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Re: Akabur Games

What was the last version of WT that came out? There is a 1.3.1 version up on svscom*cs. Just wondering if new material was released.
Re: Akabur Games

Only the "official" beta/1.01-ish is the real game. Anything else is mod/fan-made/hax
Re: Akabur Games

There's a demo for Broken Heart Bordello. Anyone tried it?
Re: Akabur Games

There's a demo for Broken Heart Bordello. Anyone tried it?

Not much about it : 1-2 scenes, the entire game is black and white only, you get ~2 quests, you can probably finish it within 1 week game-time (need 6500$ to buy the house, 1st time you sell spices, you get 3500$).

Not to sound bored to hell and back but as a demo it's meh, hoping the complete game will expand massively.
Re: Akabur Games

Yeah, I loved that. I was thinking, "hey more than half the cost, somebody learned their lesson about useless grinds." Then the second time it was 600, followed by 400 until the option disappeared when cash-on-hand was a few hundred shy of the goal. At which point you have to start a new day, Go Home->Go to what's-her-face's room->Send what's-her-face to work at the tavern->exit room->exit house->Wait (since there's nothing else to do) and then collect 40 gold. And I don't see why the game rushes you to buy the house anyway, since you're already squatting in it and using it as a base.

I can't fathom the master plan here. The main character is supposed to be a cunning man, with a revenge plan decades in the making, and so far his brilliant scheme has been to invest his life's savings in goods, travel to his hometown, somehow convert the goods he didn't realize he'd need a license to sell into cash, and then spend literally all the money on buying back his family's hovel that's been abandoned for at least a decade. All while using a desperate woman to do his bidding like he's Sweeney fucking Todd or something.

Bordello is either going to end with the protagonist suddenly becoming competent because that's just how he was supposed to have been all along, or with an army of assassin hookers.

What was the last version of WT that came out? There is a 1.3.1 version up on svscom*cs. Just wondering if new material was released.

He released 1.2 or 1.0.2 or something like that a month or so after the 1.0.1 version came out. It was mostly just fixes for really boneheaded issues like the "TEST" line that would appear at the end of almost every scene. He hasn't added anything to it, and may never bother, depending on what day's response to "will WT be updated" you take as the real one. If you want more content, you're into "mod" territory, and none of them have added much yet.
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Re: Akabur Games

Tavern a lot of days and you'll get the quest to make her a maid dress and send her back to the tavern and earn 80$ a day (double normal day without that dress).

My take on story : probably gonna pay the house early (like the demo), hire/coax/seduce girls into working for him, upgrade the house for more variety (the 4 empty rooms on 2nd floor would do that), hoard a huge-ass amount of $$$$ to spend on buying the entire town and send his ninja-maid-hookers-bartenders-pirates girls to do his bidding and (sexy-ly) off a few dudes to eventually rule the world. Something along those lines ........ Or just keep the 1 girl in the demo and be done with it.
Re: Akabur Games

Is this guy slow or what? When is PT Gold Edtion coming out?
Re: Akabur Games

Is this guy slow or what? When is PT Gold Edtion coming out?

Truthfully, I'd be surprised if it came out before September based on the pace Akabur's been working, but miracles have been known to happen.
Re: Akabur Games

Tavern a lot of days and you'll get the quest to make her a maid dress and send her back to the tavern and earn 80$ a day (double normal day without that dress).

My take on story : probably gonna pay the house early (like the demo), hire/coax/seduce girls into working for him, upgrade the house for more variety (the 4 empty rooms on 2nd floor would do that), hoard a huge-ass amount of $$$$ to spend on buying the entire town and send his ninja-maid-hookers-bartenders-pirates girls to do his bidding and (sexy-ly) off a few dudes to eventually rule the world. Something along those lines ........ Or just keep the 1 girl in the demo and be done with it.

Yeah, I got there eventually, but by that point all I had left to use money on was I think 1 robe at the tailor shop.

I saw a screenshot of a slave market somewhere that was supposed to be a "promo" thing for Bordello. I don't know if it was real or not, but I've just assumed they're going to the old-fashioned slave trainer well, and he'll have a stable of slave girls he has to train to bring in money.

Just checked my e-mail and Akabur posted a new update that actually has details about PT:GE. He's doing dress-up with Lola now. He posted a list of all the stuff he has planned for the game too. It had 13 or 14 items in it. He's done with the first one, and the second one is in-progress. The last one was essentially "and whatever else I decide to do." September may be optimistic, given the size of the list and that at least 3 of the items are similar to the first. That one item was apparently the work of 4 months.
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Re: Akabur Games

Just checked my e-mail and Akabur posted a new update that actually has details about PT:GE. He's doing dress-up with Lola now. He posted a list of all the stuff he has planned for the game too. It had 13 or 14 items in it. He's done with the first one, and the second one is in-progress. The last one was essentially "and whatever else I decide to do." September may be optimistic, given the size of the list and that at least 3 of the items are similar to the first. That one item was apparently the work of 4 months.
The post in question:


Hello, guys.

Not sure if I mentioned this before, but I'm done with the main story line for Iris. Now it's Lola's turn. I put together first rough draft for her wardrobe few days ago and that is what you can see on the video above.

Things like this (dress-ups) may look really exciting and dynamic on the video but they don't take much time to put together. Main effort (and time) goes into writing and programming the story events and the game itself, and you only will be able to truly appreciate it when you play the actual game.
At this point I think Gold Edition will be 3 times longer then the original. (Maybe even longer). Nonetheless, the dress-ups are fun, so here is the vid.

Like I said, I am working on Lola's story arc now, so that's why I started with creating the wardrobe, since I need to make sure she will be appearing dressed properly in her scenes.

I also want to say that there is A LOT of work still ahead of me. Here is a rough list:
- Iris's story arc. (Done.)
- Lola's stoyr arc. (Working on it right now).
- Sex events for Iris.
- Sex events for Lola.
- Group sex events.
- Rose the teacher's story arc.
- Azalea's story arc.
- Quite a few side quests.
- Other events involving Jasmine and Iris or Lola.
- Some random events.
- A few new costumes and accessories for the girls.
- SGs, SGs, SGs...
- Few other things I don't want to spoil.

In other words - it will be a while.

P.S. I will work on the wardrobes some more later. There will be at least two accessory slots, some new costumes and accessories and such.

And that is all for now...ke (comments, links, etc.)
Re: Akabur Games

Optimistic : Christmas at best
Realistic : Next year (around April-May)
Pessimistic : NEVAR
Akabur-tic : Next month with nothing added and a rage-storm of douche comments

Bets are open :D

At least the video feels promising
Re: Akabur Games

So that's... what? FOUR months of work? Considering it is less than 1/8 of his list, that means the whole thing will be finished by... September 2018!

Naturally, we will discover that he will never do any work on many of the features that he promises.

Basically, what he should do is hire a programmer for 1/3 of the income, and an artist for the same amount, and only make line drawings and do testing himself. Let the artist ink and color, and the programmer implement the ideas. The whole thing would be finished in half a year or so -- it could be faster if the code as it is now was any good, but if I was hired on that project as a programmer I would recode the whole thing from the ground up, because the way it is written now means that it is VERY hard to make changes -- especially the changes that Akabur proposes to make.
Re: Akabur Games

Well, in theory the first one would lay the groundwork and the others would go more quickly. In theory. If he's still reusing code by copying and pasting, he's going to get into trouble again with everything he's trying to tack on. Based on the way he's talking in the thread, he either located or invested in some library-ish code for handling some of his features, since he was apparently able to add a requested wardrobe item in a few minutes. No idea if that's true, or if he'd figure out how to leverage that sort of thing for other aspects, assuming it is.

The attached comment is interesting. I'm pretty sure he's said something like this before with regard to his other games, but hopefully it holds true. If not, it can be part of a nice image macro warning people off his Patreon, I guess. The comment is in answer to someone asking if he'd do cuts again like the Phoenix in WT.


  • promises.jpg
    22.7 KB · Views: 0
Re: Akabur Games

Easy to make promises. He did the same thing with WT and we know how that turned out. Given his propensity to go off and add lots of stuff, my guess is there will be cuts. And when it is released, if you post that picture as a reminder, you will be subsequently tarred and feathered by the Patrons. As any form of criticism is frowned upon. That environment, in addition to Akabur's noticeable shift in attitude (look at his Patron main page redesign) are the primary reason I switched to $1 pledge.

I hope that my pessimism is unfounded and he really does produce a polished gem. That would be awesome!
Re: Akabur Games

Easy to make promises. He did the same thing with WT and we know how that turned out. Given his propensity to go off and add lots of stuff, my guess is there will be cuts. And when it is released, if you post that picture as a reminder, you will be subsequently tarred and feathered by the Patrons. As any form of criticism is frowned upon. That environment, in addition to Akabur's noticeable shift in attitude (look at his Patron main page redesign) are the primary reason I switched to $1 pledge.

I hope that my pessimism is unfounded and he really does produce a polished gem. That would be awesome!

Can't blame him, in the words of the wise Oscar Wilde: "Ethics is what you do when everyone else is looking, what you do when no one's around, that's called character".

So basically, his attitude was all character, now that he has a cult of loyal fans that are willing to take all his shit, he can take attitudes worthy of a prime-minister, and his character comes out, he could make 20 thousand and put on work, or he can make 10 thousand and do whatever, he choose whatever.
Re: Akabur Games

Now that he doesnt need to redraw each image for each pose/dress/expression, maybe it will be faster? :p
Re: Akabur Games

Now that he doesnt need to redraw each image for each pose/dress/expression, maybe it will be faster? :p
He never needed to redraw. He just had a basic image and drew new things over it, and then stored the completed image. For drawing it is about the same amount of work. Coding can be more elegant with the layered stuff, so that can be a bit faster, if indeed he sets it up correctly.
Re: Akabur Games

He never needed to redraw. He just had a basic image and drew new things over it, and then stored the completed image. For drawing it is about the same amount of work. Coding can be more elegant with the layered stuff, so that can be a bit faster, if indeed he sets it up correctly.
You're probably right, but I'm sort of torn by his ability to be bizarrely inefficient. If somebody told me that he drew every facial expression from scratch, I wouldn't be nearly as skeptical as I think I should be. I mean, his workflow for writing the dialogue is writing it all out by hand, scanning his notebook, sending it off to a supporter who transcribes it as a favor, and then cutting and pasting it into the game scripts.

Not to derail the thread too much, but on a topic related to Patreon fuckery, does anybody know what's up with the lady who does the Legend of Queen Opala games? Around about January she started complaining about "drillings" in her apartment building. Since then she hasn't done much, and slipped the date (March) for Episode 1 of her game, allegedly because she hasn't slept in 3-4 months. Supposedly the work will end in July or August. She lives in Sweden, and by her own admission is unemployed and on the dole (she got in trouble over donation income), so her schedule isn't particularly limited unless something's changed. I can't imagine that a landlord or government in Sweden would permit noisy workmen to repair anything 24 hours a day, 5 days a week for 7-8 months in a residential area. What sort of slum would you have to live in?

At least Akabur just says he's working his ass off and has big plans. If it turns out to be lies, at least they weren't also excuses. Either way, I'm getting pretty close to concluding that Patreon is too hit or miss to be worthwhile to me. I don't want to be people's taskmaster, but I also don't want to support them playing video games and watching movies all day in exchange for a half-assed product slapped together just ahead of all their supporters abandoning ship.
Re: Akabur Games

You're probably right, but I'm sort of torn by his ability to be bizarrely inefficient. If somebody told me that he drew every facial expression from scratch, I wouldn't be nearly as skeptical as I think I should be. I mean, his workflow for writing the dialogue is writing it all out by hand, scanning his notebook, sending it off to a supporter who transcribes it as a favor, and then cutting and pasting it into the game scripts.

Not to derail the thread too much, but on a topic related to Patreon fuckery, does anybody know what's up with the lady who does the Legend of Queen Opala games? Around about January she started complaining about "drillings" in her apartment building. Since then she hasn't done much, and slipped the date (March) for Episode 1 of her game, allegedly because she hasn't slept in 3-4 months. Supposedly the work will end in July or August. She lives in Sweden, and by her own admission is unemployed and on the dole (she got in trouble over donation income), so her schedule isn't particularly limited unless something's changed. I can't imagine that a landlord or government in Sweden would permit noisy workmen to repair anything 24 hours a day, 5 days a week for 7-8 months in a residential area. What sort of slum would you have to live in?

At least Akabur just says he's working his ass off and has big plans. If it turns out to be lies, at least they weren't also excuses. Either way, I'm getting pretty close to concluding that Patreon is too hit or miss to be worthwhile to me. I don't want to be people's taskmaster, but I also don't want to support them playing video games and watching movies all day in exchange for a half-assed product slapped together just ahead of all their supporters abandoning ship.

Yikes, for like 35 bucks he could get some voice transcribing software and cut out all that scanning notebook, sounds to me like he has some mild OCD or is insanely stubborn, half the stuff that everyone's pointed out the last couple hours could so make his life so much easier or at least speed up the game production.
Re: Akabur Games

Can't blame him, in the words of the wise Oscar Wilde: "Ethics is what you do when everyone else is looking, what you do when no one's around, that's called character".

So basically, his attitude was all character, now that he has a cult of loyal fans that are willing to take all his shit, he can take attitudes worthy of a prime-minister, and his character comes out, he could make 20 thousand and put on work, or he can make 10 thousand and do whatever, he choose whatever.
Yes, money being the best judge, as long as people are actually happy with what he does the way he does, well, can't do anything but watch and be disappointed.
Witch Trainer is based on an interesting universe, and has an awesome design, but it got butchered. It was so sad, seeing that the game could have been a really good one :(.