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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game


Demon Girl Pro
May 28, 2011
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Platinum Youko Inari Spoilers:

Youko Class Info (for those who don't have Tamamo):
-Non-CC Melee Class (Same as Princess/Avenger)
-Attacks All Blocked Enemies (2).
-50% Evasion.
-70% Evasion when Awakened.
All hail glorious petanko. I've been really pleased with the event units lately and this one looks to be one of my favorites.
I had no idea Tamamo had her evasion upped to 70% once she awakened. I haven't noticed a thing, but if that's true that just makes her even better than I thought she was.

It doesn't look like we'll even get close to the 600 million for platinum Molette. It sucks that they really overshot that expectation. I wonder if they'll give us more time, or if she just gets stuck at gold.

exkale said:
Making a unit eat Pupuru was how I dealt with it. :p
I'm biased, but I have to agree with Fruit. Lolis are pretty few and far between in DMM games and it's not like the sex is an integral part of the experience. To pass up a good unique character simply because her sprite can be seen as over exposed (and she's not even all that loli) doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. Pupuru has already become an integral part of a few of my strategies so I just wanted to recommend not tossing characters due to their appearance. I hate Claudia's art style with a passion because I think it looks amateurish and awful (I wish they'd stop using that artist), but I still consider Claudia to be one of my best units and she's a part of my main team. But who am I to reprimand you, this is just my opinion.
This is my first time posting in this thread, but I consider you something of a rival in progess exkale, as I started right around the same time you did. Don't gimp yourself:D

Altrius said:
From what i see the trend they going is going for monster girl now ?
I sure hope so. Games like this should capitalize on their setting and freedom and release more unorthodox characters. I've been hoping Aegis would get into monster girls for a long time. Nothing MGQ tier of course, but designs like Eden's are very much appreciated by me as opposed to endless humans with a smattering of elves.


Tentacle God
Jul 16, 2014
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I'm biased, but I have to agree with Fruit. Lolis are pretty few and far between in DMM games and it's not like the sex is an integral part of the experience. To pass up a good unique character simply because her sprite can be seen as over exposed (and she's not even all that loli) doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. Pupuru has already become an integral part of a few of my strategies so I just wanted to recommend not tossing characters due to their appearance. I hate Claudia's art style with a passion because I think it looks amateurish and awful (I wish they'd stop using that artist), but I still consider Claudia to be one of my best units and she's a part of my main team. But who am I to reprimand you, this is just my opinion.
This is my first time posting in this thread, but I consider you something of a rival in progess exkale, as I started right around the same time you did. Don't gimp yourself:D
It's weird to find someone who considers me a rival, but I'll accept it so I can understand how I fare against another person as far as progress is concerned. :D

I'm willing to lose some units if I find their appearances to be appalling or displeases me. I will keep some units if their function or ability is good, even if their art is not to my taste. I've made a unit eat Claudia, because I have 2 Princesses, while I have kept Hana, from the same artist*, because I will find her to be useful in the future when I have the resources to raise a second dancer. I don't find myself to be gimped because I made a unit eat Pupuru since I don't know when I'll ever find a use for her. I won't regret it either because it's a choice I made and I will stand by it.

*I always consider the illustrations by this artist to be overdesigned. Too much flair while the form suffers.

I do understand that people have their reasons to like this game, and what they want from this game, which is why I have rarely expressed distaste for some units. If they find enjoyment from a certain portion of the game, then that's their reason to continue to play this game. I have no qualms with people liking what they choose to like. Getting offended and interpreting my comments as something else was unnecessary though. It's not like my comments will have any effect on the future of the game.
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Mystic Girl
Mar 7, 2014
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Finally stopped being lazy and got my 10k in subjugation, man these missions get so boring.

Looking foward to getting a Fox girl, still mad I couldn't get the first one.

Does that black Ninja remind anyone else of the art style from that CCG, that has Hell Knight ingrid and demons and what not, mostly busty ninja's.

Also Anya AW when, I still have my Happy fairy so depending on how good AW anya is she might get to eat it after AW.


Demon Girl Pro
May 28, 2011
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

It's weird to find someone who considers me a rival, but I'll accept it so I can understand how I fare against another person as far as progress is concerned. :D

I'm willing to lose some units if I find their appearances to be appalling or displeases me. I will keep some units if their function or ability is good, even if their art is not to my taste. I've made a unit eat Claudia, because I have 2 Princesses, while I have kept Hana, from the same artist*, because I will find her to be useful in the future when I have the resources to raise a second dancer. I don't find myself to be gimped because I made a unit eat Pupuru since I don't know when I'll ever find a use for her. I won't regret it either because it's a choice I made and I will stand by it.

*I always consider the illustrations by this artist to be overdesigned. Too much flair while the form suffers.

I do understand that people have their reasons to like this game, and what they want from this game, which is why I have rarely expressed distaste for some units. If they find enjoyment from a certain portion of the game, then that's their reason to continue to play this game. I have no qualms with people liking what they choose to like. Getting offended and interpreting my comments as something else was unnecessary though.
As far as I can tell we both have a fully maxed out black aside from cost (my Nanally to your Olivia) and a handful of awakened units, though I think you have a few more than I do. You seem to focus on a select few while I try to level those I like and anyone I think might have future potential. I'm almost rank 180, but I'm not sure about you.

Yeah, I imagine Claudia* is worthless compared to your Olivia. I'm a collector though so I try and keep one copy of every unit I get unless I'm really hurting for a certain silver. I wish I had your mentality, being a collector for these games is downright painful. I'm just glad I've stopped spending money (on Sapphire units). That's dangerous.
You're probably right in that you can get around eating Pupuru easily enough. It's just that she's a unique class with a unique ability so her application allows for slightly expanded strategies, not to mention you probably got her maxed out from the event so I couldn't help but voice my thoughts on the matter.

*I think that artist has a slew of issues, design being only being a part of it, but I digress

Yes, getting offended is unnecessary as you are of course entitled to your opinion and it's not like you're dictating what everyone should have. It's just if Fruit feels the same way I do, then I think it's because lolis are a rare breed in these games so it's something we can really look forward to when it does rarely happen. Even more so when the art is also appealing. The vast majority of the girls aren't loli at all so this is kind of like the jackpot of events for us right now. I'm sure it'll end after this.


Tentacle God
Jun 22, 2011
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I wasn't offended if that's what you mean, lol. You just said "Stop adding lolis to the game", I was simply saying some of us disagree with you. Your message just sounded like you had some entitlement issues going on.

All these loli event units are making me feel concerned. I will probably have to switch to the DMM.com version when I need to feed them affection items. Please stop putting out more of them! I even made a unit eat Pupuru because I don't want her.
Without the bolded, my response would have been very different. Well, I would have removed the "Deal with it" joke at the very least.

I am A-OK with some more monster girls. So far they haven't gone too hybridy and are mostly just sticking with animal ears. I'm not sure that'll change sadly. I really like those scary/freaky monster girls sometimes, that type would probably never make it into a DMM game since they aren't too popular. Beastman Ada and such are a good example of how far they seem to want to take it. Too bad there's no reason for me to use Ada, I miss her.

DMM doesn't really have any monster girl games, I find it pretty odd. I mean hell, we got a game based around flower girls before monster girls? Come on Japan.
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Tentacle God
Jul 16, 2014
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I wasn't offended if that's what you mean, lol. You just said "Stop adding lolis to the game", I was simply saying some of us disagree with you. Your message just sounded like you had some entitlement issues going on.

Without the bolded, my response would have been very different. Well, I would have removed the "Deal with it" joke at the very least.
If you weren't offended, then it's my bad for misunderstanding. Although the "Deal with it," comment changed the tone of the post from your intended meaning.

I don't exactly feel entitled since I know my comments won't ever reach the developers of the game. It's hard for me to express sarcasm over text so I probably should have phrased that better. It's already posted so I'm not going to bother changing what I've said. I have voiced wanting Marie and Shuuka to return so I can get them some cost reductions for them, but I don't really expect them to ever give us the chance to get them again. One player's comments and wishes won't have any influence, be it from a foreigner as well.

We should just let this topic slide since it will be similar to the censorship and breast demons arguments again lol.
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Tentacle God
Jul 15, 2014
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Breast demons are the worst! ;p

Anyway, I had something similar to say to Erohen and I want to express myself (which I can, because you cant delete my post ;D).

I am kind of gamer girls. If I like the game I can ignore some bad looking characters if they are good or useful because stats > looks.
Pupuru is a class of her own. Only one druid in game with crazy AoE skill and really really bad looks (+ face of a creeper).
I don't like her but I see her useful so I will never delete her.
As for you - you have some black cheat girls so you can do whatever you want.
And that's all I have to say.

Back to main topic with new event introduction:

I am really excited for the new girl! She looks cute and sexy*. I hope her sprite will be even better (srsly, sprite it is what matters the most for me in this game @@ I even rushed AW Claire 'cos I hated her renewed sprite...).
I don't have Tamamo and never will. This one I like even better!
I am only concerned, because this sound like farm type event. While star trial is possible to do with eating none crystals - for farm type we will have to eat A LOT to have her min cost and max skill. :<
I just bought some crystals to buy barracks and I definitely want THIS girl so it will be hard ;/

I somehow agree with your previous topic about black premium girls being cheat button. I felt it when I got Cornelia and game become so much easier then. It made me sad because I liked the entertainment - harder the game the better but on the other hand I would not be able to complete some missions without her. For example - Crazy Golem map during Eden event. Or I wouldn't be able to kill golem on Bulbasaur map (my AW Bernice wasn't good enough for it @@). The point is - while I have so much more AW girls, one cheating character doesn't change much but can help with some crazy hard games.

Now I want to say something about your bitching for no cost reductions/ skill ups. AT LEAST YOU GOT SOME DROPS! I did first map for like 50 times and got NONE Waltz. Not even single one dropped. While my friend done it a dozen of times, got 8 copies and managed to -4/5 her. That is higher than mine copy and I was farming her like crazy during her event! Same goes with Momji. During her event I had some big issues with game client and a lot of crashes during encounter. I was farming her event a lot and ate some crystals. In the end I had like 10 copies. Result? -2/3.

Let me remind you % chance for skill ups. Here's Petite's post about it:
Someone supposedly dug this out from the source code.

Skill Level-Up Percentages:

Regular Unit: 100%, 50%, 25%, 5%
Rainbow Fairy: 100%, 75%, 50%, 25%

Skill 1/5: 2/5, 3/5, 4/5, 5/5
Skill 1/10: 2/10, 3/10-5/10, 6/10-9/10, 10/10
Skill 1/16: 2/16, 3/16-8/16, 9/16-15/16, 16/16

Rainbow Fairy and Unit Comparison:

Skill Blue (i.e. 2/5>3/5):
2 units: 75%

Skill Orange (i.e. 3/5>4/5):
2 units: 43%; 3 units: 57%

Skill Max (i.e. 4/5>5/5):
4 units: 18%; 5 units: 22%; 6* units: 26%, 12 units: 45.9%, 20 units: 64%
*Event Unit (70/7 map); 6 sacred crystals (14stam rank 120~139): 0.56** rainbow fairies (30/3 Spirit Rescue Mid-tier 28 trips)
**1.12 with Seria (platinum bandit); 1.4 with AW Seria

Compared to a regular unit with the same skill, a rainbow fairy's success rate is a 50% increase from 2/5>3/5, a 100% increase from 3/5>4/5, and a 400% increase from 4/5>5/5.

I managed to get 2 Momji this week and was lucky enough to get cost reductions from -2 to -4 but her skill is stuck on 3/10 while you were bitching not bein able to do 6->7/10 most of my girls are stuck on 5/10 and I do not bitch about it.
I would like to quote DragonPaladin now:

Your kidding right?
I agree that 6->7/10 with 17 copies and 3 rainbow fairies is freaking crazy and really worst luck ever but 6/10 skill is already very good and cool (crap, my Fran is 6/10!).

And now I started bitching just like you two does. Awesome ;/



Just noticed this:

I hate Claudia's art style with a passion because I think it looks amateurish and awful (I wish they'd stop using that artist), but I still consider Claudia to be one of my best units and she's a part of my main team.
And I agree! But this artist isn't really bad. He just adds too many things so art looks messy. I see a potential and skill but he is overdesigning.
If we are speaking about artist I simply love ALL arts made by 内有一馬. Too bad most of them are fairies, I also enjoy bomi (Momji, Imeria, etc), 月上クロニカ (Emilia, Betty, etc) and 加藤いつわ (sweet Kaguya). I adore everything they made for aegis. For the other artist - there is none I dislike (Except breast demons), just none catches my heart.

* Srsly, She isn't loli. Just short and with small breasts. Look at her hips, definitely not a kid. And with that lovely face her avatar will be cool!
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Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Apr 5, 2011
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Bellinda revival again? Meh, I was hoping we would start moving forward with revivals. I hope we don't get Mariabelle next and than dragonewt events one more time...


Demon Girl Master
Jun 29, 2014
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Pfft. I only got like 5 plat units total from this event, and you guys are whining about not getting enough plats. All i got was 3 waltz with the ending result of 1 skill level up, 1 rita with 1 skill up(what does her skill even do for me? Nothing useful 99% of the time!), 1 momoji for the 1st skill up 1 cost down(only thing remotely useful to me) and that's about it! *pouts*


Demon Girl Pro
May 28, 2011
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Pfft. I only got like 5 plat units total from this event, and you guys are whining about not getting enough plats.
Screw all of you, I didn't get a damn one orz
I spent an entire weeks worth of stamina on this gold rush and still haven't gotten the completion reward for 4 maps. And it started off so well too QQ


Tentacle God
Jul 15, 2014
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Screw all of you, I didn't get a damn one orz
I spent an entire weeks worth of stamina on this gold rush and still haven't gotten the completion reward for 4 maps. And it started off so well too QQ
I wouldn't be able to complete any event if not eating crystals. I don't remember exact number of crystals I had on Thursday but it was close to crystals I have now. We got 12 total during this event, means I ate 10-15 crystals, 5 for farming orbs (with really bad results, even with 3 stars completion).

Bellinda revival again? Meh, I was hoping we would start moving forward with revivals. I hope we don't get Mariabelle next and than dragonewt events one more time...
TRolololololo! Please no more Mariabelle, give me Sorano ;D


Tentacle God
Oct 16, 2013
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

thats pretty nice giving us the platinum version of a sapphire unit class. Id feel a little less bad about not adequately cost reducing a decent witch if they revive Belinda again but it really hasnt seemed to matter so far I don't really need to beat that magic war map since black fairies drop better from fairy rescue


Demon Girl
Jan 9, 2015
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Breast demons are the worst! ;p
Agreed, I like big breasts But too big is kind of a turn off for me.

Aegis is adding more Lolis lately and I love it, for me Cute>Stats and this is one of the reasons why I keep units in my box even if they suck.

I welcome Belinda event with open arms since my Neneya can't keep up with the hard maps and Adelle can use a boost in atk.


Tentacle God
Jan 24, 2013
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Screw all of you, I didn't get a damn one orz
I spent an entire weeks worth of stamina on this gold rush and still haven't gotten the completion reward for 4 maps. And it started off so well too QQ
don't worry its not just you, I spend alot crystal on dragonknight map, but even now not even a single archer or that wine.....
How many time i did that map i lose count all the proof is i got more than 100 magic crystal and its not always drop 2 / run

Current sacred crystal = 0 sigh....

I wish the next event its not soo much chr / stam using.....
This gold rush event basicaly made me a big in need to start lving some unit (lvl 30 gold --> CC --> feed)
Too bad i didn't get many luck in plat : 2 Waltz / 2 Emilia / 2 Rita / 2 Eliza / 2 Fran <--- doubt im not gonna use any of them basicaly they all just CR-1 / 2/10 skill except emilia 2/5
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Tentacle God
Jan 24, 2014
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Thank you for the map info.
I already did 10~20 runs with no drops but flower on the pegasus map, realized it's just a clarie, (which to me is more useless than Carry) and went phew that's one map I can skip.

Onto the last map, spam crystals worked out. (Though cost reduction ... Berenice and Iris, please. == )

Your kidding right? It took me 17 copies of Fran and 3 rainbow fairy on top of that to get to 6/10 -> 7/10.

Well, it could always be worse, I coulda have used up 18 copies before I swapped to using 3 rainbow fairies *rolls eyes*
Just for the sake of bugging you, my Frann is -5 9/10 since the original event, just on natural regen + crystals obtained from the event map itself :p

Gold rushes are demanding but usually the most rewarding events: affection items, fairies, crystals, the usual silvers (but lower cost maps), some plats and a lot of golds... enjoy them :p
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Tentacle God
Jul 16, 2014
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Breast demons are the worst! ;p
new girl!
Let me remind you % chance for skill ups. Here's Petite's post about it:
And now I started bitching just like you two does. Awesome ;/

And I agree! But this artist isn't really bad. He just adds too many things so art looks messy. I see a potential and skill but he is overdesigning.
If we are speaking about artist I simply love ALL arts made by 内有一馬. Too bad most of them are fairies, I also enjoy bomi (Momji, Imeria, etc), 月上クロニカ (Emilia, Betty, etc) and 加藤いつわ (sweet Kaguya). I adore everything they made for aegis. For the other artist - there is none I dislike (Except breast demons), just none catches my heart.
Big post to quote. :(

I agree wholeheartedly with this one. :p

At least the artwork for the new unit looks professionally done, so it's difficult to feel disgusted in any way. The reason why I hate Pupuru so much is the creepy looking face and I couldn't stand seeing it whenever I scroll through the unit list.

I consumed crystals to farm for Fran, so my right to complain a bit is there! I had really high expectations for Fran, compared to the rest of units available during this event, so it was more likely that I would become disappointed when I got the result I did lol. I normally don't keep track of records, but this was the only time I did do it.

25%, 2 successful upgrades out of 9 attempts overall (across all units) looks right.

Haha, welcome to the bitching party :D

Bomi's artwork is pretty fun. Her name stands out to me compared to the other artists. I like Komei Miyahara's illustrations after seeing his more recent stuff, especially the AW artwork done for Elizabeth and Olivia. I also like the stuff done by シンヤ. One funny thing about シンヤ is despite having been done by the same artist, it still takes me a while to realize it was done by this person. edit: I forgot to mention Sherry's artist. I follow her twitter occasionally and she posts some pretty artwork.

As far as I can tell we both have a fully maxed out black aside from cost (my Nanally to your Olivia) and a handful of awakened units, though I think you have a few more than I do. You seem to focus on a select few while I try to level those I like and anyone I think might have future potential. I'm almost rank 180, but I'm not sure about you.

Yeah, I imagine Claudia* is worthless compared to your Olivia. I'm a collector though so I try and keep one copy of every unit I get unless I'm really hurting for a certain silver. I wish I had your mentality, being a collector for these games is downright painful. I'm just glad I've stopped spending money (on Sapphire units). That's dangerous.
You're probably right in that you can get around eating Pupuru easily enough. It's just that she's a unique class with a unique ability so her application allows for slightly expanded strategies, not to mention you probably got her maxed out from the event so I couldn't help but voice my thoughts on the matter.
I recently leveled up to rank 174, so I'm not too far off. I didn't buy any exp boosts nor did I leveled up properly at the beginning so that's probably why there's a gap between our levels. I am trying to focus on a select few, but I've been adding more units that I would like to use. My recent favorites from those units being Hien and Lucille. I will be adding Saki to the melee/ranged lineup soon because her AW skill should be nice to have. Another unit that I will work on is Zora, because I only have a silver gunner. She'll be quick to level up so once I'm done with her, I can put my focus back to my main team. After I finish with Saki and Zora, the few clear goals I have at the moment is to get Spica to min-cost, Sedis to min-cost, and to awaken a bunch of units.

Being a collector is nice, but for a game like this I realized that it's impossible to obtain everything. I'm a collector too, but I don't mind missing some units. There are event units that I really want, but have no hope of getting because it seems unlikely they'll be brought back as a revival event any time soon or in the future.

Onto more recent stuff. Glad to see Belinda is back and I will be trying to get her final cost reduction. Hopefully she doesn't disappoint me as much as Fran. :(
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Tentacle God
Oct 16, 2013
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

9/10 from natural regen was there no weekend revival event back then?


Mystic Girl
Nov 22, 2014
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

170 charisma.
0 stamina.

Do I still continue to try and farm for Fran copies to cost down my 17 cost Fran....

Also I spent around $150+ to get Kikyo. I am sad.


Tentacle God
Jan 24, 2013
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

170 charisma.
0 stamina.

Do I still continue to try and farm for Fran copies to cost down my 17 cost Fran....

Also I spent around $150+ to get Kikyo. I am sad.
Do it..... you got kikyo mean you have higher drop rate :D
beside i doubt they will release anymore fran copy at least 8 month time (gold rush average about 1x every 4 month not to mention i doubt they gonna release same char again next gold rush there still plenty unit in waiting)


Mystic Girl
Nov 22, 2014
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Do it..... you got kikyo mean you have higher drop rate :D
beside i doubt they will release anymore fran copy at least 8 month time (gold rush average about 1x every 4 month not to mention i doubt they gonna release same char again next gold rush there still plenty unit in waiting)

My bad. I meant I spent $150 attempting to get Kikyo and I failed.