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Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Erin walked into the lab following the sound and, upon seeing the blade-wielding Denna, she couldn't help but give a wide smile and skip forward just once more, wrapping her tanned arms around the warrior's without giving her any chance to react.

"Denna! You did it! I can't believe you did it!" She said, happily hugging the warrior, paying no attention to the way their breasts pushed together. "You were right, I'm so sorry!" She added, then relaxed her grip on the woman just a bit. "I, well, I... got the collar off, too, found the key. I... messed up judging the situation. Should've had more faith in you." She said, apologetically.

"I, ah, what I'm trying to say is..." She paused, biting down her pride. "I'm sorry. I, I guess they got to me in the end with all the... things happening and I... lost hope."
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

"...Is she really this deluded?," growls Denna, reading the note, "Xenophobic, because of her doing things like this to people. Good news is she probably doesn't have the supplies after all. North huh. Then that's where I'm going. But the hell am I going to do with these people here."

She shook her head with a sigh, then turned to leave when abruptly she was glomped inside of her swords reach. She nearly panicked before realising it was a happy snuggling and naked Erin. She listened to Erin's apology and hugged her back, before recalling once again the naked part, before coughing with a blush.

"I'm not blaming you Erin, and I'm really sorry for knocking you out. You're okay right? I've not done that often, I didn't want to hurt you too much. It's alright. Truth be told I was struggling. We managed to pull through with a huge amount of luck. Unfortunately Kyubi escaped with Rantia through a portal, but I cut her something fierce. They're heading somewhere to the north."

She gently tried to pry Erin off with a smile, "Come on, let's go find Loroh and find out where our things were and get dressed. And figure out what to do about all these cultists I drugged. And before you say it, I'd rather not murder them all. We might be able to help them somehow or call in some specialists to deprogram them. There must be some mercenary mage who can undo Kyubi's magic. And hopefully all the others are okay and not brainwashed too... There's a lot of mess to fix before I can hunt down those two monsters."

She started heading out the room before blinking and looking to Erin. "Oh, maybe as a mage there's something in here you could use to trace that portal if we get near the exit or something? I don't know magic much but maybe there's something you can use in general. Or not if you wanna come along and find your clothes first. You should bring that collar you had on too. Might come in handy."
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

"Thanks." Replied Erin, heartfelt. "I'm fine, a bit hoarse but well otherwise. Glad to hear you got her good." She says, nodding firmly as Denna pushes her off softly, letting go of the warrior as she wondered what they'd do with the village and asked her not to kill them.

"I wouldn't kill them now that they're not a threat." She replied, shrugging. "Uh, there's a few people in one of the rooms that could help us keep the village under control? I managed to keep them off the brainwashing schedule. Maybe. Probably hate me though." She said, hesitantly. "As for the cultists...I'm still marked as a priestess, anyways, so they should still listen to me, as long as no other priests interfere. I'll be honest with you, I have no idea if brainwashing is reversible." She said, biting her lip worriedly for a few seconds.

"Hopefully it is. I, ah, I'll have a look around the room. The collar's on the main stage, next to the woman that raped me..." She looked at the room, then at Denna. "Actually, no, I'd rather not get surprised by a wolf or two or anything of the sort, I'll stick with you and get clothes. I still feel pretty vulnerable."
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Denna nodded at Erin's logic. "If anyone has a problem with you I'll talk to them. Lord knows their time would be better suited to getting things ready to go instead. Come on, let's get dressed. I don't know fuck all about drugs, so I've no idea how long this will last, but maybe we can keep them doped up until someone can do... well if not debrainwash them, then maybe rebrainwash them into something less... horrible. I'm holding out hope though that if you can recover, so can you. Or maybe we can use Kyubi's handwriting against her, hm. If we can get someone who can realistically forge this writing, maybe we can convince them that it's Kyubi's will to do something else."

She walked out, looking around, "Wonder where Loroh got too. Couldn't have pulled this off without her. She did just as much if not more than I to ensure what victory we have gotten in all this. I hope Brom's okay too. Kyubi nearly killed him, and in my haste to stop her I didn't... Check. Oh fuck, please don't be dead."

Den, having gone pale, promptly rushed out to go check on Brom as she realised what had happened and what her anger had lead her to.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Walking back out from the alchemy room, Denna would find the white robed figure to not be present. Seemed that he left. Loroh, however, was walking through the cave with a large, full bag of various 'things' hanging over her shoulder, using two hands to support it's weight. She seemed to be pillaging the place for valuables. Brom was laying on the stage, a bit bloodied from nearly being a sacrifice, but upon inspection, Denna would find him still quite alive. He just needed some medical attention, and likely a hug.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

It was good to see Loroh was alright. She was a bit disappointed she had been looting rather than evacuating but it really didn't matter. "Glad to see you're alright, Loroh. I hope that offer for potions to deal with pregnancy is still open. I suspect you're going to get a lot of orders shortly.," she called to the Su-Ku-Ta, "You wouldn't be able to make healing potions too? Brom needs medical attention pretty badly. And where did you find my sword? It was a good throw by the way, never seen someone hurl a claymore that far before."

She turned to Erin, "Can you stay with him a moment? I want to go check on those people you said would "hate" you and I'd like a chance to talk them down. They're probably pretty riled up. Assuming they didn't get drugged too by accident."

She then headed down to locate any of her comrades who got dragged into the crowd below and separate them gently, before going to the back caves to check on the hold outs. There was a ton to do right now before the drug wore off. People to filter out, healing to do, the cultists to handle, and getting everyone's things back, hopefully before the Su-Ku-Ta ran off with it all.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Loroh blinked. "Throw?" she inquired. "You think 'I' can throw a claymore?" she asked, shocked. "Though, I can still make a potion for me and you, maybe your friend too, but I don't want to stay here and make potions for everyone. I wanna go." she stated.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

"Well someone in the crowd threw me my father's sword, and if it wasn't you or Erin, then who on earth did it?," blinks Den confusedly, before shaking her head, "Well don't run off before then. Not that you'll run fast with that bag, the woods are probably full of beasts too. You should probably leave with everyone just for the safety. And in case you picked up our stuff too. In any case, I'm gonna pop at this rate in a few days and I... Well I need to travel, I can't take care of a child properly, not yet. So those potions would be appreciated. Anyways, maybe our mystery saviour is in here."

She shook her head as she went to gather her mercenaries, and see if she could find the mystery individual who had truly saved the day, besides Loroh anyways.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Erin followed Denna to the main stage, grabbing her collar on the way, key still in the lock, and holding it with a mixture of repulsion, hatred and pride. She stood near Brom, watching over him as Denna had asked her to, until her conversation with Loroh left the implied question of whether she'd thrown the claymore or not.

"Not me who threw that sword for sure." Was her reply, shrugging. "Could barely lift it, maybe it was someone else who wasn't fully brainwashed. And don't worry about the potions, Loroh, I can cook up a bunch, healing ones too though I'm going to need supplies of some sort. Just don't go running off with our gear, there's the town for you to loot while they're out if you want valuable stuff."

"I'd honestly rather not be here when the cultists wake up, so how about you get our gear and your friends and leave, Den? I'll watch over Brom, don't worry." She said, standing next to the man, giving him a look-over as she tried, and failed, to figure out what exactly was wrong with him, and then transitioning to just standing guard.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Loroh glanced to the side. "Yeah... About that... Badarians are kind of xenophobic, so I don't want to be with them. At all." she said. "Like your little band of mercenaries? They thought I was one of these cultists. So we might as well ignore these cultists here entirely, since one of them promised to bring back an army to slaughter them all once they get out." Loroh stated.

Meanwhile, all the cultists were slowly waking up, and Brom simply seemed to suffer some internal bleeding. Erin could make a nice potion to cure his wounds, which would be serious if left untreated.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

"Fine, go on, we need to all get out of here quickly anyhow. Thanks for the help Loroh. And yeah I know how some of us can be.," says Den, trying to hurriedly retrieve her comrades before they had too much of a mess on their hands. She had a plan in case but no time to actually convey it to Erin or do such, so the faster she retrieved her comrades the better.

She would be rather happy just to be able to eat something. Her stomach was rather angry with her, and she'd like some proper rest. And a bath. But they all came first.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Erin looked at Brom's body, frowning, then raised her voice, shouting after Denna's figure.

"Den! This guy needs a healer, or a potion! I can brew one but it's going to take some time, see if there's any healers! I'll be in the lab!" Then quieter, she added, looking to Loroh. "I know what you mean, but you helped rescue them, so they damn better be grateful. Not gonna ask you to stay if you don't want to, but thank you too, Loroh. I've got a pretty large debt with Denna, so I'm staying to help her, though." And, should the sukuta choose that moment to leave, she'd add her best wishes to the farewell before sprinting off to the lab.

She hoped Denna was having luck with the healers, because she didn't have the time to brew a potion before the cultists woke up, nor the equipment or materials, so she'd have to use the one they found - and she didn't trust Kyubi's, or perhaps Rantia's alchemy lab all that much. But there wasn't much of a choice if she didn't want the man to die, so she set off back towards the lab, searching for an already brewed potion and, meanwhile, setting aside the ingredients for brewing one just in case it turned out to be necessary.

With any luck, she hoped to find some sort of portable equipment, or at least a large bag to carry some of the lab's gear in it, so she'd be able to brew all the potions needed. The more she thought about it, though, the less likely she found the option that they'd get out before the cultists awoke.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Loroh nodded. "It's been real. Bye." she said, hauling off with her large bag of goodies, all of which were either denarii or jewelry, basically allowing her to walk off with a fortune that Kyubi and Rantia were keeping for themselves.

Then, the cultists began to become more aware. "What... Happened?" Inquired David. "Oh god! Did I pass out during the ceremony!?" screamed a woman. "I missed it!? I FUCKING MISSED IT!?" a man cried.

Then, the priests, priestesses, and all the cultists of the cave looked directly at the woman on stage. Denna.

"... GET HER!" a cultist shouted, before Denna suddenly found her body bound in magical light, her arms held to her sides and her body dragged to the ground, while numerous people clamored onto the stage. "What did you do?!" one demanded. "You fucking outsiders! It was you who ruined our ceremony, wasn't it!?" a woman accused Denna, while the mob looked ready to consume the victorious knight.


Meanwhile, after Erin had entered the alchemy lab, and found some valuable ingredients for making about 100 denarii's worth of potions, she heard a ruckus outside. Sounded like an angry mob.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

As Denna began to leave the stage, she found herself too late. She was now the focus of an angry mob of cultists and casters. And bound in magic it would seem as she was yanked to the ground. Well, Erin was still marked as a priestess. Maybe she could save the others and get out of here, she was a resourceful if somewhat short tempered girl.

She sighed and said nothing and simply closed her eyes and waited for the tearing of her body by the beasts and those who emulated them. Likely after yet another humiliating series of rapes.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

"God dammit." She cursed as the ruckus started, running back down again. Upon sight of the scene, she cursed again under her breath, then went towards Denna quickly, pushing her way through the recovering crowd, should they not let her through on her own, all while yelling. "Alright, everyone settle down! I'll explain what happened as soon as you all step off and stop yelling!"

Should she make it to Denna, she'd stand in front of her - protectively, in part, but also authoritatively, as if she had the situation under control. And, just in case, drawing power from the environment should she need to blast someone in the face. Or a lot of someones. Hopefully it wouldn't come to that.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

"Priestess coming through!" someone shouted, and a line opened up for Erin, allowing her to get right up there with Denna. "KICK HER ASS, PRIESTESS!" a woman shouted. "Here! Beat her with this! Until she apologizes!" Erin was handed a paddle from the audience. They seemed to back off, if only to expect Erin to take up the task of beating her.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Den's eyelids flickered as she heard Priestess coming through. She opened an eye and looked up at Erin. It wouldn't be hard for her to get revenge or turn on her at this point. Truth be told she didn't know what the girl would do, but whatever it was she hoped it'd be to get herself and the others to safety. She wasn't really consequential here.

She just looked at Erin a moment, not showing any emotion, simply waiting to see what would happen. Whatever Erin would go with, Den wouldn't feel too bad as long as she got the others in need to safety.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Erin pushed the paddle aside with a simple. "I prefer a more personal touch." and walked next to Den. Surrounded by people on all sides, she couldn't afford to show any weakness, so she walked up to her and turned to the people around her.

"I've seen it all, and while she did wrong, her punishment is not yours to determine, but mine. I believe that it's only fitting that she mends her disobedience by learning how to serve directly under my command. " Her hand lay on Denna's shoulder lightly and squeezed it encouragingly. "I understand that you all are thirsty to witness justice being done, and thus I will deliver the first of many punishments to her on this very stage, before you all."

With that, she grabbed a chair, placed it next to Denna, and sat on it. "Over my knee, outsider." She said in a soft, quiet tone that she hoped would encourage the people around her to be silent. "It is not our way, however, that of violence, of beating those who disagree with us, but of enlightenment."
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

The cultists looked up at Erin on the stage in silence, with wide eyes that sparkled, full of wonder as they thought of how awesome the new priestess was.

The other priests and priestesses, however, looked jelly. Erin was getting all the sparkly eyes, and they weren't. Very jelly.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

And then she was unbound. Denna had listened and paid attention. Humiliating as this may be, she couldn't win this fight. It was in Erin's hands now. She hoped Brom could last a little longer, and Erin could get something done for him. But for now, she had no choice but to play along.

She got up to her feet and grimaced as she was laid over the smaller but more lovely girl's knee, not letting her embarrassment hit her face. She really hoped Erin had a plan here. Though honestly, she deserved this for everything Erin had been put through. She just hoped this helped make it up to her a little. She had much to make up for, both to Erin and all her comrades.

So she awaited Erin's punishment, whatever form it may take. She doubted the girl would hold back, and she was ready to take it.