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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Congratulations +1, now go for all complete.
And you people with your black witches, she's the only unit that I want right now. (Other than any other black unit~ *whistles innocently*) Would be perfectly happy with a platinum witch though, since I need "something" to help me beat great magical battle quest.

Oh I got the silver dragon warrior
The silver dragon warrior is purely used for it's skill, and what a wonderful skill it is. (Attack III, and after CC Attack IV) That and it's exp (345 exp each). You can literally consider him as "pet food."
Also, one of the best Carry food if you plan to raise Carry. But Carry's one of the worst unit to use due to affection bonus, same with Elen. Mischa banzai~
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Well I can't do the 20/2 one. I just can't heal the damage b/c of my weak healing and lack of a strong dueliest. On the plus side, I did 3 star the first dragonmage stage and get all the drops from it, so yay on that. From the stuff you guys say I guess I should be happy I have the black rogue and black valk, as well as a plat witch. Hopefully I can CC these guys one day.

Working on getting a second silver healer CCed. Should I just go to 30 on a female or 50. I just went to 30 on the guy healer before I CCed him.

Also, I think getting something besides an iron/bronze unit from the 2k gold gacha is a myth :p . No luck in that department!
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Argh, failed to skill up Range Extend II. There goes a CCed gold unit for nothing.
That's the second time this has happened and is very painful. Last time was gold battlemaster, failed to cost down/skill up. This time it's gold mage, failed to skill up. Costed me 1 silver/1 gold heavy armor, and 1 silver/1 gold mage for nothing other than the guaranteed cost reduction that I coulda get just fine without CCing.

On the bright side. Kurisa broke the game. Tactic for the below quests involves holding off the enemy long enough to put kurisa in battle. Then everything magically dies. Even without +5 deployment cost!
孤独な戦い3 (Had to reinforce my gold armor after killing the first red wolf)
背水の陣2 (Kurisa has entered the battlefield! Everything has died!)
小人バトル (Same as above. 355 ATK, 234 DEF is just fine for 2hko goblins and solo the ogre thank you very much)

Working on getting a second silver healer CCed. Should I just go to 30 on a female or 50. I just went to 30 on the guy healer before I CCed him.
You only want 1 30CCed healer. The other healers should all be 50CCed. Since healing is ALWAYS a primary concern in this game and makes difference between a fast paced difficult battle and a "trolalala~" stroll in the park type of battle.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Ah sorry Dragon about your skill up failure x.X

I finally 3 stared 30/3 :D I failed earlier trying it, my Pirate Monica just barely died before the Dragon Mage showed up on the bottom. This time I took her out before a couple of axes crashed on her head and put my Witch to the right of my Berserker briefly, and that was enough for my Berserker to finish the ones that got by. Retreated my witch and brought Valerie out. Man it was so close at some points, I can't believe I made it. Valerie almost died to the axe throwers too that come after the Dragon Mage, for once the split second between a heal and damage was on my side.

I was like: Wait, did I just win? When it was only the bosses left alive, haha. Had to triple check the points at the top and try to remember if any of my units died.

1 more star to go, whooo. Gotta wait on Charisma now.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Congratulations, I am kinda jealous of how you are getting rewarded for all your hard efforts. Because that's how I prefer to play my game. And let's just say Maribelle event was fricken horrible in terms of rewarding my efforts.

Seems like I hit a bad luck streak on aegis, going to hide in a corner until it's over and hope for the best.

Good luck on elder dragon!
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Good Luck to those people whose trying to clear only 16 hours more to go.
Rolled 2x premium black pops out after the plat and both of em are witches Lucky :D
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Just 3 stared 40/3 as well :D And now I can rest~ I also got another silver dragon. I wonder which level I should farm now. Soldier Julian to lower skill/cost or the black fairy or rainbow fairy. Sounds like you guys had trouble with the fairy drops. I guess I could get a 3rd Elaine too for CCing Carry and maybe Mischa in the future. Gold vs silver though, Julian seems better, probably going with that unless his drop rate is extremely low.

The fighter that really saved me during this event: Beserker Fu. I can't hate him now even if he's a shirtless male with no eye syndrome. If I didn't have his huge attack thanks to his desperation skill, I wouldn't have been able to kill bosses before the next one showed up. He's basically been my most useful melee unit (short of Prince for his buff) this event. Closest to a Princess I've found, at least temporarily.

Got a 3rd silver dragon from 20/2, lol. I thought they were rare... Monica is going to be a beast if I can ever find a copy to CC her. Otherwise it'll probably have to go to Carry.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Last Friday did some fairy hunting but meh only got 3 black 6 plat few gold mostly silver and no rainbow.
Also got 2silver 1bronze dragon I'm farming em and keeping it for now for future use who knows when you'll need them still frustrated we can't get Anya after all the work we did.......
Your lucky getting it from 20/2 I'm hunting em at 40/3

Is it worth to use hina and sakuya they seem so costly compare to berna and laila?
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Last Friday did some fairy hunting but meh only got 3 black 6 plat few gold mostly silver and no rainbow.
Also got 2silver 1bronze dragon I'm farming em and keeping it for now for future use who knows when you'll need them still frustrated we can't get Anya after all the work we did.......
Your lucky getting it from 20/2 I'm hunting em at 40/3

Yeah :( I don't think I could get the time fairy needed to transform them into the Princess before this ends anyways, so maybe it's best I didn't have the 30 dragonkin unit.

Oh so they are rarer than they seem? Interesting.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

So far the map that drops those silver dragon the most is 40/3 atleast for me when I was trying to complete the drops each map dropped only 1 silver dragon and took number of times before the magic crystal drop still no drop of silver dragon Dragonpaladin says drop for map 9 is double drop chance.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Got a 3rd silver dragon from 20/2, lol. I thought they were rare...
They are, I full completed 20/2 in about 9~12 tries, because of the magic crystal drop. Silver dragon dropped from 20/2 on my 8th try, haven't gotten a 2nd copy there. For reference 25 tries on map 8 30/3, no silver dragon drop.

40/3 is the only place to get silver dragon consistently. Twice of the same drop chance, but to be honest it's the only place that drops consistently for me. *looks at army of silver dragon* "all those entwining and swirling tails, so cute!" - argh got infected by tail fetish thanks to reading wiki. *facepalm*

Monica CC material:
☆1鉄アーチャー, ☆1鉄バンデッド, ☆3銀ローグ, ☆4金の聖霊
You heard me right, all she needs is a silver rogue and it's done. (Due to being an advanced class like samurai and ninja) I told you before, gold unit is the best for 50CCing in mid-game. Platinum (3 silver) and Black (3 silver, x # of poor fairies, and a black fairy) will always cost too much.

only got 3 black 6 plat few gold mostly silver and no rainbow
You have no idea how jealous I am of you right now. (30 tries and I only got 1 black)

Rolled 2x premium black pops out after the plat and both of em are witches Lucky
You have NO idea how jealous I am of you right now.

Where's the corner? I need to hide in it and draw circles on the ground.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

They are, I full completed 20/2 in about 9~12 tries, because of the magic crystal drop. Silver dragon dropped from 20/2 on my 8th try, haven't gotten a 2nd copy there. For reference 25 tries on map 8 30/3, no silver dragon drop.

40/3 is the only place to get silver dragon consistently. Twice of the same drop chance, but to be honest it's the only place that drops consistently for me. *looks at army of silver dragon* "all those entwining and swirling tails, so cute!" - argh got infected by tail fetish thanks to reading wiki. *facepalm*

Monica CC material:
☆1鉄アーチャー, ☆1鉄バンデッド, ☆3銀ローグ, ☆4金の聖霊
You heard me right, all she needs is a silver rogue and it's done. (Due to being an advanced class like samurai and ninja) I told you before, gold unit is the best for 50CCing in mid-game. Platinum (3 silver) and Black (3 silver, x # of poor fairies, and a black fairy) will always cost too much.

Ah so I've been somewhat lucky with silver dragons, nice.

Buh, I hope I can get the copy of Julian next run then, I'm about to sleep and I may not make it back online before the event ends. Think I've cleared it 4/5 times, about to be 1 more in 20 seconds...

Ah yeah I forgot that about Monica because I haven't looked at the advanced page on the wiki in a while. Awesome, she may be my first gold CC then. I already have two CC'd healers so Iris isn't needed really (Especially if Echidna is a healer), Julian is nice but he's also not a priority, his increased cost from being CC'd would hurt his use for me. and I already have strong duelists so Carry isn't a priority yet either.

I do want to eventually 50 cc Iris anyways to replace Fluoride/Dolka, but that's when I have nothing better to do.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Julian is nice but he's also not a priority, his increased cost from being CC'd would hurt his use for me. and I already have strong duelists so Carry isn't a priority yet either.

Julian is much nicer as a cost-down non-CC soldier. There's no real point to CC him unless you can bring him down to 7 cost pre-CC. 10 (or 11, but that's pushing it) is a magical number in that you can first summon on all maps. OTOH, cost down for soldiers are much appreciated. (Make sure to use gold fairies for 8x when fusing 2 julians together)

Don't bother CCing Carry, she does fine without CC. The silver dragons requires a Rean to actually class change and get Attack IV, hence keep Carry as pre-CC and you can easily get higher skill level of Attack III.

I do want to eventually 50 cc Iris anyways to replace Fluoride/Dolka, but that's when I have nothing better to do.
My Alisa ate so many Dolka that it's went from being funny (1~2) to not funny (3~4) to funny again. (5+, and another one for class change)
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Well stock stock stock i think now i am ready for ... mmm any new character !



And any new event


I hope.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

30 tries 1 black and here I thought I'm the only one suffering from the fairy mission since I tried 20x+ and still 3 black and no rainbow .
As for being lucky with the witches I hope I always have this luck since I rarely have a good luck with luck base game.

And a luckiest guy pops out with his collection;)
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Don't give up, guys, you can do it! Go and get Echidna and Anya, in the name of those who can't get them! (Namely me. ;_; )
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

We can get Echidna but not Anya since we need Dorania for Anya which is a sad thing I started this game cuz I saw Anya and wanted to have her.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Don't give give up !! And wait for the miracle !
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Prays for the lucky Ashurmen for a miracle that the management team gives us a chance for a Dorania.
Oh and Ashurmen also don't have Dorania?
I saw a page from a wiki probably a complain about those who don't have a Dorania posted some kind of message from the management team but can't read Japanese.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I saw a page from a wiki probably a complain about those who don't have a Dorania posted some kind of message from the management team but can't read Japanese.

The luck we have, it's a probably an 'F-you' from the management team telling us we should have joined earlier and gotten Drania.