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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I don't know why people bothered to come up with such an odd strategy for it like some I've seen. Again having two decent snipers is enough to deal with everything but the final lich. Most videos I've seen for this severely over complicate the fight. I don't mean the video Petite posted by the way, I understand why that is so complicated (Low level strategy), but as long as you have snipers and some cc'd healers, the fight is easy.

I'd agree, my lv 71 prince can tank the lich indefinitely with two CC'd priests - combined healing power after Prince buff is around 600. So either you need to hit that or you swap tanks (in which case leave prince on the side) like others said... Waiting for gold fairy drop...
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Wow I was all scared of that map from the messages here, I beat it 3 star with my own strategy first time. Karma can solo the final lich even at level 37 lol.

Soldier, Soldier, Prince, Priest, Valkyrie, Karma intercept final Lich. Done.
Karma > Lich for the win.

Map 5, 14 runs + a goddess crystal, and still no gold fairy in sight. *fp*
Map 5 17 runs and no gold fairy still. *sigh*
Update 2:
19 runs and counting.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

OMG..... its not that strong after all. It seems one of my healers on the first run was out of range, lol
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

OMG! After over 40 runs on that 2nd map, i've finally gotten that witch to drop. Cleared all 6 maps with 3 stars and Gold Drops, now for that last map to load... Whew... 2 crystals used. >.<
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

OMG! After over 40 runs on that 2nd map, i've finally gotten that witch to drop. Cleared all 6 maps with 3 stars and Gold Drops, now for that last map to load... Whew... 2 crystals used. >.<

Aegis random is.... unbelievable...
I got like 8 witches on 25 runs.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Luckily I got Vera from "Kingdom of the Dead" in 3 trips (5/7 maps complete), but I still haven't gotten the gold fairy drop from "Creeping Shadow". I'm moving into my fourth coin flip (approx. 59% chance of getting it every 12 trips).

I'm hoping the upcoming map that rewards Julian is at least as easy as the Vera map, and not some last minute troll with a drop rate as poor as the first and second maps.

According to a leak, these are the items and odds for the Julian map:
Gold Fairy: 9%x2
Magical Crystal II: 20%
Crystal: 70%
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Man can't drop the gold drop from the map with Carry/Curry, 15+ runs, 3 Mishas and too many bronze fairies...
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

New map, stack the right side, all range on center island. I put one sniper at the top right, one at the bottom left. Two healers, bottom right area, but put the bottom corner with a witch lord. Put a duelist at the bottom right and the center right entrances.

The princess looks like she is going for the exit right away, but she doesn't, so don't panic. So far I've gotten red crystals and a purple sphere. I 3 starred the map on the second try.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Ok, all three drops on five tries. Here is my setup. Gold fairy drops from princess.

I starred by placing Nanaly first, but I wait till the princess gets in range. Next I place my witch lord. Third I place my second sniper Victoria. Fourth I placed my CC healer Chris. Then I placed my Valkerie Kurissa, followed by my uncced healer. Then I placed my Miko and finally my prince. Good luck!


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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Cleared the last map on the 4th run.
I don't understand... the gold soldier is far more useful than the priest-princess-valkyrie but the drop for this 3 is stupidly low....

Is there any special use for a ninja? should I farm that map on this final hours or just stick with the one a like?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Event Completed:
Only thing that is wtf in terms of RNG:
26 Runs of Map 5
18 Banquet
5 Silver
1 Gold Fairy
3 Goddess Crystal spent on that map alone
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Ok, all three drops on five tries. Here is my setup. Gold fairy drops from princess.

I starred by placing Nanaly first, but I wait till the princess gets in range. Next I place my witch lord. Third I place my second sniper Victoria. Fourth I placed my CC healer Chris. Then I placed my Valkerie Kurissa, followed by my uncced healer. Then I placed my Miko and finally my prince. Good luck!

Gold fairy also drops from the soldier coming on the left. Still waiting for the red crystal drop from the archer - I have everything else after 6 runs.
Went with Archer -> Priestess -> Sniper -> Lord Witch -> Prince -> Warlock (pretty much one of the wiki strats?).


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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Is there any special use for a ninja? should I farm that map on this final hours or just stick with the one a like?
Ninjas have the fastest attack in the game. They're extremely efficient at handling small fry and high HP opponents with low defence, but have issues with heavily armoured opponents.

My favourite thing about my Platinum Ninja Hina is that she is extremely versatile, since she can be placed in prime locations that can make even most snipers envious (i.e. she can reach all three lanes on the 24 charisma map called "Road that Leads to the Royal Capital"). It also doesn't hurt that with her skill activated, she's the third strongest melee unit in the game after the platinum valkyrie and the black heavy armour when it comes to dealing raw damage over 40 seconds (though Hina's attack is ranged, so she has a better opportunity to contribute damage than the other two).

The Gold Ninja Hien is a weaker version of Hina. Since no one posted his growth rate, I'm going to guess that he might have a max AT of 254 after his class-change. With the Prince's buff at 1.19x, he's going to be particularly useful against 1k HP opponents at skill 1/5, and 800-1.2k HP opponents at skill 2/5.

Just think of them as a clean-up support, so your other units can focus on what's important (i.e. mage wasting a shot on a weak gargoyle versus shooting the ball of flame at the upcoming black heavy armour). Since some maps are tight on space for your ranged units, it's also like having another archer when all available spots are full.

Obtained Julian from "Concentrated Decisive Battle", so I'm 6/7 done with this event. "Creeping Shadow" remains to be stingy; I can't believe how many times I ran through this one (over 40), especially when it's supposed to be easier to get the gold fairy than the previous ones...
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Finally, finally~! I finally got the gold fairy drop from Creeping Shadow.

7/7 gold completion rewards. I feel exhausted. Looking on the bright side, I didn't spend nearly as many sacred crystals as my worst case scenario, but damn those ninjas. This is how I feel about this gosh darn map:

Now I finally have time to get Berenice from lvl 49 to 50 to class-change her. I already class-changed Daniella #2 (who's nearly at max affection from all of the bouquets from Creeping Shadow, grrr), and Mischa #1 (who I fed a couple more copies of herself because I wanted her skill at 4/5 instead of 3/5).
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Wow last map was one of the easiest.

1. Right CC'd Archer
2. CC'd Healer
3. Prince (Or witch first if your witch is weak)
4. Lord Witch recommended, but can use a regular Witch too (High attack is important here, not range)
5. Left CC'd Archer
6. Left CC'd Healer (You really don't need two, but I did it just so I could afk even harder on this map lol)

If you only have one good CC'd healer, just put them in the ranged spot that's most north/in the middle on the middle island, they can reach everybody. This screen could also be used for two non CC'd healers. If your witch sucks, just throw another witch/archer or mage in any of the open spots near the princess. You can do this map with like no cc'd units, very easy. I just posted what I used.


Got Julian my 6th run, just gotta get Carry now :D
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Yessss! I'm done with this event! Now i'm free to train my soldiers again \o/
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Think I'm on 9th or 10th crystals used, 4th map blows. Had to restore charisma twice already, I hate spending crystals on charisma x.x Hour and a half to wait to use another crystal on stamina to continue, blargh.

At least I have 6 remaining now (Soon to be 5) so I should be good to finish it, short of some stupid bad luck. Seems like most people are finishing, that's good. I'm really looking forward to having a strong archer, Daniela and Soma have made things so much easier, some of my most useful CC'd units so far, so a plat archer will be so nice.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Think I'm on 9th or 10th crystals used, 4th map blows. Had to restore charisma twice already, I hate spending crystals on charisma x.x Hour and a half to wait to use another crystal on stamina to continue, blargh.

At least I have 6 remaining now (Soon to be 5) so I should be good to finish it, short of some stupid bad luck. Seems like most people are finishing, that's good. I'm really looking forward to having a strong archer, Daniela and Soma have made things so much easier, some of my most useful CC'd units so far, so a plat archer will be so nice.

Good Luck o/ This whole event wasted me 6 crystals. I mostly only use them when i just leveled up and ran out of Charisma. I was patient enough to refrain from using Crystals when i had 1 Charisma left.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Good Luck o/ This whole event wasted me 6 crystals. I mostly only use them when i just leveled up and ran out of Charisma. I was patient enough to refrain from using Crystals when i had 1 Charisma left.

I don't waste any stamina or charisma, but now I'm running out of time to wait an hour and a half to spend more crystals. I'm also down to 4 now...used at least 11 now x.x 4th map is terrible, think it's about half my crystal usage alone. Really f'd up that the final completion I need is this difficult, I mean I only even found one Mischa on it too. I found more witches on the other map with a lot less runs. Tired of all these bronze fairies >.>

I'ma flip my noodle if I somehow fail with only this stupid map missed, especially after using all these crystals on it.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Ugh, I still need map 1, 3, and 4 gold drops. Man sometimes the game can just hate you.