. Damage: 10.

Blood Raven: Accuracy: 295. Evasion: 315. Capture: 295. Sexual Attack: 275. Magical Defense: 375. Speed: 315. Pleasure: 45. HP: 10,000. Stamina: 313.

Initiative Rolls:

Ape 1: 155+461=616 (5th)
Ape 2: 155+71=226 (Last)
Ape 3: 155+502=657 (4th)
Blood Raven: 315+531=846 (2nd)
Lorelai: 200+800=1000 (1st)
Melissa: 157+532=689 (3rd)


1: Attack One of the Apes.

2: Attack Blood Raven.

3: Lose your mind and skip a turn as you freak out.


Master of Kinky Fetishes. Or just Bitch if you pre
Dec 13, 2013
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Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Lorelai nods, shuddering a bit and blushing as Melissa got a hold of her "shaft" and tugged. She gave a slight hiss as the parasite detached, leaving her shaftless, unlike Melissa. "Huh... didn't stay like yours. Wonder what's different. Hopefully that's not permanent. Well unless you like that sort of thing I guess."

After catching her breath, she and Melissa followed Cassidy to where this captain and her apes was stationed. As they came into view, Cassidy disappeared. "They always seem to know where we are but we can never ambush them. Kinda unfair really. Oh well. Usual drill."

Some sort of corrupt woman, and twisted apes. Her barrier spirit was fading but it'd last a little bit yet. Best do as much damage as she could in the time she had. But first, she needed to clear some space for them.

"Let's try a new trick. N'gaasha, Lightning Claw." She then concentrated on her mana and unleashed darkness in the shape of N'gaasha's coils, Spirit Sapping Blood Raven.

(Call Lightning Spirit and Spiritual Sap Blood Raven. Need time to deal with these apes without her getting in the way.)


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

11/20 Melissa is a futa. 2/10 Turns for Barrier Spirit existence (250 HP).

Attack Roll:

Lorelai: 275+460=735 vs. Blood Raven: 375+441=816 (RESIST!)

Blood Raven seems to either resist the spell, or it didn't cast right as nothing seemed to happen. Hell, Lorelai didn't even lose any MP!

Grapple Attempt:

Blood Raven: 295+628=923 vs. Lorelai: 200+660=860 (PINNED!)

Lorelai suddenly finds herself pinned underneath the lithe, sexy form of Blood Raven, who smiles at her. "Hello sexy."

Melissa uses Mantra of Speed and gives them both two turns each!

Attack Rolls:

Melissa: 130+419=549 vs. Ape 3: 125+695=820 (MISS!)
Melissa: 130+282=412 vs. Ape 3: 125+67=192 (HIT!)

Melissa deals 600 damage in one hit to the Ape, leaving it with 100 HP left.

Grapple Rolls:

Ape 3: 165+77=242 vs. Melissa: 157+356=513 (DODGE!)

Ape 1: 165+539=704 vs. Melissa: 157+624=781 (DODGE!)

Ape 2: 165+527=692 vs. Melissa: 157+760=917 (DODGE!)

Melissa swiftly dodges all three apes!


1: Try to get the sexy woman off of you.

2: See how tight her pussy is just the once.


Master of Kinky Fetishes. Or just Bitch if you pre
Dec 13, 2013
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Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Lorelai grimaced in irritation as her spell seemed to flow right off of this Blood Raven individual. It didn't even affect her reserves, was the creature immune? It looked like one of those degenerate Mathosians, but with a reddish tint to it. Strange. She hardly had time to consider before the woman swiftly vaulted up to Lorelai and had her pinned to the ground.

"Hi. Also, No.," says Lorelai firmly, trying to shove the woman back off her, "I know this song and dance to well, you tackle me, then try to grow a dick on me for god knows what god damn reason then try to rape me with it. Seriously, what is with you things and doing that to women?! Go play with your apes for that nonsense, they don't need magic to have one!"

She also wondered why they never used such spells on themselves, but frankly she didn't want to give her the idea. Knocked up by a woman, that'd be as bad as one of the animals getting her.

"Really this is just delaying you being pummeled at best. Might get a few seconds but then you're going to get your clock cleaned. I'd run if I were you. I dunno who or what this master of yours is but I'd consider that if you're going to die no matter what, why not try and get away from whatever it is. But hey, if you want to get clawed up by a pissed off snake ghost thing and smacked around by a very angry Norn by all means."



RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

For just a brief moment, Lorelai saw something flash in the woman's eyes, something had struck a nerve. She spoke, but it came out strangely, as if two different minds spoke almost right after each other.

"Maybe I want you to kill me ..." Then suddenly a change in her features as they hardened again. "But they don't have spirit energy, you women do. You taste good to us, you give us power, and more breeders. Besides, the looks on your faces when you get ridden are priceless babe."

10/20 Melissa is a futa. 1/10 Turns for Barrier Spirit existence (250 HP).

Escape Rolls:

Lorelai: 145+520=665 vs. Blood Raven: 295+703=998
Lorelai: 145+500=645 vs. Blood Raven: 295+400=695

Lorelai can't break free. Her spirit targets the Ape with 100 HP and double shots it, killing it! (Thanks to Melissa's aura).

Penetration Attempt:

Blood Raven: 275+600=875 vs. Lorelai: 105+551=656 (PENETRATION!)

Just as Lorelai had predicted, Blood Raven made her grow a cock, and then slid her pussy over it. Lorelai's first impression, despite her dislike for it, was that Blood Raven was insanely tight around her, and already she was riding Lorelai. It actually felt physically good like this, the warm tightness closed all around her, stroking her as Blood Raven rocked herself over Lorelai's hips, working her. Lorelai suffers 34 pleasure and gains 54 KP, and has 64 stamina left until she suffers an orgasm.

Elemental Spirit: 339/350 HP left.

Attack Rolls:

Melissa: 130+458=588 vs. Ape 1: 125+814=939 (MISS!)
Melissa: 130+567=697 vs. Ape 1: 125+711=836 (MISS!)

Melissa misses both shots! She has 88 MP now.

Grapple Attempts:

Ape 1: 165+795=960 vs. Melissa: 157+83=240 (HIT!)

Ape 2: 165+300=465 vs. Melissa: 157+578=735 (DODGE!)

Melissa would have been hit, but the Barrier Spirit blocks the attack ... and then fizzles out after Melissa dodges the second one, the spirits time up. 15/15 turns until Barrier Spirit can be summoned again.


1: Try to get away again.

2: Be stunned either by her words, or how tight she is and let her ride you to an orgasm.


Master of Kinky Fetishes. Or just Bitch if you pre
Dec 13, 2013
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Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Fascinating. Some lucidity left in this creature after all, or perhaps even a full out possession situation. She'd never seen one first hand but there had been rumors that some spirits could usurp mortal bodies and use them to their own purposes. Was this place the method these spirits were using to break down their hosts enough to allow them entry? Just another hypothesis to investigate.

Sadly the moment was brief and her struggles were in vain. Blood Raven indeed followed the general pattern, cursing Lorelai with her shaft once more before pushing herself down upon her victims rod. Lorelai cringed at the unwanted pleasure, trying to push the possessed woman back off of her. Lorelai couldn't help wonder a few things though. Were all females this tight, or was she unusually endowed? Or was this just a typical trait of this world?

She tried to clear her head as she struggled with the woman and tried to resist the sensations with a grimace as she saw one of the apes collapse, as the free roaming spirit claw of N'gaasha struck out. The spirit herself was masturbating once more, getting to share and absorb some of the pleasure that Lorelai was feeling. Lorelai was glad the damn spirit could multi task.

Meanwhile, Melissa was being hard pressed by the remaining two apes. One of them nearly caught hold of Melissa, when the Shield Claw Spirit rebuked the ape, knocking it away before dissipating and beginning the slow process of reforming upon N'gaasha.

In any case, Lorelai refused to break down here, and tried to force the woman off before she ended up fathering another child she'd have to prevent prematurely.



RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

9/20 Melissa is a futa.

Escape Rolls:

Lorelai: 105+696=801 vs. Blood Raven: 275+700=975 (STUCK!)
Lorelai: 105+888=993 vs. Blood Raven: 275+500=775 (FREE!)

Lorelai manages to get free on her second effort, even as her spirit deals 100 total damage to Ape #1, leaving it with 600 HP.

Grapple Attempt:

Blood Raven: 295+406=701 vs. Lorelai: 200+734=934 (DODGE!)

Lorelai had to dodge quickly as Blood Raven used the momentum of being shoved off to springboard off a Grave Marker and launch herself at Lorelai! Something in her mind flashed in recognition, as she recalled having once seen a battle between two Mathosian female warriors, and one having pulled something similar to kill the other in a fight to the death. Could Blood Raven have been one of her own people once? Or was she still in there somewhere, trying to get out herself? Lorelai also noticed some kind of brand on one of Blood Ravens legs, some kind of symbol that she didn't recognize yet, but that seemed out of place. It was as if it had been engraved into the flesh itself.

Attack Rolls:

Melissa: 130+811=941 vs. Ape 1: 125+491=616 (HIT!)
Melissa: 130+267=397 vs. Ape 2: 125+543=668 (MISS!)

Melissa hits for 600 damage on Ape #1, killing it! She misses wide on the final ape though ...

Grapple Attempt:

Ape 2: 165+100=265 vs. Melissa: 157+19=176 (TACKLED!)

.. And pays for it as the Ape bursts forward and suddenly tackles her to the ground!


1: Blast Blood Raven!

2: Go nutty and get fucked by her.


Master of Kinky Fetishes. Or just Bitch if you pre
Dec 13, 2013
Reputation score
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Lorelai shuddered before putting her all into throwing the possessed warrior off of her with a growl. Unfortunately it seemed this one was Mathosian at some point as she used the momentum to try a Raven Dive, albeit somewhat modified given the lack of weaponry. It seems some memories of herself remained, the woman's will was strong. It was a long shot but maybe she could banish the spirit without slaying Blood Raven. It'd be up to N'gaasha on that one.

Just what was that brand engraved into her flesh though? Perhaps a spirit anchor of some kind?

However some matters of pressing urgency arose, as Melissa was snatched by the last of the apes, the creatures nearly as large as her companion. If she was penetrated they were both in trouble.

"Sorry, allegiance calls and all that. So what's with the leg brand? Nice dive by the way. Nice to see the Mathosian combat arts thrive even here. Though not sure if I approve of the modifications. Then again, I'm alive cus of that. N'gaasha, Flame Claw."

Lorelai decided to use Blood Ravens recover from the dive as an attempt to get her friend loose before they lost the speed. Depending on how Blood Raven answered, she might decide to burn that brand right off her. Might be an anchor for the possessing spirit. Or maybe not.

(Attempt to get Melissa free! If freed, blast the ape with Spirit Thrash.)


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

8/20 Melissa is a futa.

"Ah, you noticed? I'm surprised that sexy Cassidy hasn't told you, unless HE stopped her. It was burnt into my flesh to enhance everything, Andariel placed it there."

At the 'compliment', Blood Raven's eyes again seemed to dim slightly, and what she said next might chill Lorleai's blood.

"Kill ... us. You can't help ...."

Just like that, whatever spark of former life had been there was gone, replaced by the combatant Lorelai was seeing.

"You know so little about us, don't you? So little about how the corruption works, and you don't even know who HE is do you?"

Attack Rolls:

Lorelai: 275+378=653 vs. Blood Raven: 375+401=776 (MISS!)
Lorelai: 275+30= 305 vs. Blood Raven: 375+ NO ROLL NEEDED.

Lorelai can't land a hit, but her spirit deals 100 fire damage to Blood Raven, leaving the former Mathosian with 9,900 HP.

Grapple Attempt:

Blood Raven: 295+32=327 vs. Lorelai: 200+127=327 (TIE!)

Lorelai doesn't quite dodge Blood Raven, but Blood Raven is too slow on the wrap up, and instead of pinning her, overshoots her and knocks Lorelai to the ground! No grapple, but Lorelai realizes she ALMOST got distracted enough to be taken down again.

Escape Attempt:

Melissa: 166+149=315 vs. Ape: 185+33=218 (FREE!)

Attack Rolls:

Melissa: 130+810=940 vs. Ape 1: 125+500=625 (HIT!)

Melissa hits for 600 damage, leaving the Ape with 100. Ape anger meter 1/3.

Grapple Attempt:

Ape 2: 165+100=265 vs. Melissa: 157+159=316 (DODGE!)

Melissa avoids being taken down again, and has 6/10 left on her mantra. Lorelai is 7/10.


1: Attack the Ape to finish it off.

2: Attack Blood Raven.

3: Something else?


Master of Kinky Fetishes. Or just Bitch if you pre
Dec 13, 2013
Reputation score
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Some sort of enhancing brand then. That made it a target after all. Unfortunately it seemed the mathosian spirit inside Blood Raven had given up. If she didn't have the will to keep fighting, then there was little chance to exorcise this spirit.

"He huh? No funnily enough nobody hands you a manual on arrival. So what is all this corruption then hm? As for he I assume he's this master I keep hearing about."

Lorelai fired her shots, but Blood Raven continued to be a swift opponent, easily dodging aside the shots. The Fire Claw only clipped her, unable to get to that brand.

Blood Raven dashed forwards, attempting to tackle Lorelai once more. Lorelai continued to recall that fight, and as she was knocked back, raised a foot to Blood Raven's chest and pushed, throwing the corrupted woman over her before rolling to her feet again. Way too close.

"Nice try, I saw this fight too. Mmmph. There were a lot of disappearances back then too. So this must be where they ended up. Well then. If the real you is giving up the ghost, guess I'll just render you both into one. Sorry. Maybe one day I'll find someone as tough as Melissa who can power through it."

Speaking of Melissa, she noted out of the corner of her eye that she had kicked the ape back off of her and cracked it with her staff. Well then.

"I'm not much for fair fights though, I'm a scientist not a knight." She raised a hand and shot at the Ape this time.

(Fire at the ape. IF takes the ape down, fires at Blood Raven. Is trying to burn that brand right off. Scar tissue to obscure scar tissue and all that.)


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

7/20 Melissa is a futa.

Blood Raven laughed.

"Where's the fun in you not knowing? All of this for fun, and you don't even know. Fine ... Yes, HE is the overlord of this place, known only as Thembrihkal. You'll have fun if you ever meet him, trust me there. As for the corruption ... you ever heard of having your soul sucked out of your body or having it polluted by sex with demons? Well, that's basically it, you'll get fucked until you can't think of anything but sex, and then you'll be ours."

She glared at Lorelai after her last set of words.

"You won't find anyone who can ignore corruption. Once you get turned, you can't fight it forever. Eventually you'll become one of us. Andariel is going to LOVE taking you down, you talk so much she'll be wanting to make those words turn into screams of her name. This body enjoyed Andariel's mouth that's for sure."

Attack Rolls:

Lorelai: 275+400=675 vs. Ape: 125+693=818 (MISS!) Spirit hits for 50.
Lorelai: 275+301=576 vs. Ape: 125+100=336 (HIT!) Lorelai KILLS The Ape.

Grapple Attempt:

Blood Raven: 295+429=724 vs. Lorelai: 200+582=782 (DODGE!)

Lorelai dodges another take down.

Attack Rolls:

Melissa: 130+710=840 vs. Blood Raven: 375+400=775 (HIT!)
Melissa: 130+600=730 vs. Blood Raven: 375+300=675 (HIT!)

Melissa deals 1,200 Damage total, as Blood Raven is a demon. Blood Raven has 8,700 HP left.


1: Press the Attack!

2: Talk and stop attacking (and hope she does too!)


Master of Kinky Fetishes. Or just Bitch if you pre
Dec 13, 2013
Reputation score
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

So this overlord had a name after all. Thrembrihkal. Definitely not a Mathosian name, what sort of dark power could cause this madness and control demons like this? He must be a lord of his kind or some such. The implication that ones soul could be polluted or sucked out was worrisome, but not necessarily accurate. Still... She glanced up at N'gaasha briefly before returning to her fight at hand.

"Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe there's some who turned and aren't madmen. Guess we'll see. But then, you're clearly of two minds right now, aren't you. So I think it can be fought or controlled. Hell, if all you could think of was sex you wouldn't have answered at all. You'd be a drooling lustful beat and probably rutting with the apes. Frankly I think it's fear that motivates many of the more intelligent creatures here. Fear of Thrembrihkal."

Her shots connected, blasting the spirit from the ape. Blood Raven recovered from being tossed and lunged at Lorelai once more. Lorelai managed to once again predict her pattern though and ducked aside, using the angry momentum against her foe.

"You've the body of a mathosian. But you've not the spirit. Possessed, corrupted, if the real woman inside is too weak to escape you, then I've little choice than to free her to move on naturally. I won't give up on finding those who's corruption has not made monsters of them. But anyone who thinks they can simply have their way with us will be extinguished."

Melissa lashed out at Blood Raven, smashing the demon possessed woman hard. Lorelai followed up on her swipes with her own spells, once again aiming for the brand on the possessed womans leg, hoping to burn the brand off her, and maybe weaken the possessing creature enough that the woman's spirit may be able to break free.

(Spirit Thrash!)


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

6/20 Melissa is a futa.

Blood Raven actually nodded.

"Some can fight it for longer, it's truly interesting from an outsiders perspective to watch. This one in here, she's fought for the last ... actually, I have no idea how long, at least three centuries. She won't win though. As for fear, they should be afraid of him. I've seen him extend his influence out over thousands of light years to crush the life out of one who would oppose him. As for you my sexy ..."

Attack Rolls:

Lorelai: 275+600=875 vs. Blood Raven: 375+400=775 (HIT!)
Lorelai: 275+701=976 vs. Blood Raven: 375+512=887 (HIT!)

Lorelai hits for 600 damage, and her spirit matches that for 1,200 total. Blood Raven has 7,500 HP left, and the symbol burns away ....

Grapple Attempt:

Blood Raven: 295+500=795 vs. Lorelai: 200+595=795 (TIE!)

Lorelai barely avoids being taken down by Blood Raven who seems to suddenly have gotten more ferocious with the loss of the brand. And faster too!

Attack Rolls:

Melissa: 130+610=740 vs. Blood Raven: 375+300=675 (HIT!)
Melissa: 130+500=630 vs. Blood Raven: 375+100=475 (HIT!)

Melissa deals 1,200 Damage total, as Blood Raven is a demon. Blood Raven has 6,300 HP left.


Same as last time.


Master of Kinky Fetishes. Or just Bitch if you pre
Dec 13, 2013
Reputation score
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Three centuries? How long had she been in that cryo chamber?! If this truly was the woman she saw fight that day, then everyone she knew was surely dead and gone. But she was still here, as was Melissa, and even N'gaasha. She had no reason to breakdown now. She could worry about her future when she got away from this madness.

"Fear is a potent motivator, but it's also good at blinding. But there's always someone brave or ambitious or foolish. I'll take what allies I can get. In any case, it's not just fighting the corruption. There's creatures who are clearly corrupt and capable of reason. Unless this corruption causes utter madness, I'll find what I'm looking for sooner or later. I'm not the surrendering type."

Her blasts struck home, but it almost seemed to invigorate the demoness. Had she been tricked? Or was it some sort of reaction, or just pure chance? The die was cast now either way.

Blood Raven once again lunged at her, arms outstretched and grabbed hold of her arms. Lorelai quickly used the grip to jump up and press her feet to Blood Raven's chest and thrust out hard, breaking the grip and making them both hit the ground, Lorelai scrambling to her feet again.

Melissa struck the demoness once more as she recovered, Lorelai grimacing from the bruises from the repeated hitting of the ground.

"As I said, you lack the spirit that drives our warriors. You're good certainly, but you're not the real woman. My only regret is I lack the means to exorcise you from her body. But I can at least ensure her body won't hurt anyone else against her will. Pity that no one surrenders around here. But I guess I'm hardly one to talk."

She launched her Spirit Thrashes once more at the poor woman rendered into this state.

"So who's Andariel anyways? Some lieutenant of the demon lord? Also, you wouldn't happen to know the point of this song and dance? Why seal us all in cryo chambers just to unleash us? If he was just after children and souls, he'd have just captured men and women enmass, not put them through this game."

It'd been bugging her for awhile. The only explanation she could fathom was artificial evolution. An arms race of sorts. Military power and technology advanced at accelerated rates during conflict. So by allowing for controlled conflict rather than simple harvesting, it'd ensure the overlord could corrupt and breed powerful warriors. It was a clever if risky strategy, one would need foolsafes in case your victims grew too powerful. She'd need to figure out if there was any latent enchantments upon them and a means to circumvent them. But that would be after this.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

6/20 Melissa is a futa. 10 turns left before Barrier Spirit can be used.

This time the woman blinked in surprise.

"You've never heard of Andariel? What rock did you crawl out from before being brought here? Well, if you truly think you can get that far, you'll find out for yourself, but I'll give you a small hint. She's one of the Succubi queens, but not the oldest of them. Tall too, you'll enjoy time with her if you make it that far. As for the point, neither she or I truly know the purpose. This one in here always believed it was simply entertainment for Thembrihkal, mixed in with some breeding. What I can tell you, since you should already know, is that men are twisted to become new demons, while you women ... you possess a specific form of spiritual energy, something that is difficult to describe to a non demon. Suffice it to say all demon kind can tap into that energy, which is potent, and delicious I might add, when they have sex with said victim. Getting you pregnant or making you impregnate one of us is just a bonus. How odd you didn't know, the last group certainly did."

Attack Rolls:

Lorelai: 275+700=975 vs. Blood Raven: 375+599=974 (HIT!)
Lorelai: 275+601=876 vs. Blood Raven: 375+112=487 (HIT!)

Lorelai deals 600 damage again, and her spirit matches that for a total of 1,200 Damage. Blood Raven has 5,100 HP left.

Grapple Attempt:

Blood Raven: 295+461=756 vs. Lorelai: 200+714=914 (DODGE!)

Lorelai dodges!

Attack Rolls:

Melissa: 130+510=640 vs. Blood Raven: 375+100=475 (HIT!)
Melissa: 130+700=830 vs. Blood Raven: 375+400=775 (HIT!)

Melissa deals 1,200 Damage total, as Blood Raven is a demon. Blood Raven has 3,900 HP left.

Melissa has 100 MP.


1: Keep Attacking!

2: Something else.


Master of Kinky Fetishes. Or just Bitch if you pre
Dec 13, 2013
Reputation score
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

"One that wasn't crawling with demons. I think. I got out of a cryotube earlier, and frankly it's all, mmm, fragmented. Like there's gaps. And other parts are hazy. In any case, I'll pass on being a meal ticket.," grumbles Lorelai, as her strikes struck home, along with N'gaasha's blows. Melissa followed up on the Blood Raven's off-balance to strike her twice more. She didn't look like she could take much more of this.

Blood Raven once again struck out at her with her corrupted Mathosian style, but Lorelai again dodged to the side. "Pity you're a monstrous possessing spirit with no empathy. I'm no stranger to working with the spirits, I recognise the desire for a body. And you've certainly been helpful filling in the gaps. You could always leave her body entirely and stick around you know. Better than letting my spirit guardian eat you, and she gets to live. I'm not the type for casual taking of lives really. Of course, if it's you or me, I obviously am not hesitating. Your call, spirit. I've already one spiritual tag along, a second won't bother me."

N'gaasha gives Lorelai the eye at that, seeming to get a bit huffy at having to share time and energy with a second spirit. Lorelai ignores the massive serpent, instead focusing on channelling her shots at the possessed woman once more.

"Either way, a tall succubus queen huh. Seems to be plenty of these succubi creatures on this place. I've killed one with a back full of tentacles twice now. She didn't remember the first death oddly enough. And the bodies seem to disappear after each time I crush them. Any thoughts on that?"


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

5/20 Melissa is a futa. 9 turns left before Barrier Spirit can be used.

Blood Raven shook her head.

"Even if I were to agree to that, and I can't anyway, but even if I did, neither myself or this body would survive that. We're permanently bound together, if one is removed, the other dies. You'll find that is the case all around here. As for the tentacled succubus, you must mean Flesh Teaser. Cloning would be my guess, the technology is here for it. If you live long enough, you'll discover technology that will make your head spin. As for vanishing ... hell if I know, that's new."

Attack Rolls:

Lorelai: 275+340=615 vs. Blood Raven: 375+255=630 (MISS!)
Lorelai: 275+576=851 vs. Blood Raven: 375+138=513 (HIT!)

Lorelai deals 300 damage, and her spirit does 350 more for 650 total. Blood Raven has 3,250 HP left.

Grapple Attempt:

Blood Raven: 295+364=659 vs. Lorelai: 200+296=496 (GRABBED!)

Lorelai is grabbed after a quick fake move, and taken to the ground!

Free Lorelai Attempt:

Melissa: 170+637=807 vs. Blood Raven: 315+100=415 (FREED!)

Melissa shoves Blood Raven off!

Attack Rolls:

Melissa: 130+10=140 vs. Blood Raven: 375+ NO ROLL NEEDED.

Melissa horribly misses. She has 112 MP now.


1: Keep Firing!

2: Let Blood Raven have some fun before you kill her.


Master of Kinky Fetishes. Or just Bitch if you pre
Dec 13, 2013
Reputation score
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

"Unfortunate. Although not necessarily true. People said true cloning was impossible too, but as you said, technology to make your head spin. Throw magic in the mix and well... But as you said, you can't agree. Mores the pity I suppose.,: sighs Lorelai, seeming disappointed. N'gaasha seemed pleased not to have to share though.

One of her shots went wild, but Blood raven ducked the other before charging. She seemed to have finally wizened up though and faked her out, and grasped a hold of her arm. It only lasted a moment as Melissa booted her off, though she missed her follow up strike.

Cloning huh. Could that be what the gaps in her memory were from? Had the real her perished and she was a mere copy of the original? Guess she'd find out sooner or later.

"If there's cloning, then this whole thing becomes increasingly redundant. The entertainment argument seems likely as if they can simply mass clone demons and people alike, then all this fighting is meaningless. You all could mass produce bodies to combine with with no personalities to bind with, so you don't need to be truly parasitic. Not to mention create individuals who'd accept your corruption willingly. You've effectively infinite resources on the matted. So honestly it seems like your master is either playing some other game or he's a dick. Either way, he's in my path out, just as you are now."

She fired once again at her opposition. Maybe she could steal the schematics for the cloning devices or modify them. If she could figure out...

"So is it that you literally can't refuse his wishes, you're too scared to, or is his will the only reason you survive? Or are you actually him in a flesh suit?"


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

4/20 Melissa is a futa. 8 turns left before Barrier Spirit can be used.

To this Blood Raven laughed hysterically.

"If I were him you would know. We're much more of an inferior specimen than he is ... at least I think he's a he. Actually, no one really knows WHAT Thembrihkal actually is, though this woman described him as a living mass of tentacles. As far as the cloning, eventually there are limits to that, some bullshit about diminishing return or some crap. As for your last question, sort of a combination of the first and third. I assume you are familiar with binding magic? It's possible to exert that on a flesh and blood being as well as a spiritual thing. Being a spiritmaster I should think you would know what that details, and the potential unpleasant side effects that could be placed to ensure your subject obeyed you. As far as his will ... much of what you see exists because he allows it to, or created it himself. I would hazard a guess killing him MIGHT undo everything he ever touched, but even I don't know that for sure. This game of his though, I do think it was modified from it's original intent, or purpose, but what that original intent was I don't know."

Attack Rolls:

Lorelai: 275+167=442 vs. Blood Raven: 375+205=580 (MISS!)
Lorelai: 275+414=689 vs. Blood Raven: 375+259=634 (HIT!)

Lorelai deals 300 damage, and her spirit does 350 more for 650 total. Blood Raven has 2,600 HP left.

Grapple Attempt:

Blood Raven: 295+16=311 vs. Lorelai: 200+624=824 (EVADE!)

Lorelai easily avoids a take down.

Attack Rolls:

Melissa: 130+170=300vs. Blood Raven: 375+ NO ROLL NEEDED.
Melissa: 130+494=624 vs. Blood Raven: 375+334=709 (MISS!)

Melissa can't land a hit suddenly, and she growls in frustration.


1: Keep being a one woman army!

2: Get raped!


Master of Kinky Fetishes. Or just Bitch if you pre
Dec 13, 2013
Reputation score
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Much to study. She could bind flesh and blood as well? She'd need to study this as well. Maybe she could usurp the binding this 'living tentacle' had on everyone. She'd start small and move up as she learned better methods from there. Least she would have no shortage of test subjects.

"Fascinating. I've much to study, thank you. I apologize that I cannot reward you in any way beyond a clean death though. If it is any consolation, I will still make an attempt at rebinding your spirit, though as you said, no one has successfully done so thus far. But I don't hold believe anything is impossible."

Her shots struck, well one of them anyways, though Melissa was having trouble striking Blood Raven. She wasn't as familiar with Mathosian combat arts, thus she couldn't exploit the flaws the demon introduced like Lorelai could. On that note, she easily deflected Blood ravens grab at her once more.

Time to try. She fired her bolts, but at the same time began mentally calling on the binding magics. Normally one set up a beacon and dealt with a spirit that it attracted, working a contract. But if flesh and spirit could be forcibly bound like this, then perhaps if she tried to focus it upon the possessing spirit within, she could swiftly bind it to her rather than have it be extinguished.

There was no way to be certain, but it was worth a shot.

(I;ve no idea if this will work, but hey if it does I have fluff for what the spirit time bomb spell actually is haha)