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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Dragonpaladin, I take back my initial comment about CCing at 50. I just did some math and it's kind of scary. The raw cost it'll take you to CC to 50 is approximately 200,000 for a silver unit to 250,000 gold for a gold assuming you're feeding off of ~200 or so level 3 王国兵士ヘクター. I don't even want to think how much it'd cost to level my samurai or the platnium hunk I just pulled from free daily.

It takes my macro ~5 minutes to finish a 田園の門. Each 田園の門 on average yields 900 gold + 0.57 王国兵士ヘクターs based on wiki stats. That means I need ~400 rounds for a total of 33.3 hours of straight farming per character. However, assuming even recoveries of 36 minute per run, the most anyone could hope to do is 40 even runs for every 24 hours (not counting for level ups, of course).

This means that at level 100 it'll take a player 10 days to CC a character if they're going for full completion. Potentially the gold surplus could be used to offset the cost/time along with fairies, but in all seriousness I think this isn't a game. This is harder than a full time job. :confused:
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Mmm actually got 3 black fairy 300 000 gold and keep wondering which black unit should i CC, since i got the little monster one last week

but i still have the healer to CC (allready 3 50CC healer and echidna coming),
allready CC'd the rogue and witch one

Edit:Ragnelle you need to add the gold armor and fairy daily + gacha + gift mission (since you can sell fairy for gold)
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

platinum hunk
The light shield, oh yeah~ (1.5k+140 (Lv21) a pop hard candy * 8 gives 13.12k exp, more than enough to Lv35->Lv50 any character)

but i still have the healer to CC (allready 3 50CC healer and echidna coming),
Black Healer's protection is more broken. It's the best skill in game period due to being an aoe buff and no other healers can compare. But it's really preference imo, since you can CC silver dragon soldiers at the moment to easily boost that monster's skill to 3/5 or 4/5.

I take back my initial comment about CCing at 50. I just did some math and it's kind of scary. The raw cost it'll take you to CC to 50 is approximately 200,000 for a silver unit to 250,000 gold for a gold assuming you're feeding off of ~200 or so level 3 王国兵士ヘクター
Glad someone else did the math and realized that 50CC brainlessly is kinda suicidal.

50CC is definitely preferred for characters with
1) Good affection bonus
2) Cost-reduced/skill-boosted character
3) Usefulness
4) High Rarity (Silver/Gold are easy, Platinum is ridiculously difficult, and Black is suicidal in a cookie jar)
5) Favorites (Love knows no bound)

Usually all of the above. Which is why I keep on suggesting 30CCing a male warlock and 30CC a healer.

And now comes in feeding the right kind of feed with Fairy's 8x bonus.
Lv21 Silver Female character gives 150 + 20*7 = 290 exp [*8 = 2320 exp]
Lv21 Silver Male character gives 250 + 20*7 = 390 exp [*8 = 3120 exp]
Lv21 Gold Male character gives 750 + 20*7 = 890 exp [*8 = 7120 exp]
Lv21 Silver Female 30CCed character gives 150 + 20*20 = 550 exp [*8 = 4400 exp]
Lv21 Silver Male 30CCed character gives 250 + 20*20 = 650 exp [*8 = 5200 exp]
Lv21 Gold Male 30CCed character gives 750 + 20*20 = 1150 exp [*8 = 9200 exp]
*Note that 7exp is only for some classes of units. Soldiers, bandits, archer only gives +5exp per level.
Refer to:

What the above conclude is that at Lv35, you should be snacking on a Lv21 silver male character to lv43 or so, and then snack on a Lv21 gold male character to max to lv50. (3120+7120) Which is exactly 2 fuses and less than 20k in fusion cost. [But requires 6 fairies, and 1 silver male & 1 gold male character of the right level]

For regular player who doesn't do a lot of gacha. The above is impossible. But leveling a silver rogue/valkyrie/male to lv21 for 2320 exp (or 3120 for male) works pretty well. For 3x platinum or black fairies, you might want to consider 30CC->21 a silver soldier/archer for 4.4k exp (male 5.2k exp). That will take care of Lv46-> Lv50 at least.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

5) Favorites (Love knows no bound)

This is my main motivation for 50CC.

Oh and for the silver lizard maybe it's better if i use them for skill up my black witch ?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Oh and for the silver lizard maybe it's better if i use them for skill up my black witch ?
I would suggest the witch, since it will become the strongest single target armor ignore damage in game. The black heavy armor really shouldn't be having Attack 4 & HP/Atk affection bonus imo. My gold heavy armor has higher defense than her.

Keep 2 silver lizard, rest CC (requires 1 silver heavy armor each to cc, costy, but consider this is the only way to level the skill without using rainbow fairy)
Use 3x fairies (3.375x) and do 30CC->21 for 650 * 3.375 = 2194 exp. Should get you 2~4 levels even past 50. And skill level 3/5.

Interestingly enough, there's a bump for this skill as well at 3/5 to 4/5.
x1.4 x1.5 x1.6 x1.8 x1.9
Hence I suggest you get her to Skill level 3/5 using 2 silver lizard CCed, and then use a single rainbow fairy and get to skill level 4/5.
End result is 40% more damage boost when using the skill. (Lasts 4 seconds longer, and you can reuse it 3 second faster)

Update: Dug a bit deeper, at Lv50CC->Lv40 with max affection, her attack is 441 according to the wiki. With skill activation that's 794 damage per hit. With Prince's 19% skill. 944 damage per hit.
Oi, wtf. Since when does witches do this much damage? D:
Update 2: At lv80 (Assume 481 atk), with prince 19% buff and skill level 5 (x1.9), we can assume she breaks 1k damage barrier at 1050 damage. Well, I suppose that's one way to beat Quest: Large Magical Battle
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

On my way to level up silver lizard (i have 3 of them) and show all my love to my witch :) (she is actually 50CC38, 100% fav, skill lvl 2 and cost -1)
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Take a screenshot for me when she breaks 1000 atk please~ that will be an awesome moment.

Until then, please let me complain about the silver dragon's drop rate on 竜姫の復活:地底の決戦. 19 tries and nothing. Though I did get 2 magic crystals.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

It take ages for me to get the silver dragons from the two last event stage but got a double drop from the last mission and 1 from the other mission. (actually my witch attack is 797 with skill and prince).
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I didn't know DMM had a friendslist (Or ULMF for that matter, lol). Having an assist in Aegis like Dragon mentioned would be awesome. I really hope that they do that in the future. Man all you guys and your plat/black units. I'd just be happy to find silver/gold for some units I desperately need like mage/witch.

Well this'll be my first fairy event, this should be fun~ 7 minutes to go I think. I've pretty much capped the favor on all the girls I need, so this fairy event is perfect now.


Run 1: Silver Fairy
Run 2: Nothing
Run 3: Nothing
Run 4: Silver Fairy
Run 5: Gold Fairy
Run 6: Gold Fairy
Run 7: Rainbow Fairy (Thought it was black)
Run 8: Silver Fairy
Run 9: Nothing
Run 10: Silver + Gold Fairy (Finally, and that put me and 3 for each so I can finally use them)
Run 11: Nothing
Run 12: Silver + Gold Fairy
Run 13: Silver Fairy
Run 14: Platinum Fairy

Got a rainbow, neat :3 Gotta save that for a plat/black unit if I ever get one. Oh and goodluck everybody, forgot to say that~ Finally got a Plat.

I'm trying not to recharge even though I have a couple crystals, I could really use some new fighters after all.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Well (don't toss me anything)

Run 1 : Silver, Gold, Rainbow
Run 2 : Platinum
Run 3 : Silver
Run 4 : nothing
Run 5 : nothing
Run 6 : Rainbow
Run 7,8,9 : silver

silver rule the world !

I think the games know that i love my witch
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Well (don't toss me anything)
I am just thinking of what to toss you.
Ok, I thought it through very carefully, chosen between pink armor's aoe steel ball and dragon mage's aoe fireball and found that neither is suitable for you. The dragon elder's aoe fireball was even more of a failure.
Ashurmen, the only answer to what to toss on you turned out to be spawning 4 liches at the same time in the first 50 seconds starting with 10 deployment cost.

Run 1 : Nothing
Run 2 : Gold, Platinum
Run 3 : Silver
Run 4 : Gold
Run 5 : Nothing
Run 6 : Nothing
Update: Recharge with Goddess Gem (Ashurmen made me too jealous, so I couldn't resist orz, bad Draa, you shouldn't be using goddess crystal to cheat)
Run 7 : Silver, Gold, Platinum
Run 8 : Nothing
Run 9 : Silver
Run 10 : Nothing
Run 11 : Silver, Platinum
Run 12 : Nothing
Comment after 12 runs: 1 Fairy per run is about right. Often times just get nothing as a result.
Run 13 : Gold
Update 2: Recharge with Goddess Gem
Run 14 : Nothing
Run 15 : Silver
Run 16 : Silver
Run 17 : Silver, Gold
Run 18 : Silver
Run 19 : Silver, Gold
Run 20 : Gold
Run 21 : Nothing
Run 22 : Silver
Comment: I wanna suicide bash my head into wall and pray it hurts. No platinum after 10 runs, no black, no rainbow after 22 runs. Mmm, I feel like I should do premium gacha cause my luck is so horrible right now. *Goes to sleep for 2~3 hours and try it later*

Conclusion: you 2 stole all my rainbow fairies. Joking aside, the only fairy I need is gold and black :/ I need at least 6 more gold fairies so I can fuse those CCed units for skill up on melphis and skill up/cost down my gold pink armor!
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Well stocked up 8 gold fairies, 8 plat fairies, 4 black fairies and 1 rainbow, 42 rubys, i am ready for Echidna regardless of her rarity !! (and i dream she is AOE healer)
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Give me your gold fairies and black fairies, I will offer your 3 rainbow that I have stocked up in response :X

Alright, joking aside, your right. I should stock up platinum fairy for Echidna. She's most likely to be a platinum. (She's either gold or platinum, since we don't have silver event unit and dragon princess is black. Also, since she's 4 cost down, she's likely to be a platinum unit, since only platinum event units gets 4 cost downs)

Out of charisma and stamina, and midterm in 2 hours. (Almost done studying, hence I will be fine) I will continue when I get back.

Update: In terms of my stockpile
5 platinum fairy, 4 rainbow fairy, 14 rubies, em that's it.
Ashurmen, your stockpile scares me (especially the # of rubies)
My dream of Echinda is and aoe attack buff. (The equivalent of Protection II. I have 4 rainbow fairies saved just for her) Rest doesn't matter

Update 2
CCed gold rarity pink armor, failed to increase skill level, failed to reduce cost. Complete failure this time around.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Finally got 3-stars on all of the event missions, yay~♪

I'm especially proud that I was able to do it without purchasing any of the buffs, so I have a lot of sacred crystals that I'm going to spend on the premium summoning for the next event. I hope I get someone good.

I'm also pretty close to getting full drops on some of the event maps, since I already got the more difficult bronze/silver dragonkin unit drops on the maps that have Valerie, Julian, and the Rainbow Fairy. So, these three will be my new goal.

In any case, for anyone looking for low quality unit strategies, Taian did a small compilation of other people's strategies for the various maps. Though I had to use my own different strategy for Dragon's Nest; Hina throwing her shuriken through the walls was hilarious, and made the latter part of that map really easy. Oddly enough, Hina couldn't throw her weapon through the walls in Underground Decisive Battle, which was the one map I thought would benefit the most for those with a ninja.

Dark World (闇の世界):

Dragon's Nest (竜の巣):

Underground Decisive Battle (地底の決戦):

Great Elder (大長老):

It really sucks about the Dragon Princess. Especially since I like her character design by . A lot of Japanese users are complaining to the Aegis Team, and the team's reply is an apology about the lack of information concerning the event, and that there currently isn't any plans to re-introduce the black dragonkin unit from the old event, which is annoying since it means I'm going to have to keep all of these dragonkin units, and the time fairy in case they change their mind. Not including her as a reward means that there's no good incentive for newish players to purchasing the event buffs, and old timers aren't going to benefit from her as much as new players (especially the large influx that came from Tech Gian). I'm going to send them a complaint as well.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Finally got 3-stars on all of the event missions, yay~♪

In any case, for anyone looking for low quality unit strategies, Taian did a small compilation of other people's strategies for the various maps.

It really sucks about the Dragon Princess.

Congrats :)

I do like those videos for lower units, they usually give me new ideas. Sadly him needing to use a CC'd mage and such means I'm pretty screwed on that 20/2 map. I don't think I could level up a bandit or the rest of my team to perform that well before this ends either (My valk could probably replace one). Nice strategy though. At least all I'm missing now is reducing the cost on Echidna. I'll just have to be prepared for the next event. I'm getting most my fighters to 40 so I can wait and see what is needed for the next one, then I'll level them to 50 and CC them. There could be a male only event or something for all we know. Of course if I could find a dang witch/mage my decision would be a lot easier.

It does really suck...I've never played a game like this that made a previous event reward needed to get something in a newer event. It's extremely offputting to newer players to not have a chance at content like that. I think it's a terrible idea and I hope they don't continue to do it in the future. It doesn't even seem like a good business strategy. I have no reason to try harder in this event because I can't obtain the princess, so there's no incentive for me to spend money (as you mentioned). I'm not sure what they were thinking with that.

The silver dragonkin unit does seem nice, but missing him doesn't matter too much if I can never get the princess. If I could, I might be panicking now lol. Now watch them suddenly announce that they're rereleasing the 30 dragon unit and the fairy after the event ends or when there's only a day left or something. Pretty sure I'd quit right there :p So see, there's really not a way for them to win now unless they gave us all a chance at the dragon princess and if they extended the event long enough to give us time to get her.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Congrats on 3 stars, should be proud that you did it without any boosts. I couldn't resist the heal boost at all :X good luck on full drop, I am not having any luck with it at the moment.

It does really suck...I've never played a game like this that made a previous event reward needed to get something in a newer event.

Actually, that's romantic, what's the strongest unit in game? A black event unit that requires max 3 star completion from 3 event in the span of a month. How much does it piss off a new player? A hell load to say the minimal.

Also, these stealth nerfs on drop rates of units over the weekend (getting a silver dragon from underground decisive battle seems to be closer to 1%) is pissing me off.

Fairy Event: What not to do
Run 1 : Nothing
Run 2 : Gold, Platinum
Run 3 : Silver
Run 4 : Gold
Run 5 : Nothing
Run 6 : Nothing
Update : Recharge with Goddess Gem
Run 7 : Silver, Gold, Platinum
Run 8 : Nothing
Run 9 : Silver
Run 10 : Nothing
Run 11 : Silver, Platinum
Run 12 : Nothing
Run 13 : Gold
Update 2: Recharge with Goddess Gem
Run 14 : Nothing
Run 15 : Silver
Run 16 : Silver
Run 17 : Silver, Gold
Run 18 : Silver
Run 19 : Silver, Gold
Run 20 : Gold
Run 21 : Nothing
Run 22 : Silver
Run 23 : Nothing
Run 24 : Silver
Update 3: Recharge with Goddess Crystal
Run 25 : Silver, Platinum
Run 26 : Platinum
Run 27 : Gold, Platinum
Run 28 : Silver, Platinum
Run 29 : Gold
Run 30 : Silver
Update 4: Out of frustration with Goddess Crystal
Run 31 : Nothing
Run 32 : Black
Run 33 : Silver
Run 34 : Silver, Platinum
Run 35 : Gold
Run 36 : Nothing
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Well after 3 fairy hunt daily (i mean 3 days) and i have used 2 rainbow fairies on my witch.


And btw i wonder if the dragon princess will be even more powerful than that ?


maybe i should use my two last rainbow on her and yes she is the first black unit i get (my second one is the witch 3 times ...)

Edit: finally managed to complete the first underground and get julian (one more xp food in stock), i think i don't have to bother with the second underground since it's only a plat fairy.

Edit edit: Someone know the %fail to level a skill 4 --> 5 with rainbow ?
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Hi guys does the cost reduction carried over after cced? since skill wont be carried over after cced unless it has the same skill after cced right?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Yes cost reduction is carried over.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I see Thanks!!!
and also is there another way to increase skill level aside from rainbow fairy and sacrificing a unit with same skill?